Samigu factual confession...

It was mid-moon when Lang Yi finished his tribal work, and when he returned to his cave, it was pitch black, and Xuan Zai was not the same as usual, as soon as he appeared, he jumped over alive and kicked himself, Lang Yi Yi couldn't help feeling a little disappointed, but anger quickly replaced the disappointment.

There was no sign of Xuanzai in the cave, and the sky was already dark. The little ghost had settled down for a while, and then started to toss about again. Intensified.

Lang Yi angrily walked all over the tribe, but there was still no whereabouts of Xuanzai, and he couldn't help but began to worry. Although Xuanzai was naughty and naughty, he was always pestering him, and it was unlikely that he would leave without saying goodbye.

Perhaps he slipped out to play and lost his way, or did something bad, and hid himself from seeing himself. What's worse, he was abducted by other orcs. Xuanzai's brain has always lacked circuits, and his thinking is too simple and direct.

The more Lang Yi thought about it, the more worried he became, so he quickly called a few warriors who were good friends on weekdays, and asked them to help them find Xuanzai separately.Holding a torch, he called Xuanzai's name while looking for it. As he walked, he came to the Migu Valley in the east of the tribe. It is not allowed to enter unless there are special circumstances. Now it is late at night, and Migu is even more dangerous.

Thinking that Xuanzai might enter here by mistake, no matter how dangerous it is, Lang Yi has to go in and look for it before he can rest assured.Lang Yi tore off a piece of animal skin from his clothes, covered his mouth and nose and walked into Migu.Under the dim moonlight, the miasma in Migu was even worse than during the day, the visibility was very low, and the entire valley was dark and hazy.

Lang Yi groped forward while looking for Xuan Zai's figure, and did not forget to make a mark.In the mist of miasma, green lights flickered faintly. Presumably, the fierce beasts in the lost valley were dormant there, waiting for those who strayed into the lost valley to be poisoned and unconscious after inhaling the miasma, and then came out to have a feast.

Seeing this scene, Lang Yi was even more worried about Xuan Zai, so he couldn't help but quicken his pace.But no matter where he went, the scenery in front of him seemed to be going around all the time, and it was so foggy that he could not see the distance clearly. Lang Yi suspected that he had been circling, so he stopped and looked around. Make a mark.

It seems that the misty valley not only has miasma pervading and blurring the vision, but also the position of the rocks and the direction of the trees in the valley are also misleading. Lang Yizheng decided to close his eyes and try again, to see if he still goes around in circles.

At this time, beast roars and fighting sounds were heard not far away, and Lang Yi hurriedly followed the sound to find the missing Xuan Zai, who was riding on a huge, bear-like beast and beat him fiercely, punching to the flesh The sound, the fierce beast was beaten and howled continuously.


"..., big bird~~~~~~"

Xuan Zai, who was playing vigorously, heard a familiar voice calling him, and thought he had an auditory hallucination. When he looked up, he saw Da Bird standing not far away holding a torch and looking at him.

Xuan Zai rubbed his eyes, looked at Lang Yi in disbelief, with a look of surprise, quickly ran down from the beast, kicked it on the head, jumped on Lang Yi, buried his face in On his chest, he complained coquettishly, "That monster bullied me!"

Lang Yi looked at the scarred beast lying on the ground with its belly up, only gasping for breath, and the corners of his eyes twitched, this brat, as long as he doesn't bully the beast, this beast with no eyes Also hit it head on.

Lang Yi looked at the intact Xuanzai, heaved a sigh of relief, supported Xuanzai hanging on his body with his hand, and asked, "How did you get here? Is there any discomfort there?"

Xuanzai must have stayed in Migu longer than himself, and he didn't take any precautions, and he didn't cover his mouth and nose. Now he is a little dizzy, and I don't know if Xuanzai inhaled so much, there will be any problems.

Xuan Zai shook his head in confusion, suddenly restrained his happy expression, climbed down awkwardly, and stood obediently in front of Lang Yi.

