After getting along peacefully and the trees began to grow again, the animals dared to come back to live.

After the sisal was packed, Claude squatted down and said, "Sit on me, we will start moving quickly later."

Of course he would be happy to be able to sit on such a majestic lion sisal. You must know that he wanted to try to sit on Sanmao several years ago. It's cool and majestic, but it's a pity that Sanmao only listens to beating up enemies.Now I have the opportunity to ride a big animal that is about as tall as Sanmao, and it is also the king of all beasts - a lion. It is a fool who refuses such a good opportunity.

Of course, if it is other females—whether they are married or unmarried—they will twitch a bit when sitting on other males. After all, the back of an orc can not be ridden by anyone casually. In special cases, it may pay less attention some.That's why Claude squats instead of Brady. In Claude's view, he is already the father of two adult orcs, and he treats sisal with a child's mentality.And Brady has only been married for a few years and has no children yet, so it's better to be taboo.Even though, orcs are very dedicated.

It's just that Sisal is not from here at all, and he has no burden to climb anyone's back, so he sat on it immediately.I even twisted my buttocks on it so that I could sit most comfortably.Feeling the delicate and smooth touch on his body, even Claude, who has been a father for more than 20 years, almost went into a daze. Fortunately, he has enough concentration.

Coughing lightly, Claude chose a direction and jumped up the tree, running quickly between the trees.Brady followed closely behind.

Sisal sitting on Claude's back thought happily: It really is very comfortable!If only it could be done sooner.

Claude, who was worried about the female on his back, deliberately slowed down, heard the voice from above telling him to go faster, but Claude still speeded up in a considerate manner.Although the somewhat weird sound became even weirder under the ravages of the wind, he almost didn't hear it.He thought that this female looked weak, but she was actually quite strong.

Hey, it's bad behavior to escape from sisal and catch Kentai cattle alone~

The two lions searched for a day in the woods alone, but they still didn't find any trace of Allen.

After finding an open space, two lions landed one after another.Sisal climbed down from the lions and watched the two lions become alive.It's nothing surprising, it's just... Fuck, do these two men have to be so tall? !With his height of 184 centimeters, he had to look up at them, probably over two meters.Such a height really hurt his man's self-esteem too much.

After the two lions became human, Claude said: "I am Claude, and he is my son Brady."

"You can call me Sisal." After knowing each other for a day, they finally started to introduce each other's names...

"It's late now, you rest here, and I'll go hunting." Claude ordered, "Brady, stay with Sisal to protect him."

"Okay, father." Brady nodded.

As Crowder left to hunt, Brady said, "Let's get some wood for the fire."

"En." Sisal nodded in agreement, and the next second he punched the tree closest to him, and the big tree fell down with a "boom".While Brady was stunned, he split the tree into burnable sections with his hands.

I also watched sisal burn the trees by drilling wood to make fire.Brady, who was a few beats behind, touched his pocket belatedly, wanting to say: I have a little flint...

Stacking the other wood neatly on one side, Sisal said: "I am not familiar with this forest, go find some fruits."

Brady nodded quickly and left to look for fruit.

Now Brady will do whatever Sisal says.The shock of seeing a female knocking down a tree with one punch at close range is several times stronger than Sisal's verbal saying that he has captured a Kentai cow.After all, when they first heard it, they were still a little skeptical that sisal was exaggerating the facts.But now, he no longer doubts.This kind of powerful strength, no female in the tribe can do it! !

After Claude and Brady left, Sisal sat quietly in front of the fire, but not long after, he heard a sound of fighting from a distance.The direction of the sound is different from the direction where Claude and Brady left. Judging from the sound, it should be a scuffle. Do you want to go and see?In the end, Sisal decided to go and see what happened. If it was too dangerous, he could retreat immediately.

He jumped onto a tree lightly and arrived within a minute at his speed.Hidden on a big tree, use "hidden" so that no one can find him.

Observed carefully, it was a battle between two lions and a group of monsters wrapped in thick fur that were about three meters high.

Judging from the current situation, those monsters are sure to win.The two lions were already bruised and almost powerless to resist.The yellow-haired lion is much stronger than the other golden-haired lion beside him.Although he was seriously injured, the damage he caused to the monster was greater than that of the lightly injured golden retriever.

kindness?To save or not to save?

