An Li fled far away in one breath, and found that the male tiger did not catch up, so he slowed down and strolled leisurely with his paws. The sky is so blue, the trees are so green, and even the air is so fresh.

Anli was very happy to win back a city, the sullenness of the past few days seemed to have disappeared, Anli almost wanted to hum a little song to express his joy, but at present, he could only howl a few times to express it.

In the hot afternoon, Anli found a big tree, jumped up to the cat in the shade, relaxed and comfortable, squinted his eyes and took a nap comfortably.

A newly grown giraffe is still in the rebellious stage. It doesn't like to listen to the old giraffe's advice. It recklessly leaves the group and goes alone to find fresh and juicy leaves.

It picks and chooses, and only eats the youngest leaves of each tree. It has ruined all the surrounding trees, and it still has more to say.It saw a tree whose leaves were so green that it called its heart, and it almost fell in love at first sight.

It moved its long legs close to the big tree it liked, stretched its neck, and couldn't wait to stick its head into the layers of leaves to taste.

"Aw~~~ Mmm!"

An Li woke up painfully from the sweet dream, and opened his eyes to see that the guy with the tip of his nose in his mouth was blinking innocent big eyes at him.

When did the giraffe also eat meat, An Li couldn't help blinking, wondering if he was still in a dream.

Looking at each other, the two quickly stared into cross-eyed eyes, and took a moment to react before each of them came to their senses.The giraffe let go, only regretting that its legs were not long enough. It was obviously a delicious green leaf, so why did a monster appear.

There is no reason for the delicious food delivered to the door to fly away, An Li immediately jumped on it, opened his mouth and bit.

With a sound of "click", An Li felt a toothache for himself. The damn giraffe escaped so fast that he took a bite out of it. The violent collision of the upper and lower rows of teeth almost gnawed a sharp tooth.Looking at the disappearing figure of the giraffe, An Li was annoyed, but he didn't dare to catch up. The hind legs of the giraffe are known as "killing beasts".

Anli's sensitive nose was bitten by a giraffe, and the stinging pain made Anli's eyes full of tears. His nose hurt and his toothache hurt.

The frightened giraffe ran back to the herd quickly, found its mother, put its head on the mother giraffe's neck and acted like a spoiled child, demanding comfort.The female giraffe felt helpless to the capriciousness of the old son, so she had to comfort her symbolically, hoping that he would get back to normal as soon as possible. She was so worried that her neck grew.

An Li never wanted to meet the damned giraffe again. He came to a slightly open forest glade to continue to take a nap and recuperate casually.

A huge black figure rushed out from the side of the jungle.Faster than that black shadow, another vigorous figure jumped into the air from behind, landing on the back of that huge black shadow.

An Li only had time to stop his feet, and the next moment, warm liquid flew onto his face.

He saw clearly that the huge black shadow was a wild boar, and he also saw clearly that the figure that landed on the wild boar's back was the male tiger that had just slept with him in a tree overnight and was trampled on the head by him. .An Li had a bitter face, could he be more unlucky?

The sharp teeth of the male tiger firmly penetrate the sides of the wild boar's neck.The wild boar was struggling furiously, and the male tiger shook his head, and a large piece of flesh was torn off the wild boar's neck.

Blood spurted out like a fountain.The wild boar struggled twice, and finally fell down with a bang, kicked its hind legs, and there was no more movement.

The male tiger was still clasping the wild boar's body tightly, and swallowed the torn meat in two or three bites. Blood dripped down, staining the fur around its mouth red.Then it turned its head and looked at An Li.

The moment he met its eyes, An Li instinctively turned around and fled.

The male tiger threw down the wild boar, jumped on Anli, grinned strangely, and looked him up and down, as if he was weighing what gave him the courage to step on the tiger's head.

An Li was so frightened that he didn't dare to move. He squinted at the dead boar beside him, feeling sad from his heart, as if a rabbit had died and a fox had died.

Suddenly, the male tiger stretched out its paw and knocked An Li to the ground.An Li will be very obedient, he will fall to the ground, showing his belly, with his tail between his legs, showing his submission. That was when he observed the pack of wolves the day before yesterday, and he saw the male wolf who failed the challenge do this to the wolf king. Immediately spare its life, Anli is learning and selling.

Self-esteem is nothing in front of life, and surrendering to the king of the jungle is not so embarrassing. An Li only hopes that the male tiger in front of him will let him go after venting his anger.

