After being rejected once, he was afraid of being hurt again. He was afraid that he would still get rejected after working hard for a long time.

But now, he knows that Mido also has him in his heart, but he can't get out of his own knot. If this is the case, then let him help him out in the future!

Sitting on the seat, Wu Zimo watched the interaction between Miduo and Lan Qiu from a distance, and couldn't help raising his eyebrows. Lan Qiu is very smart and knows how to seize opportunities, and the opportunity he created for him is not in vain!

Hills also noticed that after Mido left in a hurry, he went to the doctor to get medicine to bandage Lan Qiu's wound.He watched Mi Duo squatting on the ground, Lan Qiu was sitting on the ground but turned his head desperately, watching Mi Duo's movements intently, he couldn't help empathizing with him, and softly shouted: "Zi Mo!"

"Huh?" Wu Zimo turned around, looked at Hills and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Do you think Lan Qiu and Miduo can be together?" Hills looked at the two people in the distance and asked with little hope.

"Of course!" Wu Zimo replied affirmatively, raising his eyebrows.

"Huh!?" Hills didn't expect Wu Zimo to be so sure. He still felt that Miduo had already rejected Lan Qiu, so he just didn't plan to give Lan Qiu a chance. He... However, seeing Zimo's self-confidence With a full expression, Hills couldn't help showing a smile, he also believed now that Miduo and Lanqiu would definitely be together, like him and Zimo, like every couple in the tribe, loving together forever.

The drumbeat of '咚咚' sounded, and the competition continued.

All the orcs who successfully advanced to the next round turned into tigers and flew onto the arena. Lan Qiu also stood up, looked at Mi Duo, and said as if promising: "I will definitely win!"

"Well, I know!" Mido nodded and said so naturally.Lan Qiu smiled and flew onto the arena after transforming into a tiger.

The scuffle continued, but this time the number of people has decreased a lot. If you want to concentrate on a certain person, you can still do it.Mido tightly grabbed his sleeves, following every move of the people on the field, mobilizing his breath.He met the oncoming attack, Mido held his breath, he dodged the sneak attack from behind, Mido took a breath, he successfully defeated the opponent, Mido cheered softly...

Seeing Wu Zimo next to him, he couldn't help shaking his head and laughing. Miduo is usually a person who is a little rushed but careful, seemingly heartless but hides all his feelings in his heart. Emotions are tightly tied in a dead knot, and they refuse to untie it no matter what.

In the end, Lan Qiu, Hurley and two other orcs successfully became the remaining four contestants.Everyone cheered together, happy for the victorious orcs, and encouraged the orcs who had no chance for the time being.

The author has something to say: Merry Christmas!

48. About Oolong...

The females of the tribe began to prepare for the three-clan gathering, such as sewing two new sets of clothes quickly, or finding out some gifts and accessories from the former orcs in their own homes, which can be worn and displayed at the three-clan gathering, so as to show their popularity.The orcs also started to get busy with the gathering of the three clans, and they asked the married females of the Impreza clan and the Wing Lion clan for advice.

For example, what kind of confession methods do the females of the Impreza family like, and what kind of love expression methods do the females of the Winged Lion family like, they should quickly practice in advance.Also, what kind of accessories and small gifts do they like, why don't you hunt and find them quickly, and try your best to bring them back after you see the females you like at the tri-clan gathering!

The orcs had Xiao Jiujiu in their hearts, and the females also had their own Xiao Jiujiu in their hearts. When everyone was concentrating on their own affairs and immersed in a festive atmosphere, a roar of a tiger warning of danger awakened everyone in the tribe.

"A foreign enemy is attacking!" An orc roared. The dark clouds in front of him showed that a large number of wild beasts were coming.

"Everyone is ready to fight!" An orc standing in front just looked up and saw the dark cloud, and nervously issued a notice to his companions in the tribe.

All the orcs in the tribe were alarmed. They ran out of the house one after another, looked up at the big black cloud, and after they all turned into tigers, they rushed to notify the hunting notice. Guard ahead.

"Notify the patriarch quickly, there are a large number of flying beasts attacking the tribe!"

"All the females hide in the stone house, all the cubs go in, and they are not allowed to come out!" Some orcs saw the females still wandering outside and yelled to let them in.

The tribe was suddenly in chaos: the roaring orcs, the orcs who were busy turning into tigers; the female who was busy running back to her home, the female who was panicked; Cub.It was a mess, a mess!

