orc love

Chapter 54

Bai Ran didn't feel at a loss like last time this time, he got a little nervous and thought about what he was going to do now.

He put his arms around Qiao Yi and said to the patriarch: "Patriarch, please take Qiao Yi to Dr. Aisha's place, don't be too crazy, there is still a little time before the delivery, I will let Herbert take me to get ready first!"

The patriarch nodded, and took Qiao Yi over. Seeing Qiao Yi's face turned pale, and he covered his stomach in a cold sweat, he said, "Go and prepare quickly, I will be careful!"

Herbert ran towards Aunt Aisha like a gust of wind in his arms. Aunt Aisha had just arrived at home for a while, and before she had time to rest, she saw the two of them rushing over.

For a moment, she thought that something happened to Bai Ran again, so she rushed out to greet him, and hurriedly asked: "What's the matter? What's wrong with Bai Ran, does his leg hurt again?"

Seeing her in such a hurry, Bai Ran felt warm and moved in his heart, but now was not the time to be moved, he quickly replied: "It's Qiao Yi, Qiao Yi is going to give birth, I asked the patriarch to take him over slowly, I and Herbert ran over to get ready first, auntie, go and find everything!"

Aunt Aisha knew that the matter was urgent, so she didn't say much, so she went back to prepare things.Herbert put Bai Ran on the bed, and followed his request to boil hot water.

Bai Ran was already able to move at this time. Although he didn't dare to walk on the ground for fear of the wound opening, it was still possible to move. He writhed on the bed and insisted on changing the bed sheet.

Just as this side was about to open, Qiao Yi came over, Bai Ran moved to the foot of the bed, asked the patriarch to put Qiao Yi on the bed, wiped off the cold sweat on his head, and told him a story to divert his attention , while waiting for Aunt Aisha and Herbert to get ready.

The subsequent production was not smooth, even more dangerous than Andy's.

Seeing the basins of blood being brought out of the room, Bai Ran felt chills all over his body.He sadly thought that if there was a modern medical level here, Qiao Yi might be very safe, but this was only if.Hearing Qiao Yi's painful voice, he felt that he was so pitiful. He just learned that he lost his partner. If the delivery was not smooth, he might even lose his child. If so, then Qiao Yi wouldn't live alone, right?

He knew he shouldn't forget the bad things, but in such a situation, he really couldn't control his thoughts.

The dusk that day was beautiful, and there were burning clouds, which made the sky glow red, as if it was on fire. It was tragically beautiful, just as beautiful as Qiao Yi stained with blood.

At that time, he was sitting on the bed in the outer room, watching the blood being brought out from the inner room, he heard the loud cry of the child, his heart sank, he could feel a breath of death in the air, but he didn't want to admit it It was from Qiao Yi at that time.

But when Aunt Aisha shook her head and said to him, "Joy is going to die, he wants to see you", he seemed to be in a daze and couldn't react, and he let Herbert hold him in and put him on the bed stiffly. Qiao Yi's bedside.

He looked at Qiao Yi smiling, and told him with a smile that he was leaving.

"Aunt Aisha said you can't have children, I'm leaving, I entrust the child to you, you are a good person, I knew it when I was in the shelter, you are gentle, you will love him very much, I know you will love him , help me love him, he is your child...I'm going to find Ruda, sorry, don't tell him..."

Bai Ran held his hand, and said slowly: "Qiao Yi, don't you want to love him yourself?"

Qiao Yi was still laughing, and gently moved the hand in Bai Ran's hand, "Of course I want to, but I can't do it, I bleed a lot, and I know I can't do it...I leave it to you to love him , I'm relieved..."

Qiao Yi didn't breathe very much when he spoke, Bai Ran thought he could hold on for a while, but now he closed his eyes, Bai Ran didn't believe that he was gone, and kept talking to him.

But after he talked for a while, the people on the bed didn't respond. He felt his hand was falling, he grasped it tightly, and then softly called: "Qiao Yi... Qiao Yi?"

Qiao Yi is very beautiful, with a smile, like a Sleeping Beauty who has fallen asleep, making people afraid to speak loudly, for fear of disturbing his dream, but Bai Ran shouted: "Qiao Yi!"

Sleeping Beauty still hasn't woken up, he has fallen asleep and gone to find his lover.

