Zimo broke the silence and said.

"Why, isn't the rice I cook delicious?" Sears couldn't accept it, is Zimo still angry?

"Of course not, your cooking skills are very good!" Wu Zimo was a little amused, why Hills's thinking was just turning around the question of whether the food was good or not.

"If that's the case, then why don't you come over for dinner suddenly tomorrow?" Hills asked in confusion. Could it be that during this period of time, Zimo has found a beastman who is better at cooking than him and treats him better?

Wu Zimo is helpless. Although he has not experienced family affection or love in the 28 years he has lived, he also has friendship. The loyal feelings of his subordinates also know some of the world.There is no so-called legal relationship on earth between him and Hills, just a person helping to take care of another person.

He didn't think there was anything wrong before. After all, Sears volunteered to take care of him. He just thought it was a willingness to fight and a willingness to suffer.But after seeing Hills' parents today, he suddenly realized that he was not qualified to accept his care with peace of mind on the grounds that Hills liked him.

For the first time in his life, Wu Zimo felt a little guilty. He felt guilty towards Hills' parents. He couldn't give his son anything, but he enjoyed Hills' meticulous care for such a long time and occupied Hills for so long without any reason. time.Now that his parents were back, he had no reason to do it anymore.

"I want to test my ability to take care of myself. I can't always rely on you!" Wu Zimo didn't tell the truth, because he knew that the truth wouldn't make sense to Sears.Hills seems to be a good talker, but he is actually a very stubborn person. He doesn't want Hills to think too much, so let it be!

Hills looked at Wu Zimo suspiciously. It wasn't that he didn't believe in Zimo, but that according to his understanding of Zimo, Zimo was definitely not the kind of person who would be interested in going into the kitchen. Besides, Zimo The bullet has not been practiced yet and the result is out!

After thinking about the exam, Hills still shook his head, "Zi Mo, it's still not good. Now you don't know any cooking skills, and you can't take care of yourself at all. If you want to learn cooking skills, I can teach you, you still come here Let's eat!"

Wu Zimo knew that in the tribe, there were some orcs who would help them in life in order to show favor to the female during their pursuit of the female, but they were not like himself and Hills, whose life was completely in charge of the other party.

Wu Zimo continued to persuade Hills patiently: "Sills, I'm not such a useless person, do you think I can't cook a meal? I can't cook, and I can't barbecue?"

Hills couldn't understand why Zimo suddenly asked to test his self-care ability today?Filter out what happened today, only the return of father and father is different from usual.Is it because of this? "Zimo, are you coming back because of father and father?"

"Zimo, you know, in the tribe, when every orc grows up, he will build his own unique house as a coming-of-age ceremony, and this house is my coming-of-age ceremony! Father and Daddy have their own houses Yes, after the orcs become adults, father and father will not interfere with all the behaviors, because this is the right that adult orcs should have. Of course, orcs should also be responsible for their own actions." Hills looked straight at Looking into Wu Zimo's eyes: "Zimo, taking care of you is my promise as an adult orc, and I have to be responsible for my promise. Father and dad can't interfere with my decision, you don't need to consider them."

Wu Zimo couldn't help sighing that Sears really knew him very well. After only getting along for such a period of time, Sears understood him so well.It's not that his mind is transparent, it's not that his emotions are written on his face, but that Hills really cares about him with all his heart.Wu Zimo admitted that he was persuaded.

Wu Zimo raised the most sincere smile since he came to this world, and said: "Okay, then I will eat barbecue and stir-fried vegetables tomorrow!" He thought, if this continues, in this pure and beautiful world, he may be able to bid farewell to the past forever. Lonely, bleak by myself!

"Okay, no problem!" Hills smiled happily, and Zimo finally agreed!


20. Hypoglycemia...

With a sound of 'squeak', Wu Zimo wrapped in a thick animal fur cloak and pushed open the door of his house, intending to go to Hills' house for breakfast.

"Zimo!" Hills saw Wu Zimo push the door in, and greeted him with a smile, and Wu Zimo smiled back.

"Zimo, father, Herley and I went hunting together today, so you and Mido can have lunch together at noon!" Hills said while eating breakfast.

Wu Zimo nodded, no objection, it has been like this since this winter, I am used to it.

