
Chapter 120 God's Shadow

The first thing he saw was Frank who was napping beside him.

Under the messy hair was a tired face.Even in his sleep, his brows were tightly furrowed, the corners of his mouth curled up in displeasure, and there was an aura of anxiety all over his body.

Haven't seen it this close in a long time.

When he was in the container, he could only passively stand behind the opponent.Frank is very busy. Apart from the necessary things like eating and sleeping, he spends all the rest of his time studying.

Otis had never seen him study so seriously, even more seriously than he did back then.

Occasionally, when Frank sneaks in from his busy schedule, he will stay for a while.He often laughed as he learned to learn. At first, he didn't know what Frank was laughing at, but then he thought he should have guessed.Because every time Frank finished laughing, he would look at his body or the container, and at that time, the smile would turn into an indelible sadness and worry.

We will have a future.

He stood in the container countless times, wanting to tell him loudly and firmly, but those countless times he could only shout silently from the bottom of his heart.

But this time, he could finally speak out.

"We'll have...a future."

This was the first time he spoke after returning to this body, his voice was dry, with a strange and strange accent, but he spoke every word very slowly, as if he had exhausted all his strength to make the promise of this life.He stretched out his hand, wanting to touch the soft and smooth hair in his memory, but he stopped half way through.

That short distance of three to four centimeters was like the distance between the container and Frank—they wanted to move forward, but couldn't move an inch.

Frank moved.

Odis quickly withdrew his hand.

Frank suddenly sensed something, opened his eyes and looked up.

Otis looked at him quietly with deep eyes.

"Are you awake?" Frank asked blankly.

Otis nodded.

Frank slowly raised his hand as if to confirm his existence.

Otis asked calmly, "Wear gloves."

Frank's hand froze, and slowly retracted, took out a detoxification pill, swallowed it, and then reached out to touch his face again.

Otis gave way subconsciously, but was immediately held back by the other party.

"You still owe me an answer," Frank said.

Otis' eyes rippled a little, his eyes wandered, and slowly drifted to the window.

Frank sighed softly, and was about to say something when he heard the sound of horseshoes outside change, as if he heard it, and then the carriage shook violently.He knocked on the wall of the car, "What happened?"

The soldier driving the car said in a deep voice: "The Marshal sent out an attack signal! We are advancing at full speed!"

Frank opened the door worriedly, but Otis grabbed him back with one hand. "I go!"

The city of Putra was in total chaos.

After the city lord narrowly escaped death, he was protected by Hayden's personal guards and retreated.

Hayden and Gregory broke up together to stop the advance of the Holy Knights!But the number of opponents was too large, and Hayden never thought that the opponent would be able to send so many holy knights and priests to attack the city of Putra without anyone noticing.

Could it be that the border has fallen?

He quickly dismissed the idea.If the border really fell, it would be impossible for no news to come back.He believed in Dinan's commanding ability, and it was impossible for the other party to wipe out their entire army silently.

So, the God of Light bypassed the border and attacked the city of Putra?

That's a pretty risky move.Once the sneak attack fails and the border troops return to defense, the God of Light will be in a difficult situation of being attacked from both sides.Such a risky approach really doesn't seem to be done by the Pope who always likes to take advantage of the God of Light.

Could it be that the God of Light will encounter some difficulties, forcing the Pope to make a quick decision?

So many thoughts flashed through Hayden's mind, he immediately called his cronies, "In the name of me and the city lord, ask all the nobles in the city for a private guard to protect the civilians in the city and temporarily evacuate. In case of rejection or resistance," he said His voice suddenly turned cold, "Kill him on the spot."

No matter what plots and plans the God of Light has, he must first remove the factors of instability in the city.

As he had guessed before, these mercenaries definitely did not rush in suddenly, they must have been hidden in the city in advance.Hiding so many mercenaries is definitely not something that one person can do, nor can ordinary civilians do it, so it is certain that there are nobles from this city among the internal response.Judging from the clothes and accents of the mercenaries, they were not from the empire. That is to say, those nobles did not dare to openly announce their betrayal of the empire to their personal guards.This is wise, because the loyalty of the knight code refers not only to the employer, but more importantly, to the country to which they are loyal, and magicians have never had a good impression of the God of Light. With their participation, things will probably be revealed in advance. That's why those nobles had to invite mercenaries from other places to perform this task.

