Of course, Lin Huai would not take this as a reproach or dissatisfaction, and said in surprise: "You mean—is there something that can save him in space?" Looking for hope in books, it turns out that the real hope is by my side.

Curtis smiled and nodded: "Come with me."

Lin Huai had never set foot here, even though he had vaguely seen green hills in the distance, he did not follow the source of the water, through the underwater channel to reach this cold pool.

To be honest, it is not an easy task to go downstream through the water. The waterway is really narrow and dark, and you can’t see anything with your eyes. You can only tell the direction by touching the smooth mossy stone wall with your hands. About to suffocate underwater.It's like an underwater maze.

Fortunately, with Curtis leading the way, it was not very difficult. This journey took too long and too much energy. When Lin Huai successfully stood in front of the cold pool, he couldn't tell how much of the moisture was dripping from sweat.A gorgeous lotus grows quietly in the middle of the cold pool, and the emerald green lotus leaves cover the whole pool, which makes this lotus more aloof and extraordinary.It's a pity that it is still in the state of flower buds, waiting to be released.

"That's the flower of the past life." Curtis said.

Lin Huai knew what the flower of the past life was, it only existed in the legend, it existed in the cycle of life and death, and it meant the rebirth and death of life, "But, how could it really exist." Lin Huai thought it was incredible , "Do you want to take it off?"

"No, let it bloom." Curtis said innocently, "Probably because my level is limited. I have only grown from a seed to the present level in hundreds of years. Even if I want it to open up, I'm afraid It will take decades."

For a moment, Lin Huai's heart seemed to stop beating, but he saw Curtis spread his hands helplessly, and then gently put his hands on his shoulders. There was no force, but it seemed to weigh a thousand catties. He said: "Xiaolu But, this is your space, and every bit of change in the space requires your efforts. Nothing is impossible in the world, just like no one is standing in front of others all the time, only admiring but unable to surpass; also like no one loses Someone will not be able to live, time will take away the memories of the past, and even the deepest feelings may be forgotten. However, if you are sure that you cherish this moment, you don’t want to live in it for a long time in the future In the painful memory, don't let yourself regret it, do it bravely."

After sending Curtis away, Lin Huai stayed behind to guard the flowers of the past.What Curtis said made his mind very messy, and a lot of messy thoughts needed to be sorted out.The sentence that lingers in his mind the most is that - it will take decades, decades, can he afford to wait?

"Hey, tell me, what should I do? In the past few decades, I will become an old man. If you are still so young, will you not want me?" Lin Huai poked the small bottle and said to himself, "Speaking of which, you are really too much. You just went to see your father. Why did you lose your life! It's a shame that I trust you so much. It really disappoints me. What should I do?"

Lin Huai decided to leave for Silimia Snow Mountain, where the flowers of the past bloom.

Curtis had given him the answer a long time ago, the space is not mature enough for the growth of the past life flower, so go to a place where the environment is really suitable for its growth to seek vitality.According to legend, the flower of the past life is accompanied by severe cold all day long, and it is the only bright color on the holy snow.And Slimia Snow Valley is the coldest place on the continent.

Say goodbye to your family and embark on the journey to the snow-capped mountains alone.He took a shortcut and passed the outer edge of the Warcraft Mountains, took a boat to cross the magnificent river for two days, walked through a barren desert area, and arrived at the relatively warmest place in Slimia.It's just that this so-called warmth is too unreliable.

The cold wind was harsh, blowing on the face like a knife, and the breath he exhaled could turn into frost.Lin Huai's face was flushed from the cold, and his hands and feet were so stiff that he couldn't control them. This was not a good sign.

When I saw the residents who came back from hunting, I couldn’t help but feel extremely ashamed. I thought I spent a lot of time exercising, but the result was disappointing. I wrapped myself like a bear. The residents of the snow mountain are dressed in animal fur, which keeps warm and will not affect the movement. Lin Huai silently subtracted a few clothes. He knew that most of the cold he felt was caused by psychological factors.

Lin Huai swallowed the unique food here in a family. It was cooked with yak meat, internal organs, and blood. It tasted fishy. In the harsh living environment, the residents here will not waste anything that can be preserved. Physical stuff.For Lin Huai, this was really unbearable-the space can be entered at any time, there is a warm climate and delicious food in it (he made a crazy big purchase before leaving), but he can't do that.

The experience of doing as the Romans do in the countryside tells him that if he is tough and easy-going, he may be able to win more help.After eating this meal, he also took out a lot of food and gave it to the Orion family who received him.

Early the next morning, before dawn, we set off with them on the road.This is the second time he has come to such a cold place, the previous time with Freddy, it was not like an adventure, it might be more appropriate to describe it as a game.

The snow is soft, and every step is as high as the calf, and more importantly, the terrain under the feet is invisible, making it extremely difficult to walk.The wind on the snow field is also terrible, and it can even uproot a tree.The hunters here told him that they would not cross more than two mountains for hunting on weekdays, because it would be too dangerous.

