.In fact, he wanted to come in the morning. After all, someone challenged Alan yesterday. Although he won in the end, he was still worried that the two of them would get into trouble.However, Claude stopped him and told him to come back at night.Now Lancey can see what's going on when he sees the marks on Alan's body.Thinking to himself, Claude still understands them.

"Daddy, Brother Erwen, you are here. Sit down, you can have dinner with us." Allen hurriedly got up and moved the chair.Sisal sat on the chair, motionless, and just ordered Xiu to serve rice and add chopsticks.

"Well~ Sure enough, the food here is delicious from Allen." Lan Xi pulled Erwin to sit down.For his own family, he is not polite.

Five people sit together and chat about leisure things, and a meal is over.

The author has something to say: Well.There is nothing to write about this festival. It was originally arranged for Allen to counterattack (cover face)

The next chapter arranges the marriage of Murphy and Naiden.Then fast forward in time.Let the two brothers have a child.Finally, it's time to steam Alan and Sisal's own buns! *★,°*:.☆( ̄▽ ̄)/$:*.°★*.come on!Victory is just around the corner!


45, 45 Everyone's wedding...

The month-long festival of welcoming the gods is over soon, and several patriarchs are saying goodbye to each other.

"This festival is very successful." The patriarch of the tiger clan said after looking at many members of his clan who had already found a partner.

"Indeed. Besides, I also shared a lot of things. When I go back this time, life in the tribe will be more prosperous." The leader of the wolf clan agreed with the leader of the tiger clan.They learned a lot from Claude, whether it was the way the food was prepared or the new kind of food.With these, this year's snow season will be better for everyone.

"I won't be in our tribe next year. I'm looking forward to better things for everyone." During this exchange, Claude shared a lot with people from other tribes, but he got very little from other tribes.There is no way, their tribe has made great progress because of the presence of sisal.No other tribe really can compare.

"Hahaha, I'm afraid that you will still be the strongest next year, Claude." The Lion Clan patriarch joked.

"If you make progress, you will never keep it private." Claude said generously.Of course, he would still keep some necessary things private.After all, even if he hid it privately, they wouldn't know it.

"We all know Claude's character. Then, everyone, let's just say goodbye and see you next year." The patriarch of the bear clan said boldly.

"Goodbye!" The patriarchs said goodbye to each other.

The females and males who find their partners on this festival will wait for the agreed day to be married or to marry.

On the other side, Sisi and Murphy hugged goodbye.

"Murphy, you are waiting for me to come back soon. This time, I will bring my parents here to attend the wedding, so we won't have to separate them in the future." Ceci said very seriously.

"It's okay, don't worry. I'll wait for this time." The relationship has been confirmed, and the time they spend together is indeed not short, so he can bear such a short wait.Besides, he still has to prepare the clothes he will wear when he gets married.As a witch doctor, he has a lot of good materials at home.His clothes-making skills are not good, but there are covers in the tribe.Thinking of the good clothes Sisal and Allen wore last time when they got married, Murphy planned to order two sets from Gai after Ceci left. Anyway, he had secretly recorded Sisie's size.

Marcus, who hadn't seen him for a long time, actually appeared in front of Allen and Sisal before leaving.He said to Allen: "Next time I won't lose again!"

Allen is very depressed, why hasn't this person given up yet, and what's even more depressing is that he didn't meet him last time when he could show off, but he appeared when he couldn't show off.However, he will never be polite to sisal. "Sisal belongs to me only!" Allen said confidently.

"Anything is possible." Leaving such a sentence that made Allen depressed, Marcus left with the people in the tribe.Before leaving, he did not forget to wink at the sisal.

This winking sisal doesn't want to enjoy it at all, but seeing Alan looking a little annoyed, he should pretend to enjoy it.

"Hey, sisal, let me tell you, this man balabala..." Allen hurriedly explained around sisal, hoping that sisal would not show a little heartbeat.

Xiu watched from the side, shaking his head secretly.Allen is so stupid, the teacher is obviously playing with him!Turning his eyes, he sharply saw a certain orc approaching him, Xiu turned around and left with the little fox in his arms.At the same time, he said to it: "Maomao, keep an eye on it for me in the future, and you will remind me once Arman appears, you understand?"

"Squeak~" the little fox yelled a few times. As for whether it will remind it, it depends on what Arman used to bribe it.Well, except for sisal, it basically listens selectively to other people's words.