The male tiger looked at Anli suspiciously with golden brown eyes. Is the one lying on the ground still the bold guy in the morning? Hearts accept.

The male tiger lowered its head, and slowly licked the soft fur of Anli's abdomen, even licking it down more and more, until it didn't even let go of the lower body covered in the white fluff, Anli suddenly reacted and struggled to turn over. With his feet facing the sky, and the male tiger pressing his paws on Anli's body, Anli was like a flipped tortoise, all in vain.

The male tiger obsessively licked Anli up and down, inside and out. It was almost endless. A group of tree magpies watched the whole process, chattering and gossiping. Face, it's too embarrassing.

Xiong Hu looked at An Li, who had been groomed by himself, and was very satisfied. The snow-white fur was smooth and smooth, and he was comfortable no matter how he looked.Seeing that the male tiger's anger had dissipated, Anli also let go of the big claws that suppressed him. Anli tried to turn over and get up, but the male tiger didn't respond. That's great. Look, the male tiger still didn't respond, An Li finally let go of his hanging heart, and carefully prepared to move out of the male tiger's sight range.

But why did the good start turn into what it is now, the male tiger followed Anli's butt step by step.

As a result of the current situation, An Li walked in front, and the male tiger swaggered behind. What is this called, a fox pretends to be a tiger, but he obviously doesn't look like a fox at all, An Li is extremely depressed.

He didn't know why the male tiger followed him, and looked at the handsome male tiger behind him with a headache. Doesn't this guy need to patrol his territory?Don't you have to breed with a female tiger?How did he spend so much time playing such silly tricks?

An Li was carefully recalling whether he stepped on a hyena's shit this morning, or he was so bad-tempered.An Li planned to take a turn around to get rid of the convulsed male tiger, and then grab a prey and go back to the cave to enjoy it and soothe his wounded heart.

An Li's wishful thinking was obviously in vain. After several rounds, the male tiger still followed behind him with a stern face. When you stopped to stare at it, it yawned boredly for you to see. An Li vomited inwardly. Even the expression is distorted.

Forget it, just follow if you like, anyway, I won't lose a piece of meat or a hair.An Li decided not to make things difficult for him. If he was hungry, it was more important to fill his stomach.

An Li had originally planned to find a place to roll in the mud and get a cover, but his snow-white fur was like a beacon to tell the prey that the hunter was coming.But Xionghu is obviously reluctant to part with the fruits of his labor, and won't let Anli get dirty.

An Li finally compromised, whoever made him big and strong enough had the right to speak.An Li carefully looked at the herd of antelopes in front of him, chose an old antelope, lowered his body, kicked his hind legs slightly, and was about to attack when he was suddenly pinned down.

Needless to say, Anli used his tail to figure out that it was the boring and rascal male tiger. His belly was pressed against Anli's buttocks, and he even rubbed it vaguely.

Seeing that An Li was really annoyed, the male tiger immediately jumped away and raised his tail, signaling that he would cooperate with An Li in hunting.The target he chose was a zebra. Anli's scalp had a cramp. There was a herd of antelope next to him. Why did he want to provoke the zebra? The zebra has a strong ability to run and bounce, and the consequences of being kicked by him would be very serious.

But the male tiger insisted on going his own way, thinking that zebra meat was better, and said it was absolutely fine.Well, the king of the jungle said no problem, so all problems are not problems.

An Li lay in ambush beside the bushes, and the male tiger rushed into the herd of zebras like an arrow. The terrified zebras fled around, and he chased the stragglers to Anli's hiding place.

A few zebras ran past An Li's eyes quickly. An Li calculated the time and rushed into the group of horses in the opposite direction. His eyes were aimed at the throat of a zebra, and he jumped up and bit its throat.

The zebra kept kicking. An Li hung on his throat and refused to let go. He couldn't kick An Li with his front legs, so he could only shake his head back and forth, hoping to throw An Li away, but that also caused a wound on his throat. The wound was torn even wider.

The male tiger rushed up from behind, threw itself on the zebra, overwhelmed the zebra all at once, and the two attacked together.

The male tiger dragged the zebra to the shade of the tree. An Li had planned to wait for the male tiger to finish eating and pick up some leftovers to eat. After leaving the mouth, he is willing to eat.