Lang Yi was a little confused by his sudden change, held Xuan Zai's hand and asked, "What's wrong?"

There was a slight tremor in the hand holding Xuanzai, Lang Yi moved up along the arm, and saw Xuanzai's face that was about to cry or not.

"Big bird..." Xuanzai shouted timidly, like a child who has made a big mistake but doesn't know what punishment he will receive.

Lang Yi was shocked by Xuan Zai's expression. This little devil is not afraid of anything, and he can find wrong reasons even if he stabs the sky. With such a guilty expression, he must have caused a lot of trouble.

Lang Yi bent down and looked at Xuan Zai, their faces were very close, the tips of their noses almost touching, and asked word by word: "What disaster did you cause again?"

The light in Xuanzi's eyes slowly dimmed, he lowered his head, feeling a bit pitiful, and said in a crying voice, "Big Bird, I'm sorry, I..., I lost my balls..." When it came to the end, Xuanzai's voice and head became lower and lower.

Xuan Zai bit his lip, but he didn't have the courage to raise his head again.He was afraid to look into Lang Yi's eyes, and he was afraid to find overwhelming anger in them.But after waiting for a long time, Big Bird didn't make a sound, his anger didn't spray towards him, and he didn't get his ass beat as expected, this kind of silence made Xuanzai even more frightened.

Xuan Zai raised his head in a panic, and found that Lang Yi was so angry that he couldn't speak, and his whole body was trembling with anger.Xuanzai was frightened, really frightened, tears streaming down his face.

Lang Yi looked at Xuan Zai who was crying silently, and sighed. The little ghost usually wailed, but now he would cry silently, and he himself realized how big a disaster he had caused.

Hey, the little ghost always has endless situations and endless troubles. In fact, I feel quite tired of facing him.Lang Yi closed his eyes, controlled his emotions, pulled the man over with all his strength, and said, "I'll punish you later, let me tell you how I lost it first?"

"Wow..., I'm so scared, I'm don't care about me anymore..." Xuanzai threw himself on Langyi, laying on his chest, and finally cried out loudly, crying until the sky was dark, Tears and snot were all over Lang Yi's body.

Lang Yi saw that Xuanzai was crying and talking for a long time, but he didn't get to the point, so he took him off his body and said to him seriously, "Stand up, I'll ask you and answer, don't hide anything, don't lie!"

"Yeah!" Xuanzai lifted his face and nodded in a very sensible manner, with tears and snot all over his face.

Lang Yi reached out to help him touch his face, and began to ask, "When did you lose it, where did you lose it, and how did you lose it?"

With a choked voice, Xuanzai explained the ins and outs of the matter in detail, and he emphasized again and again that he really didn't want to give his balls to others. Although he had thought about it, he didn't really want to give it to others. , It was snatched by that little orc, and I have been looking for him all the time, just wanting to come back.

Lang Yi didn't agree with his answer, Xuan Zai timidly raised his head and looked at Lang Yi, but he couldn't see the exact emotion from Lang Yi's face.Xuan Zai couldn't help panicking, he was afraid that the big bird would be angry and leave him, so he subconsciously grabbed the corner of Lang Yi's clothes tightly and wouldn't let go.

Lang Yi desperately suppressed his anger, now is not the time to get angry, first ask who took the egg pod.An orc was in the market and exchanged barbecued meat for egg pods, so this orc must be from several nearby tribes. Lang Yi asked, "What does that orc look like?"

"I'm not sure,...he's not tall, and the grilled delicious!" Xuanzai drooped his head, trying to recall, but he still couldn't remember what that little orc looked like. All over a savory roast.

Resisting the urge to strangle the kid to death, Lang Yi asked, "Apart from eating and sleeping, what else do you do?"

Xuanzai looked at the dead beast not far away, and replied hesitantly, "...fight the monster!"

