Light of life

Chapter 61

I have come to someone else's territory, and I have to ask them to explain the situation here.So, shouldn't we be giving the gift of a first meeting visit? "

An erji has been with Mang Hui for endless years, how can he not understand Mang Hui's flirt?

An er laughed lightly, and stretched out his hand.In his hand was holding a crystal that was translucent and reddish.

"What is this? I sensed the powerful power it contains!" The Dragon Clan who spoke to them first asked in surprise.

Mang Hui replied with a smile: "This is what you call an energy crystal from the God Realm. Because it is very precious, I want to give it as a gift for meeting. I don't know, will the powerful dragon like it?"

At this time, Mang Hui recalled some memories from a long time ago.A long, long time ago, so long that we have to go back to the previous life.When he was on earth, because he was imprisoned and had nothing to do all day long, he would read some online novels online.He remembered that a kind of fantasy online novel was very popular at that time.In this kind of novels, a family of giant dragons often appears, and they are generally the most powerful existence in a certain world.They all like shiny things.That's why he gave An Erji a hint.

In fact, this kind of beautiful and unusual light red crystal has no other function for them except viewing.

At that time, they had not yet come to the present dimensional space.An Erji is traveling in their own dimension with Dust.After a space jump, Manghui opened his eyes and saw a beautiful planet emitting light red fluorescence.The surface of the planet is covered with this beautiful reddish crystal.Manghui was attracted for a moment, picked up many and put them into the interspatial ring.Manghui didn't stop until An Erji reminded him that apart from being beautiful, this crystal didn't contain much chaotic energy.

They had traveled through many planets at that time, and had seen too many good things. This kind of crystal that only contained a very small amount of chaotic energy could only be regarded as rubbish to them.However, because of their beauty, Mang Hui put all the crystals he picked up into his dark personal space.Anyway, An Er Ji's personal space is too big, and he is not calling him to throw garbage in it bit by bit.

Later, when they traveled in the universe, they encountered intelligent creatures from time to time, and Manghui would ask An Erji to take out these garbage from his personal space as a gift.At first, An Erji was a little worried.However, seeing that they are always welcomed as honored guests by the person who received the gift every time, he secretly calmed down.

Think about it too, how many people in the world can play with confidence in the vast universe like them?The things they picked up on some special planets, for those intelligent creatures who haven't fully explored their own planets, are extraterrestrial artifacts.

The giant dragons at this time could not help but become one of those creatures.They looked at the light red crystals in the palms of their hands, and their eyes shone brightly.

It was the talking dragon who stood up.This time, his attitude changed 180 degrees, and he greeted enthusiastically: "Distinguished guests! You must have been very tired all the way when you came from a very far away! You are welcome! Our dragon clan has always been the most hospitable , please come to our clan to rest temporarily! We will explain the situation of this continent to you slowly!"

then!Manghui and Anji became the guests of the giant dragons just because of a crystal that was useless to them!

It wasn't until after several days in the Dragon Clan, and after Man Hui and An Erji had learned about this place called Gran-El Continent, that they realized——they came early!Because they chose the wrong time when traveling through the dimensional space, they came more than 600 years earlier.And now at this time, that gray fellow traveler still doesn't know where the horns are cats - anyway, it's not in this world!

Depressed and bored, Manghui planned to drag Anji away after visiting the giant dragon clan.But, this time, An Er Ji didn't listen to him.

An erji is in confusion.

He sensed that there was a strange power in the heavily guarded place of the Dragon Clan.This kind of power gave him the feeling that it was like the eggs of the orcs before they were born, constantly exuding a faint power of chaos.However, it is not entirely true that it is completely the power of chaos.The power of chaos is powerful and irritable, so the orcs need the blue fruit containing life energy to adjust.However, this kind of power that An Erji sensed did not have the violent breath of the power in the orc's body, but seemed very docile.

He told Manghui his doubts.

Manghui, who was spoiled so lawlessly, pulled An Erji, and made him flash directly into the Dragon Clan's powerhouse.

It was very quiet in the Dragon Clan stronghold, not a single person was there.Mang Hui pulled An Erji, pushed open the door that An Erji was pointing at, and walked in.

What appeared in front of them was a pure white egg protected by heavy defensive magic.

"Is it this?" Mang Hui asked.

An'erji nodded slowly, looking at the egg with solemn and confused eyes: "I feel that his strength is very stable, and his vitality is also very strong. But it is strange, judging from his vitality, he still needs at least a thousand It is hard to imagine, what kind of egg needs 1000 years to hatch? And he looks like he has been here for a long time!"

Manghui asked curiously: "Do you think he is our orc cub?"

An Erji's expression seemed a bit tangled: "I can't tell, but his strength attributes are very similar."

"That's it!" Mang Hui stepped forward, letting An Er easily eliminate the magic circles blocking them one by one.He stretched out his hands, and gently and tenderly pressed the warm egg: "Give him more life energy, and he can hatch earlier! — Poor child! Wandering to the next metaverse, there is no way to escape." The powerful chaotic energy and life energy absorption, can't hatch it!"

As he spoke, a faint green light flashed on his hands, slowly blending into the egg.

"No! Wait! Mang! There is another book here!" An Erji discovered that under the egg, there was also a very old-looking book made of monster skin.

He took it out and flipped through it, and handed it to Mang Hui who had withdrawn his magic power of life.

"Huh?" Mang Hui flipped through it casually: "Swallowing Beast? Are there any orcs of this race in our world?"

"No! No!" An'er said helplessly: "It seems that we have done unnecessary things! This is a species of this world. He only emits an aura close to the power of chaos because his power is of the space system."


Before Mang Hui could speak, the habitat of the giant dragon clan was already boiling.

The magic circle that was darkly eliminated attracted the attention of the giant dragons.The important place in the clan was invaded, attracting all the dragons.

An Erji did not intend to confront the dragons directly.After all, they did something wrong because of a misunderstanding.He dodges with Mang Hui in his arms, and disappears into the clan of giant dragons.

They left without knowing.Because of what they are doing now, the future path of the fellow in the gray has been completely changed!His life has changed from a straight man's passionate promotion history to a straight man's twisted and tragic life path!

So!See you in our next story!

The author has something to say: Next: "Song of Wisdom"

It is about the story of this fellow in the dark, the sad but happy life of a straight man who was twisted!

Welcome everyone to jump into the pit!

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