Xiao Yizhi's biggest problem is not that he offended Shende Villa.Anyway, this kind of villain, no matter how big it is, the protagonist will take care of it in the end. The two of them have passed through the aura and learned advanced martial arts. Maybe they are not satisfied for the time being, but who would really be afraid of a man who is a fool from his name to his subordinates? A villainous little boss who is not worth mentioning?

The focus of their discussion was how to whitewash Xiao Shaoxia.

The ancients paid attention to reputation, especially the reputation in the relationship between men and women.Both Xiao Yizhi and Chu Chengjun suffered from this aspect, so they naturally knew that if something happened in this aspect, even the entire sect would be implicated, and it would be even more difficult to clean up.Xiao Yizhi counted the various solutions he had thought of, such as helping the old man cross the road, such as setting up a women's rights association, such as donating to the academy, such as writing a book to create public opinion, such as bribing the government... He still has A lot of money saved by his predecessor, but bribery is also a technical job. He has no experience before and doesn't know how to do it.

The head of Chu flipped through his bible-like plan and read a few pages, and found that none of the ideas he came up with were reliable, and none of them escaped the way of thinking of modern people. Considering that the national conditions in ancient times were too different, it was suitable for life and death. no.He reached out and took Xiao Yizhi's pen, dipped it in ink and drew a few strokes on the album page, marking down all the plans Xiao Yizhi had made these days, raised his head and gave him a deep look: "These No matter how well you do, people will find out about you in 20 years, and they will still call you a flower picker, saying that you have ulterior motives for doing these good things.”

Xiao Shaoxia was in so much pain that he flipped through the plan he had carefully written and asked him: "It's really useless? Xiao Chu, you can think of a way for me. Am I really going to be unable to turn over for the rest of my life?"

Head Chu dared to plan his plan, so he naturally had other thoughts in his heart. He took the plan and threw it out, and smiled slightly: "It's not advisable to wash white, so let's come to true white! You are a time traveler." , as long as you insist that you are not Xiao Yizhi, who can prove that you are?"

"So many people know me..."

"Those people don't know you, but Xiao Yizhi. You killed yourself not Xiao Yizhi, who can prove that you are? Anyway, your personality is completely different from his, and you don't know anyone he knows. It's hard to pretend to be him." , It’s not easy to pretend he’s not him! Look for moles, scars and other things on your body, I’ll cut them out for you, and then let the computer activate some cells to get rid of them all. Your people can just prove that you are not Xiao Yizhi."

"Hmm..." Brother Xiao bit his lip and thought for a long time, "It's not going to work, you don't know how unreasonable those people outside are, they didn't wait for me to explain my purpose, they just shouted and killed. I still use What matters is his body, even if there is a slight difference in the details, but people will definitely regard me as him at a glance, and will not give me a chance to prove that we are different."

The head of Chu became more and more excited as he talked, and there were layers of wretched smiles on his upright face: "So we have to give you a big makeover of your appearance..."

"You don't want to disfigure me, do you? Tell you, there is no way. I will never have plastic surgery in this kind of place, in case of infection, or... Are you really a medical student? Do you have a license?" Xiao Yi With a face full of caution, he shrank back and kept a distance from him.

The younger Xiao Yizhi was, the more pleasure the head of Chu felt in oppressing good women and men, rubbing his hands and sticking to him: "I'm studying wildlife protection, even if you want me to grind your bones, I won't do it. However, we can dress up as men..."

I thought he could come up with some good ideas, but Xiao Yizhi became discouraged when he said that a man disguised himself as a woman: "The average height of ancient people is relatively low. I am 1.7 meters tall, with big broad shoulders and Adam's apple. I must pretend to be a woman." No, if you go out, you have to be sent to the government as a transvestite. What nonsense are you thinking, I still think you are better than me, it would be better if I splashed some sulfuric acid on my face to disfigure my face."

Head Chu also wanted to see him dress up as a woman, and persuaded him a few times, but seeing that he resolutely refused, he had no choice but to sit back on the chair and continue to think about his ideas.Dressing up as a woman is not enough, why not dye your hair?He remembers that he can dye his hair yellow with lemon juice, and then put on nose shadow and eye shadow to pretend to be a foreigner, but it is a bit troublesome to dye it frequently.

He mentioned this idea to Xiao Yizhi, but was beaten back again.Not to mention whether dyeing is effective or not, are there any lemons in China now?

The way of dyeing hair didn’t work out, and the head of Chu thought about it for a long time, and finally came up with a good idea that worked: “Can’t you just become a monk? Why haven’t I thought about it? alright!"

Xiao Shaoxia was shocked when he first heard this idea. "Being a monk? Are you looking for fun? I'm already an old man. I don't want a girlfriend, so I'm still a monk? Being a monk means you can't get married for the rest of your life!"

"No, no, no, listen to me!" The head of Chu was so excited: "Have you read martial arts novels? In "Swordsman", there is a flower picker, and then he worshiped a The great monk became a master, and he himself became a monk, and it was written in it that a monk can marry a nun, as long as the daughter born is also a nun. After the flower picker became a monk, no one tracked him down. He has committed a crime, and he has become good friends with the protagonist, so he will be cleansed upright!"

"Really?" Xiao Yizhi was skeptical, but he hoped that this matter could be true.On the one hand, it is life-threatening when going out, and on the other hand, it is not as good-looking as having hair with a shaved head. Obviously, the former is much more important than the latter.Anyway, modern men all have short hair, and it's not a big deal if it's shorter. If it really makes him a good person, he can shave his hair if he shaves it.