An Li was very speechless. I have seen people who steal prey shamelessly, but I have never seen people who just let their prey go. It is obvious that weasels are giving New Year greetings to chickens, and they have no good intentions.

But An Li couldn't figure out Xiong Hu's thoughts for a while, so he had to take a step at a time.An Li was not polite, picked the powerful zebra's hind legs, tore open the skin and ate it with gusto.

Seeing An Li's delicious food, Xionghu seemed very satisfied, so he stuttered.

This was the safest time for Anli to eat on the ground, and he didn't have to be scared to shoot the hyenas for food. Although there was an inexplicable male tiger by his side, it didn't prevent Anli from eating a round belly.

After eating, Anli dragged the leftover meat to a tree and hid it.It was getting dark, Anli originally planned that he would not be able to get rid of the male tiger, so he would just spend another night in the tree, or bring him back to his cave, that would really lure the tiger into its den.

The male tiger was very dissatisfied with An Li lying on the tree and could not get down, so he roared threateningly under the tree a few times. An Li looked at the male tiger helplessly, and climbed down the tree in a practical way, went to the male tiger and squatted down .

The male tiger seemed to be addicted to grooming Anli's fur, and leaned over to try to lick all the blood off his mouth.An Li moved, turned over, refused it to continue doing so, and quickly wiped away the blood with his paws.

Xionghu whimpered in his throat, as if frustrated by Anli's refusal, he buried his head between his front paws to pretend to be wronged, but the movements of peeking at Anli's expression from between his paws betrayed him.

This doesn't look like the demeanor of a jungle king, it's simply a big jungle cat!

The author has something to say: Please leave a message and ask for flowers~~~~~~


42. At the time of life and death, a hundred thoughts turn...

Xionghu followed Anli, pretending to be cute, and gradually figured out Anli's temper.As long as you pretend to be good and express that you are lonely with an aggrieved voice, Anli's heart will soften at this time, and then you can take the opportunity to lick him with your tongue and rub some oil by the way.Once An Li was angry with his behavior, he would shrink his head pitifully and moan for forgiveness. Under normal circumstances, An Li would let him go.

If An Li wants to run away, he must be tough when he should be tough, show the arrogance of the king of the jungle, and suppress it with force.However, you can't be too tough on Anli, otherwise he will fight desperately, and the gains will not be worth the loss in the end, so Xionghu generally doesn't dare to provoke Anli, and carefully adjusts the scale of both soft and hard.

Since coming to "Emerald", the "tail" behind him has never been broken. The shameless robber hyena before, and now the boring rascal male tiger, Anli can't tell which one is more annoying. If there is a choice, Anli hopes These "tails" all disappear.When the hyenas follow, their prey are often robbed, and they often have to work hard and still not be full. Now that the male tigers follow, they don't have to worry about food and clothing, but they have to guard against physical harassment from time to time.

An Li walked in front, ignoring the pestering big cat. An Li decided to call the male tiger a big cat in the future to express his inner dissatisfaction.

The big cat always likes to cling to him, and sometimes An Li gets really annoyed, so he has to bark his teeth to express his annoyance.

An Li found a big tree with luxuriant foliage and lay down in the shade. The big cat hurried over and lay down beside him.An Li lazily drove away mosquitoes and flies with his tail, a fly seemed to be interested in An Li's nose, and kept flying around the tip of his nose, making An Li sneezed loudly.

The big cat next to him immediately sneered unkindly, An Li turned his head and glared at it angrily, and it immediately looked around, pretending to be looking for the culprit.

An Li's teeth itch with hatred. Apart from mosquitoes and flies, there's not even a mountain mouse around here, so what's the matter with pretending.Seeing that An Li was annoyed, the big cat turned over with its belly up, and scratched it with its paws, begging for mercy.

What is the most shameful thing to pretend to be cute, regardless of your size.

Seeing that An Li would not buy it, the big cat had no choice but to go hunting. After a while, he dragged a sika deer over and graciously bowed it in front of An Li.An Li also stopped taking Joe, and the two happily ate.

After eating, An Li squatted aside, comfortably wiped off the blood on his face with his paws, and then slowly rubbed on the fallen leaves to clean his paws.

The big cat saw An Li's laziness after eating and drinking, and suddenly became lustful.It leaned over and sniffed Anli's neck, then put its paws on his back.An Li was unprepared, his feet were softened by such a sudden claw, and he was almost knocked down by its huge force. He glanced back at it inexplicably, bared his teeth and motioned for it to take down the claw.

