What a feeling! "Miduo persisted.

An Maji listened to the discussion between the two, and said with a smile: "Miduo, I decided that what Mikay said is also reasonable. Put it on the right side. The colors on both sides are more balanced, and it looks better!"

Luo Er also interjected: "I agree with Miduo and Zimo's opinion, it looks better on the left side, so that the asymmetry is beautiful!"

Mikay immediately refuted Luo Er's words, "What asymmetrical beauty, it's not good-looking! Mido, don't listen to Luo Er's words. You listen to me, we're still on the right side..."

Mikay and Anmaji had a heated discussion about the battle against Rolle. Both the right party and the left party insisted on their opinions and refused to give in.Unexpectedly, without making a sound, Mido secretly sewed the dark brown animal skin on the left side.

It was too late when Mi Kai found out, Mi Kay gave Mi Duo a mournful look, walked back to Wu Zimo's side, took Xiao Laier, teased the child, and didn't want to pay attention to Mi Duo anymore.

Wu Zimo smiled and comforted Mi Kai, "If you like this color combination, you can sew a new dress yourself."

"Well, yes, I can make one myself!" Hearing Wu Zimo's words, Mi Kai's eyes lit up, and excitedly began to count the animal skins of various colors in his home, thinking about how to match them.

The sun gradually set in the west, and the afterglow of the setting sun reflected the white clouds in the sky red. Mi Duo's new clothes were finally finished.It was still a long gown, and it was also a thick cotton garment made of rubbed white sheep fur, but what was different about it was the front.

A gorgeous five-color flower composed of small pieces of five-color animal skins blooms beautifully, although the petals are of different sizes and odd shapes, the shape of the flower is wrong, and the direction is a bit weird.The other half is an unknown pattern. I don't understand what it is, nor what deep meaning it expresses.However, it does not prevent it from becoming the first garment with colorful patterns in the Maverick tribe or even in the world. It also does not prevent it from leading the trend in the future and becoming a popular avant-garde item that all tribes and tribes are eager to imitate. Taste.

At night, many torches illuminate the surrounding area of ​​the small open space. Tonight is the ceremony for Lan Qiu and Miduo to form a couple.The patriarch, relatives of the Langton family, Mrs. Hills, Mrs. Tils and Anmaji, Rolle and a group of females who came here formed a lively campfire party.

In the Lanqiu plan, it is enough to invite the patriarch, relatives of the Langton family, Wu Zimo and other good friends of Miduo. How do you know that those females somehow know that Miduo has a new colorful patterned dress, and then run away? Come to see the surprise and join in the fun.

Lan Qiu is a very hospitable person, not to mention that tonight is the happiest moment for him, and he is also happy to have more people share and bless him, so even if the food is not prepared so much because of insufficient preparation, but He still asked the relatives of the Langton family to help, and tried his best to entertain the females who came to his partner formation ceremony tonight with the most sumptuous food.

As soon as Miduo appeared in new clothes, he instantly amazed the audience!Numerous females gathered around him asking questions, touching this, looking at that, praising the good-looking ones, discussing the colors, all of a sudden, the couple formation ceremony became an exchange market.

Lan Qiu was helpless now, he wanted to squeeze into the crowd and pull Mido out, but those females could squeeze in enough by themselves, not to mention the females who didn't squeeze in and were trying to squeeze in.

It's not good for Lanqiu, an orc, to squeeze together with a group of females, and it's not good to use brute force to pull the females away, but tonight is obviously the bonfire party for the formation ceremony between him and Mido's partner!Lan Qiu turned to the patriarch for help and asked the patriarch to help.The patriarch stood up, walked to the periphery of the encirclement, coughed a few times to signal, but there was no response, increased his strength a little embarrassedly, coughed a few more times, still no response.The patriarch had no choice but to use a unique move. He sank into his dantian and shouted: "Miduo!"

Hey, this 'Miduo', which can be called the roar of the Hedong lion, dispersed the crowd very efficiently and effectively. The females were frightened by the patriarch's roar and ran away one after another, returning to their seats, revealing Mido in the middle .The patriarch smiled in satisfaction, stepped forward and grabbed the dazed Miduo, and handed it to the smiling Lan Qiu.

Both An Maji and Luo Er held back their smiles, and they had to endure the stomach ache. How could the embarrassing person be their patriarch? How could it be Lan Qiu and Miduo's partner tonight? Into the ceremony, however, is really too funny!