Bai Ran's shrill cry frightened Herbert, and he rushed in, only to see Bai Ran lying on Qiao Yi's body, crying uncontrollably and chanting his name non-stop.

He stood beside him for a while, Aunt Aisha and the patriarch also came in, no one spoke, only "Joe, Qiaoyi, Qiaoyi..." was left in the room over and over again.

At night, Herbert deliberately put more oil in the oil lamp than usual, so that it can be lit for a longer time, so as not to fall asleep and be afraid.

Bai Ran nestled in his arms, and as soon as he closed his eyes, there was a basin full of blood and blood all over the bed. He grabbed the quilt and said for a long time, "Qiao Yi left just like that?"

Herbert stroked his hair, seeing his sad look, couldn't help kissing the top of his hair, "He went to find Ruda, he should be happy, isn't he smiling all the time..."

Bai Ran closed his eyes, and the two of them remained silent for a long time.

"Herbert, we have a child, let us name him."

"Can I call you Da Yi?"

Herbert hugged him tightly, "That's the name, Qiao Yi and Ruda must like it too."

Bai Ran fell silent again, and just kissed Herbert's lips. Herbert suppressed him, and the two lay on the soft bed, their bodies entangled, feeling each other's warmth.

Qiao Yi and Lu Da were buried together in a small soil bag, and Bai Ran set up a monument for them with a wooden board, and asked Herbert to draw words on it with bear claws, using Chinese characters, copying There is a paragraph of scriptures about salvation, as well as their names.

There are also many dirt bags around them, all orcs who died in the war.Everyone in the tribe came to pay their respects. After staying for a whole morning, everyone went back. Bai Ran wanted to stay for a while, but it was raining and the air was humid, and Bai Ran's legs were aching. He hugged him back again.

Little Dayi is very healthy, even healthier than Xiao Dia who is several months older than him.But it is still too young, so Aunt Aisha will take care of it for the time being. During the day, Bai Ran will go there to learn some ways to take care of children from Aunt Aisha. Andy is also listening, and Xiao Dia is teasing Xiao Da. Yi, poking his face for a while, and scratching his little hands for a while.

After this attack by the wild beasts, the atmosphere of the tribe was really deserted for a while, but the orcs had to go through it once a year, so it was easy to see, and it didn't take long for the lively and warm one to return.

Bai Ran's legs are almost healed after being raised all the time, the scabs have receded, revealing new tender flesh, which doesn't quite match the color of the skin next to it, from a distance it looks like a large piece of pale Pink floral powder.And because I hurt my muscles and bones, I still can't walk flexibly, I can't walk too much, and it still hurts when it's cloudy.Herbert got some leg bones of beasts with very strong legs and stewed them into big bone soup for him. After drinking for a while, the effect was good, and he was able to walk to Andy's house with little Dayi in his arms.

Kevin also came to see Yin Zuo and Bai Ran. Under the attack of the wild beasts, their tribe had almost the same casualties as the Bear tribe.

Although the fox males are not as good at fighting as other males, their traps are excellent. In addition to the necessary large traps, they also designed many ingenious traps according to the terrain of the tribe. Despite this, there are many injured people. As the only doctor of the Fox Clan, Kevin was naturally very busy these days after the war, and he didn't have time to come here until this time.

Kevin was surprised when he learned that Bai Ran had another child, thinking that it was because of Bai Ran's special constitution that he was able to have children again.After asking, he found out what happened, reached out and touched Xiao Dayi's head, and said: "We will all love him, his father and mother must be seen in the sky."

Bai Ran nodded, smiled and put Xiao Dayi and Xiao Diya together, watching the two little children playing together, although Dayi was young, he didn't smile much, how could Dia tease him, He doesn't give face, only occasionally when Dia's fingers touch his mouth, he bites him, and then Diya screams "Wow", he laughs happily.

Bai Ran had been busy for another day, and at night when Herbert boiled water, he poured it into the big wooden barrel to soak in the water to relieve his fatigue, lying on the edge of the barrel, not bothering to move.When Herbert spoke to him, he also answered "Enhmmm".

Herbert scooped up a ladle of water and poured it on his back. Watching the crystalline water drop along his curvaceous neck, across half of his back and then into the water, he leaned over to kiss the drowsy body. people.