Xiao Yizhi thought about it, and took Master Chu as a capable person who understood ancient customs, and asked him how he should become a monk.Head Chu thought about "Swordsman" for a long time, and it really didn't mention how to become a monk, so he went to recall other ancient novels.Just as he was thinking about it, Xiao Yizhi persuaded him not to think any more: "I asked the after-sales service, and it said that I can go to the temple to ask the abbot, anyway, I can get things done with a little more money. I'll pack up now, it's dawn Go find a temple and become a monk.”

The head of Chu heard that his after-sales service even took care of this, and he repeatedly exclaimed: "Your after-sales service is quite responsible. I will not only contribute points, but I will ignore you when I look for it."

Xiao Yizhi smiled wryly: "It dares to ignore me. I am still under threat to my life. If I am about to die, I will return to my own body and go to the gate of the Crossing Office to raise a flag to protest. Those who bully us who study finance Will there be trouble? There is no door! I think I used to be a football hooligan back then, and I will lead people to parade through the streets shouting slogans!"

The head of Chu admired him so much, and said with emotion: "If I didn't threaten it to return to my body to protest, maybe the people in Shende Villa would be beaten half disabled by now. This computer really can't be taught, honestly. It’s a bit of a bully.”

The two poured out their bitterness one after the other, and after talking for a while, the sky light shone in from outside. Headmaster Chu thought that he had left the two junior sisters at the inn, and he had to go back to meet him, so he had no choice but to throw the hard-pressed Xiao Yizhi away. Next, it is agreed that today's affairs will be divided into two ends, and Xiao Yizhi will go to the inn where he is staying to find him tomorrow morning, and the two of them will go back to the mountain together.

After Chu Chengjun left, Xiao Yizhi went to the firewood room to check on Chu Chuiyu, sprinkled some perspiration medicine on him to prevent him from escaping, took off all his clothes and threw him into the well, so that he couldn't get out.

He didn't want this yard anymore, so he rolled up the gold and silver left by his predecessor, and carried the remaining things with cloth and silk into the yard, piled them up like a hill, and completely burned them to ashes.After all was done, he went out and hired a sedan chair to be carried to the cleanest monastery in Zhuozhou.The two porters took the money, and they didn't care whether the request was reasonable or not, and carried him out of the city, to a ruined temple with almost no incense sticks, and half of the mountain gate collapsed.

Xiao Yizhi gave some money to the bearers and told them to wait for him outside. He made a decision to go back to the city at night, so he entered the temple gate and brought a dozen taels of gold leaves to the old monk who hadn't seen sesame oil money in a long time. before.It made their eyes sparkle, and they all praised Amitabha, and they wanted to let this wealthy benefactor into the incense hall for tea.

How could Xiao Yizhi have the heart to drink tea, he took off his veil and hat, knelt down on his knees, and begged the abbot: "I have loved Buddhism since I was a child. Now that my parents have passed away, I don't want to miss the filthy world any more. Please master me As a disciple, I am willing to serve for the rest of my life... I am willing to dedicate my life savings to the Buddha."

The master abbot saw that he was so committed to the Buddha, so he accepted several house deeds and land deeds from him, and asked people to prepare sabers, monk robes and certificates, and immediately wanted to accept him as a disciple.Although Xiao Yizhi was also somewhat reluctant to part with his hair, but in order to save his life, he had to treat it like a barber shop and tried his best to persuade himself that it would be more chic for him to come here to cut his head bald and go to the street, and he would need shampoo if he had long hair.

He closed his eyes and comforted himself. The old monk had already cut off the bun on his head, and then a younger monk came up and shaved off the rest of his hair, and burned his scars. Give him a name.Xiao Yizhi had a flash of inspiration, and suddenly stopped him: "Master, can I make a dharma name myself? When I was reading Buddhist scriptures, I always thought that the Buddha name Zhishen was very good. If Master doesn't mind, I would like to ask Master Named Zhishen..."

The old abbot shaved him for the sake of money. Since he has money, it doesn't matter if he is called Zhishen or shallow, so he filled in the word "Zhishen" on the certificate.Xiao Yizhi changed into straight-legged monk shoes, and took the rosary beads, and he wanted to go. He gave the remaining gold leaves another five liang as money for sesame oil, and proposed to go to Beijing to study Buddhism.

For a true disciple of the Buddha who is devoted to the Buddha like him, the monks in the temple would regret that he could not keep him, but they would not be willing to delay his study of the Fa.The old abbot wrote a letter of recommendation with him, telling him to go see the abbot of Baima Temple, Elder Fa Ming, after he entered Beijing.

Xiao Yizhi accepted the abbot's kindness, imitated those monks and performed the Jishou ceremony, went out and called a sedan chair to take him back to the city.

He didn't dare to go back to the small courtyard where people were still locked up. Thinking of how many years he would be a monk in the future, he went to a tailor shop and bought some monk clothes and shoes. He didn't even ask the original owner to keep his underwear. I bought a few new ones.By the time the clothes were bought, it was getting dark.

As a monk, he was supposed to live in the monastery, but when he thought of going to see Chu Chengjun tomorrow morning, he didn't bother to go anywhere else, so he asked the bearer to carry him to the inn where the head of Chu stayed, and asked for a room at will, ready to go tomorrow morning. Give the head of Chu a surprise.

Surprise is surprise, joy is not necessarily.Early the next morning, when Master Chu followed the two junior sisters downstairs, he saw a young monk clasped his hands together in the lobby downstairs, bowed his head to him, and chanted the Buddha's name: "Amitabha, This benefactor, poor monk Lu Zhishen, is very polite."

The head of Chu suddenly slipped and fell on the second master Chu who pretended to be a passerby and watched him for a day.

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