He heard the sound of birds coming from the dense forest, and the sound of a man getting up behind him. He touched his head lightly, then put something beside him, and the sound of footsteps faded away , seems to be out.After an unknown period of time, Tang Chenglong yawned, and the guy hummed and sighed non-stop. After a while, he began to sing, which was still about Andy Lau's Ice Rain.

Lin Junqi couldn't stand the noise, she opened her eyes and stared at him, but unfortunately that guy was either rough-headed or too intoxicated.

Look at that, frowning slightly, closing eyes, clenching fists, swinging left and right with shaking shoulders, twisting head left and right with the rhythm, humming directly when singing forgetting words replace.

Lin Junqi came to two conclusions. First, the guy's arm must have stopped hurting.Two, this guy is either too optimistic or very 2.

Speaking of arms, Lin Junqi thought of her legs. She didn't feel any pain, but she forgot about the injury. The efficacy of those herbs is really amazing.Lin Junqi moved her legs, only when the muscles were exercising would she feel a little pain. She stretched out her hand and pressed lightly along the calf, and there would be pain around the leg bones, but the rest of the body was completely healed.

"Hey, you're awake, let's go for a walk when we wake up, it's so boring here." Tang Chenglong didn't know when he saw Lin Junqi woke up and stopped humming, and looked at him bluntly to make suggestions.

Lin Junqi stood up carefully and took a few steps. Her feet still hurt when they hit the ground, but she was able to bear the force. "My feet are not fine."

"Let's just take a look, take a look around, that person lives here, it must be safer nearby." Tang Chenglong analyzed for him, "We are nearby, and we won't go far."

Lin Junqi looked at him deeply, and Tang Chenglong looked confused before speaking, "It seems that we are no longer on the earth, and it seems that we can't go back."

"...I think so too. There is no place on earth where you can see a sun and three planets during the day, and there are bugs and flowers that you have never seen before, and people who can transform. I was almost scared to death at the beginning yesterday, but I’m fine..."

"What... are you going to do?"

"I don't know," Tang Chenglong tilted his head and stared at Lin Junqi, "That person seems to like you very much, I'll hang out with you...you won't ignore me, will you?"

"No." Lin Junqi bared his teeth, on the premise that he could protect himself, "You..." Lin Junqi organized his words, "Don't you feel scared? Um... I mean, you seem to be very concerned about the current state. calm."

"No, I'm actually very scared, but what's the use of being afraid, don't you see, yesterday I yelled and yelled and yelled, and I got nothing except making that person think I'm annoying. I was almost eaten by a plant." Tang Chenglong waved his fist as an inspirational gesture, "Well, if it comes, it will be safe, God has arranged us into this world so painstakingly, maybe it is to let us come here to conquer this world, To lead this gang of macho men who can transform!"

"Then what if this is an accidental mistake made by God, and we will be wiped out later?"

"Then let's live a good life now. You see, that person is taking care of him carefully, giving us food and drink, and giving us herbal medicine to heal our wounds. We should eat and drink well, build up our strength and go out for a walk and see the world. How is it different from us, even if we die, we can still be considered to have traveled to another world, you said that there are so many people on the earth, how many people have our luck, and death is not worth this life." After finishing speaking, he made a The face is aging.

Lin Junqi stared at Tang Chenglong, he always felt that this guy was very 2, but he didn't expect to be able to say such insightful words.

"Actually, there is nothing wrong with not going back, and there is nothing to worry about over there. My mother has been staring at the position of father's legal wife all her life. She is busy every day consolidating her position, dressing up, and helping father." I don’t care about spending money. My dad doesn’t even care about me. He couldn’t even call my full name on the day my mom married him. I don’t have many friends. My former classmates looked down on me. Now my classmates just want to Ingratiate myself with eating and drinking..."

Rarely, this bluffing boy showed a sad and lonely face, "I've always been jealous of you, you won't be slapped at every turn, you won't be poked at the nose and scolded asshole, bastard, I won’t be ignored enough to forget that you haven’t had dinner yet...so I always want to find fault with you, make you angry, and make you unhappy.” Speaking of this, Tang Chenglong smiled childishly, “Do you think I’m so childish? ?”

Lin Junqi had black lines on her face, "Yes! You are really naive."

Up to now, Lin Junqi finally has the intention to regard Tang Chenglong as a friend, and the conflict between the two has finally been resolved now.

Tang Chenglong grinned suddenly, smiling joyfully, "Also, I used to think that you were so condescending, so lofty that you would die, and seeing it made me feel ashamed, but I know now, the psychology book Saying that you are showing inferiority complex, hahaha!!!”

Lin Junqi smashed the yellow fruit that Nuo En put beside her on his head, Tang Chenglong was not angry, he picked up the fruit and laughed, "I'm getting angry from embarrassment! Haha... By the way, what about you, where are you?" Is there anything else you can't let go of?"

Lin Junqi narrowed her eyes, "No, my aunt is pretty good to me, but after all, she is not personal, and she is afraid that I will rob her son's property in the future. She cares about me but at the same time guards against me. In fact, she is also very happy. Hard work. My father in name... In fact, I have always felt that it would be better for them if I didn't exist. You are right, no matter what, we should live well now. "

"Then let's go out for a walk, my butt is numb."


The two got up and looked outside the cave...

"Have you never looked outside the cave?"



The hole was dug in the middle of a straight slope, which was a little higher from the ground than the huge trees I saw yesterday.Although the two of them absolutely can't get down to the ground, but as far as the scenery is concerned, it is still possible. You can see at a glance that on the canopy of trees layered on top of each other, a big ball is moving towards the two of them at a very fast speed. near.

"Oh, your nanny is back."

Lin Junqi is happy, it makes sense!If you treat me like a pet, I can also understand that you are my 24-hour nanny!

Immediately, my mood was soaring, and I felt comfortable looking at everything, the sky was brighter, the air was fresher, and the dense forest was greener.

The blob approached, a large feline white beast with blue markings and huge wings on its back.

Lin Junqi remembered very clearly that in the shock of that first glance, he clearly saw gray patterns on the man's white body!

In other words, this beast is not his 24-year-old nanny!

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