The big cat ignored it, covered An Li with its body, and stretched out its head calmly, trying to bite his neck.It was only then that An Li realized that the big cat didn't seem to be playing with him to pass the time. Its movements looked like the first time it bumped into it to fight in the field and mated with a female tiger.

This guy must be crazy, the sperm is on his head, and he can't see who the target is.An Li struggled desperately to get out from under its paws, and rushed to the opposite side, angrily trying to stay away from this guy in heat.

Seeing that An Li was about to leave him, the big cat hurriedly chased after him, but when An Li saw that it was following, he raised his paws angrily, arched his back, and growled at it.

Seeing this, the big cat immediately took a step back, expressing that he didn't dare to move anymore, and then An Li put away his paws and left.The big cat lowered its head in frustration, its eyes full of desire have returned to calm, it obviously does not dislike being with itself, and is willing to eat the animals it hunts, why not let itself mate with him, those tigresses have said before that they are very sharp.

An Li was actually just angry at the time. Later, he thought about it, the big cat has always been an animal, and there was nothing wrong with following his instincts. The fault was that he didn't really forcefully reject it when it was clinging to him, which gave it the illusion.

From now on, I can no longer mix with it. I am too afraid of being alone, so I mistake it for a partner. It seems that what the big cat needs is not a partner, but a companion.

An Li was drinking water beside the Shahe River, while looking at the herd of wildebeest not far away. There were two young wildebeests in their prime, and they fought for a little friction, facing each other with their long horns. .

Anli waited patiently for the opportunity. Soon, one of them fell into the disadvantaged. The corner of its eye was bruised, bloody and bloody, and its vision was greatly affected. Anli launched an attack while it was weak.

The herd of spotted wildebeest drinking water by the river was startled by the sudden attack and fled in all directions.An Li kept his eyes on the target and quickly chased after him. Within a few ups and downs, the distance between him and the injured wildebeest was only one body length.

An Li jumped up beautifully, stretching his whole body to the maximum extent, and swung his sharp claws towards the hind legs of the wildebeest, tearing a large piece of flesh, and the wildebeest made a movement, and was bitten by An Li. Hold the throat, there is no chance of escape.

An Li stepped on his prey, and such fast running exhausted his strength a lot, and he needed time to rest to recover.During this period of time, the big cat was always by his side, and he almost forgot that there were hyenas, a group of hateful robbers, on the "Emerald".

An Li breathed a sigh of relief, and was just about to lower his head and start enjoying his dinner.At this time, the figures of two hyenas appearing on the edge of the Shahe River are really lingering.

The hyena slowly approached, but it still howled, and its ferocious voice resounded through the "Emerald".Sure enough, An Li heard the same howling from afar, echoing each other.

An Li suddenly felt bad. It seemed that the delicious food was about to be ruined. Although he was reluctant to give up, An Li still chose to give up his prey and turned around to leave.Unexpectedly, the two hyenas in front of him did not run towards Anli's discarded prey, but still blocked Anli's way forward.

They erected their hard back hair and opened their mouths to reveal ferocious sharp teeth. It seemed that they wanted more, not only prey, but also to hunt and kill themselves.

This kind of cognition made Anli panic. Once he was surrounded and attacked by a group of hyenas, he would die without a place to bury him.Since coming to "Emerald", although the danger has always existed, but never has it been so close to death like this moment.

An's beating speeded up, and her mind was spinning at high speed, how to escape from this crisis.An Li gritted his teeth and launched an attack first, taking the initiative to attack. Before the other hyenas came, they could have a chance of survival if they got rid of the two strikers.

An Li leaped into the air and used his momentum to knock over a hyena.Seeing this, another hyena rushed up and bit Anli's back. Anli turned around nimbly, barely dodging the attack, and when he passed by, he smelled the disgusting stench of the hyena.

After such a delay, the overturned hyena also stood up and joined the fight.An Li could only care about the front but not the back. When he bit the belly of one of the hyenas, due to his lack of fighting experience, his right hind leg was bitten by another hyena. The hyena's bite ability is amazing. An Li felt that his leg The bone was almost crushed by it.

But at this time, he couldn't care less, An Li wanted to deal with the front one first, biting its abdomen tightly and not letting go, and with the help of the twisting force of his body, he tore a long gash in its abdomen, and the intestines spilled all over the floor.

