things, enough to support themselves.

The females after birth will continue to be carefully cared for. Although they can run and jump, if they can go to elementary school on earth, they will still be carefully cared for. In fact, it should be said that females will be cared for all their lives. good.If a father makes his female child suffer, then other orc males have the right to fight for parenting rights-of course, no father will give other orcs this opportunity.If a male does not take good care of his female partner, he will have to be forced to cancel the mate contract, and other orcs have the right to pursue the female again.

And about the name.The full name combined with first name and last name represents personal strength in this world.

After the orc passes through the short childhood, he will go alone to the holy mountain of Hyjal for trials, where he will get his own surname, and then he will enter the growth period.

The names of the orcs will only be written into the contract and engraved into the other party's soul when the partner contract is made, and only the partner will know his full name.

If the orc has a female child, he will give his surname to his female child and share his power with him.In this way, the female child will get strength from the father's surname, and they will be healthier and less likely to get sick.If a female cub does not get a surname, it will generally not grow up by relying on its own strength, and it will be very weak and eventually die.

Few orcs would give their names to others.

If you give your name to a female as the last part of the surname, it means that the orc is willing to dedicate his life and soul to protect the female. Even if the orc's life ends, the power of his soul will protect the female—until End of female life.This is a very dangerous contract. Once the contract is established, the orcs will not be free in body or soul.What An Erji gave to Mang Hui was this kind of contract surname.

The last one is about the evolution of orcs.

Manghui listened to the chats of the females without a charter, and summed it up as follows: Orcs can obtain the power of evolution by absorbing energy in the air, exercising, or directly absorbing power from the blood essence of Warcraft.However, the enhanced power also brings more violent beast nature. When it accumulates to a certain level, the orcs will lose their minds and completely become monsters.

This kind of violent animal nature can only be eliminated comprehensively by absorbing blue fruit or blue fragrant fruit.

Unfortunately, blue fruit is not so easy to get.

Only females may have the talent of life magic, and life magicians do not account for the majority among females.

Females with life magic talent will have a sky blue water drop pattern on their foreheads after birth.

As the female grows up, his life magic becomes stronger and stronger, until much later, this water drop pattern will protrude from the female's skin, and when it protrudes halfway, it is fully mature and can be picked off.

The length of this maturing process is different for every life magician, and it is related to the strength of magic.

The water-drop-shaped fruit that is picked is called blue xiangguo, and the fruit has a long-lasting attractive fragrance.

After picking the blue fragrant fruit, the female will leave a pattern on her forehead that is exactly the same as his blue fragrant fruit, and will follow the female for life—this is also the external characteristic of a life magician.

After picking the blue fragrant fruit, a certain part of the life magician's body will grow a plant pattern, most of which are a section of rattan.On this plant pattern, blue fruits will grow continuously like blue fragrant fruits—of course, the length of growth time and the number of fruits produced are also related to the strength of the life magician's magic.

A blue fruit can only give birth to only one female, and of course the quality of its life energy is incomparable to the blue fruit.

The blue fruit produced by a life magician must not be used by his partner orcs. After all, the orcs cannot use the blue fruit without limit, and they need time to absorb it.In this way, there will be a small amount of blue fruits on the market for sale, and the prices will of course be extremely high.

Of course, blue spice fruit and blue fruit also have some other uses -- such as improving the defects of the orc's body and so on.

In this way, orcs can continue to evolve.

They are born in full animal form, and the higher the degree of evolution, the better they can be humanized.Only when he has evolved to level 6 can he fully transform into a human form—of course, if he wants, he can also become a full-beast, half-human-half-beast or something. That is to say, at this time, a beast is considered a Fully able to switch between Humanoid and Orcish.

When an orc is born out of its shell, it is not necessarily the lowest level. Depending on whether the race is strong or not, the level at birth is also different.For example, in the Roar tribe, the newly born orcs are generally around the third level, and they will evolve to the fourth level after passing through their infancy.

