Dense wilderness creatures rushed towards them.

The magicians moved to the original magic circle.Although the magic circle was completely destroyed by lightning, it did kill many underground creatures with strong pressure. It was the safest in comparison, and it could buy time for magicians to chant magic.

Lin Huai and the others didn't have this kind of sophistication at all, they rushed up and killed a bloody path.

Lin Huai was surrounded by drunken vines, and the weak insects were slammed out one meter away from him, and the stronger ones were also shattered by the mental attack, and fell to the ground and died.

Freddy has been guarding Lin Huai's side all the time, and his fighting power is obviously stronger.In the previous giant beetle battle, it was completely unnecessary to call out the holy spirit sleeping in the long sword, and then attack.He only needs to use his fighting spirit to its peak, and he can still slash and kill. However, he is a master of art and bold, and he dared to attack magic in the giant beetle swarm just for practice, until his magic power was exhausted.But this time, the grudge broke out unreservedly, with the long sword in hand, his awe-inspiring murderous aura was beyond contempt.

There is a portal with an inestimable safety factor in the ground, surrounded by ferocious creatures who smell the breath of living people and are unwilling to lag behind and fight forward--the magician is the backing, and the soldiers break through bravely. Since it is impossible to kill all the enemies Worm, the most important thing is to send the news back to the city as soon as possible.

While the battle was in full swing, the sky suddenly darkened, and a huge black shadow covered the light directly above. Lin Huai couldn't help but look up—is that a smart frog?

Immediately, such an absurd idea appeared in Lin Huai's mind. The smart frog cannot be so huge, but if you look carefully, the shape and color are exactly the same as it. Could it be an enlarged version of the smart frog?This is the only explanation, but this time all the strong mice were dispatched, and the smart frog didn't even see a shadow, which is really strange.

Seeing the appearance of an animal that looks like a smart frog, Lin Huai's mood became unexpectedly calm, and his little murderous aura disappeared.

Feeling Lin Huai's change, Freddy looked over strangely. He didn't stop in his hand, fluttering his long sword, and dealt with two giant insects that were rushing towards him.

After the arrival of the enlarged version of the smart frog, the situation suddenly reversed.

The blue-purple lightning fell again from the bright red block in the air, and the lightning passed through the body of the large smart frog, as if the body was really just a shadow, without any appearance of being attacked by lightning, and at the same time, the ground emitted a strong light, dark blue A colored halo rushed from the ground to the air.

The portal actually activated at this time!After the portal is stable, it is generally difficult to change it, and abnormalities will occur due to sudden changes in the external environment during the growth period.Six years is enough time for the portal to stabilize, but this time is obviously different.

The sand and stone swirled and flowed in one direction quickly, and the ground showed a large funnel-shaped pit.There is a powerful attraction in the center of the pit, and the ground is quicksand. People and animals can't use their strength to rush into it uncontrollably. All kinds of exclamations are in chaos. When the disaster is imminent, they only care about self-protection. The solution is to regain control of the body.

Freddy sensed something was wrong early on, so he grabbed Lin Huai, and without hesitation, he was about to release the holy spirit in the sword, the Ice White Tiger, to escape the danger.

Lin Huai shook his head at Freddy and said, "No problem, trust me."

"Okay." Freddie replied.I don't know the real reason, but Lin Huai's actions have always been well-founded. After getting along for so long, the trust in Lin Huai is definitely not just a whim at the time.

"I'm waiting for you in the palace. I have something to tell you." A voice suddenly sounded in Lin Huai's ear.

Lin Huai suddenly looked up at the sky, only to see the enlarged version of the smart frog turned into a puff of smoke, spinning and disappearing.Touched the back of his head, who talked to him just now?Then he turned to Freddy. "What did you mean by that sentence just now?"

Freddie asked inexplicably, "What did I say?"

Lin Huai touched the back of his head, it was really weird, could it be his auditory hallucination?Strong Mouse jumped onto Lin Huai's shoulder, stared at the place where the smoke disappeared, and buried his head into Lin Huai's shoulder with a whimper.

Even after hearing Lin Huai say it was okay, Freddy still pulled Lin Huai cautiously and stood in front of him, allowing the two of them to slide into the center of the giant pit.The center is actually a circle with a diameter of three to five meters. Could it be the portal?

Before Lin Huai had time to sigh, he felt that he was in free fall, and there was the whistling wind on his cheeks, and the light and warm temperature radiating from Freddy's body.The sight is red and white. The red sky and the white earth seem to be in an iceberg and snow field. Lin Huai took a deep breath and put his arms around Freddy's waist, hoping to send some more temperature. If it wasn't for the surrounding Too cold and not so sensitive to body temperature.

The strong rat's little paws tightly grasped Lin Huai's clothes, and his whole body floated up. His fire-colored fluff stood up from the cold, and he became a living little hedgehog. It is a fire-type monster, the most popular It's not cold anymore.Lin Huai only cared about keeping warm for himself, and obviously forgot its existence. The Strong Mouse called to enter the space, but it was a pity that no one paid attention to it, and could only burst into tears.

