Lin Huai followed Freddy step by step, and walked together to the grove where Lin Huai often stayed when he was bored.I've been tired of playing for a long time, what's so good about it.Old God Lin Huai was thinking.But he wouldn't say that, staring at Freddy's back, winking and winking boredly, amusing himself.

Freddy didn't seem to know Lin Huai's little tricks at all, and went deeper and deeper.It was getting late, the branches and leaves were luxuriant overhead, and there was hardly much light falling.Just when Lin Huai thought there was no way to go, he passed through several thick and dense bushes and winding stone caves.

Finally stopped.

The sky was completely dark, and there was darkness all around.There is water vapor in the air, and it is roughly close to the river, and the evening wind blows, and the faint fragrance of flowers and plants floats in, which cools into the heart and makes people sigh comfortably.

"Where is this? I've never been here before." Lin Huai asked curiously.

Freddy said succinctly: "I came here by accident, and the scenery is not bad."

Lin Huai was embarrassed, he could feel that the place was surrounded by mountains and rivers, it was quiet at night, the flowing water was gurgling, sleepless insects were still chirping, and the rustling of the leaves in the breeze was close to his ears. But he really can't see anything, Nima's scenery is pretty good! "Really? It's a pity that at night—"

Before Lin Huai finished speaking, he felt a burst of coldness around Freddy, and soon, countless shining lights flashed in front of him.What shines are the leaves of the big trees by the river. These big trees are tall, and their branches have stretched above the river. The light is reflected in the water, just like the stars.

I haven't seen this kind of scene for a long time. Ever since I came to this world, I got used to the lifeless night sky, and the starry sky and bright moon I saw before began to slowly fade in my mind.This wave-like galaxy evokes the dusty memories in Lin Huai's heart.

"These plants will glow when they are cold, and they can be cooled with ice magic." Freddy explained, "Although it is useless, it is too weak for lighting and has no attack power, but it is quite interesting to see."

It's boring to explain clearly. It turns out that ignorant people are happier, so Lin Huai filtered this sentence in his mind.Lin Huai's eyes shone with sparkling light, "We will go back, we will."

"Of course, there is no need to doubt it." Freddy simply sat on the ground, maintaining his magic power.It doesn't take a lot of mana to use ice magic to achieve the cooling effect. For him, it's a drop in the bucket.However, to control the air-conditioning so that it does not reach Lin Huai as much as possible requires extremely high skills.

Lin Huai also sat down, put his hands behind his back, and stared at the scene in front of him intently.

There was a moment of silence.

"Let's cooperate." Freddy said suddenly.

Lin Huai was taken aback by his inexplicable words.

"There will be many difficulties in the future. I once said that my own life should be controlled by myself, but many times, a person's power is too small and there is too much powerlessness. I didn't mention this to you before. One is that you are too I am weak, and I don’t even have the ability to protect myself. If I want to cooperate, it can only be unilateral protection. Second, to be honest, there are too few people in this world who can be trusted, but I am willing to trust you, at least in I'm willing to believe it before I go back."

Trust needs time to build the foundation. Without getting along and understanding each other, trust cannot be established.Freddy's voice spread faintly, "Will you cooperate with me?"

"It's so strange." Lin Huai shrugged. "I thought it was a companionship from a long time ago. After all, we have been together for six years. It hurts my heart to say such things now."

The corner of Freddy's mouth curled up, and his gaze leisurely fell on Lin Huai who was beside him.

He understands what Lin Huai said, but after so many years, time flies, they have never been regarded as rivals to a nondescript family, their relationship has turned a few turns, and no one knows where it will end up.The trust that already exists but has not been expressed must be spoken first. If Lin Huai refuses, let him take the initiative. "So you agreed?"

"Of course." Lin Huai did not hesitate.

The day of no night finally arrived, which means that the day to seal the spring of the element is on this day.Early in the morning, when Lin Huai was still sound asleep, Barron poked his head out of the window and shouted loudly, "Xiao Luke, don't be lazy, get up!"

Freddie came back from sword practice and unceremoniously hit Barron hard on the head.

Barron covered the top of his head and screamed: "Who dares to hit me!" Seeing Freddy with an uneasy expression, he was startled, and then looked into the room, and Freddy's bed was really neatly made, and he felt a lingering fear. Say, "When did you pop out."

"While you're learning to howl." Freddie said bluntly, "Is it time to gather?"

"Not yet." Barron said truthfully, thinking about it wrongly, he quickly changed his words, "It's here. It's really here."