Like before, when Hills went hunting, he would help Wu Zimo prepare lunch in advance, but since winter, when Hills went hunting, he has always settled for lunch in Miduo.According to Hills, the pre-prepared lunch is too cold in winter, and it will get cold quickly and become unpalatable.If Wu Zimo went over to Miduo for a meal, he could have a hot meal.

Based on the fact that this was indeed the case, and that he had no intention of not eating food that was not cooked by Hills, he accepted the result of the discussion between Mido and Hills naturally.

After breakfast, Hills cleared the table and set off to meet his father, Herley and other orcs at the gate of the tribe.Now that my father is pregnant, my father often goes hunting in the forest recently.

During this pregnancy, Dad especially likes to eat fresh tree fruits, especially snow crystal fruits.Snow crystal fruit is white in color, about the size of an orc's fist, has a lot of juice, and has a slightly sour taste. It is a tree fruit that is very popular with females.The snow crystal fruit only grows on the halfway up Yueru Mountain, where it is covered with heavy snow all the year round, and the snow crystal fruit grows very well there. Recently, my father would go to pick some every day.

Wu Zimo also came to his shooting practice range to do some warm-up exercises to prepare for the next day of shooting practice.Then he began his temporarily endless research on bullets.After the recent period of practice, the improvement of the bullet has made some progress, at least the distance has been extended, and the current shooting distance has reached about 80 meters.But what Wu Zimo wanted to improve the most was the penetrating power and explosive power, but due to limited conditions, there was no way to do it for the time being, and there was no rush.

After practicing for about an hour, Wu Zimo put down his pistol, exercised his arms that were stiff from keeping the same posture for a long time, and then punched two sets on the spot to drive away the coldness in his body.This is an action that Wu Zimo repeats every day. After every hour of practice, he must punch his body to exercise. This is not only a long-standing habit, but also a good way to increase the body's heat in the cold winter.

Pick up the pistol again and continue to practice, carefully recording the direction of the bullet when shooting, the magnitude of the recoil when shooting, and the penetration of the nearly 50 cm thickness of the loquat.

There is no papermaking technology here, and there is no ink or pencil, so now Wu Zimo's bullet improvement notes are recorded on a relatively hard light-colored animal hide, and the recording pen is thinned with charcoal, and then used Wrapped in cotton cloth, used like this.

Wu Zimo consumes a piece of animal skin that is one square meter wide every ten days. The consumption is still within the ability of Sears, and there is no need to increase the burden on Sears because of the recorded animal skins used.


Wu Zimo is now used to Miduo coming to the shooting range to look for him from time to time, so he calmly stopped shooting, opened the magazine to change the bullets, and loaded it.

"What's the matter, tell me!" Wu Zimo looked at Mi Duo who was panting non-stop in front of him, wondering why Mido always ran over at his fastest speed every time, did it feel good to be so panting?

"Zi...Mo, hurry up, Mikai...something happened!" Mido said in a hurry before he could breathe evenly.

"What's the matter? What happened?" Wu Zimo asked while quickly packing the pistol and bullets.

"I don't know. Just now we were chatting while eating berries, and he was fine. Then he suddenly trembled, his face was pale, and he was sweating profusely." Mido said anxiously, and Mikay's pale face frightened him. .

"Did you call for a doctor?" Wu Zimo stood up after cleaning up, and said, "Let's talk as we walk!"

"Well, please, the doctor has already arrived when I came here. Zimo, what should I do, Mikay will be fine?" Mido was extremely disturbed, just now he and another female were chatting with Mikay, everything was in jeopardy. It's normal, but Mikay suddenly did like that.Now he doesn't know what's going on, he feels very uncomfortable.

Looking at Mi Duo's anxious expression, Wu Zimo knew that Mi Duo came to him only to seek comfort, after all, the doctor had passed.And he doesn't know any medical skills, even if you ask him, you can't help.Wu Zimo has seen the effects of the medicinal herbs here, and they are still very good. As for the level of the doctor, he has not had much contact with them, so he is not very clear.

"Don't worry, the doctor has already arrived. With them here, Mi Kai will be fine." Wu Zimo comforted.

"I know that I should trust the doctor, but I have seen several females who have a sudden situation when they are pregnant, and then, then..." Mido dare not say that word, Afraid of saying something bad omen.

Wu Zimo knows that although the world here is not the same as the primitive society on earth,

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