
Chapter 58: Land of the Dead

"Rule number one, don't leave my side."

"Rule number two, don't leave my side."

"The third rule..."

"You are so long-winded."

"You have to remember."


The two of them moved forward in an orderly manner.

Despite having the necromancer's map, Hayden wasn't sure it was correct.Originally, he could give it a go, but after having more "Monica" on the way, he had to consider the safety of the two of them.Therefore, although he was in a hurry, he did not dare to let the horse run too fast.A horse carrying two people is easily overworked and unable to support it.Except for the Necromancer, no one knows what is hidden in Xigui Desert, let alone how big it is.

They traveled during the day and pitched tents to rest at night.Hayden secretly rejoiced that he had the habit of bringing a tent, otherwise the low temperature at night in Xigui Desert would easily frostbite "Monica".But now he is full of heart to reach Dans City as soon as possible, even if the beauty is in his arms, he did nothing, at most he hugged him to prevent him from catching a cold.

After walking like this for nearly seven days, Hayden's confidence in the authenticity of this map dropped again and again.

The signs that should appear on the map did not appear.

He is very confident in his sense of direction. Geography is one of the necessary conditions for marching and fighting, so he learned this subject very well.Fortunately, the sand in the Western Rose Desert is not thick, and sometimes large rocks can be seen. Although the air is very dry, water elements can still be gathered, so they don't have to worry about water.The only thing to consider is food. Not only are there few plants in Xigemo, but even animals are rare. Occasionally, you can see poisonous things like scorpions rampant. However, Hayden will never include them in the dinner menu unless it is absolutely necessary. of.

On the No.11 day, the horse suddenly fell down.It was exhausted and extremely depressed, and it was already the limit to get here.

Hayden took Mundra down and took out a knife to cut the horse for meat.He was originally worried that "Monica" would find it difficult to accept seeing such a bloody scene, and wanted him to carry it on his back, but in a blink of an eye he saw him secretly turning around, watching him with the knife with great interest.

Maybe my movements are so elegant and beautiful that it is worth watching intently, or maybe "Monica" is too hungry.

Hayden found a good reason for him, and took out the pot and poured water on the spot to burn the horse meat.He is not a fire magician, and he needs firewood to make fire, but the firewood accumulated as military supplies is obviously very limited. He roughly estimated that he can only use it four or five times.In order to save firewood, he simply put a few more pieces of horse meat down, so that he can eat it next time if he can't finish it.

At this time, he felt that "Monica" was really thankful for not being picky eaters.

Mundra ate the meat in silence, then dozed off against Hayden.

Wearing the armband for the third time, Mundra's rejection of the armband was less obvious than before.Especially after going deep into the West Rose Desert, he even felt that as long as he wanted to, he could use a little undead magic while wearing an armband.He sleeps mostly just because he's used to leaning against Hayden or letting him hold him.

Sure enough, Hayden put his arms around him while cleaning up the pot.

"Do you want to rest early today?" Hayden asked.

Mundra blinked, "Not sleepy."

Hayden glanced at him with a half-smile, "Are you really not sleepy?"

Mundra tried to open his eyes wide to show that he was awake.

Hayden touched his face, "Although I really want to go to Dans City early and meet my father, I don't want you to get sick either. Do you understand?"

"I won't get sick." Mundra was too familiar with the weather in Xigemo, so instead of feeling uncomfortable, he felt very comfortable.

"Okay. Then shall we continue on our way?" Hayden stood up and pulled him up.

Mundra posted it.

"I'll carry you on my back." Hayden squatted down.

Mundra walked around in front of him, raised his hands, "Hug."

Hayden picked him up graciously.Mundra is too light, there is not much difference between holding him and carrying him.

The speed of traveling with wind magic is more than ten times faster than before, but if you go the wrong way, the error will be doubled and then doubled.

It was getting dark, and Hayden was about to find a sheltered place to set up a tent, when Mundra yanked off his collar, "There is danger ahead."

In fact, at the same time as he reminded, Hayden also felt a much stronger breath of undead than other places.He stopped, temporarily put aside the question of why "Monica" knew there was danger ahead, and tiptoed forward with him in his arms.

