Junior brother Yin's coat was put on by the head of Chu before, and it was easier to take off the clothes inside. After tearing it twice, only the sleeves were left hanging on his body.After tearing it all up, Master Chu suddenly felt a sense of wealth and wealth, and he patted Junior Brother Yin's rather sturdy shoulder and said, "I don't want these clothes anymore. After returning home, Senior Brother Master will make new ones for you! "

Yin Chengqin had no expression on his face, but quietly covered his chest with his hands, and thanked him in a low voice.The head of Chu came to see the injury, so he quickly grabbed his hand and pulled it out, revealing several bloody wounds on his chest.The wound was not deep but long, almost running across the chest, and the healed wound on Master Chu's chest was throbbing with pain.

Fortunately, their martial arts practitioners are very capable of enduring pain. When Master Chu dipped water to clean his wounds, Junior Brother Yin neither cried out in pain nor even flinched, allowing him to ravage him.

After washing the wound, it is natural to bandage it.The head of Chu even relied on others to change his own injuries every day, and he didn't know how to bind his junior brother. After the gauze strips came out, he didn't know where to start, so he had to fix one end on his right rib with his left hand, and wrap it around with his right hand. Follow Yin Chengqin's body to the left.After a long time, the two hands were able to reach together, but the gauze continued to be tied down somehow.

The two stood in the middle of the room, and the head of Chu even squatted down slightly to find the gauze, just maintaining the posture of hugging his junior brother tightly and wrestling with his hands.Yin Chengqin let him hug him so that his face turned slightly red, and he called in a low voice: "Senior brother, I will do it myself." The head of Chu didn't hear it, and continued to simulate the direction of the gauze in his mind, trying to reach his right hand into his arms. .

Just as he was reaching for this, the door outside was pushed open, and Master Hua covered his mouth with his hands and came in panting heavily. As soon as he entered the door, he moved his hand to his eyes: "Master Chu, what are you doing? It's broad daylight!" Yao Shaoxia said that your brother Han was burned by concentrated sulfuric acid? Where is he?"

He came just in time, and the head of Chu hurriedly let go of his right hand and told him to come over to help: "Come on, help me wrap up Junior Brother Yin's injury, and then look at our Junior Brother Han. There is a glass stubble coming in behind him. The acid on the belt could not be washed off, and it burned the inside of the meat."

Only then did Young Master Hua realize that the two of them were just wrapping their wounds up, and it wasn't that they ran into some social news scene where they were sexually harassing their junior for sex.Looking at the gauze in Master Chu's hand again, he took it with a sigh, and tied a button under Junior Brother Yin's ribs first: "Tie the rest by yourself, just like winding a thread, hold both of your hands Why bother?"

Then he lifted the quilt and took a look at Han Chengxin, only to see that his back was slightly red and pink, the bleeding was not much, and a layer of light yellow medicine powder was sprinkled on it, even if he couldn't cure it, he completely lifted the quilt, exposing his entire back. "It's not serious. I'll find you two tweezers. After a while, you can burn them and sterilize them yourself. Just remove the glass embedded in the meat for him. Then give him four anti-inflammatory drugs, and I'll talk about the rest when I come back at night." .”

"Where are you going? This is a sulfuric acid burn. If it is not treated properly, it may be crippled, and there is no need for an operation or something?" Headmaster Chu lowered his head and continued to wrap the wound. When he spoke, the heat blew on Junior Brother Yin's chest, so excited He took a wrong step back slightly, so the head of Chu had no choice but to tighten his hands and pull him towards him.

When the leader was asking questions, the leader of Hua League had already stepped out of the house, and came in from a distance: "How dilute is your sulfuric acid, you can't get rid of the water at all. Don't worry, there will be a scar at most, a big scar." Man, you don’t fall on your face, what are you afraid of. There are a group of gunshot wound patients waiting for rescue outside me, so don’t bother me with such minor injuries!”

The leader of Hua League is gone, but the door is still wide open.The second junior brother who is the head of Chu is naked, and the third junior brother is still running a fever, so they are not people who can blow hair.He gently closed the door with his inner strength, and then opened Lord Hua's closet with lightning speed, took out a coat and put it on for Junior Brother Yin, told him to sit aside to rest, wrapped his hair with a cloth towel, and went back to the bed While observing the third junior brother's naked back.

Junior brother Yin quickly brought over the tweezers unwilling to be lonely, and thoughtfully brought the candle along with it.The head of Chu said that their martial arts students have good ears and eyesight, and they can't use candles, which have unstable light and easy to produce smoke. It's better to move Junior Brother Han to the couch outside, and open the window to see through the sunlight.