Only then did An Li let go, and turned to bite the throat of the hyena behind him, and the two bite into a ball.After being torn several times on his body, An Li finally succeeded in biting off the hyena's throat, and its blood sprayed out violently, soaking the ground under his feet.At this time, his right hind leg was released, but it was already bloody and bloody, and it was difficult to stand up. An Li used the other three legs to support his body.

The hyenas in the distance came faster than he expected. When An Li wanted to leave, eight adult hyenas had already surrounded them. When they saw the family member whose throat had been bitten and disemboweled, they immediately bared fiercely. Gritting his teeth, he wanted to tear Anli apart.

An Li backed away slowly, gasping for breath, his heart was filled with desolation, there was a ferocious pursuer in front of him, and a bottomless cliff behind him.The blood loss made the strength gradually drain away, and he was holding on with one breath, An Li smiled wryly, rather than being eaten by these wretched hyenas and turning into a part of their stinking flesh and blood, it would be better to kill himself.An Li closed his eyes and jumped off the cliff.

When the big cat arrived, it saw An Li being forced to jump off the cliff by a group of hyenas. His eyes immediately turned red, and he rushed into the group of hyenas in a frenzy. He skinned them like a devil and let them bleed, creating blood all over the place.With injuries all over his body, the big cat let out a mournful roar in front of the cliff and jumped off the cliff.

The sun is setting, and it seems that it will be night again.

An Li was stopped by a tree growing obliquely from the cliff wall, and was hanging in mid-air, unable to get up or down.If he hung on like this, An Li thought, would he starve to death first, or bleed to death first?

If he died... would anyone care?

Ao Kong, since he entered the "Emerald", he has been avoiding thinking about him. Now, when he is dying, Anli's thoughts of Ao Kong flood into his mind like a tide, and the desire to see him again is so strong that he even thinks of him. They were all shocked.

Will Ao Kong blame himself for leaving without saying goodbye, will he believe the reasons he made up, has it been so long, has he forgotten himself, and maybe he has found his favorite Yama, and the family lives happily together , he no longer cares about his own life or death.

It was as if someone whispered in his ear, give up, no one cares about you, you will die here alive, your skin and flesh will rot, covered with maggots, and then eaten by vultures, leaving only a pile of bones Hanging on the branch when the wind blows and the sun hits.

The growing pessimism was out of control, and under the bloody sunset, facing the empty cliff and the fragile thin tree below, such thoughts became even more irresistible.

Closing his eyes, An Li forced himself not to think wildly, and calmed down. The current panic is meaningless...

Grandpa Tuo Lei once said to himself that no one has the right to give up his life easily.Even if no one cares, he doesn't want to die, how could he just die like this...

he also...

--what else?

He hasn't experienced life well, hasn't strived for his own happiness, hasn't even taken a good look at the scenery of "Emerald", hasn't gone... How many things has he not done?

The author has something to say: Well, I also know how old-fashioned the plot of falling off a cliff is, and everyone knows how high the survival rate of falling off a cliff is.

Cover your face, this is a vulgar story~~~~~


43. The bald claw was ridiculed and lost its territory...

The desire to survive cheered Anli up. Everywhere he felt felt like he was covered with wounds, and he felt a piercing pain when he moved. What worried Anli most was his right hind leg, which seemed to be out of control from the calf down. The leg bone was bitten off by a hyena.

An Li turned her body carefully and looked around.He was hung on a branch far away from the cliff. If the wind was a little stronger, he would shake for a while, as if the branch would be broken at any time. Anli had to move to the root of the tree near the cliff before he could make another plan.

An Li clung to the tree trunk with two front paws, gritted his teeth, and moved his whole body inward bit by bit. Finally, with a sudden tug, he climbed up the cliff.An Li sat paralyzed at the root of the tree, panting heavily against the cliff.

He heard a roar from above, and then a heavy object quickly fell towards him. The yellow and black skin was not who the big cat was. An Li had no time to think, and jumped up to catch the big cat, but the big cat fell. The speed was so fast that An Li only had time to grab its long tail before being dragged down by its big body.

Seeing that An Li was still alive, the big cat screamed happily. An Li saw that it was dying and felt a sense of crisis, so he gritted his teeth harder. Only then did the big cat wake up and stretched out his mouth. The sharp claws scratched at the cliff wall, and the friction between the sharp claws and the cliff made a creepy and piercing sound. Although it could slow down the speed of descent, it still couldn't stop the figure.