Facing such Xuanzai, Lang Yi couldn't get angry. There is plenty of time to clean up the little ghosts, so it's important to retrieve the egg pods first.Since there was a barbecue stall in the market of my own tribe, someone in my tribe should have seen it, maybe someone has an impression, I hope there is still time.Lang Yi rushed back to the tribe in a hurry to find useful information, turned around and walked away. Unexpectedly, Xuanzai grabbed the hem of his clothes tightly. Langyi was still angry, tore off the hem of his clothes, dropped Xuanzai and left.

Lang Yi turned around and walked for a while, and found that Xuan Zai hadn't followed, and was wondering, when he heard a loud "plop" sound from behind and fell to the ground.

The author has something to say: Thank you sqhzjw for throwing the mine, ╭(╯3╰)╮

I originally wanted to double-update last night, but I couldn't do it, and I didn't code it out. I finally got it out tonight!


57. Hard to find but empty...

As soon as Lang Yi turned his head, he saw in the distance that Xuan Zai was lying on the ground with his face down.

Lang Yi was so frightened that he ran back quickly, and when he reached Xuanzai, before he had time to bend down to check, he was hugged by his feet, and he heard Xuanzai mumbling unconsciously: "Don't leave me... don't leave me alone Wait..., I'm afraid...!"

Lang Yi's heart was tightened all of a sudden, knowing that the kid was extremely insecure, and he still..., Lang Yi bent down, hugged Xuan Zai with one arm, rubbed his forehead hard, and said softly, "No I will leave you, don't be afraid!"

When Xuan Zai heard Lang Yi's promise, he immediately relaxed and passed out completely.Lang Yi looked at Xuan Zai, who was unconscious in his arms, with a limp look and blue lips, presumably he had been poisoned by the miasma, but this guy reacted slowly, and the poison was only released now, so he had to be sent back to the tribe as soon as possible Find doctor Jiekun to detoxify.

Lang Yi picked up Xuanzai and was about to get up when suddenly his center of gravity became unstable and he almost fell down. It turned out that his ankle was still tightly held by Xuanzai.

Looking at Xuanzai who still held onto him tightly in a coma, Lang Yi couldn't help crying and laughing, so he had to pull it apart with one finger. The strength Xuanzai used was really great. Finally freed his feet.

He rushed back to the tribe with Xuanzai in his arms, and woke up Dr. Jiekun who was still asleep overnight.Dr. Jiekun was pulled up by the anxious Lang Yi, and before he could put on his clothes, he put on a coat and came out to treat Xuanzai.

Dr. Jiekun knew that Xuanzai got miasma from entering the Migu. Fortunately, he was afraid that his tribe would stray into the Migu. Dr. Jiekun had always prepared medicinal herbs for clearing miasma.

After Lang Yi fed Xuanzai with herbs, he drank a few sips himself under the reminder of Dr. Jiekun, and then guarded Xuanzai until he woke up.

It wasn't until the sky turned white outside that Xuanzai's complexion improved, but he was still not awake. Lang Yi was worried about Xuanzai, and also worried about the egg pod in whose hands, anxiety could not help but surface on his face.

Seeing this, Dr. Jiekun knew that Lang Yi had other urgent things to do, so he said, "Xuan Zai is fine, and he will wake up after a while. If you have any important things to do, hurry up. Here With me watching, don't worry!"

"Thank you, doctor. I'll be back when I'm done." Seeing what Dr. Jiekun said, Lang Yi no longer declined, thanked him and left in a hurry.

Lang Yi asked several clansmen in a row, and everyone had no impression of the little orc who sold barbecue. Just when Lang Yi was worried, a little Dalu came over and said, "Brother Yi, are you looking for that brother who sells barbecue?"

"Well, Tom, do you know the brother who roasted meat?" Lang Yi asked excitedly, grabbing Tom's shoulders.

"It hurts!" Lang Yi's strength was so strong that the little Daru named Tomu cried out in pain.

Lang Yi quickly let go, and asked eagerly, "It's my fault, can you tell Brother Yi what the brother who roasts meat looks like?"

"Well, so tall, so thin, dark, with protruding teeth, like a rabbit, when I went to the market with Dafu yesterday, I smelled the meat, it was really delicious, but Dafu said, this guy is old It’s about exchanging cheap goods for good things, so let me ignore him.” Tomu described while gesticulating.

