orc love

Chapter 44...

Bai Ran was trembling all over, even her lips were trembling.He stood beside the bed with his hands covered in blood, and beside his ears was the sonorous cry of the baby, mixed with Qianli's choked-up murmur, which made him feel very scared.

If the birth of a life requires the creation of another life and the abandonment of another life's desire to live, then is such a birth right or wrong?

He watched Andy's blood gurgling out, staining his clothes and the white cloth under his body red, but it didn't stop seeping into the underlying animal skin.The whole room was filled with a strong smell of blood, Bai Ran looked at the blood on his hands, and looked at Andy, who was white as paper, on the bed over Qianli's back.The sound of thousands of miles was like a pain to the bone, which made him shudder.

He suddenly understood how heartbreaking it is to lose a loved one.If he was gone, would Herbert be like Qianli now, so helpless that he could only endure this heart-piercing feeling, unable to wake up his lover but refusing to give up hope?He thought through Yin Zuo's words in an instant, and turned to look at Herbert, who was looking at him with red eyes.

Bai Ran burst into tears, this cry became the last straw that broke the camel's back, finally Qianli couldn't bear it anymore, he roared loudly, trying to wake Andy up, but Andy still lay quietly There, it was almost impossible to breathe.

Bai Ran was held in Herbert's arms, listening to the deep and reassuring voice: "Don't cry, don't be afraid, I'm here."

Bai Ran raised his head in a daze, and asked, "Did I hurt Andy?"

He thought of what he had done before, and everything was so unimaginable.Following Aunt Aisha's instructions, he helped Andy give birth to the child.

It should be regarded as dystocia, Bai Ran didn't understand these things, he only knew that Andy screamed for a long time in pain, and finally the screaming became softer, and when the baby came out, it seemed that he had exhausted all his strength, and his body was still bleeding. Just fell asleep quietly.

Aunt Aisha was already ill, and she fainted before she finished directing Bairan to do everything, so he didn't know what to do now, what to do to make Andy better.

Herbert hugged him, endured the pain, and tried his best to comfort him. He felt that the little lover's body was very cold, which was the reason for the cold sweat.

He kissed his forehead distressedly, and said, "It's not your fault, don't be afraid and don't blame yourself."

Bai Ran was still trembling, Herbert hugged him tighter, "Now only you can save him, Andy is waiting for you to save him, you have to believe in yourself!"

Bai Ran nodded silently, Herbert pulled him to the side of the bed, Qianli gave up the front of the bed to Bai Ran, and stood at the end of the bed, silently looking at the person on the bed.

Bai Ran carefully checked Andy's lower body again, and found that the blood had almost stopped. He asked Herbert to boil the hot water again, dip the prepared soft silk cloth into the boiling water for disinfection, and then take it out to cool down. As soon as it was cold, he wiped off the blood on Andy's body, and then took the dried herbal medicine for treating wounds, crushed it into powder, mixed it with some water, and applied it to his lower body.

He and Qianli worked together to change Andy's clothes and bed. Fortunately, Aunt Aisha had several beds here for the convenience of treatment, so that Andy could avoid the moisture from the blood-soaked quilt from invading his body.

After doing all this, he didn't know what to do next.

He knew it was a massive hemorrhage, but there was no infusion hose, let alone a blood transfusion needle, how would he replenish Andy's blood?Is there any other way besides replenishing blood?

Just when he was at a loss, Kevin and the others rushed over!

When Bai Ran heard Kevin's voice, he thought he was dreaming. How did they know that everyone was with Aunt Aisha?

After listening to Yin Zuo's words, they realized that they came to get the herbs again. They planned to go to see Bai Ran and Andy after getting the herbs, but they ran into each other here!

Kevin and Yin Zuo looked at the situation in front of them. Yin Zuo pondered for a while, and under Bai Ran's expectant eyes, he said, "I have no choice."

Bai Ran's eyes dimmed, even Yin Zuo, who was a doctor, could do nothing, so who else could do it?If there were any special healing methods in this orc world, Aunt Aisha would have told him in the morning.

He looked at Qianli's decadent appearance, and couldn't imagine what Qianli would be like if Andy went.

Everyone was silent.

Kevin, who had been silent all this time, suddenly said, "I have a way!"

Before everyone could react, Qianli grabbed Kevin's arm and said anxiously, "What can I do? Show him quickly!"

Kevin said in embarrassment: "Our fox clan has always been the priest of the beast god in the past, which was handed down from the previous priests, but due to the harsh conditions and the impact on reproduction, it has been useless for many years, so I don't believe it at all. I can’t guarantee its effect, but Uncle Colin mentioned it once and I remembered it out of curiosity.”

Qianli said with red eyes: "What method? How much hope is there to cure him?"

Kevin said: "If an orc is injured and can't hold it anymore, then you can use the blood of your loved one as a medicine, mix the fruit of Evernight Flower to make a soup, and feed it to the injured orc. But the disadvantage of this method is The reason is that its efficacy depends on the closeness between two people. If the two people love each other deeply, then the medicine can exert its greatest effect, but even if it works, the chance of success is only half, and whether there is or not Rescue, the owner of the blood will reduce the power by half."

