orc love

Chapter 20...

"I won't take it! It's too bad to eat, it's so bad to eat, how can anyone drink medicine every day!"

"Hey, it's only three meals a day, drink it, I prepared sweet fruit, it's not bitter at all..."

"You can drink it by yourself, it will be hard to die, I will vomit, don't drink it, okay?"

"This medicine is good for children. You also want our baby to be healthy and healthy! Be good, drink it all at once."

"Well... it's so hard! You bastard! Why don't you drink, why don't you have children! It's all you, doing things every day, what are you doing!"

"Yes, yes, it's all my fault...don't vomit, baby, I drank it after all..."

Bai Ran's hand froze on the doorknob, it turned out that pregnant people are equally crushing regardless of whether they are male or female...

He was hesitating by the door whether to go in, listening to the movement inside, Qianli seemed to be comforting Andy, the couple was very close, so going in by himself was a bit silly.Still thinking about it, Herbert, who was walking behind, knocked on the door directly.

"Qianli is coaxing Andy, can't you wait a while?" Bai Ran glared at him.

"There's plenty of time to coax. It's so cold today, what should you do if you're freezing outside? Besides, Andy doesn't bother us once or twice, and we have to fight back occasionally."

Bai Ran couldn't laugh or cry when he heard it, Herbert's thinking was really naive sometimes, and it was very inconsistent with that serious mature face.

But the weather is really cold. It snowed all day yesterday and it has been cloudy.Although the snow is not cold and the snow is cold, it is really not a very comfortable thing to step on the thick snow with shoes that are not as strict as modern times.

Bai Ran also acquiesced in his approach, seeing that the door was not opened, he went up and knocked a few more times, anyway, he had already knocked, why is he still freezing outside?

The door just opened this time, Qianli appeared at the door with sweat on his forehead and a medicine bowl in his hand, saw the two of them, and said with a bitter face, "It's too late for you to come!"

Bai Ran asked, "What's the matter?"

Qianli turned sideways to let them into the room, and said, "Andy is pregnant and has a bad temper, and he has to take medicine every day. I drank that medicine. It's really bad. He's afraid of suffering. It's really embarrassing for him." But it’s okay if you don’t drink it. His health is not very good, if he doesn’t take the medicine, he will give birth in three months, he will definitely not be able to bear it!”

Then he looked at Bairan expectantly, "Andy likes you, please help me persuade him, he quit after only two days of drinking, Dr. Aisha said that he will drink for at least a month, I will drink it for at least a month. If you say he scolds me. I coaxed him back to the back room to lie down with great effort just now, you go to accompany him and tell me about him by the way..."

Bai Ran nodded with a smile, and Andy also heard the commotion outside, and shouted from the back room, "Bai Ran, are you here? Come in, I'm going to be bored to death!"

The back room is not big, there is only a bed and a small table, the table is made very high, it is a lot higher than the bed when placed beside the bed, there is a sweet fruit and a glass with only half a glass of water left on it, look I just had a drink.

The herb here is extremely bitter, and Bai Ran drank it himself for a long time. It was alright at first, but then he almost spit it out after drinking it. Herbert could only prepare sweet fruits for him to eat every day. There are not many sweet fruits in winter. , Herbert can only bring back a few every time he goes to the mountain. Although Bai Ran is afraid of suffering, he still needs to save food. Fortunately, he only drinks medicine once every three days. trouble.

Seeing him coming in, Andy vomited bitterness: "You don't know how annoying Qianli is. After the inspection yesterday, he forced me to take medicine. I have taken such nasty medicine several times. It's only been two days. What will I do in the future? !"

Bai Ran had no choice but to comfort him, "For your baby's sake, he can grow up healthier after you take the medicine. Although you are suffering now, don't you mean that you suddenly feel that you have grown up and you have to take on the responsibility of grandma?" , you are doing what a mother should do for a baby right now, so just drink it obediently!"

Andy had a bitter face, "I know all this, but it's really too bitter, and you have to eat sweet fruit every time you drink it. In this winter, you have to run thousands of miles up the mountain."

Bai Ran smiled and said, "It turns out that you feel sorry for Qian Li, but I think Qian Li has been tortured by you very badly!"

Andy glared at him, "Who told him that he didn't understand my thoughts, and he was always rambling. How dare this be his own child? He couldn't have been born without me!"

Bai Ran had a headache: "Don't speak so directly..."

Andy disdained: "Then what's the matter, the orcs have to be generous. Whose partner doesn't do this kind of thing? It's tiring to talk under the covers. You say it!" Suddenly thought of something , leaned over mysteriously, "Hey, did you two do it the day before yesterday?"