Junior brother Yin went to roast and disinfect the tweezers by himself, and head master Chu tried to hug Junior Brother Han as soon as he wrestled with his arms.Unexpectedly, Junior Brother Han didn't really fall asleep, and just as Master Chu's hand reached under his neck, he opened his eyes and said in a hoarse voice, "Senior Brother Master, I'll go by myself."

"Are you awake?" Chu Chengjun withdrew his hand in a little embarrassment.This junior is actually a stranger whom he just met today. When he was asleep, Master Chu would do whatever he wanted, and when he opened his eyes, he unconsciously created some estrangement.Fortunately, Junior Brother Han didn't dare to look at him, he lowered his head and replied, "Actually, I haven't slept. Brother Yao... Brother Yao just thought I fell asleep. Senior Brother, I'm fine. You and Senior Brother Yin should hurry up." , this little injury has been treated with medicine, so don’t worry about it anymore.”

Every time he heard him talk like this, the head of Chu felt like watching a bitter family ethics drama, with the urge to smash the TV.But the big living man in front of him couldn't be smashed, so he had no choice but to swallow his breath, and persuaded him in a good voice: "I caused your injury, and I will feel uneasy if it is not cured. If you are fine, get out of bed and set it up." Let Junior Brother Yin and I take a good look at the posture for you, don’t keep saying that it’s all right, the back is so rotten, can it be all right?”

Junior Brother Han sighed, blinked, and climbed off the bed with a tight upper body.Chu Chengjun took him to the outhouse, and together with Yin Chengqin and the two of them held tweezers to the light to look for wounds.There was silence in the room for a while, and the head of Chu was a little embarrassed. He asked for something casually, and asked about Junior Brother Han's plans for the future: "Junior Brother Han, you can go back with us in the future. Don't say anything to be sorry, our senior brother is so sorry. After so many years, can we still separate because of an outsider?"

Junior Brother Han remained silent, and Master Chu couldn't tell whether he had come to his senses or was resisting in silence, so he continued to teach: "I don't think you found a man back, as long as you like it, I am also a senior brother." You shouldn't care so much. But you ask yourself, is he really good to you? Just like today, in front of so many people, revealing your privacy, is this true love? He is a demon cult leader, he does not Knowing that you hang out with him, in the future you, even our Tianmai Sword Sect, won't be able to hold your head up?"

These words entered Junior Brother Yin's heart, and he nodded in agreement: "Yes, he is so unreasonable to the sect leader in front of everyone, and he still said those words, how can he care about you at all? I'm afraid he regards you as a prostitute. It’s nothing more than a first-class pet, and using you to slap our Tianmai in the face in public. If the major sects misunderstand us because of this, how will our Tianmai Sword Sect stand on its own in the future? How will you take on this matter?”

"But if I go back to Tianmai, Jin Cheng will never give up. If the Demon Sect invades Tianmai Mountain in a large scale in the future, we people may be powerless to resist..."

"When the sky falls, I, the head of the sect, will hold it up. I can't stand it, and the leader of the Hua League. What are you afraid of? Besides, there are muskets on our mountain. Have you just heard what the leader of the Hua League said? Guns hurt people very badly. One shot down can turn people into sieves. One shot at our mountain, no matter how many people they come, they will not be able to reach our mountain gate!"

Junior brother Han's face was so red that it was almost dripping with blood, he closed his eyes tightly, and could not refute the words of his two senior brothers.Seeing that he was wavering, the head of Chu quickly stepped up his persuasion: "Anyway, you are also our junior brother. Now that the misunderstanding between us and Mengshan has been clarified, even if you take you back to the door wall, it will not be considered a crime. I'm sorry. Just forget about him, and let's go back to Tianmai Mountain to live a good life, okay?"

Han Chengxin finally nodded his head, two teardrops condensed on his eyelashes, trembled, and fell to the ground with a bang, falling to pieces.He choked up, and finally spoke: "Brother Sect Leader, thank you for not giving up, and for accepting me back to Tianmai. Chengxin is not a grass, how can he not know the favor of Sect Leader, but there is indeed a relationship between me and him. Yuan... Sigh, Senior Sect Leader, Senior Brother Yin, I am no longer a disciple of Tiantianmai, please just treat me as a junior without me in the future!" When it comes to this, he can still be stubborn!The head of Chu was fed up with the performance of this miserable daughter-in-law. He threw the tweezers on the ground, stood up and pointed to the door and said, "Okay, I don't care about you, you go! Don't come back when you leave! Even if he Three wives and four concubines don't treat you like a human being, so don't come back..."

