Watch Sisal and the monster on his shoulder.

The orcs couldn't believe their eyes, and thought it must be the wrong way for him to open them.

Some of the females looked at Sisal with admiration, thinking that he was a role model for the females;

When he arrived at Alan's house, Sisal didn't move the monster into the house, but threw it directly at the gate. Alan behind him also put down the things on his back, leaned against the wall, and gasped in embarrassment.Today, no matter what he said, he ran for ten minutes with four to five hundred catties on his back.

"Alan, bring your father and see what this is." Sisal pointed at the monster and said.

"Well, father and elder brother should be by the river now, I'll go find them and come back soon." Alan didn't rest anymore, and hurried to find someone.

Oston stood still behind, looked at the monster on the ground and said, "This is a Snorlax, right?"

"you recognize?"

"I've seen it before. But it's the first time I've seen someone hunt it. Snorlax likes to eat thorns, and it doesn't hurt people. Its skin and fat are thick, and the meat is not tasty. People in the tribe will not hunt it. .” Touching the skin of the monster, Alston felt very novel.

Is there nothing else but fat?Sis Mahjong waited suspiciously for Claude and the others.

After Claude and the others came, he got the same answer as Auston.Even so, Sisal still wants to study it.

A sharp dagger materialized and quickly disassembled the Snorlax.When the first knife went down, it couldn't cut the Kirby's skin at all, and it was only after wrapping the dagger with the power of thought.Seeing this situation, Sisal peeled off the Snorlax's skin completely, thinking that there would always be other uses in the future.

The inside of the Snorlax is basically full of fat. Looking at the thick fat layer of sisal, I feel a little nauseous.But he soon thought of frying these fats on an iron pan, and when the oil was fried, he would have oil for cooking!Although it is animal oil!

With that in mind, he did the same.He ordered Allen to take out the iron pan, and asked him to find a few stones to build a temporary stove, light the wood, put the iron pan on it, and put a large piece of fat oil in it.The fat oil made a "zizzz" sound in the iron pan, and slowly began to melt the oil.Sisal became excited and asked Allen to find a big jar.Allen rummaged through boxes and cabinets at home for a while, and finally found a big jar.Watch as the sisal pours the melted oil, then proceeds to toss the fat into the pan.

Allen asked curiously: "Sisal, what are you doing?"

Other people in the tribe who came to watch also pricked up their ears.

"Press the oil and use it for cooking in the future." Sisal replied.

No one in the tribe had done this before, and looked at the sisal with suspicion.It is estimated that only the Allen family believes in sisal among all people.Allen listened to sisal because of everything, and Claude and the others believed in sisal because of Allen.However, he didn't care about the sisal, he was immersed in the deliciousness he was going to taste in the evening.

The author has something to say: I suddenly feel that the author is a stepmother to Allen. .Cover your face. .

Little Allen I'm sorry. .You just have to work hard for a while. .

Later sisal will train you...


12. Twelve Untitled...

When all the oil from the sisal was squeezed out, it was dark, and all the onlookers dispersed and went home.It was so late, they all had to go back to eat.Only the Allen family was left around the sisal.

Due to the thick fat of the Snorlax, a lot of oil was squeezed out. Later, the jars were not enough, so Sisal asked Alan to make many jars on the spot.It's better to prepare more of this kind of thing, and it's not easy to break.The most important thing is that in case other people in the tribe want it in the future, it is very important to know the neighbor relationship.In the past, when I was beating the Hakka family, firstly, there were no other people living nearby, and secondly, the surname of "Beating Dike" was a curse, so there was no need to deal with neighbor relations at all.But even so, the relationship between the Dadike family and the local government is still very good.You know, they are a family that is rated as one of the five good residents by the government every year. Not many people can do this.

Finally, looking at the neatly placed ten oil jars and a pile of fat dregs next to it that could no longer squeeze out the oil, Sisal built the jars by himself and moved six of them into the house with the skins of the Snorlax. The meaning is obvious: move in the leftover jars, and dispose of the garbage.

Allen didn't need sisal to order, so he carried the remaining jars, two sacks, and Gugu beasts and followed them into the house, but because of his strength, he ran back and forth twice.Lancey and Erwin entered the room with a smile. They wanted to see how Sisal was going to use those things.

Leaving Claude and Brady looking at each other with wry smiles, they shook their heads: It's really a son (brother) who doesn't want to stay.

