It's in this building, I'll finish it later and send it to you, you won't dislike it, right? "

The loyal dog's heart melted all at once, and he endured the urge to nosebleed and stared at Wenxi tenderly: "No, I like your craftsmanship very much, and I won't get tired of eating it for a lifetime."

"Won't you get bored for a lifetime?" Wen Xi murmured to himself, and then smiled slightly: "I'm going to make breakfast, you go first, I will come over later."

Although the loyal dog didn't know why the queen was suddenly in such a happy mood, he could only nod: "Do you know which floor I am on, the two rooms 15 and 1507,1508 on the [-]th floor."

Wen Xi smiled lightly: "I know, your real estate certificate is still under my pressure. You go first, I will make breakfast after I wash up." After speaking, he closed the door.

Outside the door, Gu Jiuran let out a long sigh and went out to close the door.

Inside the door, Wen Xi sat on the bed, stroking Congee Congee's ear: "He said that he would never get tired of eating my cooking, does this mean that he doesn't hate me and I can fight for myself? "

Poor porridge woke up completely startled by Wen Xi's words, oh my god, this beautiful, good cook, smart, good-natured master fell in love with that unlovable bad tenant, he racked his brains and decided to change the subject: " Master, I'm hungry~ Let's have breakfast~"

Fox demons are not hungry, but for the sake of their master's return, there is nothing wrong with lying~

What I didn't expect was-

"Congee porridge, you are right, I also want to make tomato gnocchi for the senior, I can't be in a daze!"

Congee burst into tears upon hearing this.

Opposite the top floor of the building—

A man with a handsome face and a slender figure retracted the binoculars in confusion, his handsome eyebrows were tangled together: Didn't it mean that Gu Jiuran lives in 1507, why did he go to 707?

And who is that beautiful woman, with slender legs and slashed back like a goblin—could it be Gu Jiuran, the golden house hidden beauty?In any case, Gu Jiuran is his important competitor in this design competition, so he has to inquire about his opponent's situation.

Shi Xiaonian secretly despises Gu Jiuran's way of hiding her beauty in a golden house, but this beauty seems to be—a man? (Little Nian Gao, you misunderstood... the other way around!)

Oh, shit!Shi Xiaonian secretly cursed a monster in his heart.I thought in my heart that if Gu Jiuran likes this person, then the resistance for me to marry Qingqing and go home will be less, it couldn't be better, it couldn't be better——

Shi Xiaonian smiled slightly, turned and left.

After happily brushing her teeth and washing her face, Wen Xi went to the kitchen and started making tomato gnocchi.

Wen Xi took out a large bowl of dried fresh wheat that was grown in the space, which was dried and ground, three fresh sweet and sour tomatoes, and six eggs that were so plentiful in the space, ready to start Make Sour Tomato Gnocchi.

Because it was made for three people, Wen Xi took out a large porcelain bowl, poured fresh dry flour into it, added two spoons of salt, and stirred it evenly.With a snap of the fingers, the clear water mixed with space spring water prepared in advance in the bowl flew into the air like a seaspout, and turned into a thin stream of water and slowly added to the porcelain bowl.Wen Xi stirred vigorously with chopsticks to condense the flour into granules, which were then placed in the bowl.

Although Wenxi can use spells to make the chopsticks stir by themselves, a kitchen that uses spells completely loses its meaning, and it also makes people who cook lose interest.As for making soup for Gu Jiuran's hands, Wen Xi's idea is that besides cooking for his favorite seniors, he is also practicing spells, which does not include the word "lazy", although the Queen will be lazy occasionally.

Crack the eggs, break them up, add salt and beat to melt.Tomatoes are blanched and cut into pieces, put into the pan and stir-fried with oil, and the sweet and sour taste will soon be released.With a wave of Wen Xi's hand, all the remaining clean water mixed with the spring water from the space was poured into the pot, and it started to simmer. When the aroma was overflowing, sprinkle the pimples and pour in the beaten egg liquid.The thick egg liquid gradually turns into strands of splash chicken in the tumbling of boiling water, mixed with white gnocchi and red tomatoes, which looks very bright.

It's ready to be out of the pot immediately. Wenxi sprinkled some chopped green onion, sprinkled some salt, poured fragrant sesame oil on it, took it out of the pot hot, scooped it with a big spoon and put it into a sea bowl with coriander.Wen Meiren didn't care about eating by herself, she just filled a horseshoe bowl of porridge, packed it in a hurry, changed her clothes, took the keys and mobile phone and went straight to the fifteenth floor, leaving behind the little fox porridge who was depressed and waiting for the owner to feed it Porridge.

Wen Xi carried a small square rattan basket, took the elevator to the fifteenth floor, and stood in front of 1507 and 1508, worrying.Gu Jiuran said that there are two rooms, one for men and one for women, wouldn't it be embarrassing if he went to the wrong room?

