1. The dedication of 2012...

The footsteps of 2012 are getting closer and closer, and the doomsday prophecies of the Mayans have led more and more people to believe that the earth will usher in catastrophe, and 80% of the human beings on the entire earth seem to be in a state of panic.In the TV news, almost every day there are reports of natural disasters and man-made disasters. The heads of state of various countries are either busy with disaster relief or busy with creating disasters.

In such an environment where all human beings are restless, it is only natural that all kinds of strange organizations have sprung up like mushrooms after rain. The Earth-Saving Occult Society is one such group that popped up out of nowhere.In 2010, no one had ever heard of this organization, but at the end of 2011, the "Save the Earth Supernatural Association" suddenly became popular on the Internet, and almost one out of every 10 Internet users belonged to this organization members.While countries do not respond to doomsday predictions and define them as rumors, people who feel insecure and even feel extremely panic have begun to pursue the idea of ​​saving the earth with supernatural methods.

Shen Yue is a diamond-level member of the "Save the Earth Supernatural Association".It's not that Shen Yue believes in or is obsessed with this association, it's just that his life is too boring and he has too much free time, so he spends a long time on the Internet, reading all kinds of stories about those associations, all to pass the time.Moreover, he also had too much spare money, so he didn't bother to think about how to live for the next second after living for one second, so of course he donated all the money he could find around him to this association.With such a style, it might be difficult for him not to become a diamond member.

Now, Shen Yue was reclining on the limited edition sealskin sofa, facing the rising sun shining through the floor-to-ceiling windows, holding a thin book of gold-plated invitations.The warm sunshine of early winter, through the fine and delicate texture of the invitation card, shone on his delicate face, reflecting a pair of misty eyes.

"Yue'er!" A hand with slender fingers and slightly calloused hands rested on Shen Yue's left shoulder, and the invitation that had been exposed to the sun for a long time was taken away at the same time.

The person behind flipped through the invitation and sneered: "Save the Earth Supernatural Association? Has Yueer been bored recently?" While speaking, the person behind him sat down next to him and hugged him in his arms , the warm breath was blowing on Shen Yue's neck, revealing an ambiguity.

Shen Yue still maintained the previous posture, although the fog in his eyes had faded a bit, he still seemed not awake.The person behind him didn't get a response, so he snorted softly, and gently pulled back Shen Yue's face with his slender and slightly callused hands, bowed his head and kissed the pursed lips fiercely.

Shen Yue finally hummed, blinked his eyes, and met his big wet eyes that seemed to have just woken up from the sharp black eyes that were slightly squinting in front of him.

When Shen Yue came to his senses, the fierce kiss on his lips became gentle.After tossing and kissing for a while, the person in front of him let go of his red and swollen lips and looked at him fixedly.

"Father!" Shen Yue looked helpless: "You seem to be late, it seems that it is not good to keep the councilors waiting?"

"Yue'er plans to attend this inexplicable party today? Huh?" The person in front of him completely ignored Shen Yue's eyes urging him to leave quickly, and was persistent in caring about his son's arrangements for today.

"Ah!" Shen Yue curled his lips impatiently: "I have nothing to do anyway."

"Then, you must take Feng Yi and Feng Er with you." The person in front of him stared closely into his eyes: "Don't be self-willed anymore, huh?" As he said, he smiled evilly: "It seems that Xiao Si The injuries from the accidental car accident last time have not fully healed, so don't have another accident!"

Shen Yue curled his lips impatiently again, let out an "ah", then stopped looking at the person in front of him, turned his head, and started staring out of the window in a daze again.The person behind sighed and finally got up to leave.

The man who made the congressmen wait and cared about his son's progress was named Shen Qidong, the godfather of gangsters in Asia and America. He has been in this position for more than 20 years, and his position is still as stable as a rock. There is almost no one in this world who can't do it. thing.

Unfortunately, that is almost!His foster son, Shen Yue, is the only regret in his life.When the child stood in front of him for the first time at the age of 14, and he suddenly discovered that he had never had a strong desire for a man (or boy?), he immediately dismissed all bed partners , only working hard for this child.He finally adopted Shen Yue and his sister Shen Xiaosi, and Shen Yue finally became his lover because of his unremitting efforts because he cared about his sister.However, when he didn't notice, Shen Yue's temper became more and more indifferent, and his desire for life became more and more indifferent, which made Shen Qidong start to worry, fearing that one day, Shen Yue would be so indifferent that it didn't matter whether he lived or not. up.