Lang Yi heard Tom's father comment on an orc like this, and he must know him, so he asked Tom: "Where is your father? Take me to find him, okay?"

"Well, okay, Father Da is picking Jiji fruit at Fengya, and Mamma said she wanted to eat it last night." Tomu is an honest child who always answers questions.

Lang Yi picked up Tomu and quickly came to Fengya. From a distance, he saw Tomu's Dafu Tuobo hanging upside down on the cliff to pick Jiji fruit. Bo climbed up after picking the fruit, and then went to say hello.

"Tobo, do you know the orc who roasted at the market yesterday?"

"You said Ula, I know it, why, what good did this guy do?"

"Great, where is this Ula, how can I find him? This ignorant guy Xuanzai took the egg pods in exchange for his barbecue, I want to come back."

"Ula, this guy is always lying to children. I will go with you. I know where he can be found." After Tobo finished speaking, he handed the Jiji fruit in his hand to Tom, patted him on the head, and asked him to take it back. After giving home to Mamu, he and Lang Yi transformed themselves into kestrels and flew to Ula's tribe.

When Tuobo brought Lang Yixun to Wula's residence, Wula was still sleeping soundly in the wooden house, and was awakened by the knocking on the door like a house being demolished outside, and got up annoyed, ready to see if that guy was so clueless , Disturbing dreams.

As soon as the door was opened, Ula was about to explode, but unexpectedly, someone grabbed her by the collar and picked her up.

Ula was small and thin, and Tobo lifted him up with one hand.Ula danced her limbs wildly, and yelled in a bravado, "You..., who are you, what are you doing, dare... dare to come to our tribe to show your power!"

"Wula, you are a good boy, you are promising, don't you know me anymore?"

Tobo approached Ula with his calm and powerful face, and Ula immediately yelled, "Brother Tobo, Master Tobo, didn't I just wake up, I didn't open my eyes to recognize you for a while, everyone has known you for so long Come on, don't do that!"

"Don't talk nonsense, let me ask you, where is the green egg pod you cheated yesterday?"

"What a lie, it's so ugly, I traded it for barbecue, okay?"

"Don't hang around with me, you know my temper, tell me quickly."

"Eat, eat early!"


Lang Yi asked in a hoarse voice, Ula just saw Lang Yi with a gloomy face behind Tobo, the hairs all over Ula's body stood up, how could this man with a good face be more terrifying than the vicious Tobo.

"I just ate it, what's the matter!" But Ula still replied stubbornly, he didn't believe that these two people could do anything to him for a strange egg.

"You can spit it out for me as you eat it. If you can't spit it out, I'll dig it out for you." Lang Yi said in a low voice, word by word.

Looking at Lang Yi's terrifying expression, Ula realized that what the other party said just now was true, so she couldn't help but get scared and told the truth.

In fact, Ula was also very depressed. After working for a long time, she exchanged for a weird flat egg that was not enough to fit between her teeth. She wanted to smash it to see what was inside, but no matter what method Ula used, the flat egg was still intact. Ula was discouraged. Thinking about it, I can't believe that the shell of this flat egg is still so hard after it is cooked.

So, Wula lit a bonfire, coated both sides of the flat egg with ointment, and was about to put it on the fire to bake, but unexpectedly, the flat egg moved and turned itself over in Wula's hands. Wula was frightened Throw it back, right into the creek behind the house.

Ula didn't bother to look for it anymore. She had no interest in this flat egg at all, so she had to go into her wooden house, take out the leftover barbecue from yesterday, heat it up to fill her stomach, and then went to sleep by herself. Early, woke up by two people.

After Long Yi and Tobo made sure that Ula was not lying, they dragged him to the stream he had mentioned.The water in the creek is not deep, about the level of the thigh, but the water is very fast, and it is a bit muddy with mud and sand, so I can't see the bottom clearly.