I don't know how long it took to slide down, it may be very short, or it may be very long. In the end, the two fell into the bushes.An Li woke up from the initial dizziness, and quickly looked at the big cat that was used as a pad under him. Seeing that its chest was still rising and falling, he immediately let go, and turned over and lay on the side.

I have never felt so happy for a moment.Although there were wounds all over his body, his limbs were weak, and his right hind leg was broken.But An Li still smiled, laughing so happily, from the bottom of his heart, joyful for survival.

Suddenly, a pink soft object hit Anli's face.An Li didn't dodge it for the first time, closed his eyes, only felt a wet, warm thing licking his face with joy.

Good thing we all survived.

The two just lay there until they heard the sound of drumming in each other's stomach, and then they thought that they should treat the wound as soon as possible, and then hunt and eat, so as to provide energy to restore the body.

An Li struggled to get up, his right hind foot couldn't touch the ground at all, he could barely support his body with three wobbly legs.The big cat also struggled to stand up, but it might have been injured when it fell, so it didn't stand up, and even spit out a few mouthfuls of blood, scaring An Li half to death.

After the big cat vomited blood, it pretended to be full of anger and roared a few times, but it was hard to hide its lack of energy, not much louder than a cat.An Li saw that its original sharp claws had become horrible, worn bare, and even a few had been overturned, bloody and bloody, and so badly injured that he vomited blood and couldn't even crawl, but that stupid The cat's face was bright, and An Li couldn't help but paw at its head, telling the silly cat to jump off with him recklessly.

The big cat curled up, as if An Li's paw hurt more than any other wound on its body, licked its front paw with its tongue, and carefully rubbed its forehead with the licked front paw.

Sensing An Li's gaze, the big cat lowered its front paws and timidly raised its head, thinking that he is so useless, will An Li not want him anymore?The big cat didn't dare to look into An Li's eyes any more, and cringed and huddled itself up, burying its head in its paws.

In the haze, the warm breath gradually approached.

An Li carefully licked the wound on the big cat, cleaned up the debris on the wound, and used spittle to eliminate the inflammation. The big cat gasped in pain, and An Li made his movements more gentle.

The big cat has not only the bruises from falling off the cliff, but also the scratches from the fight, and its fine fur has made it miserable.What Anli is most afraid of is that the big cat vomits blood, probably because of internal injuries.

After licking the big cat's wound, An Li roughly licked his own wound, picked up a straight dead branch, and fixed it on his right hind leg. After becoming a ferocious beast, it was so difficult that the cane refused to listen to his orders, and finally it was only with the help of the big cat that it was tied up and tied.

An Li tried to walk a few steps. Although it was a bit difficult, he could walk with two legs anyway, and it didn't make sense that he couldn't walk with three legs.

The sky was completely dark, and a round of bright moon hung coldly in the night sky, filled with a dangerous atmosphere.It is very dangerous to let a big immobile cat lie in the wild like this. Not to mention other ferocious predators, even one or two hyenas can easily kill it.But the big cat was too big, and An Li couldn't move it, so he had to cover it with some branches with a slightly stronger smell, hoping to cover up its smell.

An Li came back with the herbs in his mouth, dragged away the branches, and found the big cat lying motionless, An Li put his paws on it, and gently pushed it.The big cat didn't respond, and An Li couldn't help becoming anxious. The big paws with pads rubbed more vigorously on his body, pushing and patting.The big cat's head was heavy and heavy, but it could feel An Li's worry, so it forced its heavy eyelids to open, and responded with a whimper.

Seeing that he was just asleep, An Li let go of his hanging heart, chewed up the herbs and fed it.The big cat who has always hated the smell of grass, this time without any hesitation, swallowed the herbal medicine very cooperatively. It hoped to get better soon. Seeing An Li dragging his injured leg to run around for it, the big cat felt like a cat scratching in his heart. uncomfortable.

An Li applied the rest of the herbal medicine to the big cat and his wounds. After finishing, he put the branch back on the big cat, and went out to see if he could get something to eat.

Because of the lame leg, it is difficult to walk, let alone hunt.An Li held back his hunger, and lay down at the entrance of the rock rat's cave to wait for the rat. After tossing around half the night, he finally caught three skinny rock rats. If he didn't go back, the big cat would be in a hurry.

