
Chapter 112 God's Shadow

Different from the last pure item reward, this time the Banding Empire put forward additional conditions such as settlement and donated houses, that is to say, as long as the necromancers are willing, they can live in the Imperial City of Mar as residents of the empire.

For Ciro, this is really a risky and bold decision.The city of Mar is close to West Gemo, and it is a long way from the nearest city of Cote. Once the teleportation magic circle is closed, the city of Mar will become a completely isolated city, easy to defend and difficult to attack.His allowing the necromancers to migrate on a large scale means that he gave the city to the necromancers and made it a city of the dead.

For this reason, all the ministers of the empire and representatives of various families raised their voices against it.

Ciro summoned all the opponents into the palace and asked them kindly, "Then, which of you is willing to take over the city of Mal?"

There was no sound in the study.

Xi Luo said: "No matter whoever stands up, I will reward him with this city unconditionally."

What an attractive condition!

Everyone has this idea running around in their heads, and it would be perfect to bring it up before recruiting the Necromancer Legion.Although the current city of Mar has not yet become the city of the undead they are worried about, the necromancers who are allowed to move in will definitely spare no effort to achieve this goal!Their interest was completely dampened by the thought that they were going to live in a city full of skeletons and corpses.

Seeing the lowered heads, Ciro asked patiently, "Is there really none?"

"If Your Majesty doesn't mind..." Murdoch had just opened his mouth when Hopkin stepped forward and said, "I am willing."

Although their gazes were looking at Shiro and did not meet, the people standing behind them could clearly feel the confrontation between the two.

From the moment Frank announced that he was going to become a Necromancer, the relationship between the Richard family and the Danya family became quite bad.

Shi Luo crossed his fingers and asked clearly: "You want to go in person?"

"No." Hopkins sighed silently, "If there are no conditions, I would like to recommend my grandson, Frank Richard." Now that his grandson made such an unwise decision, he had to defend his For future consideration.It is already impossible to inherit the Richard family as a Necromancer, so being the lord of a city of the dead can at least guarantee that he still enjoys the lofty status of the imperial nobles.So the city of the undead, which is like a hot potato to others, is a perfect fit for Frank.

Ciro looked at Murdoch and said, "You seem to have a different opinion?"

Murdoch bowed: "I completely agree with Hopkin's idea."

Hopkins gave him a disapproving look.

Ciro glanced at the faces of the others, but they still lowered their heads.Although they couldn't see their faces, Xi Luo could probably guess their expressions, which were nothing more than jealousy or contempt.If it wasn't for the pressure from the God of Light that forced them to accept the assistance of the necromancer, I believe their words today would never be so gentle.

"If I have no objection, I will appoint Frank Richard as the new city lord of Mal City."

Hope I will object.

Many people went out with such malicious expectations.

Murdoch and Hopkins were last.

There is only one door, and two people arrive at the door at the same time, one on the left and one on the right.

Murdoch drew back his feet and gestured politely.

Hopkins strode out without looking.

Si Luo sat in the study for a while, contemplating, reached out and picked up the bell on the table and shook it gently.

Gallon stood at the door respectfully, "Your Majesty."

"Where's Soso?" Only when he was mentioned, the corner of Shiro's mouth could not help but hang a sincere smile.

Gallen said: "Accompanied by Marshal Hayden, Baron Lawrence, Master Mundra and Keane, enjoying afternoon tea in the garden."

Ciro stroked his chin meaningfully and said, "Lawrence has been here a lot lately."

Gal shut his mouth.Some questions are identified before they are asked, so they do not require answers.

When Ciro came to the garden, Hayden and Lawrence were chatting at the other end of the garden.

Mundra and Soso were sitting on the grass, to be precise, Mundra was sitting on the grass, and Soso was squatting beside and watching.In front of them, a house made of bones is slowly being built.

"Eat?" Soso handed the snack plate sent by Keane to Mundra.

Mundra opened his mouth.

Suo Suo sent it in without hesitation, obviously it was not the first time he did this action.

What Hayden, who just turned around, and Ciro, who just arrived, saw such a harmonious and loving scene.


"Your Majesty." Hayden and Lawrence walked over to salute at the same time.

Shiro stretched out his hand.Soso stood up with his hands in his hands, and looked back at Mundra, who had been hugged by Hayden.

"Bones," Mundra said.

Hayden had no choice but to squat down and put them one by one into his space bag.

Lawrence asked in surprise, "Marshal also started collecting bones?" Could this love for bones be contagious?

Hayden smiled and said, "It's all the same."


Does it mean that the two of them are going to stick together wherever they go?Lawrence kept his mouth shut in silence.It should have been seen through long ago, even if Hayden's heart becomes single-minded, his mouth cannot become honest.

Keene added another chair, and the group sat around the table.

Lawrence watched Hayden's feet rubbing against Mundella intentionally or unintentionally, and moved the chair to the side silently, and then met Ciro's gaze.


It seems that unconsciously, the distance between him and Sosuo narrowed...

He moved the chair back silently.

All eyes shifted over, first to his expression, then slowly to his... buttocks.

Lawrence saw that his gaze was getting more and more strange, so he calmly said, "You guys misunderstood."

Suo Suo asked in surprise, "What is the misunderstanding?"

Lawrence said, "One thing you haven't thought of yet."

Soso was full of doubts.

Ciro coughed dryly and looked at Hayden, "Have you considered the candidate for the head of the Necromancer Legion?"

Lawrence looked at Hayden and Mundra, and hesitated, "Isn't it Mr. Mundra?"

Ciro touched the cup without speaking.

Hayden said: "I have better candidates."

Lawrence thought for a while, then clapped his hands and said, "Otis?" Seeing that neither Ciro nor Hayden responded, he asked suddenly, "Frank?"

Ciro said: "Rods."

Lawrence asked blankly, "Who?"

Xi Luo said: "He used to be a court magician, an earth magician."

Lawrence had a vague impression, "Soso's former tutor?"

Xi Luo said: "He has worked in the empire for many years, is familiar with the empire system, and is a senior necromancer. I believe that the position of head of the necromancer army will be very suitable for him."

Lawrence was silent for a while and said, "If I remember correctly, he used to play for Queen Samantha."

Although Queen Samantha is still the noble and kind Queen Samantha in front of most of the subjects of the empire, her actions are not unfamiliar to Lawrence and the others.

Ciro said indifferently: "The queen mother has passed away."

Seeing that he had expressed his attitude, Lawrence couldn't go on talking.

Hayden spoke kindly for Rhodes at the right time, "Rhodes has Death's pet Soul Devourer, if it can be used in the war, it will definitely be the key to victory."

Lawrence said: "When it comes to war, there is actually one thing that worries me very much."

Xi Luo said, "Worried about the Goddess of Light?"

Lawrence nodded and said: "Yes. Although God has never directly interfered with the affairs of Dreamland, the Pope is her representative in Dreamland after all. If she sends a miracle to intervene in this matter, then the consequences..."

Siro said: "The initiative in this matter is not in our hands. The only thing we can do is to do our best to win."

Hayden pondered for a long time and said, "If the Goddess of Light really participates in the battle, we can still use the God of Death."

Lawrence said: "Didn't you fear that the god of death would interfere with Dream Continent before, so you didn't release him from the undead world because you became the second goddess of light?"

Hayden smiled wryly: "People are always selfish." The empire has really reached such a critical moment, maybe he will not look forward and backward as he is now, but give it a go.

Ciro gently rubbed Soso's hand on his thigh with his fingers, and said calmly: "Victory is always accompanied by crisis, and history always needs to be created."

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