Bai Ran was woken up by him, pushed him, leaned against the bucket, and muttered: "What are you doing, I'm going to die of exhaustion, stop kissing, I can't breathe."

Herbert smiled, bit his nose, and went down to bite his collarbone.

After a while, Bai Ran was completely sobered by him. He patted Herbert on the head and said, "You know this kind of thing every day!"

Herbert was not annoyed either, and replied with a smile, "I just want to be close to you."

After hearing this, Bai Ran said sweetly in his heart, "I don't want to get close to you, once I get close, I'll be exhausted!"

Herbert took him out of the barrel, wrapped him in a cloth towel and threw him onto the bed, "You can sleep well if you're tired, don't you say so?"

Bai Ran was aroused by him, so he just glared at him, stopped replying, and lay there waiting for Herbert to move.

He closed his eyes and waited for a long time, but there was no movement. He opened his eyes and was about to get angry when he saw Herbert's deep eyes looking at him, as if he missed him after a long time. It's like it's in his eyes.

Bai Ran was a little embarrassed, and cowardly said: "What's wrong with you, you suddenly look at me like this?"

Herbert didn't speak, leaned over and kissed his lips, and rubbed against his face for a while.

Bai Ran was confused by him, but he also stretched out his arms to hug his neck, leaned up to kiss him, and said, "What's the matter, are you in a bad mood?"

Herbert still had the same look in his eyes, "No, I just feel that just looking at you like this is not enough, and I don't know what to do."

Bai Ran was also infected with sensibility, looked straight into his eyes, and said, "Me too, I want to see you anytime, anywhere."

Herbert raised his legs, and stepped into him, Bai Ran let out a muffled grunt, but the body he was used to didn't feel too uncomfortable.

Panting for breath, he kissed Herbert's mouth, and was kissed deeply by Herbert and stood up vigorously...

After a long time, the oil in the oil lamp was almost used up, and the remaining bit was about to be extinguished after being crackled by the fire on the wick. In the slowly darkening room, there was a soft voice:

"I want to be with you forever and ever."

Then another voice answered:

"Me too."

<End of text>

The author has something to say: the main text is over, and I have a lot to say, but I don’t know where to start. Alas, wait until the extra episode is over, and the whole article is hung with a red “finished” and then let’s talk together. Let’s start the extra episode, which should be sweet bar, lol

56 The two of them are in love with each other

My name is Xiaotuan, and I am a flash fox raised as a pet. There is also a silly snowball beast raised with me. The owner even gave it a very cute name-Xiaoqiuqiu.

This snowball beast is very stupid and slow to respond. Every time when the master comes to feed us, I just need to jump to the master's side, but it can't get anywhere even after a long time.Although I know that I am very powerful and it is afraid of me, I was still very small at that time, several times smaller than it. Compared with this size, when I stare, it still has to take a step back, and then block its eyes with its paws , into a ball.

I really don't understand why this snowball beast is so timid!

There are four members in our family. In addition to our dear owner and our two pets, there is also a very fierce bear male. Every time I see him touch the owner, I want to give him a paw, but I I'm still young and can't beat him, so I can only compromise and let my master be bullied by him. I'm not afraid of him~╭(╯^╰)╮

However, this male made a small den for me and Silly Ball, which is very warm. Although I prefer a cooler place, in order to prevent that Silly Ball from occupying such a large space alone, I reluctantly stayed with him. nest it.

Life is very boring. It’s interesting to tease and scare Silly Ball. Silly Ball sleeps very quietly and doesn’t snore and grind its teeth. I didn’t sleep every night at first, just waiting for it to make strange sounds and then shaking it to wake it up. It's, but it didn't let me get what I wanted even once, completely wasting the rest time of the future beast!

Heinous crime, give me a paw first!

Gradually, I grew up, and it was a circle bigger than it. This time, I can take pictures without jumping up or lifting my feet. I can quietly give it a paw anytime, anywhere, and watch it widen and round. When I looked at me innocently and then avoided it, my mood really couldn't be described by the word "cool".

But I can't be found by the owner. If the owner sees it, he will grab its paws and come over to pat me. In order to please the owner, I can't hide, so it is cheaper for this silly ball, although it is tearful and scared. Emotions came to pat me, but I could see the faint joy that couldn't be hidden, I knew it was already happy to heaven, how could this work!

