said the little belly.The big red bird had a soft voice, and the golden feather crest on its head shone brightly under the sunlight.Perhaps seeing him squinting, the big red bird spread its wings to shield him from the sunlight coming in through the railing, and then lowered its head to let itself climb up his neck and then slide down from it. All the games and fun.

"Then call him Duoduo." A light blue man opened the door of the birdcage and came in to join them.Light blue hair and light blue eyes are almost white in the sunlight. The man has a serious expression, but his tone is not cold and his eyes are soft.The man reached out and hugged him into his arms. He pressed against the man's thick chest and listened to the firm and regular heartbeat inside, feeling an inexplicable sense of security.

"Do you have any disagreement?" The man reached out and pulled the wings of the big red bird, and the big red bird turned into a beautiful man with long fiery red hair.

"No. It's easy to remember and easy to write. It's good." The red-haired man's slender fingers plucked his little hand and played finger games with him.

"A lot, a lot, it's easy to say." The man holding him also participated in their game with his free other hand, and finally grabbed the hands of the two of them and held them tightly, saying, "It's not good at all. In the future, if you call him by his name, others will open the door and come out to see. Duo Duo, Duo Duo, knocking on the door, does it sound like it?" After speaking, the man's mouth curled up slightly, maybe he was smiling.As for the question of why Xiaoxiao what, he thought over and over again but still couldn't figure it out. Even Snark Zha couldn't answer this difficult question.

Those were his parents, his father and father, who were once everything to him.At that time, he thought that the little happiness would last forever, even if there were always strange people staring at him with red eyes and made him tremble with fear, but he firmly believed that his parents would protect him, just like the only time he was sick in memory.That bowl of delicious red broth brings unspeakable pain.

"Persevere, Duoduo, don't give up." His father kept singing while holding him, and the singing of the moon rising and setting continued until he fully regained consciousness.When he opened his eyes, he saw that face that seemed to be about to cry, which is still unforgettable to him.

"Well, you've made it through, what a good boy. You're great!" Father Wang's big hands were extremely warm.

Since that time, he has had a shadow on eating meat. He will not eat meat until he is extremely hungry.

"Vegetarian boy, Feng Yutian's child. Will there be feathers under your skin?" The red-eyed man who is said to be his brother giggled, with a ferocious and terrifying expression, and black air radiated from all over his body. And the disgusting fishy smell, the smell of blood.

Father Wang's warm big hands lost the warmth, and his light-colored hair was dyed bright red, no matter how much he screamed, he would not move.It was terrible... That was the most terrible night, even his father was thrown into the corner of the wall covered in blood, blood, blood everywhere, that night he felt as if even the crooked, laughing moon was bleeding.

"A lot!" The last words he heard that night, that long cry still makes him feel like crying.

After that night, he came to the jungle, a place without four seasons, full of grass taller than him, and hunger and fear once made him hover between life and death.But whenever he was in the dark, he would hear his father's words "Keep going, Dodo"

Persevere, live, live to be possible, persist to see them again.

The long years are so long that everything is blurred, and the only thing that is clear is the fragments that he keeps recalling.His huge body allowed him to survive fairly well in the primitive and savage jungle.Occasionally chasing rabbits, bullying and bullying bears, sitting in the flowers and watching butterflies flying or letting bees chase them into the river, imitating the singing of birds, catching fish and playing, when you are not lucky, you will be electrified by charged fish, entertaining yourself. A dull and lonely day Day by day.He always believed that someone would come to rescue him back.

Sure enough, one afternoon he saw a big golden snake.That day, because he hadn't found fruit for several days, he was so hungry that his eyes were dizzy. He had to prepare to bully the bear, but he saw a snake chasing a rabbit and was about to lose it. It was a weak snake.

Unexpectedly, the weak snake turned into a blond man, calling his name "Duo Duo" with an ecstatic expression on his face.

Someone really came to pick him up, and it was right to insist on surviving.

Because he hadn't spoken for a long time, he could only pronounce the man's name in the syllable of "S...S" at first.Snark Zha, the man who brought him back to the original world, the man who would say "Forget it, don't blame you" no matter how clumsy he did in the end, and then treat his wound or give him something to eat, Some say he is nothing more than a fledgling complex to him.After understanding what the chick complex is, he denied it - Sis was not the first person he saw when he was born, and he had lust for Sis, he didn't have those desires for his parents, he hoped that Sis could happiness.

Stick to it.Ododo said to himself again and again.He pulled the chain lock with force, and the chain lock made a crisp clang sound, which was looser than when he was locked in the first day.

