Nuo En added the bracket and started to grill the meat. The smell caused Lin Junqi's stomach to make a revolution. They had been tossing for too long, and he hadn't eaten since the afternoon. He was hungry.The drink she drank just now turned into a urge to urinate, and Lin Junqi twitched and signaled herself to go to the small rooms around the square to solve it.

The small house is a special plant that grows in a shady place, can absorb a lot of water, and remove odors. There are many such small houses in the village, which is convenient for everyone to solve problems.

After Lin Junqi solved the problem, she sat down next to Nuo En again. The meat was not roasted yet. After waiting for a while, Nuo En took the meat off the fork, divided the meat into several portions, and pulled Lin Junqi in front of each witness. Serve me with a barbecue and a bowl of wine.

It means that distant relatives are not as good as close neighbors. If there are any difficulties at home in the future, please take care of them.

Young males in the tribe will go hunting before they have no mates. In addition to exercising themselves to increase their knowledge, another purpose is to find females they like in other tribes. If the females are willing, they can return to the tribe to live together. If the females are unwilling to leave their own tribe, they will settle in the tribe where the female is.

Norn also went hunting, but he didn't find anyone he liked, so he came back.In the tribe, the parents and children generally do not live in the same village. One is to enable the children to have the ability to live independently, and not rely on the parents for everything because they live with the parents.

Second, it will not interfere with the private lives of both parties.For example, if the father and the father have an awkward relationship, if they live together, the child will be very embarrassed, or if the child and his partner have an awkward relationship, it is very likely that the father will interfere with their affairs because of concern, which is not good. OK

If the partner settles in other tribes, the children will have less contact with their parents. If they encounter any difficulties, the usefulness and benefits of neighbors and friends will be revealed at this time. Therefore, it is very important to have a good relationship with neighbors and friends. Importantly, asking friends to share their food is also part of the ceremony procedure.

Of course, this does not mean that the relationship between the parents and the child is bad, but after the child becomes an adult, the original care and discipline of the child has become mutual respect, understanding, and trust among friends, but there is no interference, and even for each other. Decide what to do.

Lin Junqi drank another round of wine, and the drunkenness that had finally subsided came back again, and her mind was dizzy.

Norn continued to barbecue, and the orcs surrounded the fire while toasting to the two of them while chatting, Lin Junqi only had the idea that no one should underestimate it, and anyone who came to toast would come. There was nothing to eat, and when Nuo En finally roasted the meat, Lin Junqi immediately started to gobble it up, but unfortunately she was full after eating only a few small pieces, and she couldn't drink any more.

Although the alcohol content of the fruit wine is not high, it is wine after all. After drinking a few bowls with others in a daze, the whole person began to sway unconsciously, grinning with an idiot face, sitting upright, but Everyone could see that he was drunk.

Nuo En filled his stomach with the roasted meat, smiled and hugged Lin Junqi, who had begun to speak Chinese, and said goodbye to everyone. The males whistled understandingly and smiled ambiguously. The females blushed and laughed together. laugh.

The male friends who came to help him witness the ceremony helped him carry the box full of fur clothes, sent them to Norn's house together, and left quickly.A moment in the Spring Festival is worth a thousand dollars, everyone knows it, no one is not ignorant, and there is no custom of making a wedding here.

The house has been refurbished, and it looks glamorous everywhere. The bed is covered with a freshly made cotton quilt, and the cotton quilt is covered with a short-haired animal skin mattress. There are two soft pillows and two throw pillows on the bed. This is Lin Junqi I asked Ou Rui to do it for me. People here don’t use pillows when they sleep. Lin Junqi sleeps on Nuo En’s arm. She didn’t need a pillow at first, but Lin Junqi always felt that the bed looked unpleasant and uncomfortable, so she called Ou Rui Helped.After finishing, Ouri made two new ones for himself, and gradually, pillows became popular in the tribe.

Nuo En twisted a warm towel to wipe Lin Junqi's face, hands and feet.The snow-white fingers are dotted with golden patterns, which shows the specialness of today. Lin Junqi couldn't open her eyes, and Nuo En tossed him, and her whole body was stripped naked without paying attention.

