After Lin Huai recovered from his injuries, he started to get out of bed and walk around. The place he went to the most was the small backyard of his house.

Speaking of which, this house was the former residence of the Locke family. Clyde had been the housekeeper of the Locke family all his life, and gave the house to him as a gift when he was old.

The Locke family is Lu Ke's mother's family. They were also a noble family a few decades ago. Unfortunately, time has passed and things have changed so quickly. In Lu Ke's generation, there is only one boy left, Lu Ke, who is no longer the family name. In a sense, it is extinct.If Clyde hadn't adopted Luke, then even this bloodline would have disappeared.

There is a piece of land in the yard, which was originally used to house famous flowers and plants, but now there are many plants.

The land area is not small, but unfortunately the land texture is not good enough to grow valuable cash crops.Over the years, in order to support the family, this land has been used to the best of its ability and painstakingly. There is no rest all year round, and even more nutrients have been lost. Only wheat sand, a crop with tenacious vitality, can be grown.

The problem is that although wheat sand is easy to grow and has a large yield, it has a rough taste. Even if it takes a lot of time to cook, it will be as rough as sand in the mouth.Only families that are really poor will choose this crop, but his family sometimes doesn't even have enough wheat sand.

Clyde felt that he didn't care, but considering the young Luke, he couldn't continue like this.Luke's health is poor, he can't buy some precious medicinal materials to replenish his health, but at least try his best to improve his food.

He was old and couldn't do heavy and delicate work, so he had to go to the market to buy some Vitex vines and weave some things to exchange for some money, and bought some delicate food for Lu Ke to eat.

It's a pity that the weather is not beautiful, and the finished product drying in the yard was soaked by a sudden rain.You should know that if the vine grass is woven and not exposed to the sun for a certain period of time, and then sprayed with the juice of the vine grass, it will deform when it meets water.Before he had time to spray the juice, he soaked in water, and the knitting that had been made for so long was really useless.

Without the income from Jingtengcao, the family is really poor, no wonder Lu Ke has to run out to find food.

"Grandpa Clyde." Lin Huai's feet were still swollen, and they pouted when walking.

Clyde was loosening the soil in a straw hat at the moment.The work of digging the soil does not have to be done at this moment, but Clyde has worked hard all his life and is used to being busy. He is a person who will find something to do when he is free: "Little master, why don't you sleep a little longer?"

"If you sleep any longer, the sun will burn your ass!" Lin Huai joked.

"Which family's noble young master didn't sleep until the sun was high?" Clyde said rather unconvinced, "Although I am old, I can still take care of the young master."

"That's right, Grandpa Clyde is always strong!" Lin Huai knew that Clyde loved him from the bottom of his heart, and he didn't want him to suffer a little bit. He looked around and prepared to find some work to share.Picking up the small bucket on one side, he said, "I'll go to the river to fetch some water and come back to water the vegetables."

"No, this can't be done, your arm is still not healed, how can you do this job?" Clyde refused without thinking, pointing to Lu's left arm, which can be fixed in front of his chest with plaster, "If you really want to help Grandpa, just choose the wild vegetables I just picked."

How to choose vegetables with one arm?Grandpa Clyde just wanted him to be lazy, Lin Huai insisted: "It's only half a bucket of water? My right hand is strong!" He said and made a bodybuilding movement, but he was too thin, short and small. Such an action is very funny.

"You just want to go out and play?" Clyde misunderstood again seeing Luke's impatient look.During this period of time, Lu Ke became more cheerful and smiled a lot. He was still obedient and sensible. At first, he worried that what happened to Lu Ke when he was a child would make Lu Ke become autistic. Now that everything is improving, he will naturally not Block the road to go out.

Lin Huai didn't explain either. After all, Lu Ke was only a six-year-old child. Shouldn't a child play around?It is not surprising to be understood in this way, and he walked slowly towards the river with a small wooden bucket.

My home is not far from a small river. Since there is no pumping system, I have to carry wooden barrels back and forth every time I use water. Usually, I don’t use much water. I wash and wash clothes directly in the river. However, watering vegetables is troublesome. Since there is no one in the family who can work, relying on Grandpa Clyde's physical strength, Lin Huai is not at ease.

He thought about finding a way to make some money and go to the slave market to buy labor back.

But now that food and clothing are problems at home, this idea can only be put aside for now.

"Ugly, why haven't I seen you recently!" Lin Huai walked to the small river, and was about to bend down to pour water into the bucket, when he saw a small man standing in front of him, crossing his chest, behind him in twos and threes A few small followers.

The person who came here was the guy who ordered a group of children to throw stones at him that day. Rooney is a tall and strong boy. Because he is stronger than his peers, he seems to be the boss among the group of children. His family opened a tavern in the city. , can be regarded as a rich man, so he will be confident.