After Wula pointed out the general location, she wanted to run away, but was caught by Tobo and asked him to help find the egg pods.The stream in the early spring was still bitingly icy, and Ula, with a mournful face, followed Langyi and Tuobo into the water to explore.

The bottom of the stream is covered with large and small pebbles. Because I couldn't see them clearly, I could only bend down and grope in the stream. When I found ones of about the same size, I took them out of the water to identify them.

In this way, in the bitter stream, the three of them have been groping for a long time, and they have touched the waters all over the place. The shore is full of pebbles just touched, but there is still no trace of egg pods.

Annoyed, Lang Yi picked up Wula and was about to beat him up, but was stopped by Tobo, who persuaded him, "Don't worry, it might have rushed downstream, let's look for it later."

Langyi dropped Ula, and walked downstream with a sullen face, until the sun was about to go down. Langyi finally found the egg pod, but the egg pod was cracked and the inside was empty.

Seeing this, Wula immediately raised her hands in a hurry and clarified, "I didn't do this, and I don't know why it happened."

Lang Yi didn't pay attention to Ula, but just stared blankly at the open egg pod...

The author has something to say:

Today's second update, huh, huh, make up for yesterday's promise, is anyone still reading the article?


58. Pocket baby shark becomes...

A strong sense of danger alerted the little thing lying in the egg pod, and it turned over with all its strength. Before it could catch its breath, it was thrown to a cold and floating place like a meteor.

The egg pod was knocked by the pebbles at the bottom of the creek to create a small crack, and the cold and muddy water seeped in, which made the little thing very uncomfortable, but it was dark outside, and nothing could be seen, so the little thing pushed its tail into the crack Go to the next block and continue to bury your head in a deep sleep.

Until the next morning, the sun shone through the transparent tail of the little thing, bright and a little warm, the little thing turned its body in the egg pod with difficulty to catch the beam of light, it clearly caught it, but its palms were empty.

The little thing was stunned for a while, and more light penetrated through the crack that was not covered by the tail, it was so magical, it tempted the little thing to close his eyes, the outside seemed so big.

The little thing was looking at it strangely, when suddenly a protruding fish eye appeared in front of the crack, the two eyes met through the egg pod shell, and almost touched, both of them were startled and scattered in fright, but after a while , I heard a few "peh peh", and some sticky spittle floated in from the crack.

The little thing got angry, and spit at the crack like that, but the big fish outside had already disappeared without a trace.This made the little thing very irritable. The starting point of life should not be suffering. The little thing decided to find the big fish and fight it back, spitting it all over his face.

However, it seems that the crack is a bit small, the little thing drilled hard, the crack only widened a little, the tail came out, but the little head was still stuck in the egg pod.

The little thing swam around with the egg shell on its head, like a large tadpole, bumping and bumping, and it took a long time to get rid of the annoying egg shell.

It turns out that the outside world is like this, with turbid running water, monotonous stones, some seaweed floating around, and some weird little fish and shrimps scattered when they saw him.

In fact, there is nothing special about it. The little thing wags his tail, thinking that the outside world is not good at all, but this does not affect his determination to take revenge.The little thing didn't know where to look for the big fish, so he chose a direction at random, and swam out with a "咻".

The nearby small fish and shrimps dared to show up from the hidden seaweed when they saw the little thing swim far away.It's scary, why is there a shark in the creek, although it is still very small, but the natural and powerful aura makes them feel scared and tremble involuntarily.

The little thing was looking for the big fish that dared to spit his saliva in this stream, but he saw many big fish along the way, he felt that this one looked like that, and that they all looked the same, so he tried his best to find the big fish. It didn't take long to distinguish the little things before he became dizzy, and then he made a difficult decision, that is, when he saw a suspected criminal, he would go up and spit, and he would rather spit a hundred by mistake than let one go.

Spitting at the fish is also a lot of work, because those timid suspects will swim away quickly when they see the small things from a distance. Completion of revenge.After spitting and spitting, the little thing's anger disappeared, and his mouth was tired, so he decided to stop the revenge action here.