The fur on that monster's body seems to be very good, so thick and dense, it must be very nice to have such a large blanket as a quilt and blanket in winter.

Hey~ The hair color of that golden retriever lion seems to be the same as that of Claude and Brady who accompanied us today!Could that be the person they were looking for? !

4. Four saved two males...

Before Sisal could decide whether to rescue or watch from a distance, the two lions and the group of monsters were already heading towards him.

The yellow-haired lion is actually called Alger, and the golden-haired lion is Allen who Claude and Brady are looking for.

A month ago, the two participated in the adult experience together.Alger is younger than Allen - he participates according to the official age, unlike Allen who has to participate in the last year - but he is much stronger than Allen.

Originally, when the month was about to expire, Alger could already go back to the tribe, but unfortunately he was unlucky. On the way back, he accidentally trampled to death a young mountain wolf egg, and was hunted down by the mountain wolf pack in that area.This mountain wolf sounds like it should be a kind of wolf, but apart from its appearance being similar to a wolf, it has nothing in common with it.The biggest difference is that their young children are all born from eggs, not viviparous.

Generally speaking, mountain wolves are very docile animals. Its docileness is reflected in the fact that you do not attack it. If you walk past it quietly, it will not attack you, just as if you do not exist.However, once you attack it or hurt it-whether it is an adult or a juvenile-then it will fight back fiercely, not by one but by a pack of mountain wolves nearby.

Mountain wolves are pack animals that are very united internally.Every time it goes hunting or takes its cubs for a walk to look for food, it does not go out alone, but goes out together in groups of a dozen or twenty.Therefore, a mountain wolf is not scary, but a group of mountain wolves is scary.

Generally speaking, the nearby orcs would not go out of their way to trouble the mountain wolf.Although they can deal with it, after all, their losses will be huge at that time.

Alger, a young orc lion who had just participated in the trial, had to deal with a group of nearly twenty mountain wolves, which is really a fantasy.Fortunately, he is quite strong. After wandering on the edge of life and death several times, he finally escaped from those mountain wolves after five days.Alger, who was severely injured, lost a lot of blood and was too hungry, did not return to the tribe smoothly. Obviously, the goddess of luck had forgotten him.

After escaping from the mountain wolves, he found a cave to hide temporarily, intending to find some common herbs nearby to treat the wound on his chest, and then hunt a few small animals to fill his hungry stomach.This plan was good, but the conditions did not allow it.

After resting in the cave for less than a day, Allen appeared at the entrance of the cave.Before the two of them had time to talk, Alger heard the vibrations caused by a giant trampling the ground not far away.Alger winked, and asked Allen: "Are you being hunted down by a monster?"

Allen nodded, he also knew that this time Alger would probably be implicated.I originally thought that there were no other orcs in the forest now that the training time had passed. Seeing a cave in front of me, I wanted to hide in it.Unexpectedly, Argel was there and was seriously injured.

"What is it?"

"Hairy beast."

After hearing Allen's answer, Alger frowned completely. Hearing the movement, it seemed that there were more than one head. "How many?"

"Four heads."

Allen's words made Alger's heart sink completely.He is seriously injured now, and Allen is slightly injured, but Allen's strength is too weak. It is simply impossible to deal with four hairy beasts with such body and strength.

Although Alan's strength is the weakest in the entire tribe, or in the entire orc tribe.Fortunately, his luck has always been good, so he has only been hunted down by animals in the forest until now.If other orcs were able to return safely in the forest because of strength, then he relied on luck.At the beginning of the experience, he got lost soon after entering the forest, passing dangerous animals in the forest again and again by accident.Pick some fruit when he's hungry, and catch the weaker animals he can catch.Just let him spend a month like this, and finally when he was looking for the tribal road, he happened to meet a family of hairy beasts who were teaching their children to hunt, and what was even worse was that he even killed the prey of the little beast. He completely angered the Hairy Beast family and was pursued by them.Now he met Alger while escaping.

Without waiting to think about it, Alger said, "Let's get out of here right away."

Allen nodded.because

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