Lin Huai took a step aside. He is still a wounded person. When encountering those who come to make trouble, he can only walk as the best policy. He secretly thought to stabilize them first and then find a way to go home: "What are you doing here?"

"Obviously we arrived first and you don't know where you came from! Hehe, you don't even look in the mirror. You go out without a cloth bag in your appearance. You obviously want to spoil my good mood." Rooney was not polite. He sneered, and the children who followed him also laughed, and surrounded Lin Huai, with malicious intentions.

There were many wounds on Lin Huai's face, some were hit by stones, some were cut by sharp objects, big and small, thick and thin, so hideous!The culprits are these people in front of them, they are still mocking themselves as if nothing had happened!Lin Huai knew that he couldn't fight recklessly now, so he took a few steps back cautiously, but he was pushed to the ground from behind, his body was uncontrollably pressed on the fractured left arm, and he broke out in a cold sweat from the pain.

Rooney bent down and tugged at Lin Huai's hair: "I'm unhappy, what should I do? You climb from here along the river bank to that tree, maybe I'll be happy. Let's start!"

It's none of my business if you're in a bad mood!Lin Huai stared at him fiercely.

Rooney sneered and said, "I said it last time, if you dare to be disobedient, I want you to look good, don't you believe me? I'll count one, two, three. If you don't start again, don't blame me for actually doing it!"

Lin Huai looked up and saw the tree that Rooney was pointing at. Fuck, it was a hundred meters away. The ground was full of pits and pits made of rocks. If he really wanted to climb over it, he would have to toss about and lose half his life. .He slowly supported the ground with his right arm, bent one leg, and made a movement to move forward.

Rooney smiled in satisfaction, and the watching children shouted:


"come on! Come on!"

"Ha ha--"

Lin Huai took a deep breath, pounced forward with all his strength, tightly grasped Rooney's ankle with his intact right hand, and bit down hard!

It was summer, Rooney was wearing bunts and sandals to avoid the heat, and this bite really bit on his own flesh!

Everyone was stunned.

The always cowardly doormat actually made such a brave move!

Rooney raised his leg and kicked Lin Huai out easily. Lin Huai rolled a few times, sat on the ground and wiped his mouth with his sleeve casually: "It's really dirty."

Rooney was furious, and wanted to rush forward again, yelling at the boys watching the theater: "You guys fuck me, you think you are a log!"

Among them was a child, Hall, whose family had just moved to this town and had just joined Rooney's gang. Seeing that Rooney's face was blue and he was in a bad mood, he walked over and persuaded him, "It's been too miserable for him today. Alright."

"Forget it? I won't let it be so simple!" Rooney glared at Lin Huai fiercely. Although he was short-sleeved, he still rolled his sleeves habitually. This palm clearly used Dou Qi!Push Lin Huai towards Xiaohe.

It wasn't long before Rooney developed fighting qi, but no matter how poor his level was, it was still fighting qi!

Lin Huai didn't notice that he was not far from the small river behind him, so he fell into it unexpectedly, choking on the grassy smell of river water.

He sensed the danger vigilantly, and quickly flapped his arms to float himself up.But there seemed to be a vortex sucking him under his feet, dragging him down to sink!

He relied on his ability to swim to have the courage to show off by the river, but under the current situation, he has no way to control himself!Is he drowning?But what about Grandpa Clyde after he died?

Is this the swimmer's drowning?Lin Huai finally regretted it. Why should he, a grown-up man, open his mouth with a group of ignorant brats.He struggled desperately, but it was of no use.

The children on the river bank became helpless.

Rooney wanted to teach Luke a good meal, but he really didn't want to kill him himself.Since their residences are all near the water, these children are good at water, not to mention in such a shallow river, there is no reason for accidents!

No matter how poor Lu Ke was, he was still a nobleman. In this world, killing a nobleman would be punishable by death.If the news spreads, it's okay not to pursue it, but if it is severely punished, not only will he be finished, but his family will also be implicated.

He also thought about going into the water to save people, but when they came back to their senses, the river water vortexed strangely, as if they were going to eat Lu Ke!In this case, it is clear that there are giant beasts underwater!Thinking of this, the courage in my heart was completely lost.

Rooney watched as Lu Ke, who called out "Help!", disappeared into the water little by little, his hands and feet were icy cold.

He turned around and looked at his companion, and said coldly: "If other people find out about this, I will be the principal offender, and you will also be helpless accomplices! It's best to forget what happened today, we have never been to Xiaohe By the way, Lu fell into the river by himself and was eaten by a water monster! Otherwise, we will all be very unlucky!"

After all, he walked away stiffly.

Hall took a sharp breath. He never expected that such a thing would happen here in a few days. He walked a few steps closer to the small river. At this time, the river was very quiet, and it was completely impossible to see that he had just swallowed a person.

He gasped for breath, couldn't bear to look any longer, and ran away as if fleeing.

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