For a child who loves his father, it is really important to get a compliment from his father.And sisal is the kind of person who doesn't praise them very much in general.

"Why is it your father, not your father?" The rabbi asked strangely, "Isn't your father a male, and your father a female?" Oh, the parents of these two children are a little conflicted, so regarding the matter of address, they It's different from other orcs.

"That's what Xiu said. It seems that my father's ability to be so good is all due to my father. Also, Xiu was also trained by my father. I didn't see him calling my father 'teacher' all the time. So, My dad is the hottest guy in the family!" Kim could answer that question for Jos.Jin's little face was flushed, which was caused by excitement and pride.Apparently, this is also a dad lover.

"So powerful?! Then can I train with you?" As a male, as a young male with ideals and aspirations and wants to become a warrior in the future, it is normal to have a sense of admiration for the strong and want to train with the strong That's more normal.

"I don't know." Joss shook his head, "I have to ask my father about this. It seems that ordinary fathers don't teach people casually." Of course, except for my family, Xiu is now my family, so it is also excluded.

"I see." The rabbi lowered his head in disappointment.

"Why don't you let your daddy teach you? Isn't your daddy also very good? Besides, there's Dad Besa here." Jin asked strangely.There are two males in the family, why go to their father for help.

"You have seen it too. The affairs of Daddy and Uncle Berger are not settled." The subtext, there is no time to take care of me now.

"Eh...maybe, you can ask Xiu to teach you." Jin suggested, "Look, Xiu doesn't need the warriors in the tribe to be weak at all. Besides, most of our family's prey are from Xiu and Daddy." If their father can't teach people, then Xiu should be able to.

"Didn't you say that your father is very powerful? Why do you want your father and Xiu to go hunting?" Bessa was puzzled.

"That's because my dad has more important things to do!" Yes, more important things to do.It's okay to plant the fields, harvest vegetables, dry vegetables, and bask in the sun.That day was as casual as their family's Mao Mao.Oh yes, recently added one for Joss and Kim training.That's right, there is also Jin, and Sisal will not miss a child.

"Really?" Bessa was obviously suspicious.But fortunately, I didn't say any more, otherwise the two children who love their fathers don't know if they will do something out of the ordinary.

"I won't tell you. We went home instead, and Dad said that there is still training in the afternoon." Joss took Jin's hand and bid farewell to Besa and Rabbi.

The rabbi thought for a while and said to them, "I'll come to your house tomorrow. See if your father can teach me."

"Okay. See you tomorrow." He waved to his friend and went home.

"I'm back." Sisal was lying on the deck chair, with his eyes closed, he was enjoying the shade under the big tree.Holding the little fox Mao Mao in his arms, he followed its fur one after another.Shun Mao Shun felt comfortable, so Mao Mao flicked its three tails.There is a small coffee table next to the recliner, on which some neatly cut fruits and a pot of herbal tea are placed.Sisal eats fast fruits when he is hungry, and feeds Maomao a mouthful when he is free. Of course, most of the time, Maomao takes a whole fruit from the plate and eats it in his arms.With one person and one pet, life is very comfortable.

"Yes, Dad." Kim and Joss were used to seeing their dad like this.Moved two identical but smaller chairs from the side, and laid them next to the sisal.Follow their father's example and enjoy it.

Sisal still didn't open his eyes, but he could understand what the two boys were doing just by listening.After the little one lay down, Sisal asked some small questions. "Have you finished your morning run?"

"It's over." Joss replied obediently, and Jin nodded beside him, but the sisal could not be seen.Nianzi's two children are still young, so the task Sisal arranged for them to run circles is quite small.And it's not loaded yet.It's different when you get older.Everything has to be done step by step.

"En." Sisal responded lightly.No praise and no criticism.This made Joss and Jin a little bit disappointed, but soon they cheered up again, because Sisal said: "Starting tomorrow, after the run, Dad will prepare a special drink for you as a reward."

"Okay, Dad." Hearing that there was a reward, and it was a special drink made by Dad, Joss and Jin immediately lost their eyes with laughter.

Sisal was lying on the chair, also showing a faint smile.Only he himself knows what this special drink is.

[I miss it so much.Thinking about it this way, I haven't touched those things since I came here.I don't know if my resistance has dropped.I haven't been able to train myself over the years, and I don't know if my strength has declined. If the master is here, I guess I will have to receive a penalty. ] Thinking of this, Sis Ma opened his eyes suddenly, a sharpness that he hadn't seen for a long time flashed in his eyes, and then he returned to calm.Judging from this, what decision did Sisal make.