Wu Zimo happened to be at Tyre's house today to visit Mikay and Lyle, and he was shocked when he heard such a dangerous emergency announcement.what happened?Foreign enemies attack?What foreign enemy?

Wu Zimo comforted the nervous Mikay, and let him and Lyle stay in the house with peace of mind and wait for the news not to go out, then hurried out of the house by himself.Standing outside the house and staring at the dark clouds, this color is so familiar!

Wu Zimo saw Tole flying towards the front of the tribe, he yelled 'Tole'.Toller heard the sound, turned his head and saw Wu Zimo and stopped, and waited for Wu Zimo to climb up his back before quickly taking off to the front of the tribe.

Unexpectedly, before reaching the front of the tribe to see the situation clearly, they met the orcs who hurried back and shouted: "It's a mistake, it's a mistake!"

"It's Bambiraptor, everyone help move out the food prepared in summer!"

"It's Bambiraptor, the front is wrong, everyone don't have to rush to the front, help move the food stored in summer!"

When Wu Zimo heard it, he immediately understood what was going on!Probably the orcs just in front were frightened immediately when they saw a large number of wild beasts galloping towards the tribe, and didn't bother to see what kind of beasts they were.Then quickly turned into a tiger, roared, and issued an emergency tiger roar to notify the tribe.After all, since the peace agreement with the Bambiraptor was reached this spring, the vigilance of the orcs in the tribe has become much looser, and they are not organizing orcs to patrol and prepare for battle.

In fact, in the past, every autumn, they would conduct some formation exercises and tactical rehearsals to resist the attack of the Bambiraptor.But since the peace agreement was reached, they no longer have to worry about Bambiraptor attacks, so naturally they have abandoned this exercise.That's why everyone was so nervous and panicked when they heard that there was an attack from a foreign enemy, because they realized that they were not prepared at all, and they had almost forgotten about the foreign enemy's attack.

When the orc who saw it came back to his senses and saw clearly what kind of beast was attacking, he also remembered the spring peace agreement between the tribe and the Bambiraptor, and realized that he had made a mistake.Hurriedly inform the tribe again: it is not a foreign enemy, but Bambiraptor, there is no need to prepare to fight against the enemy, just prepare food!

Wu Zimo ordered Tolle to fly back. The front is fine. We only need to send some orcs to exchange food with Bambiraptor and wait for them to leave the tribe.But today's incident reminded Wu Zimo that the tribe's awareness of defense is too weak, and their defensive capabilities are too insufficient.It was the Bambiraptor who came today, and their crisis was resolved. If not, if there was a foreign enemy attack, how vulnerable would it be?

How long has it been before their vigilance has been so loose? Are they too content with the status quo or are they too sapped of their awareness of prevention by a peaceful life?

Wu Zimo got off Tole's back silently, and asked Tole to help move out the food they had prepared since summer, while he walked back slowly, thinking slowly.

He looked up at the tribe. After everyone learned that it was not a foreign enemy, their fear and fear disappeared and they returned to normal life. Those who should visit continued to visit, and those who wanted to go out went out as usual.Some females moved out the cotton-padded clothes that had just been dragged into the house in a hurry, and began to sew the thick cotton-padded clothes prepared for winter, chatting with neighbors by the way; The companion went to the forest to gather medicine.

The orcs still maintained their tiger forms, but instead of flying in a hurry or running around in chaos, they moved food in an orderly manner, moving the food placed in various storage points to the front of the tribe.

Wu Zimo looked at this peaceful and thriving tribe, turned around and walked towards another house.He decided to talk to the patriarch about the establishment of the tribe's future crisis prevention system.

It is not required that their defense systems and abilities be rock-solid and impenetrable, but at the very least, when a crisis strikes, they must have sufficient self-protection capabilities, whether they are orcs or females.

Now some young females in the tribe have been exercising and their physical fitness has improved a lot.Even if they encounter difficulties, they already have enough physical strength to provide them with the ability to find hidden hiding places and protect themselves is no problem.The strength of the orcs themselves is enough to protect themselves, but when encountering the same winged tribe or a tribe that is stronger than them, they must learn to cooperate. Reasonable tactical arrangements can often obtain unexpected gains on the battlefield.

After discussing with the patriarch for nearly two hours, they finally finalized the final plan.The patriarch decided,

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