Freddy held Lin Huai in his arms. He was obviously very calm. As an ice magician, places full of ice magic elements were his world!

Release the ice magic, and the ice slide will rise below them and extend to their feet.Two ice skulls also appeared suddenly, and the two skeletons lying flat on the ice together were transformed into ice boats for a while. Freddy inserted the long sword on the skull and fixed it. A layer of ice appeared, more pale blue in color, which quickly turned into a sail-like object.Although simple, it is undeniably a makeshift ice sailboat.

Freddy controlled the direction of the ice ship, and drove all the way to stop in front of the white castle.

Lin Huai let go of Freddy reluctantly, but still couldn't help sneezing.With only thin single clothes on his body, he was insulated from illnesses after being improved by the space system, so he would still be sick. Lin Huai looked up at Freddie, who seemed nothing had happened, and asked: "It's cold, are you okay?" Don't you feel cold?"

"I am an ice magician."

Why are ice magicians not afraid of the cold!Lin Huai rolled his eyes, what an answer.

Seeing Lin Huai hugging himself into a ball, Freddy's expression of displeasure was extremely funny, the corners of his mouth slightly curled up, and he added, "I'm used to it."

Lin Huai fell silent immediately.How hard it is to get used to this temperature, and turn to Freddie with deep sympathy. "Where are the others, are they still where we fell at the beginning?"

"The two ends of the portal are fixed, and they should be there. Do you want to go back and have a look?" Those people are not ordinary people, and they don't need their help. If Lin Huai had this proposal, he would not support it. No objection.

"Hehe, they should ask for more blessings." He just wanted to find a place to keep warm. He didn't even see a wall along the way. He finally saw a house, which was a luxurious castle. He had no intention of leaving at all. .Does the sentence he heard in his memory—the hall waiting for you in the hall, refer to this place?

Freddy built a small igloo for Lin Huai, only to hear him chanting a magic spell, and a cute hemispherical hut appeared on the ice, "Wait a minute, I have something to do, come over soon .” He originally wanted to go to the palace first, but the situation of the palace was unknown, and it was not safe to put Lin Huai there alone, so he had this plan.

"It's beautiful." Lin Huai praised without hesitation.

Freddy didn't answer when he heard this, he turned around quickly, left a sentence, "Be careful," and disappeared.

Lin Huai clicked his tongue twice and hid in the igloo.

It is indeed much warmer with a place to block the wind, but it would be nice if there is something to warm your hands. Only then did Lin Huai notice the trembling Strong Mouse, and pulled the fiery red little mouse down. The poor Strong Mouse was about to freeze stiff.Lin Huai held it in the palm of his hand and rubbed it twice, and it really felt a little more comfortable, but unfortunately it was too small and not warm enough.

Entering the space is a good choice. Freddy doesn't know when he will come, and he doesn't know the situation outside the space, so he'd better wait.

Freddy brought back three white bear skins, "I wanted to get them all back, but unfortunately there was no fire and no firewood, and they couldn't be cooked well enough to eat when I brought them here, so I just brought this here."

Lin Huai saw that the three bear skins were dry and still, without any blood on them, so he asked strangely, "How did you do it?"

"Coagulate the bear's blood first, and then peel off the skin. Why, do you want to see it?" Freddy showed Lin Huai an expression that you would never dare.

If you don’t dare, don’t dare, I won’t even look at it!Lin Huai quietly sent the strong mouse back to the space, wrapped the bear skin tightly around his body, and ignored him.

Freddy destroyed the igloo and followed Lin Huai towards the white palace.

The palace was built from large chunks of solid ice, and it looked pure white without any variegated color on the outside.The pointed roof points straight to the sky, tall and sharp, exquisite balconies are built outside the carved windows, and there are many reliefs on the outer walls.

Directly in front is a wide staircase, tall and long, leading to the main hall gate.On both sides of the stairs are beautifully crafted ice sculptures, with flowers and grass, fish and birds, lifelike.

The two walked up the stairs.

Freddy reminded: "Be careful, it's too quiet here." He used his mental power to detect the palace, and there was no mental fluctuations in it. As long as there are living creatures, there must be fluctuations, but here is a dead silence.

Lin Huai was surprised: "Could it be—" He couldn't help thinking of the eerie haunted house.

Freddy guessed that he must have thought of a scary picture: "Not really, just be careful." Although this palace is weird, you still have to go. You don't know anything when you come to the ice field, and you may find something in this palace. clue.

"That's the best." Lin Huai smiled happily, but there were still doubts in his heart.

Since he got in touch with the space, he can also understand what happened in the space from the outside. This time, he searched the space in a carpet manner, but he didn't find the existence of the smart frog. Is that huge shadow really it?But the space didn't exist in the original world, why did he come here, or did they actually go back, but the sky is still red?

Thoughts were going back and forth, but his face was still calm.Since the space is still a secret to him, he should guard the secret carefully.

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