When An Li came back with the rock mouse in its mouth, the big cat was desperately trying to prop up its body. An Li quickly put down the rock mouse to stop him from adding to the injury.When the big cat saw that An Li was back, he didn't bother and lay down obediently.

Anli put the two older rock rats in front of the big cat, right where the big cat could eat them as soon as it raised its head.Such a small rock mouse, usually the big cats would not even glance at it, but now hunger overcame everything.

He raised his head and picked up a rock rat, and chewed it slowly along with its fur.Maybe it's really hungry, even such a rock rat becomes delicious in his mouth.

Seeing that the big cat was able to eat, An Li thought that the damage to his internal organs should be better than expected, so he felt relieved.He lay down on the side and gnawed the remaining rock mouse.

This amount of prey seems to be too little for the big cat. It ate the poor rock mouse until there was not even a single hair left, and then licked its paws repeatedly as if it still had something to say.

Seeing it like this, Anli couldn't help but sighed inwardly, and gave it the remaining half of the rock mouse, but the big cat refused to eat Anli's food, and the two pushed it back and forth, and the rest Half of the rock rat ended up in Anli's stomach.

After the big cat saw An Li eating, he licked his paw again with peace of mind, carefully sucking the remaining shreds of meat between his fingers.

In this way, Anli has been relying on small animals such as rock rats, mound rabbits, and pheasants to satisfy his hunger. Anli still has to take care of the big cat's food intake, and tries his best to eat some wild vegetables to fill his stomach.

It wasn't until the third day, when the big cat was finally able to barely stand up on its own, that the situation improved.It's just these two, one has no claws, the other is limping, and they are always unable to catch large prey. They haven't eaten enough for a long time.

It took almost a month for An Li and Big Cat to recover from their injuries. They left the bush and took a detour back to Big Cat's territory.Only a few days later, this familiar land has changed hands, and a young male tiger has occupied the territory of the big cat.

The size of this male tiger is almost the same as that of a big cat, except that the big cat has become a little thinner due to hunger recently, and is not as strong as it. One of its ears seems to have been torn off in half by something, leaving a big hole missing.

One Ear lazily grinds his paws on the ground, watching the big cat and An Li with interest.The big cat stood in front of Anli and confronted One Ear. It didn't want Anli to get involved. This was a battle of honor between the tigers.

The big cat lowered its head and upper body, and let out a low, threatening roar from deep in its throat.One Ear looked at the big cat's bare paws contemptuously, and growled back mockingly.

The big cat's body froze for a moment, and it moved its limbs somewhat uncomfortably. Its claws hadn't grown yet, and now they were just ugly scars and new claws that had just grown a little.

Such claws were ridiculed by the same kind, but it remembered Anli behind him, so it held on, knowing that it couldn't beat it, but the big cat still didn't want to show weakness to other male tigers in front of Anli.

The two giant tigers collided together, and the huge impact brought dust flying all over the sky, and then rolled on the ground, smashed into a ball, and the roar of the tigers continued, but the big cat without its claws quickly fell into the wind, Being suppressed by the one ear, he couldn't lift his head.But One Ear doesn't seem to be interested in killing the big cat, and just drives it and An Li out of the territory.

The big cat lowered its head and silently followed An Li, walking slowly.

Did An Li stop? He looked back at the dejected big cat. The big cat shrank its neck when he saw it, and took a step back carefully. It scratched the ground unconsciously with its front paws, The whole person was so frustrated that he almost shrunk into a big hairball.

An Li looked at it silently for a while, sighed, then walked forward, and pressed the big cat's paw scratching the ground with his front paw, preventing it from polishing off all the new claws that had just grown.

The big cat pulled its unsightly paws from Anli's, and shrank sullenly under its body to hide.The big furry head hangs so low that it almost touches the ground.

An Li put his head on its head, rubbed it comfortingly, and signaled it not to worry too much. After the paws grow out, it will be a majestic big cat again, and then it will take the territory back.

The big cat looked into Anli's eyes. The firmness in his bright eyes encouraged the big cat. The big cat raised its head, and an earth-shattering tiger roar sounded on the "Emerald", as if telling all the animals that the king will return soon .

The author has something to say: the big cat has no claws, if you want to touch it, hurry up~~~~~O(∩_∩)O~


44. Steal a tiger cub and sell it

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