Not left!

From the first day, he was panicked, sneaking to the training ground to protect Zimo from time to time, but seeing that Zimo was intact, he was a little relieved, but when he saw Zimo surrounded by the side, When he was an orc like a wolf and a tiger, the anger in his heart rose up, but he couldn't stop it, Zimo was not his partner, and he was not qualified to stop other single orcs from being courteous to Zimo.

Seeing that during lunch, Zimo ignored the other orcs and only ate the lunch he brought him, Hills looked at the orcs around him, and shot the highest level of warning in his eyes: Zimo is not something you can imagine !At dinner, seeing Zimo eating at his house as usual, without any influence from the orcs outside, Hills suddenly felt his heart blossoming, and his whole body was at ease. Zimo really treated him differently.

The three-day preliminary preparation that made Hills tremble with fear finally passed, and the gathering of the three clans began.

On the first night of the gathering of the three tribes, large and small bonfires were set up in the central open space of the tribe, and all kinds of wild animal meat were roasted. The largest main bonfire in the center did not roast meat, but In front of it is a huge stone altar, on which there are rich offerings from various races to the gods, such as rare beasts, exquisite pearls, beautiful furs and so on.There are torches in front of the doors of every house, illuminating the night as brightly as the day.

In eight large earthenware pots, fresh mushroom broth and fresh vegetable broth are cooked respectively. There are also two large earthenware pots filled with white and crystal-clear rice. Take a breath, drooling.

All the food is what you want to eat, take as much as you want, a modern buffet.

Wu Zimo was pulled by Mido, and sat next to Hills, looking at the people whose faces were flushed by the fire, and the happy smiles on their faces, Wu Zimo felt a sense of loneliness for no reason.In the past, he never imagined that he would come to such a primitive and simple world.

Wu Zimo sat quietly, he is not from this world, he is out of tune with this world, this is a world completely different from the world he lived in before, people in that world are overwhelmed by life, for profit, For the sake of power, any means and any conspiracy can be used. The so-called ungrateful and shameless, the so-called moralism, that is a fart!

Those who have never struggled in the dark do not know how beautiful the light is, and those who have not longed for the light do not know how precious life is.When I was young, I didn't know why I killed people. I only knew that he could only survive if he killed them. When he grew up, he knew the reason, but so what, if you don't kill them, they will come to kill you.In his 28 years of life, he experienced no less than fifty assassinations, but he never died, not because he was lucky, lucky, he never believed in such illusory things.He only believes that life is in his own hands, no matter how much power you have, if you don't have enough vigilance and enough means to save your life, the god of death will find you very quickly.

Eighty or one hundred people died at his hands, and he never felt that there was anything wrong, because that was the way of life in the world he lived in.But here, he saw a different way of life, no intrigue, no intrigue, only peaceful coexistence, love each other.If someone told him before that there is a person who will treat you unconditionally because he likes you, then he will send him to heaven with one shot.But, now that he's met, he knows what Hills is thinking about him.He also knew that Hills was so kind to him because he liked him, but so what, if he likes him, can't he be counted on? Likes are never a reason not to hurt!

Hills tilted his head, staring blankly at the quiet Wu Zimo beside him: Zimo is so pretty, I can't get enough of it!

Um?What happened to Zimo?Hills felt a sense of bleak loneliness exuding from Wu Zimo's body. Doesn't Zimo like this place?Is he missing his tribe?But for more than a month, Zimo never mentioned his tribe!Will he leave?

Wu Zimo was thinking about something, when he suddenly felt a big warm hand on his shoulder, hugging him lightly, looking up along that big hand, and met a pair of worried gentle eyes.Wu Zimo raised a faint smile, turned to look at the constantly jumping bonfire, and drove away the redundant thoughts in his heart in a funny way.What happened to him, why did he suddenly hurt the spring and autumn, no matter what happens, Wu Zimo is Wu Zimo, no matter where he is, Wu Zimo will only be Wu Zimo, and Wu Zimo will live a good life.

The author has something to say: I feel a little dissatisfied with this chapter, do you have any comments?


14. Gathering of Three Clans Three...

At this time, there was a rush of drumbeats, one after another, as if beating on the heart.Wu Zimo looked forward, and there were four big drums on both sides of the altar, which were being beaten by four orcs holding sledgehammers. The rhythmic sound of the drums made people's blood boil.The orcs at the scene cheered at the right time, and together with the sound of the drums, they merged into a vigorous symphony of life.