I'll pat, pat, pat, make you dare to be cool!

When the owner is not at home, it will hide in the nest and sleep, and will not move for a long time. I ran around the house and couldn't find anything interesting, so I had to come back to find it.But this silly ball is usually quite timid, and at this time it seems to be even more stupid, and he doesn't even know how to be afraid.

If I pat it once, it will return its paws to me while half asleep and half awake; if I pat it again, it will stretch out its legs and kick me; if I pat it again, it will pounce on me and bite me .Then my head was dizzy, and I couldn't grasp the balance well, so I lay on my body directly, um... soft and warm... ╭(╯^╰)╮It's okay to rub against me, clingy silly ball, you sleep in a while I still shoot you~ tell you to rub me!

Silly ball is carefree every day, unlike me, I still think about eating more meat every day to grow faster, I can jump on the bed today, and I can jump on the table someday ╮(╯▽╰)╭As a smart animal I really don’t understand the kind of low-intelligence animal’s way of thinking about eating and not being hungry every day~

But!Why does this silly ball go to sleep when he is full and still not gain weight?By the way, every time I pounce on it, the flesh on the waist is a little less, and it is not soft enough to the touch... Well, I allow you to sleep freely, and I will not take pictures of you for the time being, you must quickly gain weight , or I'll shoot you ten times a day!

This silly ball is really stupid, I follow behind it every day to clean up the mess for it.

It walked without looking at the road, bumped into the leg of the table, and the owner's vase on the table was shaking and was about to fall, so I had to jump up to stabilize the vase; when we slept with the owner, it was rolling and about to fall If it falls to the ground, I have to sleep for a while and wake up to see it. If it is about to fall to the ground, I will pull it over; sometimes at night, the male will press the owner to do bad things under the quilt, and the owner will make a sound like crying Every now and then, this silly ball is about to rush out, and even says he is going to "save" his master?I had to push it down and cover its mouth to keep it from making a sound or moving.

Alas, I'm really stupid, I don't understand anything, the master's voice is obviously very turbulent, I have to popularize it when I have time~

Look, I treat it so well, but it is still afraid of me and hides from me. It is really heartless. Considering that it has grown some flesh recently, let it be spared the death penalty, but the crime of living is inevitable!

Hide and hide!

If you have the ability, you keep avoiding me. When I went out to the mountain with my master and was injured, and came back limping, you should not come here. How good it is to hide!Didn't it just bite your mouth, why don't you be so stingy, I haven't done anything further!

But... for the sake of being so nervous and hurting me, I will forgive you a little... Come here and give me a kiss!

Well, this is how to be good~ From now on, be good by my side, no one can bully you!

Come on, give me another kiss...

My name is Xiaoqiuqiu, and I am a snowball beast. I have snow-white fur. My master likes to hug me and scratch me. I live very comfortably every day. Play for a while and have a great day.But I never expected that when the master and the master came back after going out to play for a few days, they actually brought back a flash fox!

Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh oh my god?

And it's a poor quality Flash Fox, I caught it on its first day!The owner actually gave it a very cute name - Xiaotuan!By the way, it is not cute at all, it always pats my head, and makes fun of me for being stupid, saying that I am slow to react, woo hoo, can you not react slowly to a beast that can catch you to death with one paw? !

It always loves to wake me up when I am sleeping, I hate it to death, I always want to bite it, but I only have the courage when I am confused, at this time I will use all my strength to pounce on it, but it But I'm not afraid at all, I'll still tickle me, my waist is very itchy, please don't touch it again!

As bad as it is always, it's still good for me sometimes.When others pat me, it will give me a paw; when I wake up and want to drink water, it will arch the water cup over; sometimes when I sleep cold, it will stick to me to keep me warm...

but!Are these really not the things it does out of boredom in order to continue to amuse me? !

The most exaggerated thing is that it actually kissed me, or a secret kiss!If I hadn't just woken up thirsty, I wouldn't have noticed it, too bad!This scoundrel always scolds me for being stupid, and I can't even tell the difference between male and female!

Well, it's actually quite clever... that is, it must have done it on purpose to amuse me, it's just too bad! ╭(╯^╰)╮Ignore it.

