
Chapter 48 Soldiers approaching the city

Two flames appeared on the dark wall.Two torches slanted down the stone steps beside the city gate one after the other.

The distance between the two sides gradually narrowed in the steady footsteps of Hayden and others.

Under the flickering light of the torch, there were two tired and fierce faces.The same burly physique makes the resolution between the two extremely low, and they can only be judged from their different hair colors.

This is how Susan explained, "The brown-haired one is Johnny from the Iron Triangle Mercenary Group. He is not a knight, but a retired soldier. The red-haired one is Luther from the Storm Mercenary Group. He is a second-order knight."

"Susan." Luther's eyes were deeply sunken from below the brow bone.In the dim light, the eyes covered by the shadow of the brow bone were like two black holes, extremely ferocious, "Who are they?"

His tone was calm, but Hayden and Hansen had no doubt that he would catch them off guard and kill them in the next second.

"This is Marshal Hayden Nafist, his captain of the guard, Mr. Hansen, and Miss Monica." Susan's crisp voice suddenly disrupted the illusion of calm between Luther and Johnny.

They exclaimed almost at the same time: "Hayden Nafist?" Their voices changed in the night wind.Luther repeated again and again in disbelief: "Hayden Nafist? How is this possible?" The heart that had been tormented by the army of the undead for ten days was throbbing with joy and excitement.Luther turned to look at Johnny like a child, seeking approval.

But the indifference on Johnny's face hit his expectations hard, and his mind regained his composure all of a sudden.He stared suspiciously at Hayden and said, "You just have the same name as the marshal, right?" Although Hayden Nafist had a great reputation in the empire, made many military exploits, and was a symbol of the empire's soldiers, but at the same time, he was also a nobleman. Moreover, he is a prominent nobleman who is overwhelmed by delicious compliments and surrounded by flowers and money.How could he come to this border town that has been completely forgotten by the empire?

Susan quickly repeated Hayden's previous explanation, but Johnny and Luther couldn't believe it anymore.

An important marshal of the empire came to visit friends alone?

Luther's face darkened, "Susan, now is not the time to mess around."

Susan said: "What I said is true. Teacher George has confirmed his identity." At this time, she knew that her words did not have much weight, so she could only move the teacher out.

Luther snorted softly with his nose, then turned to look at Johnny.

Johnny looked at Hayden coldly and said, "How do you prove it?" As soon as he finished speaking, a sword was placed on his shoulder before he had time to react, keeping a distance of two centimeters from his neck. .

Holding the sword, Hansen smiled and said, "Most of the time, I'm a friendly person."

He pushed Darren to the apprentice magician standing beside him.The man frantically tried to support Darren, but he fell backwards under the weight. In the end, three or four trainee magicians worked together to hold him steady.

Johnny's face became extremely ugly.When anyone has such a sword next to his neck, his complexion will not be very good.

"However," Hansen's tone turned cold, "if someone doubts the personality of Marshal Hayden in front of me, then my attitude may become a little harsh."

"I don't think he doubted the personality of Marshal Hayden, he doubted the identity of Marshal Hayden." A gentle man about three to forty years old walked down the stone steps.Conrad saw that Johnny and Luther hadn't come up after going down for so long, so he came down to take a look, but he didn't expect to hear such shocking news.

Hayden and Hansen had known for a long time that he was standing by and eavesdropping, and they were not surprised by his appearance.

Hayden smiled and said, "If my identity troubles you, I don't mind if you think of me as a tenth-rank knight named Hayden."

The flames of Johnny and Luther's resentment instantly shrank by half, and even Conrad fell silent.

Yes, it doesn't matter whether this young man is Marshal Hayden or not. What matters is whether he is really a knight of the tenth rank, and whether he is really... the person who came to help them.

Conrad was silent for a long time: "This is an extraordinary period, and our situation is very difficult. Necromancers are very cunning, and we cannot be sure whether they are weaving a conspiracy against us..."

He said it very implicitly, but Hansen continued bluntly: "It's even more uncertain whether we are the product of their conspiracy."

When it comes to this, Conrad is also calm, "I hope you can understand."

Hansen said: "That is to say, you don't need our help? Well, I think we should find a hotel to spend this long night. I just happened to be sleepy." He yawned deliberately.

Mundella has long been sleeping soundly in Hayden's arms.

