As soon as Lin Huai stepped out of the space, he was taken aback by the situation in the hall. The place that used to be the same as the passageway became a truly luxurious hall.

The front and rear sides of the main hall are transparent, and fountains are built around it. The water of the fountain in the cold wind gusts of ice splashes lightly, and there is no sign of condensation at all.

Directly above is a huge chandelier, with colorful light flowing alternately, next to the chandelier are layers of fancy lights, below the chandelier is a super large fountain, and in the center of the pool is an ice sculpture, which is a person and a small mouse. That person was clearly Curtis himself, the statue Curtis was holding a little mouse in his hand, his eyes were soft and warm.

This is what the original palace looked like.

I don't know what method Curtis used, but the magicians and warriors transported by the portal appeared in the hall one after another out of thin air, and they still maintained the movements before the teleportation.Barron even fished with a fishing rod, while picking his teeth carelessly, with a leisurely look, without the slightest awareness of finding a way out.

But since Curtis is the God of Space Law, even if the power is not complete, it should be a very simple matter for him.

Seeing Lin Huai, Freddy immediately strode up to him and said worriedly, "Are you okay?"

Lin Huai gave him a relaxed smile, indicating that he was fine.

Freddy was taken aback by Lin Huai's smile, turned around and held back for a long time before saying, "I'm sorry."

Lin Huai was frightened by this sentence, and wanted to feel Freddy with his hand to see if he had a fever, but unfortunately he was too short and couldn't reach his feet, so he gave up, and asked numbly, "Are you okay, are you okay?" What a shame."

"I am always helpless when encountering difficulties. I can't do anything like a fool. Although I really want to say to myself, I trust you because you have strength. Our trust is based on equal strength. You can protect yourself under any circumstances, and it is futile for me to get involved when you are powerless, so I have no reason to be anxious at all." Freddy laughed self-deprecatingly, "But this kind of excuse seems to be getting worse and worse. It doesn't work anymore."

In this strange place, there is only one Lin Huai from the same place beside him, who has been together all the time, and has been silently caring about each other in his own way.

At first, he didn't want himself to really accept a person, maybe Lin Huai was too harmless, or maybe he had the same heart as himself to pursue becoming stronger, so he thought, if both of them are strong , then he doesn't have to care so much, he can do his own thing by himself - this is why he always hoped that Lin Huai would become stronger, and told Lin Huai time and time again that everything was on his own.

It can be seen that the gap between imagination and reality is too far, and he began to be unable to control himself not to care. Seeing Lin Huai's difficulties and hating himself for being powerless, this feeling became heavier and heavier.He began to understand what his father had said to him, don't give yourself any excuse to be emotional, unless you are ready to admit the consequences, real emotions cannot be controlled by reason.

Lin Huai was at a loss when he heard this, the words came out of nowhere.Knowing that he was not in danger from the very beginning, he naturally would not understand Freddy's mood.

"It won't happen in the future, I promise." Freddy said firmly.

Seeing Freddy's serious expression, Lin Huai nodded quickly.Speaking to him in such a tone as if he was confessing, Lin Huai said that he was under a lot of pressure even though he was calm.

Freddy didn't care if Lin Huai really understood, seeing him nodding vigorously, he simply felt in a good mood.The determination I made to myself in my heart has nothing to do with anyone, I just feel that it will be more comfortable to say it, seeing Lin Huai's stupid look, my mood is even brighter: "Just now a guy who claims to be a god of law said that there is Empty will send us back."

I didn't tell him this, but Curtis said that he was free or not. I'm afraid his ability has not recovered well. He needs to rest for a while, and he can't do it for the time being. "That's great. After waiting for so long, I finally see hope. It seems that this Dharma God has a very good heart."

"But he's too naive. The game of turning people into something that doesn't come out is something that children would be interested in. He's also wearing green clothes, like a frog." Freddy belittled unceremoniously. Curtis, "You also find it annoying, don't you?"