But...why was it injured so badly when it went up the mountain with its owner?The master is so pitiful, and it is so pitiful, but I want to care about the master but I can't reach it. The bed is so high, so I can only care about you... Don't get me wrong, I don't care about you or anything.

Woohoo, okay, I'll let you take two shots, the wound doesn't hurt or hurt~


Your expression is so scary, I don't want to comfort you anymore...

What?Did I make a mistake?Shouldn't I ignore you?You, you, you... so unreasonable, who told you to secretly kiss me!

What, are you going to bite me?

I'm sorry, let me comfort you, I'm still young, I haven't lived enough, don't bite me...

What?You won't be angry after a kiss?

...Hey, just give me a kiss.

It said: "That's why you are good~ Be good by my side in the future, and no one can bully you!"

Well, this price is not unacceptable.But……

Why are you still kissing me? !

The author has something to say: Matcha said the jokes she wanted to read, hey, don’t pinch me if the writing doesn’t meet your liking~ XD Another problem is that Jinjiang’s comment review button is missing, so I can’t review the comments, SO, blocked Already... If the other students of Orz have something to watch, just leave a message and say it. Although I can’t review it, I can still see it == The copy of the new article will be posted first, and it will be opened soon. It is currently being prepared If you like it, remember to pay attention to it, and bookmark the column. Dear ┭┮﹏┭┮ This student who fought when he just transferred to another school, the principal, do you think he is a good student?Because the dormitory conditions are poor and it is not easy to rent a house in the suburbs, you want me to live with him?This is a good seed for the key points of the exam. Will you give me a bonus if you pass the exam?Although my salary is not high as a small school doctor, but... still have travel places? ...Okay, classmate, you are welcome to stay in my house~ But does the price have to be so high, even with an exchange of souls? !Ah, no, I am most afraid of exams, so I don't want to go to the exam room for you!This is the story of a school doctor with little real talent and a black-bellied student who exchanged souls after getting along for half a year and then returned, and then was captured.

57 The Disgusting Guest

Herbert refurbished the house, not only made it bigger than before, but also separated several small rooms according to Bai Ran's intention, and Bai Ran made a small wooden sign on the door, with words engraved crookedly on it : utility room, children's room, dining room.

Bai Ran decorated the room with flowers, plants and vines. The table was covered with dyed tablecloths, flowers were also placed, and sachets were hung in every corner of the room.He even asked Herbert to pick up shells to make a string of wind chimes and hang them in the house. When the windows were opened in summer, when the wind blew, the shells collided with the beautiful pebbles picked up in the river, making a tinkling sound. , very pleasing to the ear.

At this time, Bai Ran was coaxing little Dayi to sleep in the baby room. Little Dayi was sleeping in a small crib. This was also a small crib that Bai Ran had drawn to show Herbert. The crib was specially made by Bai Ran. There are small railings.Although the orc baby was in good health, Bai Ran was still reluctant to let such a small child fall to the ground.The bed was covered with thick animal skins and a layer of soft silk sheets, dyed with pink fruit and petal juice into light pink irregular patterns, which looked very warm, and made Xiao Dayi even more exquisite and cute.

Xiao Dayi sipped his fingers, half-opened his eyes and listened to Bairan's story, then yawned slowly for a long time, then rubbed his eyes to refresh himself and continue listening.

Seeing him like this, Bai Ran thought it was funny, so he held his little hand, shook it and said, "Xiao Dayi is sleepy, let's go to sleep, when you wake up, grandma will take you out to play, okay?" good?"

Xiao Dayi naturally couldn't speak, but he seemed to understand Bairan's words, he yawned again, let go of his hand after humming a few times, grabbed the inferior doll that Bairan sewed, and hugged it asleep.

It is noon in summer, and despite the draft, it is still very hot. Bai Ran was afraid that little Dayi would not sleep well, so he sat on the side and fanned him until the child fell into a deep sleep, then he shook his sore hands , quietly opened the window a little smaller, so as not to blow him, and then went out.

Herbert has gone to the mountains. In the sunny weather of summer, most of the males are going to the mountains, and the rest are home things to do, but it is noon, the hottest time, and basically go to sleep or escape the heat. There is no one to stay outside.

Bai Ran stood in the yard, stepped on a stone placed in the yard to press things, and looked around. There was no one in the tribe, only a few sub-female were enjoying the shade and chatting under a big tree in the distance. I looked around carefully again, and there was no one in the yards of each house.