Conrad hesitated: "Of course, we do need your help."

Hansen said helplessly, "Then what exactly do you want?"

Hayden said with a smile: "He hopes we can follow their orders."

Conrad could only smile awkwardly when he was told something was wrong.

Hansen curled his lips, "Command the Marshal? Do you have His Majesty's permission?" Hayden is currently the highest-ranking officer in the empire. Except for Ciro, no one can command him.

Conrad also seemed to feel a little overpowering, but Hayden's appearance was indeed too weird.The reason why a powerful imperial marshal suddenly appeared in a crisis-ridden border town with two people just to visit friends is really hard to believe.Personally, he was very willing to trust Hayden, but from a rational point of view, he couldn't let go of his guard so easily.

The dilemma caused him to freeze on the spot.

After Conrad appeared, Luther and Johnny did not express their views.Although both of their two mercenary regiments have more people than the Magic Guild, the main force to deal with the undead army still relies on the Magic Guild, so in the general direction, they will subconsciously refer to the choice of the Magic Guild—of course, this is without compromising and self-interest.

Susan suddenly said: "Didn't the teacher say that the necromancer has an obvious undead aura? If Hayden... Your Excellency is a necromancer, the teacher should be able to detect it."

"The aura of the undead can cover it. And," Conrad sighed, "is there no aura of the undead in the current city of Mar?"

He said this purely as a feeling for the environment, but it was completely different when he heard Hansen's ears.He exaggeratedly stretched his waist and said, "Since the discussion can't be concluded, why don't we end our discussion?"

Hayden leaned over and hugged Mundra, smiled slightly at Susan and said, "Indeed. It is a waste to sacrifice sleep to discuss an issue that is difficult to convince each other. I think what we most urgently need now is a clean hotel. "

Susan looked at Hayden anxiously, pleading and worried in her eyes.

"However, regardless of whether I am the Marshal of the Empire or not, I am a part of the Empire. The city of Mar is the territory of the Kandin Empire, and I will not allow it to fall into anyone's hands." Hayden rushed to Conrad and others Nodding his head, he turned and left.

Hansen took Darren from the apprentice magicians, hugged him and Hayden.

Susan immediately chased after her, "I'll take you to the hotel."

The other trainee magicians of the Magic Guild looked at each other in blank dismay.One of them cautiously stepped forward and said, "Teacher, I think you are too cautious. They did use the teleportation magic circle to teleport from Court City, we can testify. And he is really powerful."

Conrad sighed: "I'm more worried just because they came from Court City."

The trainee magicians didn't understand what he meant, but Johnny and Luther were astute in their hearts.

More than half of the reason why Mar City fell to where it is today is due to the blood-sucking family in Court City!The failure of the teleportation magic circle at such a juncture is the best proof.They will do everything for their own benefit. Although from the current point of view, Mar City has been drained and abandoned, who knows if they will come up with any more outrageous ideas?

Maybe Court City reached an agreement with the Necromancer, and then sent his men to sneak in, trying to take the city of Mar with both inside and outside.

It's very possible!

Conrad's guilt towards Hayden was suppressed, and his heart was filled with fear and worry.He hurriedly said, "Can the magic circle still work?"

The trainee magicians said, "We haven't used it before."

"Destroy it immediately!"

Conrad used wind magic to quickly rush towards the magic guild.

Johnny and Luther looked at each other.Although they didn't know what happened, it seemed that something very bad was happening in front of them.

Susan took Hayden to the largest hotel in the city.But at this time, the business of all hotels is deserted.The innkeeper looked at the stranger who came to the door in surprise, with slight warning in his eyes.At such times there are always more outlaws than passers-by.If it weren't for Susan who brought them here, maybe he would have closed the door and turned away customers.

Fortunately, Hayden and Hansen were both tired. Even though they noticed his hostility, they didn't take it seriously, and went upstairs after paying the deposit.

They only need two rooms.

Hayden and Mundra, Hanson and Darren.But Darren was still asleep. After Hansen confirmed that there was nothing wrong with his body, he let him continue to sleep.

After hearing this, Susan left hastily.

Hayden vaguely guessed what she was thinking, but at this moment he really didn't have the energy to welcome an affair.He shared a room with Mundra just to be close enough to protect him.He didn't feel at all that a city full of undead breath was a reassuring and safe city.

Hansen stayed in Hayden's room for a while.