Suddenly the stream was stirred up, and six thick feet stepped in, and then six arms stretched out, groping around the bottom of the stream, and picking up some pebbles from time to time.

The little thing looked at these legs and arms curiously, and was almost grabbed by the stretched out hand several times, but was dodged by the little thing flexibly.

Until my own egg pod was also picked up, the little thing was not calm, it was my own, although I was trapped in the egg pod for a long time, although it was very annoying that the egg pod was difficult to break free, although now the egg pod The shell is of no use to him, but it is his own, the only thing he owns, the little guy is very protective of his things, seeing that the egg pod shell has not been returned for a long time, he is annoyed!

Opening his mouth wide, he took a bite at the big toe in front of him, but it was so hard, the little thing felt his mouth hurt, but in order not to admit defeat and wanted to return his egg pod shell, the little thing still bit hard.

Lang Yi was staring at the empty pod shell in a daze, when he suddenly felt his big toe being caught by something, kicked it a few times, but it still didn't let go.

Lang Yi lifted his feet out of the water, and a small light blue shark was also brought up. The small shark was only about three fingers wide and palm-length. Under the illumination of the light, the golden light flows slightly, which is very beautiful!

But these are not important, the important thing is that this little shark, which is struggling to grind its teeth with its big toe in its mouth, is very similar in shape to the beast-shaped Xuanzai, but the color and size are different.

Surprises that were lost and recovered rushed to Lang Yi like a wave. He stretched out his hands excitedly to hold the little shark, but unexpectedly, the little shark, who had been persevering and never let go, let go and fell back into the stream with a "plop". "咻" swam far away.

Lang Yi hurriedly asked Tobo and Ula to go shopping for the little shark, but unfortunately the little shark relied on his agility to keep the three adult orcs busy for a long time without even catching a fish scale.

At this time, Ula had an idea, took off the animal fur coat, took a bag to the place where the little shark escaped, wrapped the little thing in the animal skin coat, and was about to claim credit, but was scolded by Lang Yi, "Release quickly, don't take the little thing Got bored."

Ula pursed her mouth, loosened the animal skin coat, and was about to pour the baby shark inside into Tobo's kettle.The three of them were dumbfounded by what happened in front of them. They saw the little shark flopping a few times on the fur coat, turning into a fist-sized baby, pink and chubby.

Before the three of them could react, the tiny baby immediately opened its mouth wide and howled loudly. The sharp cry seemed to accuse the three adult orcs in front of them of bullying the younger.

The three of them looked at each other, and for a moment they didn't know how to react to this tiny baby. They had never seen such a small baby before, and felt that they would fly away when the wind blew, and their hands would shatter when touched.

Ula held on to the fur coat and watched the baby crying and rolling. She was worried, fearing that the baby would roll and roll on the ground and get smashed, so she had to shake the fur coat back and forth nervously so that the baby was in the middle of the fur coat. .

The little thing was made very uncomfortable and cried even more sadly.Fortunately, Lang Yi quickly reacted, and stretched out his hands to hold the little thing that was hiccupping from crying.

The little thing was tired from crying, so he calmed down, tilted his head and looked at Lang Yi, seeing him holding himself carefully, it was very strange, this tall orc felt very familiar to him, and trusted him inexplicably.

But the feeling is the feeling, and I feel sorry for the little thing that couldn't bite into his big toe just now, and now he is holding himself, for the narrow-minded little thing, it doesn't make sense to let go of the finger that came to the door.

I saw him holding a finger of Lang Yi with two small hands, trying to bite with his mouth wide open, but unfortunately the finger was too big and the mouth was too small, the little thing couldn't fit into the whole finger, which made the little thing very angry, He babbled and protested.

Lang Yi didn't know why he looked at the little thing, wondering if the little thing was hungry, he touched the little thing's belly with his fingers with the lightest force in his life, and said in a low voice, "Are you hungry, don't Hurry up, I'll prepare food for you."

Lang Yi turned his head and asked Tobo, who was a father beside him, "What can babies eat?"