When the drums stopped, the big witch walked out slowly, and the audience immediately fell silent.The big witch prostrated herself on the ground piously, expressing her surrender and gratitude to God with the most sincere attitude.All the people in the square put their knees on the ground, leaned forward, put their palms together, and put them on their chests, expressing their respect to God devoutly.In an instant, everyone in the central open space was kneeling, and no one was sitting, except for one person, Wu Zimo!

Wu Zimo frowned, and moved his body behind Hills, using his tall figure to cover himself, he was still sitting, just bent slightly to make himself not so different. ,

Although he made up his mind to live a good life here, it didn't mean he was going to kneel down to some kind of God. For him, his belief was himself.

A few minutes later, the great witch raised his head and began to recite a lengthy sacrificial speech, probably in their ancient language or sacrificial language. Wu Zimo couldn't understand a word, so he could only sit and listen to the great witch's chanting.

After a long time, the great witch finished the long series of sacrificial words, lowered his head again, prostrated himself on the ground, and expressed his respect to the god again, then stood up, and everyone around him also stood up.

The drumbeat of 'dong dong dong' sounded again. Wu Zimo looked up and saw an orc carrying a sheep, a pig, and a cow to the altar. The limbs of the three animals were tied to wooden sticks.The big witch put his hands on their heads one by one, chanting some spells or something like that. After finishing speaking, Patriarch Feipu stepped forward, picked up the dagger on the altar, and aimed it at the throats of the sacrifices one by one, 'Wow! With a sound, blood gushed out and was caught in a pottery bowl.

The patriarch handed the pottery bowl to the big witch. The big witch took the pottery bowl, held it high above his head, knelt down, and poured the beast's blood in the bowl in front of the altar.The big witch stood up again, and the people around immediately cheered, the drums kept beating, but they accelerated the beating speed and became more and more agitated.Gradually, some orcs began to walk to the main bonfire and performed a blessing dance. More and more orcs and non-orcs joined in. Everyone formed a big circle and danced the same dance steps together, with expressions of agreement on their faces. smile.

Mi Duo cheered happily, pulled Wu Zimo, and said happily: "Zimo, let's go to the blessing dance together!"

Wu Zimo shook his head, "I won't, so I won't go. You go!"

"No, I won't go if Zimo doesn't!" Miduo also shook his head, "Let's just watch them dance!"

Miduo looked at Hills on the other side of Wu Zimo, and asked, "Sills, don't you dance? All the orcs have gone to dance!" Wu Zimo looked around, and indeed, only some non-orcs sat in place and took pictures. There was no dancing in the palm of your hand, and all the orcs were dancing, and no one stayed where they were, except Hills!

Hills glanced at Wu Zimo, scratched his head, and said embarrassedly: "I don't look good at dancing!"

Mido laughed, "Oh, I almost forgot, Hills is a famous dancer in the tribe because of his incoordination!"

Yeah!After Wu Zimo heard Miduo's words, he turned to look at Hills, his face was flushed red, and he took Wu Zimo's hand and sat down in embarrassment, "Let's sit down and watch!"

The barbecue on the bonfire in front of him was crackling, and it was slowly being roasted by the flames, and the oozing fat dripped on the fire, emitting bursts of tempting aroma.

Mido swallowed, his eyes fixed on the barbecue in front of him, unable to move his eyes away.Wu Zimo heard the sound of swallowing beside him, glanced at Miduo, and then at Hills.Hills stepped forward to look at the barbecue and felt that it was already cooked. He took out the iron dagger made by Wu Zimo at his waist, cut off the best piece, put it on a pottery plate, cut it into small pieces, and handed it to Wu Zimo.He cut another piece and handed it to Miduo, and finally cut a piece for himself.

Mi Duo watched as Hills handed it to Wu Zimo first, and carefully cut it into small pieces. He blinked narrowly at Wu Zimo, but Wu Zimo only glanced at him out of the corner of his eye, and lowered his head to eat the barbecue.

Mi Duo curled his lips, Zi Mo was too uncooperative, but he also knew that to make fun of Zi Mo, it needed the right time, people and location!

At this time, the drums stopped, and so did the dancing. Both the orcs and non-orcs sat back in their seats and began to eat barbecue and vegetable soup.

At this time, Hao Lei brought a few strangers around and greeted them, "Zimo, Hills, Miduo!" Miduo pouted dissatisfiedly, and complained to Hao Lei: "Why? I'm the last one? I have no problem with Zimo being the first one. No matter how I say it, I'll be ranked in Hill's place.

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