After the God Welcoming Festival, the tribe seems to have regained its former calm, but there are some differences.

Yes, there are more females waiting to marry and more males waiting to marry, and everyone is preparing.Some males have already negotiated, and when the time comes to marry together, it will be much easier.

The festival of welcoming the gods is over, and the month of adult trials for the males is coming soon.As the days approached, Naiden became more nervous.

"Naiden, why are you here again?" Sisal looked at the person in front of him and said a little speechlessly.

"Sisal, I'm nervous, what if Alger fails?"

"You have to trust him. Besides, if you don't pass this year, you'll be here next year. If you really can't pass in the end, then let him join your family. It's okay anyway." Sisal repeated helplessly. .He said this sentence several times when Naiden came.Naiden is not annoying, he is annoying.

"Okay. You're right."

Seeing that Naiden still did not leave, Sisma had no choice but to say: "Now you should go and stay with Alger. He will be away for a month by then. Why don't you spend more time with him now?"

"Oh, yes. You are right. I should go to accompany Alger now." Naiden got up from his seat and left to find Alger.

Seeing that Naiden finally left, Sisal breathed a sigh of relief and said to himself: "Finally sent away. I hope I don't come back tomorrow." Then he turned and went to his own business.

The last batch of rice wine he brewed was a success.The success of turning distiller's grains into vinegar depends on the recent past.Thinking of the many delicacies that rice vinegar will be able to make by then, Sisal feels like his mouth is watering.The dawn of victory is ahead, come on!

"Sisal, the wine you asked me to bring to my father in the morning, my father likes it very much." At lunch time, Allen came back from Claude with a few fruits in his hand.

"Oh, that's good. Next time, I will tell Dad the method and let Dad make it for him." Sisal replied, "What are you holding in your hand?"

This sisal fruit has never been seen before, but it looks similar to those drunk fruits.

"I don't know about this either. My father asked me to take it back. It was given to him by the patriarch of the bear clan. I heard that it can be used to cook meat. Daddy doesn't know how to use it. I want to ask if you can use it." Allen Give the fruit in your hand to sisal.

Sisal took the hard fruit, shook and tapped it with his hands, and it really felt like a drunk fruit.It can't be the drunk fruit.With this question in mind, Sisal asked Allen to bring the bowl, and then broke off the shell.What came out of it was reddish brown.This is... Sisal was a little excited and directly dipped a little bit with his fingers and put it in his mouth to taste.That familiar taste, the taste he had missed for a long time.

Sisal hugged Alan excitedly, kissed him fiercely, and said, "I love you so much! Do you still have this thing? It looks like it grew from a tree. Are there any saplings?"

It was the first time Allen was so excited when he saw sisal: "There should be saplings, I have to ask my father."

"Quick, quick, I'm going back and bring that sapling back." Not long after he came back, before he could eat, Alan was driven out by sisal again.

"Actually... that shell should be able to grow..." Unfortunately, Alan didn't hear these words of sisal.He is in a state of extreme arousal right now.

"Xiu, hurry up and help, today's lunch is postponed." Sisal called Xiu who was exercising.

"Okay, teacher." Xiu immediately stopped exercising, took a shower, and hurried out to obey Sisal's instructions.

For the animals kept at home, the four legs of the wild boar were cut off from sisal, the pork belly and ribs in the middle were also taken out, and the two wild ducks were completely killed. These were not enough. Four fat fish were caught in the small fish pond.

Now, all that flashed in his mind: braised hoof leg, braised pork, steamed ribs with soy sauce, roast duck, braised duck leg, braised fish.

I don't know if Alan and Xiu will be afraid of such a pile of braised things...

Since the introduction of soy sauce, the life of sisal has become more and more comfortable.It is a good mood to look at everything every day. Even Naiden, who ran to his house every day after the trial month started, was very patient.Naiden asked Allen nervously if sisal was sick.His attitude is too good, and he is under a lot of pressure.

Allen just shook his head at Naiden and said, "Just get used to it."

Can you get used to this?Naiden expressed doubts, but fortunately, he didn't stay here all the time.Youxiu and Alan accompany him to "enjoy" the weirdness of sisal, and there is nothing wrong with it.

"Naiden, what are you going to do with Alger's wedding? Have you thought about doing it with other people? It seems that Murphy and the others are already planning to do it with other people." Sisal rarely asked seriously.

A week ago, Sisi brought his parents back to the Five Colors Tribe.Sisi's parents initially

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