At this time, the joy of seeing people dilutes the fear of seeing the necromancer.Compared to two people searching in a strange and vast place without a clue, he would rather meet a strong enemy who knows the way, at least there is hope of getting out.

There is a small stone house made of rocks in front of you. If you don't look carefully, you can easily mistake it for a pile of rocks and miss it.

From the cracks in the roof of the stone house, white cooking smoke kept coming out, carrying the aroma of meat.

The corners of Hayden's mouth raised involuntarily.

He put down Mundra, saw him hiding behind him, and walked out graciously.

A circle of small bells are placed on the ground around the stone house, and the wind will not ring, but when people approach, they will jingle and remember.

The door made of rock was pushed open immediately, and a thin woman in a dark green dress rushed out with a shovel, cursing vaguely: "You bastard, are you willing to come back?"

Hayden raised his hand to greet her, "Hello."

The thin woman's complexion changed, she took out a bone staff, stared at him warily and said, "Who are you?"

Hayden said: "Passerby."

The thin woman narrowed her eyes and looked him up and down. "What are you doing here?"

"I want to go to Dans City, and I'm here to ask for directions."

"What are you doing in Dans City?"

"Business." Hayden laughed, "I'm a businessman."

The thin woman turned around and entered the room, and closed the door with the doorknob.

Hayden blinked.This is the first time in his life that he has been rejected by a woman.He looked at the lower bell, which was still jingling.

After a while, the skinny woman rushed out unbearably and said, "What are you doing standing here? My man is coming back soon! Let him see you, heh heh, you will be made into a snack by him and put in the pot cook."

Hayden smiled indifferently: "Why don't you let me, the appetizer, go into the pot by myself?"

The thin woman glared at him.Although she didn't say it, her expression already regarded him as a monster.

Hayden said, "I'm very sincere."

The skinny woman asked, "Are you a knight?"

Hayden smiled and said, "Yes."

"How many levels?"

"Tenth step." Hayden didn't hide anything.

The thin woman seemed to have thought of something, and a flame flickered in her eyes.She asked, "Are you really going to Dans City for business?"


"Come in." The woman opened the door, turned and entered.

Hayden pulled Mundra into it.

The stone house looks small from the outside, but even smaller from the inside. It can only accommodate a bed, a cooking stove and a triangular table.

"Have you eaten yet?" the woman asked.

As soon as Hayden entered the door, his eyes had already glanced at the contents of the pot. The familiar figure wanted him to convince himself that it was not a scorpion. "I've eaten." He smiled and sat down at the table.

The woman took one look at Mundra, then continued to focus on the pot.After a while, she took out the contents of the pot, and it turned out that there were two unidentifiable pieces of meat straddling the scorpion.She ate up the food and the soup in two or three bites, then wiped her mouth and said, "My man knows the way to Dans City."

Hayden's eyes lit up, and he said happily, "I wonder when he will come back?"

"He's not here. I'll take you to find him later." The woman pulled out a box from under the bed, then found two dresses, and compared them in front of Hayden, "Which one looks better?"

Can you choose which one is not good-looking?

Hayden hesitated for a long time between pink and rose red, and finally chose rose red.In contrast, this rose red dress is more suitable for a woman's age.

The woman frowned, not so satisfied with his answer, "My man likes me in pink."

Hayden smiled and said, "Then pink."

"Are you perfunctory with me?" The woman rolled her eyes.Her eyes had more whites than pupils, and when she turned, she felt as if her eyes had turned more than half a circle, which was indescribably weird.

"Of course not." Hayden said, "But every man has different preferences."

The woman nodded and said, "That's right. He's just a bastard with no taste or vision." She suddenly became angry, "What are you still doing in the room?! I want to change clothes, are you going to peek at me changing clothes?"

Hayden had to take Mundra out.

The door slammed again, but this time she came out quickly, in a rose-red dress, crimson lipstick, and a large hat with white feathers on her head.From a distance, it looks like a slender bottle with the wrong cap.

The woman closed the door, took out a lock bigger than the hat to lock the door, and said to Hayden, "Let's go."

Hayden didn't dare to ask more, fearing that she would lose her temper again, so he simply followed him from a distance.

After walking for about an hour, the sky completely darkened.

