Light of life

Chapter 55

Introduce yourself in detail.

However, he didn't even give me the time to listen to my introduction, and was anxious to find the person he said he liked.I was angry, and the scent of beauty emanated from my body - all orcs who have experienced the females of our snake tribe will not be able to stop, I want to grab his body and get his heart - this perfect orc, It can only be mine!

I watched his eyes slowly become confused, he leaned towards me, I felt my heart beating violently, my first time, I will give it to this perfect orc! — I am full of joy!

His face had already rubbed against my cheek, and I heard him murmur a name: "Mang!" Then, as if he had suddenly come to his senses, he quickly backed away from me.

Could this female named "Mang" be his sweetheart?

No!I can not be reconciled!He should be the orc specially prepared for me by the heavens!Instead of giving it to the damn "Mang"!Without hesitation, I stepped forward and hugged his increasingly hot body tightly - no orc can resist our Meixiang, I will get him!

However, what I waited for was his vigorous resistance!He pushed me away with a wave of his hand, and the powerful force of the orc threw me to the wall, and I heard the sound of bones cracking. ——How much love is it that makes an orc so resistant to the beauty of our snake clan?

I think I like him more!If he can love me like this - I will die without regret!

But when I offered to be his partner in exchange for his crime of hurting me, what did I get?

I leaned on the bed, looked through the window and watched him hold a little female and leave without looking back.My heart is in severe pain.

Ilfaya kept persuading me in my ear, telling me to give up.

give up?How can it be?How could I give up on this orc that God tailor-made for me?How could I give up when he broke my heart like that?

Moreover, I saw that the female he liked was still a very small cub.There is still a long time before he becomes an adult, and such a long time is enough for me to win his heart - I have always had such confidence.

Of course, I had to find an opportunity first—an opportunity that would allow me to come to him.

This opportunity is coming soon.Yi'an - this young orc of the Golden Roar clan, No. 1 in the young group of the Martial Arts Association, he fell in love with me on his own initiative!

snort!Really ironic young group No.1!If my dark pole is still there, no one in the youth group or the adult group will be his opponent.

I casually agreed to Yi An's request and agreed to try to be his partner.

snort!To be his mate?It's a good idea!If it wasn't for going to the place where Anji lived, I wouldn't even look at him.

Now it's all right, I can live in the Jinguanghou tribe, and meet An Erji every day, and he will notice me soon.When he sees my mature and beautiful body every day, and when he comes home and sees the little big young female, he will understand who is the best.

However, my dream was interrupted from that day!

When those filthy half-dragons covered my mouth and dragged me farther and farther away from the clan, my heart slowly turned cold!

I don't want to recall the life of that period of time at all!Moreover, there is nothing to recall about that, in the whole memory, there is nothing other than being crushed by countless half-dragon people every day, and being violated by their things that are as hard as iron.

When I was violated to the point of death every day, I could only silently fantasize that it was my favorite King of the Night Roar, which would make me feel better.

And then I'll hate him and his little bitch even more afterward!If it wasn't because of his refusal that made me feel irritable, how could I have gone to the forest outside the clan to stay alone?If I hadn't gone to the forest outside the clan, how could I have been caught by these dirty half-dragon people and brought here to live a life that would be worse than death?

If I can go back alive, I must take revenge on them!I want to get that Black Light Roar and humiliate him severely!Let him watch his little female die tragically in front of him!I must do this!Otherwise, how can I count the suffering I have suffered?

It's a pity, I can only think about it, I don't know how long the days of life and death are unknown, what ability do I have to plot against them?

However, I quickly waited for the opportunity!I think God wills so!God's will gave me the strength to take revenge on all those who have wronged me!

If it weren't for the ambition of the half-dragon leader, I wouldn't be alive now.

When I heard that the leader was planning to set up an exile island for the Golden Roar Clan, I approached him without hesitation.

Then, very quickly, I was sent to that island.

I sat on a piece of carefully camouflaged driftwood, and was carried by the current to that deserted place.

Another more powerful Black Light Roar is waiting for me there, waiting for me to impress with all my tenderness, and then - betrayal!

I lived there for 13 years, during these 13 years, I cursed An Erji and his female all the time.While they were living a happy life in the powerful Golden Roar clan, I was in this barren place, roaring at a black light that could only be seen, but might be poisoned to death even getting close!

No matter how good this Black Light Roar is to me, I don't even want to remember his name.No matter how powerful he is, what's the use?If you can't touch, how can you become a partner?If I can't be a partner, how can I enjoy eternal life?

Yes, I am now looking forward to eternal life!When I fell in love with the dark ergo before, I actually didn't think about it that much.But, after all this!I don't know what else matters but power and immortality!

This Black Light Roar might be too lonely.He fell in love with me very quickly, and under my tenderness offensive, his love for me became deeper and deeper. By the time of No. 13, he had reached the point where he would come out to look for me when he couldn't see me for a moment.So, I knew it was time!

Everything that followed was a matter of course.We quickly drove the Black Light Roar who loved me so much that he gave up on himself crazy, and used a life magician from our snake tribe as a sacrifice, successfully completing the pet summoning contract. ——However, it is my pet, not the pet of the hateful half-dragon leader——I think his expression when he finds out about this will definitely make me excited!

Afterwards, a series of conspiracies against the three powerful clans were carried out smoothly under my hints.I know them so well, it's easy to use mental calculations without intentions!

When the moment I've been waiting for comes.I watched the female named "Mang" step by step towards the sacrificial table, and the excitement in my heart could not be suppressed.

Then, I saw dark erji eyes!When those dark red eyes were revealed, I suddenly found that I didn't feel any joy, and my heart was in pain.

This is the orc I have loved for many years!How far must he be pushed to have such crazy and calm eyes?

And myself, for an orc who doesn't love me at all, for an orc who doesn't even bother to look at me, I sold myself, I sold my race, I sold everything I could - all this, what's the point ?

Suddenly, I said: "As long as you want, I can release your entire race, as long as you are willing to sign a partner contract with me, I really like you! Uh, very!"——I want to try one last—— Make one last struggle!

It's a pity that it was unexpected, but it seemed to be expected. He still didn't even bother to look at me, as if he didn't hear me at all.He just looked at his female intently, and kept watching intently, as if there was only one person in this world.

I finally understand that the person who doesn't love me, no matter how hard I try, he still doesn't love me!

I cast my eyes on the Emperor Roar of the Dark Night who has always been by my side and never left even if he turned into a monster—this is the one who truly loves me!An orc who loved me enough to put me before himself!But because of my greed and desire, I hurt him so deeply, making him lose all reason and become a beast that doesn't understand anything!

My love has come before!

My happiness was once at my fingertips!

I lost!

It's too late to regret everything!

Today, 40 years have passed since that bloody and tragic night.I live alone on this deserted island where I have lived for 13 years, and I recall the beautiful days when I walked with the orc who loved me so much!And that orc who has been with me for 13 years has already wandered off to nowhere.

Without the protection of the orc's contract, I am already old. I don't know if I can still look at the orc who made me feel guilty all my life, and say to him: "I'm sorry! I love you!"

45. A Warm Winter Day

(dark uh extremely)

Today is the warmest day since the beginning of winter, and Mang and his little Dudu are playing games under the bright sunshine.

He always has some strange ideas.

An orc cub, since its shell was broken, has been able to stand on its own, and does not need the care of its father and father at all.However, my confusion will always be somewhat incomprehensible.Just like he does now, play with the kids.He called this... yes, what is called a "parent-child activity".I don't understand at all why we want to get close to our orcs

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