Light of life

Chapter 59

Have been firm!

That day, I followed an extremely rare and precious male worm, and came near the Birhinoceros.Going forward, it is the territory of the Birhino snake clan. I was planning to give up if the male worm continued to move forward.

It is an unwritten rule of our Siwa Zerg not to enter the territory of any of the three major races, and I have always followed it very well.Although I don't care about the living habits of the clansmen, I still love my race, and of course I don't want to cause trouble for the clansmen.

Just when I was about to leave, the information sent back by the scouting worms that spread out shocked my usual calm heart! — a female!A weak female!He actually stayed alone in the depths of the forest at this darkest hour of the morning.What amazes me even more is that he is actually fighting, fighting against the Gale Wolf, which is much stronger than him.

A fighting female!I thought, if I'm not crazy, then the world is crazy!

Until now, I don't know what I was thinking at that time. When I came back to my senses, I had already rushed to his side, and hugged this strange female who had a calm face even after a coma.

Perhaps, at that time, I knew subconsciously that if I didn't save him, I would miss the love of my life!

However, fortunately, I did not hesitate to save him in time.

Holding him for only one breath, a powerful orc stood silently in front of me.A non-poisonous Night Emperor Roar - I have heard of him a long time ago, but this is the first time I have met him.

Seeing that his heart hurts so much that he can hardly breathe, he can be sure without asking, that he is the guardian of this female.

I said to him coldly: "I think, you need to be stronger! He has already worked very hard and doesn't need the company of an orc who can't suppress his demonic nature."

Haha, there are not many opportunities to directly teach a powerful Night King Roar like this, I thought with a bit of a naughty taste.However, my expression remained as usual calm and gentle.It's not easy to see through me, a person who has spent hundreds of years of experience.

I brought this female who made me feel indescribable, and followed the powerful Dark Night Emperor Roar to the Green Rhino Snake Clan.Without hesitation, I paid the greatest price to save this female that I could not help paying attention to. At the same time, I also knew the reason why he went to the depths of the forest alone - for the two orcs around him.

At that time, I was puzzled.

It's just a bed, what's the big deal, is it going to be so turbulent?

Besides, even if the Dark Night Emperor Roar is not happy, it is also the fault of the snake of the Jade Rhino Snake Clan. Females are never wrong, and they will never think that they are wrong.But because this strange female was worried about these two mindless orcs, she even forgot her own safety! ——What kind of female is this?I can't imagine it at all!Reminiscent of his previous battle alone, I feel that my interest in him is getting stronger and stronger!

At the time, I expected him to wake up in an hour or two.It's just blood loss, other injuries are nothing in front of me.

However, my estimate, which has never been wrong for decades, has been miscalculated, and he has-has not woken up.

I silently pressed my heart, where there was a trace of tension that I had never felt before.Yes!I frankly admit that I have a little tension, although it is not too strong, but I am clear: my heart is moved-although only a little bit!

We three nervous orcs waited silently for his awakening.I finally realized for the first time that the waiting time is so difficult.

After a long time, when he slowly opened his eyes, I was actually excited.

However, when I saw those opened eyes clearly, my whole body froze—it was as if my whole body was shocked by electric shock!What kind of eyes are those?It is indifferent and cold, without any vitality, as if the whole world is out of his eyes, lifeless.No one can walk into his heart!Yes!No one can!That mighty Dark Night Emperor roars no!The snake king of the green rhino snake clan can't!I - can't either!

Yes!I - can't either!

I clearly felt the beating of my heart, and it said calmly and cruelly: Your heart is beating!You are in love with him!In love with this loveless female!

I pressed my heart silently, calm and sad—the only true love in my life, I gave a pair of cold eyes, a pair of cold eyes that were destined to have no love. ——One thousand years at a glance!One look for life!

I walked forward silently, hugging this cold female into my arms, comforting me non-stop.

It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter if you can't give me love!As long as you don't show such eyes that make me heartbroken again!

In this world where all the people love females, what kind of person, and what terrible things have they done, can make this female who is brave enough to fight against monsters alone show such a heart-wrenching expression?

I secretly swear in my heart, if I find him, I will repay him hundreds of times! ——Let him also taste the feeling of heartache!

It wasn't until a while later that this female, who made my heart ache inexplicably, slowly came back to her senses.Seeing the indifference in his eyes receding slowly like water, I silently blessed in the center: "Good job! Xiao Mang! Forget all the sad memories, and enjoy a happy life with only love! You are still young, life is just now Let's start, don't dwell on the pain of the past, please see our love!"

When Xiao Mang was fully awake, I silently stepped aside and yelled at the Dark Night Emperor who was almost in love with him.I looked at them silently, and couldn't help worrying in my heart-this powerful orc loved too deeply and focused, and they were still too young to deal with this too deep love.

For example, he is full of hostility towards the king of the Jade Rhino Snake Clan.But, didn't he notice that the female he was holding tightly in his arms was looking at the two orcs fighting secretly with worried eyes?

Why is such a rare, beautiful, affectionate, strong and lovely female being fought over by two half-grown children like a toy?You, have you ever wondered how much the heart of the female you love hurts when you fight?

Orcs are not unacceptable for several orcs to have a female together.Can't your love for him let you let go of the pride in your heart, let go of the orc's instinctive possessiveness, and let all the people he cares about live by his side-as long as he smiles, our hearts will smile!This is the best way to love him!Don't you understand?

Still too young!I still don't know the true meaning of giving!

However, it doesn't matter!

This cute little guy I love, let me guard it!Even if you can only guard silently forever, it doesn't matter!

So, I resorted to some tricks and came to the Golden Light Roar Clan so that I could always be by his side.

So, for the safety of my Xiaomang, I threw myself to death with a smile and no regrets.

It's just that the 60 years when my lovely Xiao Mang was asleep really made me suffer.Every day, every day, I have to visit him many times in a row to make sure that my Xiaomang is just asleep, and he is still alive and well.I think I finally realized what my father said: love is crazy!

Later, my little Mang finally woke up and lived a happy life with An Erji.I have been guarding silently by his side, happy for his smile every day, and showing a knowing smile to every little bad thing he does.

I think, at this time, I am really mature!My love has come to an end—because you are happy, so I am happy!This is my portrait of the love of your life!

However, I have achieved consummation, but Yan Nizhen is still trying her best to toss.He wanted Xiao Mang's approval, he didn't want to be just a simple guardian.It's not that he wants to get Xiao Mang too much, I can understand him, he just wants to get Xiao Mang's emotional attention, at least let him occasionally get close to the female he misses so much, and say a few sweet words.

well!Clue Pregnancy is still too young!

He doesn't understand, this is not something that he can succeed by tossing around!He doesn't need to toss at all, it will happen naturally when the time comes.

Hadn't he thought about it?Dark, uh, it has evolved to level 16 very early, eternal level 16!They and Xiao Mang will have countless years.When there are only the two of them together, after countless years, they will also be lonely.And at that time, there is no need for you to make a fuss, and An Erji will not object to you getting closer to his Xiao Mang.Time can change everything, as long as An Er can't bear his little loneliness, he will naturally accept us! ——Although, we still have a long, long time to wait, and we have to ensure that we can evolve to the eternal 16th level!

Until a long, long time later, so long that I can no longer remember how many years I have lived.One day, I received a dark, er, extremely letter, and that letter verified what I said before.

The letter said:

Giving clues to Pregnancy and Salty Boya:

Although, I have never liked you.However, when Mang and I were about to leave this world, Mang and I decided to tell you.

We are leaving!Living in this world for too long has made me and myself feel lonely.When I evolve to level 18 now, when I already have time travel

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