"You'd better tell the truth."

"It's time for me to treat you to breakfast." Barron wanted to cry, but Freddy's momentum became more and more powerful. His pure and fragile heart dedicated to the city of Corina couldn't bear it.

No matter how much Lin Huai slept, he was woken up by Barron's ghostly crying and wolf howling. He quickly tidied himself up, "Let's go now? Didn't you say it will be noon?"

"The group of magicians are preparing, and they seem to have a lot to bring." Barron said.He also actively participated in it, but unfortunately he found that the world of magicians was beyond his comprehension, so he walked away wisely. "Speaking of which, apart from a few magicians this time, it's just you, me, and three warriors. We can't help you with sealing the spring, and I don't know why that bastard Xia Wei called us?"

"Worried about something unexpected?" Lin Huai thought for a while, but he didn't know the sealing process, so he had no clue.

"Besides the accident, there may be other things to do." Freddy thought of something.

"What's the matter?" Barron asked curiously.

Freddy ignored him: "I'll know when the time comes, just ask what you're doing so early."

The three of them joined Xia Wei and the others. It was still in full swing, and the work was not over yet.

Xia Wei has always been ineffective until the critical moment. He has played with him for so many days before, and finally he started to prepare when he had to do it.Allocating magic crystals, planning procedures, and instructing each member on some important matters—I really don’t know how he could be so calm before.

Xia Wei saw Freddy and his group coming, stopped the work in progress, jumped up and pinched Lin Huai's mouth, and said with a smile: "Little brother, I have been waiting for you for a long time."

"Really." Lin Huai broke away from Xia Wei's evil hand, and his cheeks were red from being pinched.

Xia Wei sighed with a gloomy expression: "Poor me, no one cherishes my sincerity!"

While speaking, he took them to the magician's side and introduced each other.When talking about Lin Huai, "Don't look at this kid who is so cute, he is a powerful summoner!"

The magician originally looked indifferent, but he was surprised when he heard this.

This is the second time Lin Huai has heard the term summoner. After hearing Freddy mention it last time, he went to the library to look for relevant information, but he has been busy for a long time without any results.It sounds like a summoner is an awesome profession.Lin Huai looked calm, "Magicians are amazing, I'm still far behind."

"How could it be? When I was young, I met a summoner who signed a contract with three level nine monsters. He is an unrivaled master in air combat, water combat, and land combat." A magician mentioned Regarding this matter, his eyes were full of envy, "Only a summoner can absolutely use the power of monsters."

"But if you reach the level of the god of law, you can turn your hands into clouds and your hands into rain, that's the real power." Lin Huai said again.

The magician smiled: "It's not so easy to become a Dharma God. Our continent's elements have skyrocketed for so many years, and there is only one Dharma God. At that time, there was thunder and lightning in the sky, and the Dharma God disappeared without a trace. Speaking of magicians With his strong comprehension, only Xia Wei here has the possibility of becoming a Dharma God."

Xia Wei is already a magister at the age of 20, which is unbelievable. "He seems really good."

"Xia Wei is a natural wood spirit body with unlimited natural potential." The magician's tone was not without emotion.

There is only one pure elemental body in the world. Not only does that kind of person have a very good fit with the element, but they are also born with super powerful spiritual power, which means that their powerful magic power is innate, it is simply heaven. darling.

"I see." No wonder Xia Wei's mental strength can compete with him. If any high-level magician can reach his level, Lin Huai feels that he doesn't have to mess around.

"What are you praising me for?" Xia Wei's head popped out of nowhere, and he said triumphantly, "I heard it, don't deny it, I know I'm handsome and capable, but you're all jealous of me, right? ,right?"

Lin Huai was silent.

The magician was also silent.

A group of more than a dozen people marched towards the desert wasteland.The old nest of the giant beetle is actually quite a long distance from the city of Corina, but the giant beetle is tall and agile, so it seems relatively close.

With the blessing of a wind magician along the way, the speed of the crowd was much faster, and it took almost five hours. It was nearly noon when Xia Weicai commanded the team to stop.Xia Wei is a wood magician, the most sensitive to elements among all magicians, and can accurately find the places with the strongest signs of magic element activity.

Lin Huai looked around and suddenly felt a strange feeling in his heart.

He turned his head to look at Freddy, and Freddy nodded gravely at him.

——Here seems to be the place where they landed on this continent for the first time.Although it has been a long time, and they have never been here for the second time, although the wilderness here is stretching and there is no difference between the different places, but this is how they feel.

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