Lin Huai is embarrassing, is this talking bad about people behind their backs?I haven't left Curtis's hometown yet, so I'm not afraid of his revenge.God of space law that can be found everywhere, just pretend you didn't hear these words.

"What are you two whispering about?" Xia Wei rushed over laughing.

"It has nothing to do with you." Freddie immediately looked calm and looked at Xia Wei indifferently.

Xia Wei was stunned for a moment, then leaned over to Lin Huai and asked, "Has he ever been stimulated? I mean, he encountered dark things when he was a child, which caused indelible damage to his young heart. Being in a state of autism and withdrawn, making it impossible to get married in the end?"

Lin Huai spat: "Do you want to get married?"

"Just kidding, my young master's goal is to marry a harem and come back. If he can't do it, he will never give up." Xia Wei said boldly with a handsome gesture.

Shouldn't have talked to him.Lin Huai despises his talkativeness.

With more and more people in the hall, it became lively and noisy.Compared to Lin Huai who was surprised by many more people when he just came out of the space, the magicians and warriors who suddenly appeared were even more puzzled by the reason why they changed places instantly.

"What's going on, why are we all here?"

"I was still fighting with that group of disgusting insects just now. I sealed them all under the ice layer. I'm sorry that this group of creatures without water can't survive."

"You are stupid, thanks to being a magician for so many years, this is naturally the most powerful existence of our space magicians, the Dharma God's residence, the Dharma Temple. But we came here suddenly, and I don't know if it will affect the Dharma God. rest."

"You're sure again. Don't think I don't know. Last time you entered the ice and snow monster's camp, you also thought you had arrived at the Temple of Law, and you called out to the monster, Lord Dharma God. It's funny."

"Since everyone has arrived, then hurry up and stand around the fountain in the center of the hall. While I am in a good mood, I will send you back, otherwise I will stay here and blow the cold wind." Curtis's voice echoed in the hall. sound.

"Lord Dharma God, is it really you? I am your most loyal follower. I am so lucky to hear the voice of Master Dharma God today." Space Magic politely bowed to the air before trembling. Said tremblingly.

Curtis snorted, accepted the magician's praise with enjoyment, and said in a dignified tone without revealing his identity: "Stand still, are you really going to stay here forever?"

All around immediately fell silent, including the space magician, whose admiration for the God of Dharma, which was as vast as the sky, could not make him make up his mind to live in the severe cold without seeing the sun for the rest of his life.

The water of the fountain rose into the air, as if it had a mind of its own, and automatically formed the appearance of a magic circle, emitting a light blue light at the same time.As the light changed from light blue to dark blue, it gradually flooded everyone in the hall, the light surged, and then returned to colorless in the next instant, and the hall returned to its original emptiness and silence.

Curtis came out slowly from behind the side door of the main hall. A light green robe fluttered under the cold wind blowing outside the main hall. His silent eyes settled on the statue in the center of the fountain. The melancholy finally turned into a gentle smile on the corner of his mouth, little mouse, goodbye.

Back in Corina City, Freddy quickly resigned his position as captain. He didn't know when Fashen would be "free", so there was nothing wrong with doing the handover first. Lin Huai also expressed his opinion to the Doctors Association. About to leave, Aunt Janet said indignantly: "The wings are hard and I will fly. You don't understand my old man. It's hard to find a successor. I didn't expect to leave so soon. I'm so pitiful!"

Lin Huai smiled awkwardly.In the past few years, Janet has been very kind to him and has helped him a lot in studies, but she is not treated as a successor.The situation in the Physicians Association is very deep, and the successor of the president cannot be decided by her in a single sentence, but Lin Huai still thanked her sincerely: "Sorry, I have to leave on very important matters."

"Hmph, I'll forgive you if I give you a hug." Janet was soft-spoken, and she held Lin Huai in her arms, with some tears running down her face.Treating Lin Huai as his grandson for so many years, this relationship is not broken immediately.