Qianli didn't seem to have heard what Kevin said later. As soon as Kevin finished speaking, he asked the first sentence: "Where does Yongyehua grow?"

Kevin was silent for a while, and then said: "Have you thought it over? This is a very risky approach, the chance of success is very low, and if you don't succeed, you will lose half of your strength. You..."

Qianli's eyes were full of grief, he interrupted Kevin's words: "I don't care about those...Kevin, tell me, where does Yongyehua grow?"

Kevin sighed: "Well, if you decide... Yongyehua is Bairan's Yuhuanzhi. It was called Yongyehua before because of this secret recipe. It will bloom when soaked in blood. Now this secret recipe It is no longer used, it has become this dry look, and it has also been renamed."

After taking the dry fruit of Yuhuanzhi, the dry fruit soaked in blood really began to become plump. Kevin explained: "If you put the branches in, it will bloom, and it will be very beautiful."

The medicine was prepared quickly and fed to Andy.

Andy still didn't respond after drinking the soup, and Kevin had no choice but to say: "This method has been useless for too many years, so it has not been passed down to the people who take the medicine. I can't judge his current situation. Good and bad."

Yin Zuo interjected: "Bai Ran handled it in a timely manner. Kevin said that the wound was not infected, which is already a good sign."

Qianli silently asked Bairan to wrap his wrists, and asked for a long time: "He will wake up, because he knows that I love him."

Bai Ran said softly: "And Andy is a good man, he will be fine, we are all worried about him, he won't leave so easily."

Qianli nodded and said nothing, but those eyes never left the person on the bed.

Bai Ran believes that good people are rewarded with good things.

So the next morning, when everyone watched the person on the bed open their eyes with bloodshot eyes, Bai Ran was even more convinced that good people are blessed by heaven.

When Andy woke up, no one was happier than Qianli, and no one was more fortunate than Bairan.

Bai Ran looked weak, but Andy, who had improved significantly, was extremely glad that he didn't delay Andy's vitality because of fear.Of course, the person he should be more grateful to is Herbert. It is he who encouraged himself and told himself to be strong and brave. I have been ill for a long time.

Herbert was helping Aunt Elsa to sit aside, and took a cloth to wipe her tears.

Bai Ran walked over, naturally took the cloth in his hand, and took over his job.

The two looked at each other and smiled without words, but they could see from each other's eyes that apart from smiles and love, the rest was full of gratitude and pride.

After seeing the process of Qianli and Andy from about to lose to regaining after losing, Bai Ran was deeply touched by the strong love.

After the incident, he threw himself into Herbert's arms and cried a lot. His heart knot was finally completely opened, and he felt that he had become different.In the past, he was always afraid, and occasionally he would worry about gains and losses, which made Herbert not sure what to do; but now, he completely gave himself to Herbert, and he knew that no matter what happened, he would always be in Herbert's heart. is the most important.

Tomorrow is the heavy snow period. After the heavy snow period, spring will come.

At this time, he has a dearest person, many good friends, and his precious little ball and little ball. At the end of this winter, he has another son.

The oil lamp was still dimly yellow, staining the room with a sallow yellow, like the traces left by time.

The two leaned against the window with a bad view, and leaned on Herbert Bai Ran, suddenly feeling that time passed so fast, he said softly: "I feel that we have been together for a long time, as if we are going to be like this forever, You see, even the house looks like an old photo. In fact, we are already old, but we are just dreaming. These are memories. Maybe when we wake up from the dream, when we open our eyes, we are all white. An old man with colorful hair..."

Herbert didn't know what "old" and "old photographs" meant, but this didn't prevent him from understanding. He could understand what he was talking about through the eyes of his childhood sweetheart.

He smiled, and rubbed his chin against the forehead of the person in his arms, "Then we will wait for the next life, start from childhood, and live it again, everyone will live it again, do you think it is okay?"

Bai Ran turned around and hugged his neck and kissed him, with half-opened eyes, he smiled lightly and said, "Okay, what's wrong?"

After kissing him, he backed away, and put his finger on Herbert's mouth when he chased him, "If we wake up and become old people, wouldn't we even have the strength to do this?"

Herbert was smiling, and looked at him tenderly, "Then why don't you hurry up..."

Bai Ran smiled for a while, and was no longer shy, pulled his neck and leaned back until he fell on the bed, "Come on, I remember that tomorrow will be a heavy snowfall, we still have time to dream, we won't wake up for a while... ..."

The dim oil lamp slowly burned dry, and snowflakes began to fall outside the window, mixed with cold wind, and blowing towards everything.And in the house, the fire is booming.

The author has something to say: This chapter seems to be over ╮(╯▽╰)╭

PS. Patronizing to revise the article, the new chapter will be tomorrow...


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