The Orions even showed sympathy when they sent Lin Huai away. An ordinary person who looked thinner than them wanted to challenge the boundless snowy area and climb the highest peak of Slimia Snow Mountain. It sounded like a legend. story.An ordinary person is fully prepared to overcome the severe cold, endure hunger, and accumulate enough physical strength to move forward. However, in the depths of the snowy area lurks giant beasts that live on the ground. They have snow-colored fur and huge bodies. body.

A huntress couldn't help saying: "Young man, it's better not to go. This is a snow peak that even magicians can't conquer. It's too dangerous for you alone."

Lin Huai finally rejected her offer.

Along the way, he was left alone.

At dawn, he hurried on his way, and when he was hungry, he took out food from the space ring, just to fill his stomach, and minimized the number of times he went to the space, because the environment of the space was too warm and comfortable, and he was worried that he would be lazy and slack off .

The first few hills were not difficult, and he was able to get over the sleds pulled by sled dogs, but then he couldn't do it later, and had to rely on his own ice ax and hiking boots.Even wearing gloves, I was injured by the low temperature, but the mountains ahead became more and more difficult to overcome, so I had to endure it and wait until night.

The spring water in the space can eliminate swelling and pain, so the cycle of frostbite healing and frostbite healing continues on the body, so that it goes out intact and comes back with scars.

While climbing the highest peak, Lin Huai encountered an avalanche.It wasn't the first time he encountered an avalanche, but this time it was too exaggerated, as if half of the hillside was sliding down.Huge snow blocks fall with a bang, and the soft snow layer can also make fierce noises!This time it was really scary.

His first reaction was to go back to the space, but when he got out, he found that his whole body was suspended in the air. There was no landing point at all under his feet or a few meters around him, and his body fell uncontrollably.With the ice-breaking ax in both hands, he tried to find a place where he could use it to reduce the force of the buffer, but it didn't work at all.

He didn't dare to use any teleportation scroll, and he didn't know where the next teleportation point was. Even if the number was large enough to land safely, if it was sent outside the snowy area, his efforts in the past few months would be in vain.Determined that the snow layer below is thick enough, as long as you can take a breath, you can go back to the space to heal——The mind turned sharply, and the speed became faster and faster. Within a few seconds, I fell into the thick snow layer like a free fall.

Fortunately, he was not buried below, and fortunately he was still alive.

He was in pain all over his body, his feet were unsteady, and there was a vast expanse of whiteness in front of his eyes. After taking two steps, he nearly fell again, but a second avalanche might appear at any time, and he had to hurry up and get out of here.It was almost walking and crawling, and finally rolled forward in complete embarrassment.The avalanche continued, and I almost fell down several times and couldn't get out. Fortunately, I was lucky enough in the end.

Lin Huai checked his physical condition in the space, and it was terrible.

The time he fell from the mountain, even with the buffer of the snow layer, his arm pierced a half-foot-long bloody gash on the sharp rock, which had already congealed. Spit it all out.I had to rest in space for a while.

Lin Huai poked the bottle containing Freddy's soul depressedly: "You have to make it up to me, do you hear me?"

Standing on the highest point of Slimia Mountain and looking into the distance, it feels like seeing all the small mountains at a glance.He didn't expect to persevere all the way. In fact, the injuries on his body are not completely healed. The external injuries can be easily eliminated with spring water, but the internal injuries need to be recuperated. It's too late.

The highest point of the mountain is not narrow, it is a small plain, the ground is frozen by ice for thousands of years, even the ice ax that has been blessed by magic cannot smash in.Lin Huai searched slowly, hoping to find a place suitable for the growth of the flowers of the past life. Suddenly, he saw a giant beast coming out from the bottom of the mountain, and unexpectedly pushed Lin Huai, who was caught off guard, into the sky!

Lin Huai synthesized his mental power into a sharp blade, and was about to launch an attack, but he heard the howl of the giant beast, which almost deafened his ears. The whole figure was locked in the roaring copper bell, and his mental power suddenly slackened , can't respond at all.

Lin Huai was in a daze.

The giant beast put him on the flat ground. It was a polar bear-like animal, at least dozens of times the size of a polar bear. Its eyes were as wide as copper bells. It stretched out its nose to sniff Lin Huai. Recalling thoughtfully, he opened his mouth and said to Lin Huai, "You smell like flowers from the past. You have violated my territory. I won't kill you."

Lin Huai felt even more stunned.

This was indeed the first time he heard a monster speak. In principle, a tenth-level monster could speak human words to a certain extent, but he had never seen it before.He patted his forehead to wake himself up quickly: "Mr. Xiong, may I ask, have past life flowers ever grown here?"

"Yes." The polar bear took a step back and stared at Lin Huai vigilantly to prevent him from escaping. "This is also one of the conditions for me to let you go. Hand over the Flower of Past Life."

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