But this is also his chance.Get rid of the nobles, take back their dead guards, and then use their familiarity with the terrain to deal with the mercenary group, and the Tulip Legion can free up their hands to deal with the God of Light.

Golden light enveloped the earth.

Nearly a hundred priests stood in mid-air, lined up, holding divine staffs in their hands, as if the light was in their hands.

Using light to heighten the sacred atmosphere is their most common means.

Hayden took out his staff and waved a spray of water.

The moist mist is like a lover's tears in the air, lingering, mournful, and blocking sight.

Gabrad's grudge broke through the mist domineeringly, passed through the gap between the bodies of the two bodyguards, and pointed directly at Hayden.

Hayden blocked it with his sword, and retreated with his body.

"Goddess bless the city of Putra!"

As the priests of the Bright God Association raised their staffs again, they chanted loudly.

The singing was melodious and melodious, like the sound of heaven, suppressing the panic noise in the city.

"Blessings of the Goddess of Light!" A sharp voice echoed in the city, which was then drowned in the sound of killing.

"Blessing of the Empire!"

Louder shouts came from the west.

The huge fire there reflected the sky, dividing the sky of Putra into golden and orange.The fire elements frantically condensed and turned into countless slender tongues of fire, like dancing water plants, like messy hair, and rushed towards the direction of the priests.

The golden light surged instantly.

The flames were blocked from the golden light, twisting their bodies like a snake, and then slowly melting, condensing into a fire shield, slowly spreading around, forming a wall of fire, condescendingly pressing down on the priests.

Standing in the city of Putra, you can't see the sky, only the flames and the golden light confront each other.

Earth magicians and water magicians came straight from land.

The water magician built an enchantment to prevent the further advancement of the Holy Knights.

The earth magician pushed himself up from the flat ground so that he could see the enemy's situation clearly from a commanding height, while chanting spells, controlling the opponent's footing at will, making them like fleas, constantly jumping from the uneven pits to the ground. Polly jumped up and down.

Gabrield knew that unlike water and fire magicians, earth magicians could use wind magic. Their mobility was very weak, so they immediately divided into three groups, and the main force remained in place to contain most of the water magicians. and Hayden, while the other two bypassed the barrier, one left and one right, and attacked forward.

Among the four elemental magics, fire magic has the strongest attack power, so Hayden's army has the most fire magicians, followed by water magicians, and there are seven or eight earth magicians in total. They saw that the holy knights divided into two Passers-by immediately looked towards Hayden.

Hayden divided ten water magicians and twenty knights to block the left path. As for the right, he was about to use wind magic to send the earth magicians there to build an unattainable earth wall, when he saw There appeared a stiff but menacing army.

This army looks like a motley crew.

All kinds of clothes, unorganized lines, and strange commanders.

Seeing the commander, the corners of Hayden's mouth couldn't help but twitch.

The commander seemed to sense the staring gaze, turned his head and glanced at him, then raised his hand to stop the entire team from advancing, and looked at Hayden quietly, with a serious expression like a soldier waiting for an order.

In fact, he is indeed a soldier waiting for the order of the marshal now.

Hayden returned the most gentle smile to him, then turned his head, looked ahead calmly, raised his sword, and shouted: "Fight for the dignity and freedom of the empire!"

"Fight for the dignity and freedom of the Empire!"

Magicians, knights, and soldiers responded one after another.

The motley army didn't make a sound, they just raised their weapons consciously, and rushed towards the Holy Knights who rushed over.

The holy knights rushing over were stunned for a moment.Those who came up were clearly dead objects!

As we all know, the divine power of light is the natural nemesis of undead magic. Necromancers always turn away when they see priests and holy knights, regardless of the opponent's strength.Therefore, even though they knew that the empire had organized an army of necromancers before they came, they never thought that they would actually meet them. After all, in their minds, necromancers should run away from them as soon as they saw them.

But the hesitation was short-lived, and immediately, they rushed over with high spirits.