He smiled mischievously, and jumped off the stone in satisfaction.

He intends to wash his clothes, but the weather is too hot, he is now wearing thin soft silk clothes, if someone is outside, he is naturally embarrassed to wash clothes in the yard like this, after all, these clothes are indeed so tempting It's human, but if you don't wear this animal skin clothes, Bai Ran can't stand the stuffy feeling.At noon, there was no one there, and few people would come to his house, so he quickly took out the basin, scooped water into it, and then hugged a pile of clothes and put them aside for washing.

In addition to the clothes that Herbert had replaced, the clothes to be washed also included his own underwear. Now that the sun was at its hottest, he would dry them in a short while after washing, and he would not have to be teased by Herbert when he washed his underwear.Because Herbert made a washboard according to his ideas, he washed very quickly, and the pile of clothes was almost washed in a short while. Here, the leaves are ground into mud, which is a bit like Laundry cream, but because it is all natural, it doesn't foam very much, so he passed it through the water again, and the clothes were washed.

He was strenuously stepping on the stones to dry the clothes, cursing Herbert in his heart that it was so boring.

Because Bai Ran always likes to sleep on the reclining chair in the yard, so in order to prevent him from being seen by others, Herbert made such a high rope, and people behind the curtain will be tightly blocked , Bai Ran was very dissatisfied with this, because the sun was blocked, but Herbert refused to take it off, so Bai Ran comforted himself that he would not get sunburned.

Although he thought he was boring, he still had a smile on his face, and began to think about when Herbert would come back, and what to eat for dinner.

He unfolded the clothes carefully, and reached out to touch the underwear that had been hung to dry before.Because he washed his underwear first and hung them out, the thin cloths were almost dry at this moment.

Just as I was about to get off the stone after drying my clothes, I heard someone knocking on the door.

He was taken aback, how could he look good in such a dress, and he had washed all the vests just now, and now there was nothing in the soft silk clothes except a pair of underwear.But this is the coat in the suit, not as transparent as the one Herbert bought at the beginning, but Bai Ran is still in a hurry.He jumped down anxiously, wanting to enter the house quickly to put on a cloak or something. In such a hurry, he fell off the rock and fell, and it happened that the water basin was under his feet. He fell and touched the edge of the basin, poured half of the whole basin of water on him, and the remaining half of the basin happily flowed in the direction towards the door.

Bai Ran's sprained foot hurts so much that he can't even care about his clothes anymore. His leg has never been very good, and it usually hurts faintly when it's cloudy or rainy. Now he sprained his foot and fell, and even his knee and calf bone hurt. He gritted his teeth and helped the stone to sit up, trying to pull a very long cloak from the rope that would drag the floor.

While he was working hard, the person who knocked on the door also heard the commotion inside, asked "what's the matter", pushed the door open and walked in.

Bai Ran watched him come in from under the clothes rope, was so anxious that he forgot the pain, and pulled the clothes off with all his might.The clothes fell off, and they were still firmly covered on the body, but——what is the dry, fluffy underwear that flew to the ground for?

Bai Ran was dumbfounded, and Cavill on the opposite side was also dumbfounded.

Cavill picked up Bai Ran's vest that fell at his feet, looked at it, and said, "Your rag is so clean."

Bai Ran: "..."

After Cavill finished speaking, he regretted it, and he didn't know why he said such a sentence. He saw the person in front of him sitting on the ground covered in water, and then remembered the voice he heard outside the door, so he hurried over to help Bai Ran , said in his mouth: "Are you okay, I came in when I heard the sound outside the door, where did you fall, do you need me to take you to Dr. Aisha?"

Bai Ran waved at him. If she sent it to Aunt Aisha, Aunt Aisha would probably feel sorry for him and worry about him again. Besides, he didn't feel that the sprain was too serious, but his leg hurt. I think it's not all right, so there should be more After drinking some bone soup, he got up slowly and replied, "No need... hiss..."

Seeing that he couldn't get up, Cavill wanted to come over to help him again. Bai Ran was so scared that he didn't dare to move, so he sat on the ground and waved at him, "No need, thank you!"

Seeing this clean-looking sub-female rejecting him repeatedly, Cavill wondered for a while, could it be that his attractiveness has declined?He didn't realize at the moment that this sub-female was Herbert's partner, because in his impression, Herbert didn't like females very much.