When the orcs evolve to level 10, 16, and 18 (whether there will be any later, the females didn't talk about it), there will be a big breakthrough in power.When the Roar reaches level 10, the flying speed will exceed the speed of sound (damn, they have caught up with the advanced fighter jets on the earth).Orcs who break through level 16 will have eternal life, and the speed of the Roar will break through to a speechless level—break through the speed of light. It is said that the orcs after level 18 do not need to eat or drink, and can directly absorb energy from the outside world (this has become a god).Of course, breaking through level 18 is just a legend in the history of orcs. (In this way, the orcs don't need to study technology at all, and the ability they have evolved far exceeds the technology on the goal—is this a kind of biotechnology?)

Recalling the common sense of the orc world that he had summed up, Manghui nodded to himself, and came to a conclusion: Damn, he can't support himself, he still has to rely on others.Therefore, he decided to establish a basic relationship with the masses with his long-term meal ticket.

Pulling his short legs, he ran out with a speed that the females didn't think he would have—well, it's still useful, Mang Hui nodded to himself.

Looking back at the time when those females were talking about sex, Mang Hui decided that it was better to go out to find An Er by himself.Anyway, in the tribe, there will be no danger.Moreover, he was fine, uh, he was very fine, he just kept getting excited, so he should go out for a walk.

Then, without psychological pressure, he walked out of the hatchery he had never been out of since he came to this world.It never occurred to them how frightened the females would be when they found out that he was missing.

6. Blue spice fruit...

Mang Hui dragged his short legs and walked for a long time without seeing a single person.The females all went to chat, and those who didn't come to chat, I heard that they were still sleeping in at home.

But, so early in the morning, how could there not be a single orc?It seems that looking for someone to ask directions is hopeless. I don't know where An Erji lives.

Since he couldn't find it, the boy Manghui decided not to look for it, and changed the purpose of coming out this time to wandering around the tribe.

So, he continued to wander around with peace of mind.He even saw a large forest of mushrooms, and he became a little curious, so he ran in to study it.

This is the largest piece of mushroom he has ever seen.The tallest mushrooms may be as tall as several stories.There is a fan-shaped protrusion at intervals on the mushroom stem, which looks a bit like an elongated staircase.The mushroom umbrella is so big that it blocks a lot of sunlight, and there are many small bright spots dotted under the huge umbrella.If he had used his original eyesight, he would definitely not be able to see what the small bright spot that was so far away was.But it was different now, he could clearly see that those dotted under the umbrellas were the fruits called milk fruits that he ate every day recently.This kind of milk fruit has the milky taste of the milk on the earth, and the crunchy fruit, which is very delicious and juicy.

It seems that there is farming in this world.It's just because the species on this planet grow so fast that they don't need a well-developed planting industry.Looking at this mushroom forest, it probably didn't take much effort from those orcs. Maybe sprinkle some seeds, and they will thrive on their own.At most, occasionally weeding or something.

This mushroom forest is very ornamental, and Manghui is hesitating whether to go in or not.

"Mang!" A deep and magnetic voice came from behind.

Maybe Manghui heard it, maybe he didn't.However, he was considering whether to visit this mushroom garden, so he didn't give any feedback—this is a living habit he had when he was on Earth.

The orc behind him turned in front of him, he knelt down and looked down seriously at Mang's gray sky blue eyes, which are more transparent than the finest jade: "Mang! What's the matter? I heard you said no out of the hatchery?"

Mang Hui finally withdrew his gaze from looking up at the mushroom umbrella, and turned his gaze to the person in front of him who was looking at him seriously.Well, this person may be different, he thought, the same person who raised him, that person has never looked into his eyes with such serious eyes.The man he called his father always used various methods to force him to focus on him, never carefully looked at what emotions his eyes expressed, never asked him what kind of life he wanted .Of course, he thought that the man who was the father didn't want to know what kind of life he wanted to live.

Looking at the orc in front of him who was staring intently into his eyes, wanting to understand his emotions, Mang Hui suddenly decided to give it a try: "I'm going there!" He pointed to the top of the tallest mushroom umbrella in the distance .The visual height of that mushroom umbrella is at least no lower than five floors.

An Erji looked at the top of the umbrella and frowned slightly.Look at his expression again

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