If you can break free from this, it's an improvement, right?Ododo used this as motivation to work harder.Even if everyone is not optimistic about him, he still has to prove to others that he still has some ability.

If you can go out this time, you must ask Sisi what he thinks of him.If he can, he still hopes to see Feng Yutian again, and tell him that he misses him very much, whether he recognizes his son or not...

Thinking like this, a little light appeared in the darkness, and the light gradually expanded, as if opening a door.Two people walked out of the light—Long Qingyi and Tang Yi.

"You want to kill me?" Ododo looked at the two of them and laughed in despair, "I don't get in your way, why bother?" Ododo really didn't understand why everyone had trouble with him.

Tang Yi smiled at him and did not speak.

Long Qingyi turned the long knife and sighed, "I really thought so."

Seeing Ododo's expression about to cry, Long Qingyi slashed at him with a cold face.With the knife in his hand, the long chain lock on Ododo's left hand snapped.Ododo was so surprised that he went straight from hell to heaven in an instant. He wanted to thank Long Qingyi, but he didn't want Long Qingyi's gloomy and displeased breath of "I'm upset, don't mess with me" all over his body, so his words of gratitude could only be expressed. Swallow it back. "I should be the one who is going to cry." Long Qingyi glanced at him, the knife in his hand kept cutting off the chains wrapped around Ododo's body one by one.Things that could have been solved with three or two knives, he slashed like a vent to make it more difficult for himself.

Long Qingyi was indeed very depressed at this time, in fact, he was in a good mood two days ago when he heard the phoenix resonance and rushed back to Wutong Fengju.

When Long Qingyi pushed open the door of Feng Yutian's bedroom that day, he saw the long-lost Fengniao. It had been a while since he saw Feng Yutian's original form last time. The long fiery red feathers reflected seven colors under the rising sun. , much weaker and sickly than when we met at the beginning of the year, but that was his pursuit.Although he often laughed at himself and said, "This is really a bird's pursuit..." But Feng Yutian is the only man who makes him feel that life is still a bit interesting.If he could, Long Qingyi would like to chase after him forever.

At that time, everyone was doing everything in the house, Tai Dou was applying medicine to Hu Baiyang, Snark Feng was sitting next to Hu Baiyang fixing his own leg, Long Zixuan and Hu Jinyi were joking with Feng Yutian.It's just that when the morning wind followed Long Qingyi into the huge room, everything suddenly stopped as if frozen. Long Qingyi dragged the knife and everyone's heartbeat and breathing sounds were heard in his ears.Hu Baiyang's heart beat a little faster at first and his breathing was faster than the others, but after Long Qingyi put away his long knife and spread his empty hands, his heart rate returned to normal. At the same time, everyone present seemed to breathe a sigh of relief. Instantly relaxed a lot.Feng Yutian's heartbeat was not very strong but it was much better than when he left, which made Long Qingyi very happy.

"Old bird, I'm back~ Miss me?" He yelled loudly and threw his arms around Feng Yutian's neck and rubbed his face back and forth against Feng Yutian's chest.Naturally, he found Danding under Feng Yutianyi, and he picked up the little red fluff after a few cuckoos, "Wow~ old bird, you gave it to me in such a short time." Has one been born?"

"..." Feng Yutian hit him on the head without hesitation, the beak of Phoenix was quite lethal. "Ouch, it hurts." Long Qingyi let go of his egg and rubbed his head, laughing and screaming that it hurts. For him, Feng Yutian still has the strength to peck people and be happy even if it hurts.

"I can't see that you are pregnant with a bird at all!" Peng Huiyu, who entered the room later, exclaimed when he heard this, and quickly caught Long Zixuan's cigarette pouch that was flying towards his face.

"Cuckoo!!" The little red hair yelled in Long Qingyi's hand very dissatisfied, and turned into a little white tiger when it rolled over , as if protesting 'Who is your child! '

"Okay~ I know it's you~" Long Qingyi cheerfully poked Danding's little face.Danding opened his small mouth and bit his finger, Long Qingyi took advantage of the situation to lift him up and shake him from side to side.

Hu Jinyi made them amused, and couldn't help laughing out loud.The haze just now was swept away by this smile, even Snark Peak lost his tension, and the whole room was in harmony as if nothing terrible had happened.

At that time, Long Qingyi was in a good mood, and even admitted some mistakes on his own initiative, which is quite rare.

"I'm a little too nervous. I did some unnecessary things, and my shots were a little heavy. I'm really sorry." Long Qingyi said and covered Feng Yutian, who had turned back into a human form and fell asleep, with a quilt.

"What an understatement..."

Understatement.Snark Feng muttered softly while moving his broken leg

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