In the end, the last straw that broke the camel's back was the betrayal of the only sister Shen Yue cared about.When Shen Yue was 26 years old, he planned a very successful escape.When they reached Bando in Africa, their adoptive father Shen Qidong was waiting there.Seeing his adoptive father, Shen Yue pulled his younger sister behind him and asked him to bear all the punishment.The younger sister behind him walked out with her head lowered, and then threw herself into the arms of Long Yi, the number one dragon guard next to her adoptive father.Shen Yue stared at them blankly for a long time, then smiled indifferently.

His smile at that time made Shen Qidong's heart shudder even thinking about it. Since then, Shen Qidong has been worrying all the time that Shen Yue will not be happy to live one day.Although he still cared about his sister, Shen Qidong knew that it was just his habit of more than ten years, or a little interest in living?

Shen Qidong may regret for the rest of his life that he didn't prevent his son from attending the "Save the Earth Supernatural Association" party that day. From that day on, he will never be able to see the person who haunted him forever.Because, the theme of that party was: dedication!More than 600 people who attended the party were proposed to select three people to perform the dedication of their souls. An old man in his 80s who looked like he was about to weathered, nicknamed "Soul Witch", presided over the dedication activity.The tribute ceremony lasted for more than two hours. After the ceremony, when the flowers piled up on the tribute platform more than one meter high were pulled away, the three people disappeared without a trace.

Shen Yue is one of the three people who volunteered to contribute!

2. The truth of time travel...

"Welcome to the Time and Space Travel Administration!"

Before Shen Yue could open his eyes, he heard such an idiot's welcome speech.

Then, while opening his eyes, he heard another person's sneer.

"Ah!" Looking at the two people (?) with furry animal ears and tiger-like tails in front of him, Shen Yue's reaction was a meaningless "ah".Very flat, not a rising tone, but a flat tone: ah!

They looked at each other for a long time, but no one spoke.

Finally, the one with light green hair who looked younger spoke up: "Aren't you surprised? Don't you have anything to say?" It seemed that he was very conflicted about Shen Yue's reaction.

"Ah?" This time, Shen Yue's response was to give a raised tone with doubts: Ah!

"Just "ah"?" The light green-haired young man brushed his shiny, flowing hair tangled.

"Didn't you know his character before, Yi!" The silver-haired young man with a dull face glanced helplessly at the people around him, and waved behind Shen Yue: "Choose a body, and hurry up to reincarnate!" Bar."

Shen Yue turned his head and saw a dozen or so bodies lined up in a row.There are those in the form of all beasts, those in the form of all humans, and those that are half-human and half-beast. There is also one that is similar to the two in front of you, only the ears and tail are like beasts, and the rest are human.It's just that their height is less than 140, unlike the two in front of them, who are both around 180.

"It's so short!" Shen Yue was a little disgusted.

"Of course it's short, these are still juveniles." The light green hair explained.

"Oh, then, this?" Shen Yue pointed to the body similar to the two in front of him.In fact, he has read the orc literature of time travel. Although he has not read much, he also knows that the one with a completely human body should be a female among the orcs, and the ones with a full beast needless to say are beasts.It's hard to say who is half human and half beast, but if it is the same as the two people in front of me, it must be an orc.Beastman is synonymous with toughness, so he must not be afraid of being suppressed by others!

"Choose a body and agree to time travel!" The silver-haired man waved his hand impatiently, leaving only one body: "The only condition is that you can't seek your own death."


"Ah what! Do you agree or disagree?" The silver-haired one became even more impatient.

"Agreed - right?" Shen Yue hesitated a little, always feeling that something was wrong.But his head, which has been too lazy to think for many years, can't think of what's wrong for a moment.

"Then it's done, you go!" The silver-haired one stuffed something into his mouth like lightning.

Shen Yue didn't realize it for a moment, but when he was slapped on the back by the silver-haired man, the thing slid from his throat to his stomach.Then when that guy waved his hand, Shen Yue's soul turned into a spot of light, which reached the man's right hand.The man's left hand was holding the body Shen Yue had chosen.There was no movement, Shen Yue and the body disappeared, and there was only a white egg in the man's hand, and the side of the egg facing the two had a small green seed-like pattern.

The silver-haired guy threw the egg in his hand into a suspected mirror a few meters away.

"Ah! You!" The one with the light green hair was a few beats slower than the one with the silver-white hair.

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