The two piled up the useless things, and they kept the bones.These bones can be used as bone knives after processing, which is very convenient.Although the people here have iron pans, they rarely use them as weapons. First, iron is rare, and it is too extravagant to use it as a weapon. Second, the orcs have sharp claws, so it is not necessary to use it to deal with monsters. with weapons.

In the kitchen, sisal put things in the corner, and after sisal brought in today's harvest, he said: "Go and get the prey you want to eat at night, then send the four Gugu beasts to Gai, and tell him Give him the clothes tomorrow. Tell Lanxie and Erwin that I will cook today." He didn't want to eat the bland food prepared by Lanxie and Erwin.He wants to show them what food is!Yes, it's not gourmet food, it's food.Food can't be done under his current conditions.

"Okay!" One day, when sisal was going to cook for himself, Allen's eyes lit up. He didn't know how sisal was cooking, but he was just happy that sisal was going to cook for him.

Although the focus of cooking with sisal is to make yourself comfortable, we can't deprive Alan of his little pleasures.

Lanxi and Erwin heard that Sisal was going to cook by themselves, both happy and looking forward to it.Happily, this meant Sisma regarded him as their family member——Sisma didn't know what it meant for an unmarried female to cook in someone else's house, and because his occupation was a housekeeper, he didn't think of that level either.Looking forward to what sisal can make for them to eat.Looking at Sisal's posture just now, he feels that he is very good at cooking.The truth is, he graduated from the kitchen of the Beater's family.

"Do you need our help?" Lancey asked.

"Prepare me a bowl." Sisal said something casually.This kind of person eats, and he doesn't have to think about tricks in what he eats. He is completely alone.

Next, Lancey and Irwin watched Sisal quickly dissect the Kentai cattle and sharp-horned deer captured by Claude and Brady.Both corners were neatly cut off by him and set aside.They just watched Sisal quickly turn the prey back and forth in their hands, and then the meat and bones were completely separated, and each part was neatly placed in different positions.In ten minutes, the two beasts were also disassembled, and the remaining two Gugu beasts were killed.

Speaking of Gugu beasts, Lancey and Erwin swallowed greedily when they saw them.Just by seeing it, they felt the wonderful feeling of the delicious and tender meat of Gugu Beast sliding down their throats and eating their stomachs.Erwin was fine, even if he was greedy, he wouldn't make it obvious, it was the sound of Lancey swallowing that made Sisal decide to kill the two small animals.He also wanted to try it to see how delicious it was.

After the meat was processed, he took out the mushrooms Allen picked today.Wash the mushrooms with water, and wash the dishes in the kitchen for later use.

Light the fire in the place where the two roasts are also lit.One of the barbecues directly puts the bone-in legs on the skewer, and the other iron plate cuts the meat into equal sizes. The sisal is ready to be grilled like a steak. Although the seasoning is a little less, the taste should not be bad.

On the other side, heat up a large iron pot, add water and bones.The bones have been cut and broken. Originally, sisal wanted to pour a little vinegar. Adding a little vinegar would make the bones more crispy and the soup would taste better.However, there is no vinegar here, so I can only give up.

After finishing the soup, Sisma concentrates on grilling meat.Turn the meat at the right time, sprinkle some salt brought back today, and add the original herbs here.

Lancey and Erwin who were standing next to them kept sniffling, it was really delicious.They can't wait for these delicacies to be served.

He took the plate and put the tested meat on it. Since the plate was too big, the sisal meat was cut a bit small—he habitually cut the meat according to the food intake of the Dike family, so he simply put three pieces of meat on one plate. Put two on the bottom and one on top.This made three plates.At the same time, the meat on the other side was also grilled, and Sisal filled the big pots with the big meat skewers with bones.

Of course, these things are not enough to eat, probably enough for the three males.In addition, the Gugu beast hasn't moved yet.Sisal also slices the meat of Gu Gu Beast and roasts it in the same way. Don’t be afraid that the meat will be cut too small this time, as females and males eat differently.

The remaining meat, sisal is cut into thin slices and is going to be put in the soup.Just at this time, the soup is almost cooked, and the bones should be crisp.Sisal folded that strange big dish into three pieces and put it in the soup, and put the mushrooms in it at the same time.After cooking in this way for a while, until they are also cooked, sisal put the meat slices in.Since the meat is sliced ​​very thin, they are cooked as soon as you put them in.Add salt to taste and taste, very delicious.Take a big pot and use a big spoon to put the soup out of the pot.

After finishing these, let Lancey, Irvin and Alan who came back earlier and stood at the door move the cooked dishes out.After they moved the things out, the crowded kitchen became empty again.

wash the pot, put

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