Every member of the Holy Knights is carefully selected, regardless of appearance, height, or talent. The only exception is the leader of the Holy Knights, Kles. The ones of the Knights are very eye-catching.Especially against the motley crew of mercenary corpses, they are as mighty as gods!

The temporary head of the motley legion sat calmly in the arms of the witch corpse, raised his bone staff, and chanted a spell.

The formation of the wizards is a water enchantment.

The undead warrior took a step forward, his muscles trembling, and he rushed forward recklessly.Their bodies are so strong, like moving hills, every step they take makes the ground vibrate and shake violently.

The holy knights swung their long swords.

Countless Dou Qi hit the barrier, and the water knot evaporated immediately.

The undead warrior rushed up.

The holy knights swung their swords mercilessly to harvest their heads.Although the mercenary group has an overwhelming advantage in weight, but in terms of strength, there is a gap between them and the holy knights.

The seemingly large motley army quickly fell, but was soon replaced by a large number of skeleton troops.

It is indeed a huge number, because they are quickly drowned in the sea of ​​skeletons.

Dou Qi surged in the sea of ​​skeletons, and the white bones flew like splashing waves, but soon another skeleton came out, pushed the shattered bones away, and charged towards the Holy Knights.

A knight leaped high, split the skeleton blocking his progress with his fighting spirit, and landed on the temporarily opened space.

New skeletons soon appeared again, and he estimated the distance between him and the necromancer while chopping.Just grab that necromancer and all the skeletons will disappear.

As if sensing his gaze, the necromancer glanced sideways at him, then moved away expressionlessly, and continued to summon the skeleton.

It's now!

The knight kicked away the skeleton grabbing his ankle, jumped up with his body, the hand holding the sword swirled in a beautiful arc in the air, and chopped down towards the top of the necromancer's head.

The Necromancer seemed to sense something and looked up at him.

Under the halo of fighting spirit, his eyes were as deep as night.

The knight's long sword fell and landed on the water barrier.Under the impact of Dou Qi, the water in the enchantment rippled, and the ripples pushed outward one after another.After the knight saw the transparent ripples, the necromancer's expression was as indifferent as usual, as if he didn't take him seriously at all.

The knight was exhausted, and his body and sword slowly slid down the barrier and fell to the ground.

Two puppet tactics suddenly rushed out from the side, slashing at him left and right with giant axes.

The knight stepped back subconsciously, and several hand bones grabbed at his ankles and knees, forcing him to return his sword to protect himself.In just such a short time, the distance between him and the necromancer widened again.

"Why are you running so fast?" Rhodes stood beside the water barrier and complained to the necromancer.

That necromancer was, of course, Mundra.

Mundra said: "You are too slow."

Rhodes said: "I seem to be helping you out, shouldn't you say something nice?"

Mundra said, "It helps to be slow."

"..." Rhodes said angrily, "Do you think it's easy to call out those cowards?"

Behind him, a group of skeletons, witch corpses and undead knights are slowly walking out.When the necromancers saw the Holy Knights, they stopped all the way and only drove the puppets forward to help.

At the same time, the fire magician and the priest of the God of Light, who had been fighting each other for a long time, finally decided the winner.

The fire is like the mouth of a giant beast, and it swallows ferociously towards the barrier of the priests of light.

The priests immediately dispersed in all directions.

The blazing flames fell to the ground, leaped up into the sky like a fountain, and bared their teeth and claws like a demonstration.

The priests obviously suffered a lot.Priests who are used to standing on a high place to enjoy other people's admiring eyes find it difficult to accept such a result.They have the divine power of light bestowed by the goddess of light, how could they lose to these magicians who only rely on insignificant elements?

They were scattered around, looking at their companions in bewilderment.

The balance of the battle gradually tilted due to the joining of necromancers and the defeat of the priests.

Hayden wasted no time in attacking.

The fire magician immediately attacked the holy knights on the ground.The battle has been going on for so long, and the surviving civilians in the west city have basically retreated, so the fire magicians cast their magicians quite recklessly, using large-scale magic with a wide range of attacks such as Fire Rain and Meteor without hesitation.

The Holy Knights resisted.