"I'll see you later," Lin Huai said.He is not very sure about this matter. The people and events in Corina City are precious memories, and he will definitely not break his promise if given the opportunity.

"Then we have agreed, this is an agreement." Janet wiped her tears with a handkerchief and said rather childishly.

When I got home, I heard Barron yelling. After Freddy explained his resignation to the escort, everyone in the team was surprised and hoped that he could stay.

After the magician and his party came back, they mentioned that the giant worms in the wilderness desert would be wiped out in all likelihood, and the city would usher in a long period of peace and tranquility, and the role of the guards was not that important.Since Freddy had his own things to do, they had no reason to force him.

But Barron's reaction was stronger.Although he was competitive, he admired Freddy's ability from the bottom of his heart. It was a pity that Freddy was leaving.Corina City lost a good captain and also lost a powerful force.For this reason, he was more persistent than others.

"You really don't think about it? The name of our city of the brave is well-known in the empire, and we will definitely look down on the imperial army if we stay here." Barron persevered in advertising to Freddie, following him from the guards all the way home .

Freddy has an expression on his face that I don't want to talk to you anymore, which shows how powerful Barron's verbal bombardment is.

Lin Huai said, "But we really have something to do."

"What is more important than Corina City?" Barron said solemnly.

I don't want to talk to you anymore, you Corina control!Lin Huai was powerless.

Freddy took out a book and handed it to Barron: "This incident is much more important to me than Corina City, many, many." He said bluntly, "This is for you, I hope it won't be wasted."

"What?" Barron took the book and turned a few pages.

"The book of war," Freddie said simply. "My father gave it to me, and it's pretty good."

Barron won't be so stupid that this book is just okay as Freddy said, and he finally stopped repeating the topic he was asked to leave: "I get it, Captain. You are doing great things, He won’t stay with us, I’ve always understood this.” Baron was so subdued that he called Freddie captain, they were on equal footing, and there was no distinction between superiors and inferiors.

"At the beginning when you first came to our Collina, one looked so weak that people didn't pay attention to it at all, and the other was white and tender, but she was very cute, but she didn't have any skills at all, but I knew it at the time It won’t always be like this. I’ve watched people for so many years, eyes are really important, and you can often tell whether a person has the ability in the future by looking at his eyes.”

"I don't know where you guys came from. This question is not important--when I saw your eyes at that time, I thought of my son. At a young age, he likes to fight and make trouble, and never refuses to admit defeat, but I spend all my time. My wife couldn't stand me for wasting the things in the city, and took my son away when I ran away, and I can't find it when I come back."

"I'm not a dutiful father, nor a competent husband, but I'm definitely a qualified captain. I think, I have to be worthy of something in this life. I have a clear conscience for Corina." Barron smiled bitterly and took Shaking the book in Freddy's hand to the two, he took a deep breath, "I will continue to do my job well, you are not here, there is me!"

After seeing Barron off, both Lin Huai and Freddy were silent for a moment.Lin Huai saw that Barron's shadow had disappeared for a long time, and then said: "He seems to be quite pitiful. He gave up so much for a city."

Freddy smiled softly, a little confused: "Is it okay to give up everything for the most important thing?"

Lin Huai blinked: "What do you ask such a profound question, just be happy, and you will get annoyed if you think too much."

"Idiot." Freddy tapped Lin Huai's head with his hand.

"It hurts!" Lin Huai complained with his chin in his hand and his mouth puffed out.Most of the time, he doesn't really understand, and it's good to pretend to be stupid once in a while.Freddy probably felt emotional when he thought about his own affairs. This kind of awareness can only be realized by himself, and everyone's position is different.

"There is still time before we go back, and the things in the city are done, what should we do next?" Lin Huai asked.As he said that, he and Freddy looked at each other, and both of them were concerned about each other.

Just kidding, the elements of this continent are so rich, and the monsters, magic plants, etc. are not comparable to the original place. It is simply a treasured place for the two of them who are going back. If you don’t search for it, how can you be worthy of traveling? This time?

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