Just like telepathy, just as Wen Xi was standing between 1507 and 1508 depressed, the door of 1507 opened. Gu Jiuran was taken aback when he saw this embarrassed Wen Xi, but he immediately reacted and brought Wen Xi inside.

As a high-end residential building in the center of N, the interior decoration should be romantic even if it is not the most luxurious.When Wen Xi stood in the living room of this house, it felt unreal.The wall of the living room is covered with wallpaper inlaid with Swarovski crystals worth 5000 RMB per square meter, but a big SB mark is painted obliquely on the wallpaper. An elegant and orderly sofa should be placed in the living room. The desks and chairs are in a mess, and the drawing tools are piled up on the entire coffee table.

How is this like a place where the poor have no place to stand?Wen Xi carried the basket in her hand, carefully followed Gu Jiu, and walked slowly to a room in the south.

There is only a table and two chairs in the room, and a large and gorgeous coffin-like sofa, which is full of vines and roses. The dark red color looks gorgeous and low-key, and a delicate cross in the middle is even more beautiful. Eye-catching.

Wen Xi withdrew his eyes reluctantly, put the basket on the table, took out the tomato gnocchi and a pair of chopsticks and handed them to Gu Jiuran, urging him to eat quickly with his eyes.

Gu Jiuran picked up the chopsticks and picked up a gnocchi and put it in his mouth to chew. He immediately picked up the second chopstick tomato and the third chopstick egg flower, eating with relish.

"Is it delicious?" Wen Meiren asked softly.

Gu Jiuran took a sip of the soup and asked him back: "Axi, that's your sofa, do you think it looks good, or do you like it?"

"I like it—" Wen Xi followed Gu Jiuran's eyes again, "Of course I like it."

Then Wen Meiren looked at his senior and looked at him with a gentle smile on his face: "Then, the answer to your question, I choose to answer the same as you."

Wen Xi lowered his head, raised the corners of his mouth, and smiled faintly. His stomach, which was a little hungry, seemed to be no longer hungry. Dear senior, do you know how much I hope that when I confess my love, your answer is the same.

The author has something to say: Wangtian, can I leave a message... If you leave more than 5 messages (I really don’t want many_) I will destroy Gu Jiuran’s little chrysanthemum, okay? PS: Xianggong, Yuzi, you guys are here~~~~


23. Gu Jiuran, the Cupid...

Wen Xi watched Gu Jiuran finish eating the sweet and sour tomato gnocchi, and felt that it was strange for a big man to like sweet and sour food, so he hesitated and said, "Senior, do you like sour and sweet food very much?" ?”

Looking at Wen Xi's hesitant expression, Gu Jiuran of course couldn't say that he doesn't eat sour food very much, so he could only say against his will: "No, it's just that he likes to eat sour food very much recently." After finishing speaking, he glanced at Wen Xi intentionally or unintentionally. Like Xi, the implication of his words was to praise Wen Xi's cooking skills in disguise.

"Then what flavor do you like?" Wen Meiren asked with her chin resting on one hand.

"Recently, I really like spicy food."

"Pfft—" the sound of someone spraying water.

"Boom—" This sounded like a head hitting a wall.

Gu Jiuran and Wenxi looked at each other, and turned their heads in unison to look at the two men and a woman who slammed into the door and fell to the ground.

Gu Jiuran stood up slowly, and walked in front of them: "Yuan Qingqing, Li Tang, Ding Meng, what's your opinion?"

Yuan Qingqing hurriedly got up, straightened her messy hair and slightly curled skirt, and dressed in an orderly manner, looking at Li Tang viciously.

As soon as Li Tang received Miss Yuan's attack wave, he immediately turned his head and stared at Ding Meng with the expression: It's all your fault.Staring at each other for a long time, the three of them turned their heads to look at Wen Meiren in unison, and there was a flash of green light.

Wen Xi looked at the people in front of him and twitched his mouth: "Senior, I'll go back to have breakfast first. I will eat hot and sour chicken, shredded potatoes, and tomato soup for lunch. Come back early. It seems that you are now If I have something to do, I'll leave first." After finishing speaking, he hurriedly cleaned up the bowls and chopsticks, and then disappeared with the small wicker basket in hand.Because he had a premonition: if he stayed, he would faint at the scene.

The "snap" door closed, and Gu Jiuran's warm oily portrait disappeared immediately. He leaned on the chair and folded his hands on his chest: "Tell each of you, what are you trying to express by being so impatient? For what, huh?" The uplifting sound of the last "ah" is very seductive, but it made the three of them tremble collectively.

Yuan Qingqing and Li Tang Dingmeng looked like they wanted to die, they couldn't speak after turning their mouths twice, Li Tang Dingmeng was really depressed, but there was still a stubborn green light flashing in Yuan Qingqing's eyes. Yuan Yaya is exactly the same.

"Let me answer you, boss." A slender and tall curly-haired beauty stood at the door, and beside him stood a handsome guy who was also tall and straight, who was clearly Yuan Yingying herself and her boyfriend Ji Yuan.

Yuan Qingqing almost rushed over to cover

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