The two children were taken aback by their father's appearance.Because when Sisal was meditating, they were bored, so they just looked at their father's face and the little fox Mao Mao in his arms.Suddenly, their father opened his eyes and was still so scary. Although he quickly regained his composure, he was really startled.But after being frightened, there was indeed admiration in his eyes—even more admiration than before. Of course, Joss was the most of the two.As an orc, of course he worships the strong more than the female Jin.

The little fox in the sisal arms sensitively sensed that the aura of the owner holding it had changed.The fur on his body immediately stood up, and he let out a "creak creak" sound.The body twisted as if trying to leave the sisal.However, the sisal hemp held it with great strength, and it couldn't break free.

"Quiet." Sisal said two words lightly, and the noisy little fox immediately calmed down, not daring to move.

"Dad, you are amazing." Joss' eyes were really about to flash stars.

Seeing this, Sisma laughed and said: "Work hard, you can do it too." It's just that the bloody smell on his body will be different from his.Sisal kills people, but Joss kills beasts.

"Of course! Joss will definitely be better than Dad in the future." Joss clenched his fists and raised his chest, with an expression that Dad taught me that I must be better in the future.

"Dad is looking forward to it."

Nothing to do in the afternoon, Sisal gave Joss and Jin to Allen, asked him to teach for half a day, and went to the forest to find usable things.

The search for sisal was very serious this time.Carefully identify those weeds.Cough cough, some grass looks useless, but when several kinds are merged, they will become poison.Fortunately, although I haven't recognized it for some years, the knowledge I should have is still there.That is, some grasses look different, but they look similar, which really embarrasses sisal.In the end, I had no choice but to test the poison myself.

It took an afternoon to find a bunch of herbs.In addition, he also found some poisonous insects and snakes.Of course, the poisonous snake is caught and squeezed out the venom with a bottle, then let it go and catch the next one.Anyway, the snake that has been let off its venom is not very intimidating, and with mindfulness on its body, sisal is not afraid at all.

As for the poisonous insects, they were sealed in a sealed box, and it was none of his business whether they would kill each other and die inside.Anyway, even if it died, the one that survived last must be the most poisonous.It was poison, not worms, that worked for him.

Put everything in the ring, and dare not put the sisal outside, lest there be any accidents.

When I got home, I took some parts of the grass from the ring, tasted the sisal, and tasted it in my mouth.The grass he tried was poisonous, and he picked it because it resembled the poisonous grass in his memory.If it is really the poisonous weed in memory, then its poisonous condition should make people feel pain all over the body and vomit blood continuously.Fortunately, this kind of poisonous sisal has not been eaten less before, so he is not afraid.

It's just unexpected that he lost consciousness not long after he ate this.When he woke up, Alan was lying beside him with scars.

Sisal was startled, and immediately got up to check inside and out.After the examination, he was relieved, there was no serious injury, but he was a little over-indulgent, and his back was very red and swollen.

The heart that had just been let go immediately lifted up again, and he belatedly thought that if Alan hadn't come in at that time, it would have been really bad.Sisal loving kiss-kiss Ellen.Then I thought fearfully: Fortunately, it was you who came in.otherwise……

It's just that what he didn't expect was that it was just a relatively common poison, but here it became a super-strong aphrodisiac, and even his sanity would be taken away.The most important thing is that even a person like him who has been taking poison all year round has not been able to restrain himself. Perhaps this has something to do with the fact that he hasn't taken poison in the past five years.Sure enough, this kind of thing can't be stopped.

The author has something to say: backup anti-pumping

"Bessa, Rabbi, are your fathers still fighting recently?" Jin curiously asked Bessa and Rabbi who were playing together.

Bessa thought for a while with a bitter face, and then with a slightly distorted expression: "It's still arguing, but it seems that the atmosphere is different from before." He didn't know how to express it. He couldn't describe the weird feeling inside. .

"Oh. It's good that there is no big quarrel. Maybe they have a good relationship." Joss's words were really erroneously correct. "I didn't see my dad and dad, even Xiu said my dad and dad are too thick-skinned."

"Don't talk about that, what have you been doing lately?" The rabbi asked among the three of them.

Upon hearing this question, the faces of Joss and Kim changed from the original

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