Bai Ran was startled, and said, "What to do, nothing... We didn't do anything that night!"

Andy glanced at him in disbelief, "Why are you nervous about not doing it? I'm just asking casually. On snowy and cloudy days, males like to do that very much!"

Bai Ran's damn curiosity came again, "What's so special about cloudy and snowy days?"

"Because I can't go up the mountain, and it's snowing heavily and I have nothing to do, so I stay at home, and it's boring to stay at home, so I just do it!"

"...This matter is also boring!"

"I think it's very fun and comfortable, and look, you can still be a mother, don't you think it's amazing?"

... The magic is you!

Bai Ran didn't want to continue this question with him, so he got to the point and said, "Didn't you go to the Fox Clan last time, how was it there?"

Andy tilted his head cutely, his eyes were full of little stars, "The fox people are so beautiful! I really want to have eyes all over my body!"

Bai Ran was shaken by his words, eyes all over his body... Is this a sci-fi horror movie?

"The fox people make very beautiful things, and they are not expensive. As long as you really want them, they will be generous to exchange them with you. They have everything. You must like it after seeing it!"

"Then what do you want to exchange?" Bai Ran didn't see anything like coins here.

Andy looked at Bairan as if he was looking at an alien, "You can use animal skins or meat, and other animal bones can also be exchanged. You don't even know this, do you?"

Bai Ran raised his chin, "I just don't know what to do, anyway, you have to tell me everything, and if I go and feel ashamed, I'll mention your name!"

Seeing him like this, Andy giggled, and threw Bai Ran down, "Bai Ran, you are so cute!"

His action startled Bai Ran, he hugged him hastily, and said in his mouth, "You have a baby in your womb now, be quiet!" Then he thought that if he had a baby, he would live in slow motion every day, You have to take your medicine on time, you must not be like Andy...

Bai Ran has always believed that he is fertile, because his body is gradually getting better, and he realizes that this may be caused by the environment, and in novels, such changes usually have the function of giving birth to buns in the end.Although this life is not a novel, but he can transmute in front of the hero in his own novel, what is impossible?

Of course, this is all what he thinks. Aunt Aisha has already concluded that he is infertile, but he doesn't know it.

Andy blinked and stretched out his hands to pinch Bai Ran's face, "Your skin is really good, better than female foxes. Be careful when you go, they love beauty very much. Seeing your delicate skin, they will definitely ask You have to take care of yourself, maybe you won’t be allowed to go home, and I will watch you every day!”

Bai Ran was taken aback, "Is there really such a thing?"

Andy's eyes crooked as he smiled, and his already beautiful face became even more charming, "There's never been such a thing before, so I wonder if you've gone or not!"

Bai Ran laughed with him, "Then how come you are so beautiful and not left? Looking at you every day, maybe you will become more beautiful too!"

Andy pretended to be deep and said, "Their thoughts are very strange. They don't like people who are pure and beautiful, but if they are beautiful and cute, they like them very much, and they will take special care of them."

Bai Ran was surprised, "Then you and Qianli are treated completely differently!"

Andy couldn't hold back his deepness, and fell on the bed with a smile again, "They have a bad attitude towards Qianli, and they don't even change things for Qianli. You don't see how depressed Qianli is! I bought it in the end, and they It also comes with my beautiful little bag!"

Bai Ran was curious, "What about people like me and Herbert who are neither good-looking nor ugly?"

Andy squeezed Bai Ran's face again, "Who says you're not good-looking? You are the cutest, and people like you are very popular in the Fox clan. Look, you have a small face, big eyes, and Pointy chin... oh, I envy your chin..." After a moment of emotion, he said, "As for Herbert, the treatment is normal, good or bad!"

Bai Ran patted his hand off, "Okay, let's get to the point, what are the rules of the Fox clan? I'm really afraid of going there to embarrass myself!"

Andy stopped making trouble, and the two of them got into the bed together, "The fox clan actually doesn't have many rules, but you must remember one thing, that is, if you smell something strange on them, you must not say it smells bad. , because they call that smell 'body fragrance'! But I think it smells really bad, such a beautiful person actually smells so bad..."

Bai Ranmo, two words flashed in his head - body odor...

Afterwards, Andy talked about some things such as guest etiquette, which were very simple, and Bai Ran remembered it after listening to it once.

Andy finally said, "They also have a very special etiquette of showing love, which is very interesting. If you go there and happen to show love in their tribe, you can go and have a look. Well, it can be regarded as tribal culture!"

The author has something to say: Today our boss worked overtime and I didn’t even have lunch

Huh, binge eating at night, am I going to gain weight again?


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