He thought that he might have found the wrong door, because he hadn't been here for two years, and he couldn't remember the location, and seeing that the house didn't look like Herbert's before, he was even more sure that he had gone the wrong way. .He wanted to ask this subfemale the specific route, but seeing him struggling to get up, he put aside the search and stepped forward to hug Bai Ran sideways.

Bai Ran looked at him with wide eyes, pointed at him, and said incredulously in his voice, "What are you doing?!"

Cavill thought he was shy, so he replied: "I think you seem to have fallen and injured, I carried you into the house, the ground is very cold, it's not good for you to sit there."

Bai Ran tightly grasped the cloak on his body, "I said I don't need you anymore, I know you are kind, but, but, I... Oh, thank you, just put me on the stool..."

Cavill felt that the person in his arms was very comfortable to hold, so he hugged him for a while, and he insisted on hugging him to the bed. Seeing how wet he was, he wanted to remove the cloak for him again, so Bai Ran hurriedly pulled him away again. Wai Wai, "Thank you, but who are you?"

Bai Ran is not afraid, what is he afraid of as a man, it's just that he doesn't like to interact with strangers very much, and now he's dressed unsuitably, and his clothes are still wet and sticking to his body, probably no different from a see-through outfit, Although he was wrapped in a cloak, he was still quite awkward, hoping that this person would leave quickly so that he could change his clothes.

Seeing that he didn't want to take off his cloak, and didn't force him, Cavill replied, "I'm from the Tiger tribe. I came here to find Herbert. Where is his house now? I seem to have found the wrong place."

When Bai Ran heard that it was Herbert's friend, he became even more depressed. He was already embarrassing enough, so he had no choice but to bite the bullet and say: "This is Herbert's home, you are right, he is not at home now, go up the mountain to hunt Maybe I won’t be back until the afternoon.” After speaking, he asked tentatively, “Why don’t you come back later?”

Cavill frowned and thought for a while, but couldn't remember that Herbert had a younger brother, so he asked, "You are his..."

Bai Ran said: "I am his partner, the partner ceremony held in winter."

Cavill stared at him up and down, the look in his eyes was very impolite, and Bai Ran wanted to get angry, but he was Herbert's friend, so Bai Ran suppressed his anger and asked, "I'm his Is there something wrong with your partner?"

Cavill graciously sat next to Bairan, smiled and said, "It's nothing, I just want to see what kind of person Herbert likes, and now I'm done."

Bai Ran didn't like his frivolous tone very much, and said in a cold voice: "Herbert came back very late, you'd better come back later."

Cavill didn't seem to feel his indifference, "I'll just sit here and wait for him. You made the things in the house? It's beautiful."

Bai Ran's face darkened: "I'm Herbert's partner, and my clothes are soaked, it's not good for you to be here as a male, so please go to the patriarch's house or other friends' houses first, and I'll let you know when he comes back." Let him find you."

Cavill looked at him and said, "I'm tired from walking too. If you want to change clothes, I'll go outside and wait for you to change before you come in." Then he walked out, turning his head and winking at Bai Ran before going out blinked.

Bai Ran was angry, who did Herbert know this person!

58 The Disgusting Guest

The author has something to say: This episode is a bit long, and I was so dizzy that I divided it into upper, middle, and lower. As a result, I haven't finished writing it until I reach "bottom", so I'll send it to "中". Girls who bought it will read it again. Let's do it one by one~

Bai Ran sat on the bed for a while, but heard no sound outside, and couldn't tell whether the person had left or not.Clothes sticking to the body is very uncomfortable, especially with a big cloak on the outside, it was just fished out from the water basin, the water soaked the skin tightly and airtight, Bai Ran felt that he was about to be suffocated in the It's in the clothes.

He shook his injured left foot, but it still hurt, the knee, calf bone and ankle all hurt, but the initial effort passed, and it didn't feel like the painful feeling when he just fell.He tried to put his foot on the ground lightly, but it still didn't work even if he tried hard. He looked in our direction with a bitter face. Although the door was closed, it was impossible for that strange person to come in regardless.

Bai Ran hesitated for a while, finally gritted his teeth and put his right foot on the ground while supporting the edge of the bed.

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