As I was talking, I felt depressed again. Isn't this the most common scene on the Internet where a little girl is blind and wants to marry a cheap man, and her parents cut off ties with her?Unexpectedly, someone who hates goofy dramas so much as myself, also followed the goofy drama.

He almost vomited blood, sat down again angrily, and swallowed back the words he said forcefully: "I don't care about you, but I can't let you go out with your injuries. Otherwise, those injuries outside will be in the Devil's sect." The people under his command took you out to vent their anger, shouldn't we fellow apprentices try our best to get you out?"

"Brother Sect Master, I know that I really don't know how to advance or retreat. But there are indeed many grievances in this matter." Han Chengxin put his hands on his head, weakly and desolately, and slowly told a deep-seated past.

"After the master passed away, I felt that you, senior brother of the head of the sect, had too much control and were bored on the mountain, so I went down the mountain to travel like Senior Brother Yin. Luo Jing and I have a very good relationship, so I invited me to live in Mengshan for a while, and join his wedding..."

Does Luo Jing have a good relationship with you?Why didn't I see it?Head Chu touched the scar on his heart, and glared at him fiercely behind his back.Junior Brother Han was deeply immersed in the past, without realizing it, and continued to tell his story: "One night, I was drinking on the roof, and accidentally found a man in black jumping out of the courtyard below. , and never called anyone else, so I chased him out. But that man was very good at lightness kung fu, and I chased him for a while and then lost him. But when I met Luo Jing's fiancée, I accidentally discovered that the two had very similar backgrounds. Since then , I deliberately set my sights on Lu Ronghua..."

"And why did you elope with her? Did she set up a trick to defraud you? How could Jin Cheng be involved in this?" Master Chu made up his mind not to talk to him again, so Junior Brother Yin asked for him.Han Chengxin shook his head, and slowly told the story of how he followed Lu Ronghua several times later, but was discovered by her because of his poor martial arts, and was captured by mistake.

"She stayed in Mengshan only to use Luo's family to cover up her identity and find an opportunity to get rid of a former elder who betrayed the Demon Sect. She had noticed that I had seen through her identity, but on the one hand, she used Luo Jing to keep me from doing anything. After killing that traitor, she lured me out of Luo's house again with tricks, and then set a trap halfway, knocked me out and brought me back to Lianshan. As for the rumors in the rivers and lakes that I eloped with her, it was all her design , firstly, the real reason why she and I both disappeared, and secondly, it also provoked disputes between our two factions."

He paused, curled up even tighter, but his voice remained calm. "I was brought back to the Lianshan Sect, and only then did I meet Jin Cheng...Jin Cheng is really not a good person. In fact, he never treated me well from the beginning. He said contemptuously: "What's the use of bringing such a waste back?" I thought I was going to die, but he didn't kill me later, but turned me into a medicine man..."

Headmaster Chu felt panicked when he heard this, and began to feel sorry for the junior again. He quickly stood up and patted his head, explaining: "It's all over, I'll ask Master Lu to give you a lecture. We can't give up on ourselves, As long as you return to Tianmai and live a good life, you will always come over."

Junior Brother Han raised his head and looked at him, tears that had accumulated in his eyes for a long time rolled down: "That day, I took one of their medicines, and my whole body seemed to be burned by fire, and my mind was completely confused. Later, Jin Cheng Come and see me, when I saw him, my heart bled with hatred, and I struggled so hard that I broke the iron chains that were as thick as two arms."

The two senior brothers sighed miserably. Head Chu no longer thinks that the child is like a little daughter-in-law, but only thinks that he needs psychological assistance. These senior brothers must do their best to accommodate him and resolve the burden in his heart with warm brotherhood.

After being comforted by his senior brother, Junior Brother Han gradually mustered up his courage and continued talking: "When I woke up again, Jin Cheng and I were lying naked on the ground. There were scars all over his body. The court was even more torn apart... But he didn't ask anyone to kill me, and he kept me by his side all the time. Today, he even talked about our relationship in front of the world... Senior brother, no matter what , I always want his innocent body, I can't..."

Head Chu lightened his hand, and a mouthful of blood spewed out from his throat.God, come and kill me with a thunderbolt!What kind of trouble is this kind of literary and fresh feeling?Falling in love with someone at the first time is indeed the tragedy of a virgin, right?

This junior brother probably really won't come back.When the head of Chu fell down, his heart was filled with a feeling of pain and powerlessness.Fortunately, there was not only Junior Brother Han beside him, but Junior Brother Yin made a decisive move and caught him before he fell, avoiding the tragedy of the master falling even more stupidly.

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