of.At that time, when he saw Hesa ​​flapping his golden yellow shiny wings flamboyantly appearing in front of him, he didn't know why, but he felt that his wings were not as cool as Anerji's, and not as powerful as Anerji's wings .

However, at that time, Hesa ​​probably felt that he had a rare chance to show off his handsome wings, so he flapped them a few more times.Then, Mang Hui caught a cold after returning to the hatch.

The cold, which was not a big deal at first, has lasted for half a month, which has never happened to Mang Hui.Amanli said that it was because in the past half a month, Anji's power had been in a state of confusion, and he could not provide much help to Manghui's body through the surname contract. This time Manghui had to catch a cold by himself.

He forced Manghui to go out for a walk every day, bask in the sun, and let him eat strange concoction.It's a pity that even though he tried his best to take care of Manghui, there was still no obvious effect.Mang Hui still drooped his pair of light golden animal ears every day, feeling dizzy and unable to raise his spirits. He even dozed off while walking several times and almost fell himself.

However, Mang Hui looks a little better today, the pair of beautiful light golden animal ears stand up again, and the same light golden long and slender tail will occasionally wag --- it seems that he is in a different mood. not bad.

So, Amanli asked him: "I'm in good spirits today, shall we go out for a walk?"

"...Okay!" Manghui replied impatiently.He knew that Amanli seemed to have a good temper, but as long as he decided to do something, he must do it.

It's not that Manghui is so lazy that he doesn't even want to go for a walk.He was really impatient with the orcs who were waiting outside the hatchery every day.

When he first went out for a walk, he encountered a group of orcs.As soon as the group of orcs saw him, they immediately surrounded him with sparkling eyes:

"It's Little Mang Hui! Little Mang Hui!"

"Look at how beautiful our little manghui is! Look at the light blonde hair, dark blue eyes-ah-the blue xiangguo pattern on the eyebrows is so special! I have never seen such a beautiful little female ! Xiaomang Hui is so beautiful!"

"Little Mang Hui! Look this way! Look this way! Look how strong I am!"

"No! No! Don't look at him, look at me! I've only been an adult for 12 years, and I'm already a level 9 fighter! I can give you a better life!"

"Go away! Manghui! Me! I'm level 10! I'm only 68 years old this year, and I'm stronger!"

"Manghui! Look at me! I'm almost an adult, and I'm more handsome than them! I'm also more gentle and considerate than them!"

"As long as you are considerate, aren't we considerate? Everyone beat him!"

bang bang

bang bang bang...

Many of them beat people or were beaten, but at the same time they still yelled to sell themselves to Manghui.

In fact, it's not that these orcs are all lustful when they see female cubs.

The Howler tribe is a very special race. They are the most powerful orcs and have almost no natural enemies. However, their number of people is the smallest among all the orc races. The reason is that they are more infatuated than the wolf tribe.The orcs of the Roar tribe actually have no sex/impulse/movement until they find a lover.Every orc of the Howler tribe only has desire/desire for his lover.These single orcs are so fanatical, in fact, it is only because of instinct and too much competitive pressure.

The females of the orcs are very rare, and most of the orcs have no chance to have a partner in their lives.Even among the mighty Hou Clan, at least half of them will never find a partner in their lifetime.

Orcs have a long lifespan. A first-level fighter can live for at least 200 years if there are no accidents.As you evolve to a higher level, your lifespan will be extended even more.As for the females, the length of their lives is determined by the power of the orcs with whom they have entered into a partnership contract.However, no matter how powerful the orc is, the life of his female partner will not exceed two-thirds of his total life—unless the orc evolves to level 16 or above and has eternal life.

Therefore, for orcs, to show their strength to a female cub and improve the other party's favorability towards them will give them more opportunities to pursue and cultivate mutual affection during the 30 years of the female cub's growth. , is a very normal thing.

It is precisely because these fanatical orcs of the Roar clan go to the hatchery every day to squat outside the door, but in their gray eyes, there is only sincere enthusiasm, without any sexual desire, and there is no plundering at all.So, although Manghui thinks they are annoying (fighting in front of him every day), he doesn't hate them.Even, sometimes, he feels that these orcs are much more straightforward and cute than those men on earth.

However, even if the cutest person waits outside your door every day and looks at you with shining eyes when he sees you, you will feel that your head is covered with black lines.

This is the case with Mang Hui now.As soon as he stepped out of the hatchery, he was taken a step back by the fiery eyes of a large circle of orcs outside.