Wu Zimo looked at this scene with twitching corners of his eyes. He really couldn't understand the love of females for these gorgeous colors, let alone the enthusiasm for such a color combination.Although he wanted to help, but he didn't have the ability to deal with a group of females, and the discussion was about the color of the clothes. He was really powerless, so he could only sit calmly and watch the excitement.

After a small twists and turns, the partner formation ceremony went smoothly. Tonight, Lan Qiu and Miduo will become lifelong partners, and after tonight, they will be lifelong partners!


57. About pregnancy...

After attending the bonfire party between Lanqiu and Miduo's partners, Wu Zimo and Hills went to find the patriarch the next day, planning to arrange some orcs to form a security inspection team to protect the tribe. , and the idea of ​​exercising some tactical arrangements and tactics is on the agenda.The patriarch knew the reason for Wu Zimo's visit, and he has always kept this matter in mind. Now it is the best time to exercise when hunting in winter.

Wu Zimo, Sears and the patriarch talked in detail for a day and a night, and divided each step of the exercise plan in detail, including how to divide each group and the responsible group leader, the responsible parts and training items of each group, and the commander-in-chief Every detail with the chief supervisor, Wu Zimo and Hills did not leave the patriarch's house until the moon was in the middle of the sky, and returned home exhausted.

After washing themselves, the two of them fell on the bed, and they didn't have the heart to think about anything else. They closed their eyes one after another, and prepared themselves for tomorrow's exercise. After a while, the sound of sleeping breathing came out.

The next morning, the two of them woke up early. Today is the first day of training, and there are many things that need to be dealt with today.The final result of their discussion with the patriarch yesterday was that the commander-in-chief of the orc training team was Hills, the chief supervisor was the patriarch, the captain of the patrol team protecting the tribe was Herley, the captain of the tactical training team was Lan Qiu, and the patriarchs of the other groups were It is the better orc in the tribe.

Because they have no experience in organizing a team or a team, they only have a temporary raid team formed during the last raid on the Bambiraptor. This is the first time for them to make such an arrangement and do such a thing.For the orcs, it was also the first time that they were arranged in this way to cooperate in such a group, so the specific situation had to go through a specific period of running-in and test the ability of each leader.As for the selection of the leader of the team, the patriarch and Wu Zimo both understood that the good personal ability of these orcs in the tribe did not mean that their leadership ability was also good.Therefore, Sears, the commander-in-chief and the chief supervisor of the patriarch, must be in charge of this area, and then make adjustments according to the actual situation.

Wu Zimo did not join the plan to train the orcs, he was still in charge of training the females. Today was the first day, so Wu Zimo came with him.In fact, the female's training has progressed and achieved some results after a period of training, so the female's training does not need to be rushed for a while. The most important thing at present is to arrange the various training plans and steps of the orcs.

Although the cold winter morning makes many females feel daunted, but because the orcs in the family get up early every day to take part in exercises, they are embarrassed to stay in bed.And some single females don't have such role models anytime and anywhere, so everyone encourages me and I encourage you, supervise each other and encourage each other together.

Even in the cold winter, the Maverick tribe is in full swing, no matter if they are orcs or females!Each group seems to follow the established steps in an orderly manner, and carry out their plans to strengthen their bodies and defend their homes step by step.

Winter goes to spring, the white snow melts away, the green grass comes back to life, and the sacred fruit tree on the moonlight mountain is ripe!

After a winter of training, the various tactics of the orc training have been initially finalized. Considering that spring is coming, and the orcs will need to go out to hunt every day in the next three seasons, they have made some adjustments to the gathering training time.Instead of arranging some orcs to take turns hunting every day, the rest of the orcs will train for two hours in the morning, one and a half hours in the afternoon, and one hour in the evening.Now, change to half an hour in the morning and an hour in the evening.As for the female part, considering that some females will give birth this spring, their exercise plan was directly canceled. They only need to stay at home to recuperate their bodies, and live in perfect harmony with the orcs' nightlife to ensure the prosperity of the tribe. Just make your own contribution.

The recent orcs go hunting every day, one thing must be done, you may not catch prey, you may forget to pick fresh fruit, but you must not forget to pick holy fruit!

All the females in the tribe who are going to conceive are eating holy fruit, and Wu Zimo is no exception. Recently, she eats it every day.But Mi Duo is more exaggerated. He eats the holy fruit directly as three meals.

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