Unless Gabride or the Pope ordered a retreat, they would rather die in battle than take half a step back.

The earth trembled suddenly.

Sophiro, who had been hiding in the dark, suddenly appeared in the sky, "The undead and the spirit of death are trampling the land of dreams! The tyrant is squandering the glorious past and bright future of the empire! The people of the earth are groaning in fear! We are the goddess of light The most trusted messengers, we will uphold the will of the goddess, and expel the ugly, cruel, tyrannical, and unfair from the place where the glory of the goddess points!"

The scattered priests were reunited and attacked the empire.

The tilted balance gradually fluctuated.

Gabriel aggressively attacked.But he still has great doubts about Sophie Luo's appearance in his heart.He knew Sophiro's character very well. If it wasn't for the critical moment, it would be absolutely impossible for him to appear on the battlefield so early.Because he hates chaos, fatigue, blood...

crucial moment--

Is it victorious?Still a failure?

Gabrad looked at Sophiro's solemn expression, feeling a vague and bad premonition in his heart.

The earthquake continues.

Behind the Tulip Legion, the main road of Putra City was occupied by the puppet army of necromancers, making it difficult to pass, so that the huge earth puppets had to walk towards the battlefield step by step with heavy steps and skeleton bones. Most center moves.

All eyes were attracted by this huge earth puppet.

Above the puppet stood a thin young man wearing a magician's robe.I believe that most people's first reaction when seeing him is a necromancer rather than an earth magician, because he is too thin.Both cheeks and eye sockets were sunken, and under the light of the fire, his face was lifeless.

The earth puppet stopped behind the Tulip Legion.

The holy knights and priests also looked at him suspiciously, probably wondering where this comrade-in-arms came from.It can't be blamed for them easily dividing each other into their own camp. It's really that the skeletons he stepped on are too conspicuous, and those bones can probably be piled up to make a mountain of bones.


Whoever shouted from the Magician Legion quickly caused a lot of ripples.


Someone among the magicians shouted again.

For the magicians of the Ban Ding Empire, this is definitely not an unfamiliar name.It once represented the most dazzling genius of the Royal Academy of Magic, the most eye-catching new generation of magicians in the empire, and also represented the most loyal guard of the empire.When he disappeared, how many magicians felt sorry for him, not for the name of Danya, but for Otis.This is quite rare for the family members who are conscientiously living under the aura of the family. It shows that his achievements and merits have overcome the dazzling aura of the family, and it shows that what he has gained is the respect and affirmation of others.

Gregory looked at that familiar yet unfamiliar figure, and listened to the distant yet approaching voice, and suddenly understood that he would be defeated by this person for the rest of his life.Because their starting point and ideal are like their current position——

A stand out from the crowd.

One disappears from the crowd.

Otis turned around.

The people standing below didn't know what he was looking at, but Frank, who was struggling forward among the skeletons, knew that his gaze was on himself.

After seeing Frank standing in the middle of the skeleton, Odis felt relieved to turn his head.Although because of the relationship between the Necromancer and the Lich, there is a spiritual connection between them that others cannot feel, but he is still willing to use his own eyes to confirm the existence of the other party, to make sure that person is still within his sight.

He is chanting a spell.

He didn't know how the witch corpse and the undead knight used their skills, but after he woke up, he knew nothing about the skills that a lich should have, and could only use the earth magician with the memory of his life.However, in the process of using it, he noticed that his mental power was much stronger, and his sensitivity to earth elements was also more sensitive than before.Maybe this is the benefit of becoming a lich?

Odis raised the magic wand that had always been in the interspatial bag, and chanted the spell aloud.

Under his command, the earth puppets strode towards the enemy.

The Tulip Legion is not a skeleton that would just stand there and be trampled on by the big feet protruding from the soil puppet. When it raised its foot, the Tulip Legion tactfully stepped aside.The earth magicians in the legion even summoned small puppets the size of humans to act as the vanguard of the giant puppets, and launched an attack on the Holy Knights.

Suddenly there was deafening trampling and shouting outside the city.

"The empire must win!"

The cries came closer, so close that both sides in the battle could clearly hear the content of their cries, word by word.