Tobo was stunned by the transformation of the shark into a baby, and said hesitantly, "He is so small, he should only be able to eat breast milk, but is he a shark or..., I don't know what the baby shark should eat..."

Lang Yi thought to himself, now that the little thing is in the form of a baby, there should be nothing wrong with breastfeeding, but Xuanzai... Lang Yi immediately felt embarrassing, fortunately, his sister Lang Qin had just given birth to her nephew, and she should breastfeed Sufficient, anyway, the little thing is so small, just a little bit is enough for him to eat.

Although the little thing couldn't hold the whole finger, he still bit the flesh of Lang Yi's fingertips and grinded his teeth vigorously, even though he still only had gums and no sharp teeth.

Lang Yi thought that the little thing was very hungry, so he hurried to the tribe with the little thing in his hands.

Tobo followed behind, puzzled. It is said that this egg pod came out of the belly of that skinny boy Xuanzai. Xuanzai is a male orc, so how did this little thing come from?This little thing is smaller than a newborn baby in any tribe. Even the premature baby of Jia Lei's family was several times bigger than this little thing. How can Xiao Cheng survive?But it is incredible that such a small thing can freely transform between human form and animal form at birth.Is this little thing fragile or strong? ...

Ula looked at the rush, and after tossing and tossing for a whole day, the two of them were blown away in a gust of wind, rubbing their heads, fortunately, I didn't eat this egg pod last night, or I ate human flesh, it's a sin Sin, although I have made some small mistakes and some small evils, but I am not a vicious person, Ula went back to the house with lingering fears, why there are so many inexplicable things recently...

The author has something to say: one steamed stuffed bun is out of the cage, and there will be more stuffed stuffed buns in the future...

Everyone thought they were deep-sea fish, so they surfaced to make bubbles~~~~~


59. One big and one small take home...

Lang Yi put the little thing in the warmest place on his chest, and rushed back to the tribe all the way to his sister Lang Qin's house.It happened that Lang Qin was playing with his little nephew at home, after Lang Yi explained to her why he came, he held out a small thing from his chest.

The little thing sat in Lang Yi's palm, his eyeballs rolled around, and he looked very clever.Lang Qin shouted cute, and wanted to take the little thing from Lang Yi, but unexpectedly, the little thing recognized people, and danced and danced to resist Lang Qin's approach.

Lang Qin was afraid of hurting the little thing, so he gave up and went to the stove next door to squeeze out a small bowl of breast milk. The little thing was not interested in this strange white milk, and just turned his head back and forth following Lang Yi's fingers.Lang Yi had no choice but to dip some milk with his fingertips, and put it in front of the little thing's mouth.

Seeing Lang Yi's fingers automatically delivered to the door, the little thing didn't even think about it, and took a bite directly. This time, the fingers were sweet and fragrant, and the little thing happily licked all the milk on the fingers clean. After sucking, he found that no new milk came out. The little thing raised his head in doubt, and waved his little hand in dissatisfaction.

Both Lang Yi and his sister were amused by the cuteness of the little thing. Lang Qin brought a small spoon used by his son, and put a spoonful of milk in front of the little thing's mouth.

The little thing closed his mouth tightly, his eyes rolled between the milk bowl and the spoon, stared at Lang Yi's fingers for a while, and finally he acted.

The little thing crookedly climbed down from Lang Yi's palm, climbed onto the table, then climbed up the edge of the bowl, half-immersed his head in the milk, and let go of his belly to drink.With the reduction of milk, the little thing was a little out of reach, so it climbed into the bowl again, but one of the center of gravity was unstable, and the whole head fell into the bowl.

Lang Qin was so frightened that he exclaimed, and Lang Yi hurried to fish for the little things.Unexpectedly, the little thing was splashing in the bowl while drinking milk, looking very comfortable.

Xiaodong is very similar to Xuanzai in eating, both of them are impatient.Soon, most of the milk in the bowl went into the little thing's stomach. Lang Yi saw the little thing's belly bulging, and quickly fished him out. The little thing was still babbling and protesting.