A string of exquisite orange lanterns leads the way in the dark of the woman.The lanterns are lit with green phosphorous fire, and although there are long strings of orange lanterns, the road is green and gloomy.

As we walked, several stone houses appeared in front of us.There is a stone shed in the middle of the stone house, and on both sides are stone pillars of different shapes and sizes, with big stones on top.Five or six people were sitting under the shed, talking and laughing, each holding a cup drilled out of a stone. Among them, a shirtless man with a horse face was the loudest and moved the loudest. Every time he moved, liquid would flow from his Spilled in the glass.

"You bastard!" The woman's voice suddenly rose, her emotions seemed uncontrollable.

The horse-faced man shook his body, turned his head in surprise, and a trace of disgust flashed quickly in his eyes.

The woman suddenly raised her chin, took a step back and took Hayden's arm.

Although he didn't know what happened, Hayden still smiled cooperatively.

"What do you want to do?" the horse-faced man said in a deep voice.

The woman said: "Hahaha, I will show you my new man. He is a hundred times younger than you and a hundred times more beautiful! He is a knight of the tenth rank! He is a hundred times more capable than you!"

Hayden really wanted to remind him that judging by the age of the man in front of him, being a hundred times younger than him probably couldn't be a hundred times more capable than him.

The horse-faced man said viciously: "Slut!"

The woman proudly said: "Don't think that you are the only one who can find someone else, I can too!"

Someone next to him leaned over and said something to the horse-faced man, and the horse-faced man's expression immediately softened, "That's fine. From now on, you will live your life, and I will live mine. Don't bother me again."

The woman jumped in anger, "Are you still a man?! Aren't you angry that your wife is with other men? Why don't you take me back?!"

The horse-faced man frowned.The others roared with laughter.

The person next to the horse-faced man smiled and said, "Look. She really lied to you."

The woman blushed, but was suddenly wrapped in an arm.Hayden looked at them with a smile and said, "Is he your husband? He is really an unappetizing opponent."

The horse-faced man rushed out with a loud shout.

What he used was vindictiveness!

Hayden drew his sword conveniently, and before the opponent could react, he blocked his fighting spirit and pressed the sword against his neck.

A series of incantations suddenly sounded behind him.

Hayden raised his eyebrows, and was about to turn around when a body stuck tightly behind him.He withdrew his sword, hugged Mundra with his backhand, swayed his body slightly, and got behind the skeletons that had just emerged from the ground, and then swept the horizontal sword, and the skeletons shattered to the ground.

The woman held the bone staff in front of the horse-faced man, watching him warily.

Hayden ignored her, but pulled Mundella out and said, "Don't stand in front of me in the future."

"The back," Mundra corrected.

"Any direction is the same. You just need to hide under my protection." Hayden put his arms around him.

Mundra said: "I said I would protect you."

Hayden smiled and said, "But I also want to protect you, what should I do?"

Mundella tilted his head and thought for a while, then said, "We will try our best."

"So are you finished?" The horse-faced man rudely interrupted their conversation, pushed the woman, and said angrily, "What's going on here?"

The woman hesitated and refused to speak.

Hayden could tell that among all the people present, only the woman was a necromancer, and the others seemed to be knights.A female knight suddenly ran out of the next house.As soon as she came over, the woman jumped up as if her tail had been stepped on, pointed at her nose and cursed: "Bitch!"

Hayden suddenly lost interest in watching.

Because he had already guessed the general outline of the story.

Sure enough, the female knight and the woman began to scold each other in the field regardless of others.From the other party's facial features and figure to his moral behavior, he is extremely mean.

In the end, the horse-faced man couldn't stand it anymore, shouted loudly, and pulled the two women apart, but from his actions, it was already clear that his heart was towards the female knight.

The woman's complexion suddenly became indescribably contorted.She looked at them, let out a sinister laugh, and said for a long time: "You will pay for this!"

The development of the story here should be the battle between the necromancer and the knights, but——

An ignorant knight jumped out and asked, "Could you please tell me first, how to get to Dans City?" Seeing the gazes coming over him, Hayden thought innocently: It's not that he doesn't know how to read his face, but He was worried that no one would be able to answer this question after the fight.

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