Hayden's eyes lit up.He took the signal out of his hand and gave the command to attack.

The Holy Knights and Santu soldiers quickly felt the front and back attack.

Gabrad looked up at Sofiro who was commanding the battle in the air.That's why he had to show up, right?The Santu noble legion fighting against the border of the empire was defeated?The Imperial Frontier Army returns to defense?

He assessed the situation calmly.

Obviously, this sneak attack launched by the God of Light has completely surrounded themselves.Hayden is worthy of being the marshal most trusted by the emperor of the empire. When the army composition of the empire was extremely complicated and the necromancers were wandering around like headless chickens, he changed the Tulip Legion from the main force to the auxiliary, using his knowledge of the legion Control power to make up for the necromancer's disorderly attack method, blocking the holy knights and priests tightly.Santu soldiers gradually lost their fighting spirit under such a disadvantage.Emotions are contagious, and if this continues, this decadent mood will slowly spread. The holy knight may not be affected, but it is hard to say for the priest.

How can we turn the tide of battle?

He couldn't help but glanced at Sophie Luo again.The other party's thinking should be similar to his, but he hasn't moved for a long time, and he probably hasn't thought of a good solution.If, at this time, Chris was here, what would he do?

He thought of Chris's ordinary face, and his heart tightened suddenly.

He should have a way, right?

Gabrad took a deep breath, suppressed the frustration that surged up in his chest, and turned his head to look behind. The offensive of the Imperial Border Army was not very strong. They were more like building a wall to trap the God of Light. the wall in between.

In fact, this battle was a mistake from the beginning, right?Otherwise, it wouldn't push the entire Bright God Society into such an embarrassing situation!


He closed his eyes and threw out the dangerous and absurd thought in his mind.

At this time, what he must consider is victory, how to win this battle, any other emotions are unnecessary!The belief in the Goddess and the Pope that flowed through him finally overcame all.

He raised his sword and launched another attack with high spirits.

At this time, the city of Putra gradually transitioned from disorderly chaos to a confrontation between the two sides with clear barriers.The advantage of the God of Light had disappeared when the Imperial Frontier Army entered the city.But the Holy Knights are the most famous knights in Dreamland after all. Even though they are at a disadvantage in numbers, they still have the fighting power of one against ten.Sacrifice is the necromancer's biggest nemesis. Although the skeleton army is continuously summoned from the undead world, the spiritual power of the necromancer is limited.So the Necromancer's attack slowly cut corners.

As the night grew darker, even Rhodes felt tired.He looked at the unchanging Mundra beside him, and suddenly became curious about the structure of his head.No wonder old Mundra would choose him as his only student, his mental strength is really amazing.

The battle is still deadlocked.

Under Hayden's order, the earth puppets of Odis stopped behind and did not attack further.This somewhat relieved Frank, the consequences of the magician's exhaustion of mental power were really amazing to him.He didn't know if the Lich also had such troubles, he only knew that he didn't want to reveal the answer through practice at all.

For Hayden, it was a tug of war.

The God of Light has lost its offensive advantage, and now the mastery is in his hands.He once had the idea of ​​completely burying the elite and main force of the Illuminati Society in Putra City, but only for a moment, he quickly realized that this idea was dangerous.In the current state of the Empire, it is not cost-effective to eliminate one of the several threats to the Empire at a high price.Even though the God of Light will disappear because of this, Shamanliel is still there.At that time, the weakened empire will not be able to withstand a light blow from this old rival and old neighbor.Therefore, knowing that there is an excellent plan to attack the God of Light, he can only let it slip away.

He is waiting.

Wait for the God of Light to admit defeat first.

He could see that the fighting spirit of the Society of Light had already dissipated.Although the Holy Knights held on tenaciously under the leadership of Gabrad, the attacks of the priests were far from as sharp as they were at the beginning.Moreover, from the beginning of the battle to the present, except for the confrontation with the fire magician, the priest has never used a large-scale light magic.Sophie didn't remind me either.Did you forget?

Impossible, no one forgets to throw a punch in the middle of a fight.

That is to preserve strength.