Lang Yi ignored the little thing, he would be overwhelmed if he drank any more, he took him out and put it on a piece of animal skin to wipe it clean, then turned to ask his sister to help make some clothes that the little thing could wear, he couldn't be so naked all the time, Although the little thing is not afraid of the cold at all.

Lang Yi took a piece of clean animal skin to wrap the little thing, and took him away from his sister's house in a hurry. After going out for a whole day, he didn't know what happened to Xuan Zai and whether he was awake.

When Lang Yi arrived at Dr. Jiekun's house, Xuan Zai was gnawing on the meat energetically. Seeing that he had such a good appetite, he knew nothing serious without asking. Lang Yi felt that he had been worrying for so long.

As soon as Xuanzai saw Lang Yi, he rushed towards him with a greasy mouth and two greasy paws, Lang Yi hurriedly dodged, Xuanzai rushed to nothing, and looked sad with his mouth flattened.

Lang Yi sighed with a headache, and took out the little thing from his chest. The little thing was a little drowsy after eating, and lay quietly on the palm of Lang Yi.

"What is this?" Xuanzai said, then curiously stretched out his fingers to poke the little thing's belly.

Lang Yi quickly reached out to stop it, and it was too late, the little thing he was eating shot out a stream of milk from his mouth with a "poof", which happened to spray all over the face of Xuanzai who was leaning towards him.

Xuanzai was so angry that he wanted to poke again, but was stopped by Lang Yi, one big and one small were not worried, seeing that Xuanzai did not look like a father at all, Lang Yi had a headache, so he had to patiently explain, "The little thing is It came out of the egg pod, you ate Biyingguo, that's why you have little thing, from now on little thing will be your son, you have to take good care of him..."

"Mine?" Xuanzai leaned over curiously, and moved the little thing's limbs with his fingers. He made the little thing very irritable, and burst into tears.

"Okay, don't mess with him." Lang Yi grabbed Xuanzai's paw to stop him, the little thing was poked by Xuanzai's greasy paw, his whole body was greasy, and he writhed uncomfortably.

"It's ugly, it doesn't look like me at all, he's so noisy!"

"..." Lang Yi's face was full of black lines. It was you who made him cry, okay, and he looks exactly like you, so it's ugly.

"Let me take a look, let me take a look..." Doctor Jiekun couldn't wait to squeeze in to look at the little thing, with a look of excitement on his face, he sighed in surprise, "It's a miracle, what is that Biyingguo, it's so miraculous, even Males can give birth to fetuses after eating it..., Lang Yi, where did you get the biying fruit, can you get another one for me to see?"

"This..., I'm afraid it can't. The Biying fruit is the sacred fruit of the Biming clan, and it never leaks out. This was also swallowed by Xuanzi by mistake. It's strange to say that in the Biming clan, those Yamas who swallowed the bi After the baby fruit, all the babies born were dark green-skinned little Yama, how come the little thing is a normal-skinned little Daru, but when I met him, he was still a light blue shark, and he turned back into a human form after leaving the water... ..."

"You mean, this little thing can transform from birth?" Dr. Jiekun couldn't hold back his excitement.

"Uh,... yes, Doctor Jiekun, help me to see if the little thing is so small, could it be malnutrition?" Lang Yi was a little worried about the little thing's health.

"Okay, let me take a look..." Dr. Jiekun planned to take the little thing, but the little thing writhed and couldn't cooperate, so he had to check the little thing's body with Lang Yi's hand.

After some examination, Dr. Jiekun found that although Xiaodong was very small, he was in surprisingly good health and was a very healthy baby.

"It's amazing, there are so many wonders!" Dr. Jiekun sighed and said while touching the little thing.

Lang Yi was relieved when he heard that the little thing was fine, but the enthusiasm in Dr. Jiekun's eyes made him a little worried, so he quickly rescued the little thing from Dr. Jiekun's hands.

Dr. Jiekun also realized that he had lost his composure, so he adjusted his excitement and suppressed his desire for research.

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