Even Amanli got a black line—this group of orcs was more enthusiastic than when there were little females before, maybe because Xiao Manghui was so beautiful.

However, no matter how much you want to pursue a beautiful little female, you can't disturb the life of the little female.Amanli lowered his face and reprimanded: "What are you doing to surround the road? Spread out!"

Several orcs standing on the road made way out of the way: "Hi! Doctor Amanli, we just came to see Xiao Manghui!"

"Look! Look! Look! You only know how to stare at a few females in the tribe all day long! Why don't you learn from the snake tribe and the Zerg tribe, and go to other tribes to seduce and snatch it? You grab a female from another tribe, Is there any race of orcs who can run faster than you and beat you? A bunch of worthless things! What are you still doing here? Get out of the way!"

Mang Hui heard a black line—is this considered abetting crime?

Perhaps Amanli was still feeling puzzled, so he stretched out his finger and pointed at one of the group of orcs: "Tuo Tuo, do you think I can't see you if you hide behind others secretly? That's all you have! There is another Are you a warrior?"

Among the crowd of beasts, a strong boy about [-] meters tall stepped out and complained in a low voice: "My dear, don't call me by nicknames anymore, I've grown up already!" Compatriot females are called "Aqin" to show affection and care.)

A group of orcs roared with laughter.

"What? He won't be my younger brother when he grows up?" Amanli tickled his brother Du Tuo's big head.

Du Tuo knelt down impatiently, so that Amanli could easily reach out and nod his head, but he still whispered in his mouth: "Ah, there are so many people!"

"Do you still know how to save face?" Amanli nodded Du Tuo's head fiercely with his finger: "You are almost an adult, and you start to miss your partner?"

Du Tuo took a sneak peek at Mang Hui, and begged Amanli in a low voice with some shyness: "Dear!"

"Huh!" Amanli finally stopped nodding Du Tuo's golden head: "It's normal to miss a partner. But, I only know what the future of a few females in the family are? If you have the ability, you have to go out and look for it. It's just right , this time the fight will be held in the Green Rhino Snake Clan, you sign up for me to participate in the competition, and go to the Snake Clan to abduct a female back."

Du Tuo made a bitter face: "I can fight, I can beat them all without any problem! But dear, how can I abduct the female of the snake clan——I don't have any snake clan Soul hooking fragrance."

"Bragging! When did the warriors of the Snake Clan become so weak? If you beat them one by one, can you break their invisibility?" Amanli looked at his younger brother who thought he was good at fighting speechlessly, and continued to educate: "Stupid! You can't be seductive, you have great power, and females will like you! You have to take the initiative, you know?"

"Oh!" Du Tuo didn't seem to be excited at all: "But I still like the females of our own clan!" He said, looking at Manghui with bright eyes: "Like Manghui, the cutest! "

Mang Hui, who had been watching the excitement, twitched the corners of his mouth and turned his head aside.

"Huh!" Turning his head, he saw that the person who had disappeared for more than half a month was standing outside the crowd looking at him, and he didn't know how long he had been standing there.

"An erji, you're back?" Mang Hui greeted him.

"En!" An Erji walked around the crowd and walked in front of him and Amanli, standing side by side with Du Tuo.

"The toxicity is gone!" He looked into his eyes, letting him see the boundless ecstasy in his eyes.

"Really?" Mang Hui carefully pinched his dark, er, bare/exposed arms with his fingers, and found that nothing happened to him: "Really!"

"Congratulations!" Amanli looked at them with a smile, and then pointed to An Erji's hair: "Look! The color has changed!"

Indeed, the extremely dark hair was originally completely black, but now, there is a light golden reflection at the end of the black hair.This made him look a little gentler, and he no longer looked so cold and hard.

"It's not just hair!" The corners of An Erji's mouth were greatly split, and this was the widest smile of An Erji that Mang Hui had seen.He asked Mang Hui happily, looking very excited, like a child who wants to be praised by adults: "The fur color of the beast has also changed, do you want to see it?"

Manghui may have been infected by his excitement, and became interested: "I want to see! Change me and see!"

He hadn't seen any orcs in the best form yet.Orcs are proud of being able to fully evolve into human form, and rarely show their beast form, unless they encounter enemies that cannot be dealt with in human form, they will turn into beast form.

As soon as Mang Gray's voice fell, An Er Ji disappeared,

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