Conserving strength in battle is either to confuse the enemy or to ensure a retreat.The Illuminati Society is obviously not the former one, which only shows that Sophie has the intention of retreating.The reason why he has not acted for a long time should be due to the Pope's relationship.

Hayden figured out the key, and shifted his focus from offense to defense.Such an upright battle is really not suitable for a decisive battle, it is too much fighting for strength and vitality.Maybe, he can choose to attack when the God of Light retreats?


A loud noise came from behind.

Could it be that the God of Light will sneak attack from the mercenary group ambushing in the city?

Hayden turned his head in surprise, but the scene in front of him made him stunned.

Otis is fighting.

But the object of his battle is not the mercenary group but other necromancers!

Frank, who was firmly protected in the center by the earth wall, waved a bone with one hand to summon a skeleton, and waved a magic wand with the other hand to attack with a fireball.

The group of necromancers summoned all the witch corpses, undead knights and skeletons, and attacked Frank with all their strength.

Hayden frowned.He remembered Rhodes' previous worries, could it be for Otis?

His guess was correct.

Since Otis appeared as an earth magician, the other necromancers didn't realize that he was a lich at first.Until two of the necromancers took a fancy to the witch corpse of another necromancer, a battle for the witch corpse occurred.This battle was very fierce, which expanded the scope of their spiritual power again and again, and gradually attracted the attention of other necromancers, and finally spread to Frank and Otis.

After the other necromancers felt the spiritual connection between Otis and Frank, they realized that the earth magician who looked nothing like a witch corpse was also an undead puppet.

There is only one kind of undead puppet with an independent soul in this world——


This discovery almost made the necromancers ecstatic.They immediately put the battle behind them. Anyway, the Banding Empire is just an employer providing money and materials to them, but no amount of money and materials can afford a legendary Lich.

So their mental power shifted the target and attacked Otis.

Seeing the clumsy appearance of Frank summoning the skeleton, they were sure that he was just a rookie necromancer, so they thought it would be very easy to capture the lich. The real difficulty was how to defeat the opponent who was also eyeing him.But after taking action, they realized that their thinking was too naive. Although the spiritual connection between the Lich and the Necromancer was not very strong, it made them unable to attack at all.It's as if they took the scissors, only to realize that what they were trying to cut was light...

The failure of the puppet fight greatly stimulated them.They immediately turned their attention to Frank.

The result is what Hayden saw.

Rhodes also noticed this scene.He was about to tell Mundra that the witch corpse holding him had drifted in the direction of Otis.Looking at his hurried back, Rhodes suddenly remembered the old Mundra back then.Speaking of which, the problem of their mentoring and protecting their shortcomings is exactly the same.

Although other necromancers also participated in the battle before, their mental power was definitely not as thorough as that of Mundra. Even so, Mundra still forcibly snatched away the witch corpses of the three necromancers as soon as he entered the field.

The three witch corpses who were still attacking Frank suddenly turned around and attacked their necromancer.

One of the necromancers was caught off guard, and was hit by the fireball, and immediately screamed.

The screams are always easy to arouse other people's fear and will to resist.

The staff made of bones waved in the air, and the skeletons slowly split into two sides, attacking each other clumsily.The densely packed hand bones kept passing through the bodies of other skeletons, and the skeletons were constantly scattered on the ground. New skeletons emerged from the piles of white bones and continued to fight.

The necromancers finally exerted their full strength!

But it was the companions who were pointed at.

Rhodes, who was wading across the Skeleton River with difficulty, was about to greet Mundra when he was frightened by the black spots on the horizon, "Be careful!"

Mundra looked up.

A long sword shot from mid-air, and the silver fighting spirit wiped the sky and night, as fast as a shooting star.


The sword was blocked, swung an arc in mid-air, and fell quickly, piercing the head of the undead knight who shot the sword.

Hayden rushed to Mundra's side, drew out the fighting spirit range with a sword in one hand, and hugged him into his arms in shock with the other hand.He couldn't imagine what would happen if he came half a step late.

As if seeing his doubts, Mundra said calmly: "The witch corpse will protect me."

Hayden bent his knees slightly, quickly kissed his cheek, and said with a light smile, "Even if it's a witch corpse, I'd be jealous."

