It will be healed by rubbing the internal injury. "As he said that, he really rubbed the wound, which made him gasp in pain.

"The internal injury can be healed by rubbing it? What kind of internal injury did you suffer from?" Tang Yi said so, or started rubbing it for him, "Better?"

"Fine... a bit." Hu Baiyang broke out in a cold sweat from the pain, gritted his teeth and spit out two words.Snark Feng wanted to laugh but didn't dare to laugh. Finally, after asking about the situation, Long Zixuan walked over and knocked Tang Yi's hand off with a cigarette bag, saying, "Don't rub it. If you rub it again, his minor injury will become serious."

It turned out that when Tang Yi arrived at the Beast King's Palace, he thought that if he returned to the Demon Race, he would be followed, so he changed his mind to go to the Dragon Palace, and asked Meowbaimi to destroy the water mirror when he left.

"I told Miao Baimi to change him to the latest model of water mirror later, and he readily agreed, and he thanked me..." Tang Yi said.

"Oh, okay. He and I have been reading it for a long time. I thought I would change it for him during the Chinese New Year." Hu Baiyang nodded to indicate that he had written it down.

"Huh? Why is Mr. Feng glowing red?" Tang Yi realized that Feng Yutian lying on the bed was not the same as when he left.

"The self-protection mechanism of phoenixes when they are dying, their self-healing ability is quite strong, but there are some who can't survive it." Snark Feng explained to him.

"It's really not poisonous. My tenant gave me special products. I really don't mean to harm anyone." Tang Yi once again clarified to Hu Baiyang and Long Zixuan.

"I believe in you." Hu Baiyang held Tang Yi's hand tightly, and said, "It's just that I can't solve the problem now that I trust you."

What Long Qingyi insisted on will definitely be done. Although Long Zixuan sympathizes with Tang Yi's experience, there is nothing he can do.

"Long Qingyi wants to kill you, not because he thinks you killed Feng Yutian, but because you can save Feng Yutian's life." Snark Feng said to Tang Yi.

"What?" The three exclaimed in unison.

The old people of the three clans were very strict about what happened back then, even Long Zixuan had only vaguely heard about some things back then but he never thought about it.

"To be precise, Ododo may be able to renew Feng Yutian's life." Snark Feng continued.

"What do you mean, am I not Ododo?" The weird sealing ceremony, Mr. Xie Shenlin's strange words, Tang Yi has always felt that there is a fraud, although he has always been prepared, it is still difficult for him to suddenly deny those memories in his mind. accept.

"No, Your Majesty, you are Tang Yi. But at this moment, I can't tell you in detail. You just need to know that Long Qingyi needs the soul of Ododo sealed in your body. All you can do now is run away If you don't resist, I recommend you to resist and maybe you can still live." Snark Feng believes that Tang Yi has the right to know before he dies

"Isn't it okay to extract Ododo's soul?" Hu Jinyi asked.

"That's a good question, my dear. But is Ododo willing? And who of you can drive him out? It was his body." Snark Feng replied, he was secretly glad that no one refuted his "Dear" of'.

"Ododo is a phoenix? I've never seen him look like a phoenix." Long Zixuan recalled his battle with Ododo, even if he was beaten and fled, he never saw him change into another form.

"We haven't seen it before, but he is indeed Feng Yutian's child and has the characteristics of the strong vitality of the phoenix. And he did make a phoenix cry when he was sealed. I guess Long Qingyi wants to try him," Snark said. Feng shrugged.

"Aren't Long Qingyi afraid that Mr. Feng will blame him in the future?" Tang Yi couldn't understand Long Qingyi's behavior.

"We think that Feng Yutian probably doesn't remember that he gave birth to this son Ododo." Snark Feng continued, "The former king beat him to death back then. It is a miracle that he survived the serious head injury."

The whole room fell silent, and Tang Yi sighed and bid farewell to everyone for a while, "I'm leaving." He decided to give it a go.

"What? Where are you going?" Hu Baiyang, who was still receiving the huge amount of information, came back to his senses after hearing this.

"I'll go back and find a way."

"Don't go, Mr. Long must be waiting for you there."

"The devil is so big, I don't believe that he can spend more than one person guarding me in every corner."

"It's said that 'two people can cut gold', I'll go with you." Hu Baiyang said and was about to follow him.

"Don't be funny, you're still injured, it's a trivial matter to slow down. What if you hang up our child? You'd better rest here." Tang Yi pushed him back.

"It's okay, Your Majesty, you can go at ease. Jin Yi and I will take good care of the little prince." Snark Feng waved to them and promised.

When Hu Baiyang heard this, he pointed at Snark Feng and yelled, "I don't agree! I object! I'll settle the score with you when I come back!"

"I will raise them for you, one more is nothing." Long Zixuan was serious this time.

"Don't curse us. Thank you." Tang Yi was pissed to death by everyone's negative reactions.