They have been so exciting these two days that their thoughts are always surging in the present, but they have neglected some important things.For example——

"How are you going to find the Viscount?" He was referring to Hayden's father.

Hayden said: "Anita has been taking care of him for so many years, I think I can go to the city lord's mansion to inquire about it."

Seeing Hayden's serious face, Hansen comforted him and said, "The law of necromancy is to assassinate the city lord. The movement must be very small, and Lord Viscount will not be implicated."

Hayden accepted his comfort silently.

Mundra on the bed suddenly sat up.

Hayden and Hansen were startled.Hayden walked to the bed and stroked his hair, "Did you wake up?"

Mundra touched his stomach and said, "I'm hungry."

It's okay if he doesn't say anything, but when it comes to being hungry, both Hayden and Hansen feel their stomachs are rumbling.

As a result of the rumbling stomach, the innkeeper who had already fallen asleep was dug up again to prepare food from the kitchen.

The three of Hayden sat in the small dining room of the hotel.The stove was already burning, and the flames were glowing, quickly warming the room.A plate of walnuts sits on a boxy wood plank table.Hansen and Hayden tapped with a small hammer placed next to the plate.

Mundella was in charge of eating, and didn't stop until he was three-thirds full. He asked Hayden, who was looking at him anxiously, "Do you want to eat?"

Hayden nodded.

Mundra moved the half-plucked walnut in front of him.

Hayden said, "My hands are very busy."

Mundra said, "Open your mouth."

Hayden opened up very cooperatively.

Mundra tossed in the walnuts, with excellent accuracy.

"Pfft." Hansen immediately moved his chair to hide his laughter.

Hayden chewed silently.

The boss finally brought up the hot pumpkin porridge and a basket of bread.Even with Susan as a guarantee, the boss is still reluctant to contact them, and he puts down the basket and prepares to leave.Hayden stopped him and said, "Do you know how to get to the city lord's mansion?"

The boss warned: "What are you doing at the city lord's mansion?"

Hayden said: "My friend is... working there. I know something happened in the city, and I want to go see him."

The boss sneered and said, "The city lord has been killed, what will be left there? They all ran away when they left, maybe even the floor was pried off."

Hayden said, "Do you know where they went?"

The boss said, "I don't know about that."

Hansen took out two gold coins, put them on the table, and said with a smile, "You don't seem to be well-informed."

While putting away the gold coins, the boss said in distaste: "It won't work when the necromancer comes in." However, he still revealed a little news, "Everyone is thinking about how Live! No one dares to bet all on the Magic Guild and the Mercenary Group. As far as I know, a group of people gathered in the south of the city, and they are going to leave the city."

Hansen said: "Aren't they afraid of necromancers?"

The boss said: "Aren't the Magic Guild and the mercenary group against each other? Besides, there are also very capable people among them, otherwise how dare they take such a risk."

Hansen grinned at the boss and said, "Aren't you following?"

The boss straightened his face, "What's none of your business?"

Hansen looked at the back of the boss shaking his head and walking away, and praised: "You have character." Turning his head and seeing Hayden buried in his bread, he whispered, "Are you planning to..."

Hayden raised his head, brushed his fingers lightly over the bread crumbs on his lips, and nodded slightly, "I can't sleep anyway."

Although Mundra fell asleep soon after eating, Hayden didn't feel at ease leaving him and Darren in the hotel, so he and Hansen carried them into the city lord's mansion.

Hansen felt very happy when he thought of his stinky face when he woke up the boss who had just fallen asleep again to ask for directions.To be honest, he was really lonely after being separated from Dinan for so many days.Although Hayden had no pretensions and was an easy boss to get along with, given the majesty and status of the Marshal, it was impossible for him to make fun of Hayden like he did to Dinan.

I really hope to end everything here soon and return to the imperial capital.Hansen looked at the dark sky, and his mood fell again. Even the pleasure of bullying the boss just now was obliterated.

Hayden walked around the mansion and had to agree with the boss's words.Even the floor here was almost pried off, and the chaos at that time can be imagined.Anita probably escaped a catastrophe.

Hansen was about to ask if he wanted to go to the south of the city, but when he saw the light in the sky, he said in surprise, "Isn't that the city gate guarded by the Magic Guild?"

Hayden looked up.

I saw the direction of the city gate, and the fire was soaring into the sky!

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