At the same time, Otis commanded the earth puppet to reach out and hold Frank in his palm, forming a solid earth barrier.

The civil strife on the imperial side allowed Sophie and Gabrad, who were waiting for an opportunity, to see the dawn of victory.

Gabrad held the long sword in his hand, and the fighting spirit lingered around the sword like lightning.He raised his long sword and shouted: "Fight for the light, for the faith, for justice!" The long sword swung down, and the fighting spirit of the sword shot out everywhere.

The Tulip Legion's water barrier was hit by ripples, and it broke in a short while!

The sky was full of water like pouring rain, and water droplets shot like marbles, pouring down from the sky above the Tulip Army.Fortunately, there were a few fire magicians who were clever and temporarily used fire elements to form a shielding net to block some of the water droplets, which saved their entire army from getting wet. Even so, the Tulip Legion's impenetrable defense was broken.

Sophie was very excited, and he waved the scepter in his hand, and the golden circle of light surged from the top of the scepter layer by layer.

"We are favored by the goddess, and victory will surely belong to us!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw a sudden light behind him.Fei Da, who was supposed to be guarding the headquarters of the God of Light, appeared anxiously in the center of the light, "The Pope has ordered that the God of Light will immediately withdraw to the temple!"


Not only Sophie and Gabrad were taken aback, but even the other priests and members of the Holy Knights were also stunned.

A battle has been fought until now, and it is hard to see the hope of victory, so they want to retreat? !

Sophie Luo said: "Fei Da! Do you know what you are talking about?"

Fei Da's originally unfocused gaze focused on his face instantly, and there was a little begging in his eyes, "Please, retreat immediately!"

The light quickly dissipated, leaving only a green afterimage.

Sophie Luo and Gabride looked at each other among tens of thousands of people, and both could see each other's surprise and hesitation.In the Society of Light, only the Pope and the Son of Light are capable of using clones, so Feida's verbal instructions cannot be false.But why?Why not sooner or later, when the balance of this war has just begun to tilt towards them!

Sophie Luo was filled with deep resentment.

Although Gabrad was also very reluctant, he restrained his emotions rationally.He raised his head and examined the situation on both sides.Although he broke the water barrier while Hayden was not in the Tulip Legion, the Tulip Legion quickly changed their formation and made up for this deficiency with the soil barrier, forming a crescent moon formation.Let them be cautious and dare not attack rashly. The good situation created by breaking the barrier disappeared when Feida gave the order to retreat.

Hayden's dazzling blond hair reappeared in the middle of the Tulip Army's camp, like a thick book pressed on a stack of papers blown by the wind, stabilizing all uneasiness.


He gave orders and changed formation in an orderly manner.

Sofiro shouted anxiously: "Gabrad!" If you leave now, it means giving up everything!Give up the sneak attack, give up Putra City, give up the Banding Empire, give up the glory of the God of Light, and even give up the belief in the Goddess of Light in many countries.He didn't know why the Pope issued such an order, but at this point, there was no room for retreat.

Gabrad raised his head, his eyes were as firm as a rock, "I am a holy knight, and I am loyal to the goddess and the Pope!" The direction he pointed with his long sword was his former rear.

Sophie closed her eyes in pain.

He knew that the battle was over.

Not only the city of Putra, but also the Banding Empire and the God of Light.

A knight, led by the captain of the Tulip Legion, came to Hayden, "General Dinan's Conil pays his respects to Marshal Hayden!"

Hayden smiled and said, "Your general did a great job."

Conil showed a proud look, "General Dinan is a great general." He paused, and then said, "Of course, it's all because he was once under the wise leadership of Marshal Hayden. Ask for the battle plan."

Hayden looked at the Guangming Shenhui who was about to retreat, "Weaken it, let it go."


Although under the current circumstances, the retreat of the God of Light is imperative, but this order came from the Pope far away in the Temple of Light, which made him a little surprised, especially the retreat order he issued was to withdraw to the Temple of Light. Rather than a strategic temporary retreat.In this situation, people have to wonder if something happened to the Temple of Light.Of course, it may also be a trick to lure the enemy into deep - but for him

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