The temperature is not low during the day, but it is much colder at night. Lin Junqi felt a little cold naked, and just about to curl up, a warm body fell on her body, hugging her full, and Lin Junqi, who was confused, stretched out her hand to hug the warm body. The familiar smell made him close his eyes and feel sleepy, but the person on his body didn't intend to let him fall asleep like this tonight.

I heard that it would be better to put the meat in the author's words, so I offered the Diamond Sutra:

Diamond Sutra

The first category will be divided into reasons

So I heard that at one time, the Buddha was in the garden of the lonely tree in the country of Sravasti, and there were thousands of 250 monks together.At that time, when the World Honored One was eating, he put on his robe and took his bowl and went to the great city of Sravasti to beg for food.In the city, the next time I begged, I returned to my place.After the meal is over, the robe and bowl are collected, the feet are washed, and the seat is covered and sat down.

Please share the second product goodness

At that time, the elder Subhuti rose from his seat in the assembly, leaned his right shoulder, put his right knee on the ground, put his palms together respectfully, and said to the Buddha, "It is rare! "Good woman, when you develop the mind of Anuttara-samyak-sabodhi, how can you stay there, and how can you subdue her mind?" The Buddha said, "It's good, it's good. I instruct all the bodhisattvas. Listen carefully now! I should say for you: Good men and good women, who have the mind of Anuttara-samyaksambodhi, should abide in this way, and subdue their minds in this way." "Only, World Honored One! ."

The third grade Mahayana authentic points

The Buddha told Subhuti: "All bodhisattvas and mahasattvas should subdue their hearts in this way! All living beings: if they are born from eggs, if they are born from wombs, if they are born from moisture, if they are born by transformation; if they have form, if they are colorless; Thoughts, whether there are thoughts or no thoughts, I will make them enter the nirvana without residue and save them. In this way, there are countless and boundless sentient beings, but there are no sentient beings who can be saved. Why? Subhuti! Appearance, appearance of sentient beings, appearance of longevity, that is not Bodhisattva."

The fourth product is the sublime

"Furthermore, Subhuti! Bodhisattvas should have no abode in the Dharma. They should practice giving. The so-called alms don't dwell in form, don't give alms with sound, fragrance, and Dharma. Subhuti! Bodhisattvas should give like this, and don't stay in form. Why? If Bodhisattvas don't stop giving, and their merits are immeasurable.

The author has something to say: the lips were kissed deeply, a big hand was walking on the body, one quietly touched Xiao Xiaoqi, fiddled with it up and down, and sprayed out after a long time without venting thick white liquor.The matter is not over yet, Lin Junqi's legs are pulled apart, the sensitive parts are carefully served again, the desire that has been vented is once again overwhelming, the brain that is in a mess only knows to follow the desire, and only wants to get more happy.

Nuoen did it very carefully. He stuffed a pillow under Lin Junqi's waist, held up his waist high, and poured the fruit oil he had prepared into his hands while holding Xiaoxiaoqi in his mouth. Plunging into the tight entrance little by little, with enough lubrication, the entry of Norn's fingers did not arouse too much reaction from Lin Junqi, and his attention was focused on the warmth and comfort of his lower body.

Lin Junqi moved her waist impatiently, pursuing more happiness, but the suffocating warmth that contained her helplessly always stopped suddenly when she was about to reach the peak of happiness point, making herself unable to reach that moment, Lin Junqi Feel bad.Something that made him feel uncomfortable was protruding into another part of his body, but he was focused on pursuing the peak of that moment, and he couldn't control that thing that made him feel uncomfortable for the time being, but suddenly, that uncomfortable thing Something on his body was touched somewhere, which made him shake violently. Lin Junqi was taken aback. The thoughts in his mind just started to gather together to think about what was going on, and he sucked in the warmth that surrounded him. This very refreshing feeling made his legs tremble, and then the inside of his body was stimulated fiercely, and the warmth of his lower body accelerated, and the strange feeling made Lin Junqi reach the peak of happiness all of a sudden. His thinking stopped at a blank space.

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