"Just...!!" Yes... Hu Baiyang was hit hard on the neck with a knife before he could say the last word. Before Hu Baiyang fell down, he saw the person who beat him clearly, "Tang Yi...?"

"Take care of him." Tang Yi handed the unconscious Hu Baiyang to Long Zixuan.

"Will you come back alive?" Long Zixuan asked after taking Hu Baiyang.

"Nonsense! I'm the protagonist! There's a cheat!" Tang Yi waved his hands high and left without looking back.

Long Zixuan placed Hu Baiyang on the bench nearby, and the room became much quieter once Tang Yi left.Dan Ding was still making weird noises, Snark Feng was trying to bone himself, and Hu Jinyi was kicking Tai Dou's tortoise shell hard.

Tai Dou was finally woken up by being kicked by Hu Jinyi, stretched his waist and yawned, and said impatiently, "I can't help it, he is the only one in their Phoenix Clan..." Before he could finish speaking, he found something that was beyond his control. Unexpected thing "Huh? He's not dead yet?" According to Tai Dou's estimation, Feng Yutian is not to say that he is dead, but he should be almost out of breath. I don't think his pulse is a little stronger than before, and there is a tendency to recover.Tai Dou got up from the ground and searched for the reason up and down on Feng Yutian, "Oh? Is it you? Little thing." He hugged the egg that had been lying on Feng Yutian's neck all the time.

Long Qingyi was only 20 years old when Odego met Long Qingyi for the first time, quite young.At that time, he didn't pay attention to that young man, but after Long Qingyi knocked his sword to the ground, Long Qingyi became his nightmare.He was tortured every night, his self-esteem and body were crushed into the mud under his feet.

As a result, many years later, when Long Qingyi's long knife pierced his shoulder, he didn't feel very real. Even when Long Qingyi's sharp teeth touched his long neck in the subsequent melee, his body actually moved. some undesired reactions.

"You're really disgusting!" Long Qingyi shook his tail and shook him off in disgust.Fortunately and unfortunately, in such a split second, he took his life.

His huge body bumped into the mountain wall, kicking up a large amount of dust, and the falling rocks scattered on him.He wanted to shake his wings and escape, but found that the wings might have been broken and he couldn't control them completely.The dust slowly fell and dispersed, and the terrifying red eyes behind Hui gradually became clear.

As soon as his back left the mountain wall and he hadn't stood still, he was pushed back onto the mountain wall by Long Qingyi.Long Qingyi's breath carried a characteristic icy vapor, which hit his face and irritated him, blurring his vision.

"This is a battle of life and death, you know? Are you still awake?" Long Qingyi pinched his long neck with one front paw, and the knife edge on his shoulder with the other. After the severe pain, a wave of warmth ran down his shoulder It flowed down, and the smell of blood spread quickly, which made him even more excited.

He really wanted to answer Long Qingyi, saying that since the first time he saw him, he seemed to be having a nightmare.But it was difficult for him to breathe, let alone speak aloud.

"Is your mind full of lewdness?" Long Qingyi snorted coldly, wrapped his tail around his left leg, grabbed his right leg with his left hind paw, and plunged his sharp claws into his thigh, making five thin streaks The blood flowed out, and the warm blood scalded the root of his thigh.Long Qingyi flicked his half-headed giant with the remaining hind paw.Long Qingyi's claws were extremely sharp, and it pierced his foreskin with just one flick. The pain was piercing, but the thing became a little harder.

Long Qingyi laughed loudly, and finally raised his head to the sky and let out a long roar, while loosening the claws that were pinching his neck.He seized the opportunity to take a big breath of the stale air, the cold dusty air irritated his throat, and he coughed, looking very embarrassed.

When he regained his strength, he found that Long Qingyi was staring at him, his blood red eyes were full of disdain and ridicule.

"Do you want me to fuck you?" Long Qingyi's back paw gently held his upturned neck and asked softly.The tingling pleasure spread all over his body and made him intoxicated, and he couldn't deny Long Qingyi's words.

"Why?" Long Qingyi asked again, and before he could answer, Long Qingyi roared, "What qualifications do you have to lust on me?!" The hind paw holding his stem suddenly tightened, causing him pain Can't help hissing out.

"It hurts? Tsk tsk, this looks so pitiful~" Long Qingyi's tone became gentle again, and the front paw that was pinching his neck loosened, and turned to scratch his chin like a cat, tsk tsk said, "This way If you can’t bear it, how can you bear me?” As he spoke, he loosened his hind paws, which had become half soft due to pain, and wrapped them around his waist.At the same time, Long Qingyi looked down and motioned for him to look. He followed Long Qingyi's line of sight and found that the things between Long Qingyi's legs were already on the first scale.Fear and excitement surged into his heart together, his heartbeat accelerated to the extreme, he couldn't make any sound, and even his eyes were glued to it. "Huh? Answer me, do you want to be fucked by me?" Long Qingyi stuck out his tongue and licked his sharp ears, and the cold air he exhaled penetrated into his chest

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