The work record of the head of another world

Chapter 38 The Father and Son Meet

The ideal of the head of Chu is to live a safe life, and the goal of Hua Dashao is to build a society ruled by law.As soon as the two were combined, Head Chu planned to send Junior Brother Han to the yamen for a few days of reformation, so that he could behave in an upright manner when he was released from prison.

After returning home, Mrs. Chu took Junior Sister Xu and Junior Sister Zhao to light a fire and cook; Junior Brother Yao went to the foot of the mountain to take over the glass factory for performance appraisal; Junior Brother Yin took Junior Brother Yu and the three of them to clean the room and dry the quilt.The head of the sect had nothing to do, so he wandered into the wing room where Junior Brother Han was locked up to educate him about the law.

With his hands tied behind his back, Junior Brother Han bumped in the car for several days, his face was gloomy and his spirits were sluggish, only one pair of eyes still contained endless sadness, and after the head of Chu entered the door, he raised his face with tears, Look at him at a 45-degree angle.


Head Chu sighed secretly.How could there be such a strange thing when all the juniors in the school are quite normal?Even the younger brother, who would blush at a single word from him, would not look at people with restraint and melancholy from this angle.What did the leader of the Demon Cult see in him?According to such a man, if he were to use the soles of his shoes, he would be able to pump them up. His aesthetic vision and taste are really beyond what ordinary people can imagine.

Head Chu covered his eyes, turned his face sideways and didn't dare to look at him, sat on the chair and taught earnestly: "You and Master Jin..."

"Senior brother in charge, I am willing to..."

"Shut up! Listen to me!" Hearing this kid say a few more words, he might vomit blood again.Han Chengxin stopped talking, and head Chu went on to say: "I consulted, and Leader Hua said that your situation is not a serious crime according to the law. At most, you can have a spine rod of forty, and a life sentence of three hundred miles. There are still a few in our sect. Savings, I will take you to surrender in a while, and then I will take care of it, so that the county magistrate will break it as lightly as possible. You will reform in the future, and you will come back when the world is amnesty. Don’t worry about our life here, during the holidays My senior brother asked someone to bring you clothes, money and things, so I can visit you when I have time. Is that okay?"

"Ah?" Junior Brother Han opened his pure eyes wide, two lines of tears lost their restraint, and slowly fell from the sockets.The head of Chu glanced through his fingers, and deeply regretted that he was so cheap and didn't cover it up.He stood up, pulled Junior Brother Han out of the house, and greeted Junior Brother Yin who was laying roof tiles on the room.

"I took Junior Brother Han to surrender himself. You know what he did. Whether it is voluntary or not, he must be punished. I can't control Jincheng. We can't have such illegal people in Tianmai. I'm the head of the sect. You can’t cover it up. When you come back and explain the reason to the juniors, the junior sisters don’t need it. You don’t need to cook dinner for us.”

Junior brother Yin was squatting on the roof knocking tiles, he couldn't react for a while, and watched helplessly as Master Chu dragged Junior Brother Han down the mountain before jumping off the roof.Standing at the door, the two were about the size of soybeans, and they were running down the mountain road.Several Junior Brothers also gathered around him, asking him what happened to Junior Brother Han, and why the sect leader brought him to surrender.

Yin Chengqin came back to his senses, and sternly swept them around, until they all shut up in embarrassment.Only the old lady had a higher status, and she also regarded Junior Brother Yin as her own child. After everyone retreated, she quietly touched Junior Brother Yin and asked him what happened.Yin Chengqin couldn't say anything about Junior Brother Han's privacy in front of the old lady, so he had to persuade him tactfully: "It's nothing, Junior Brother Han committed some crimes at the foot of the mountain, and it's for his own benefit that the senior brother in charge brought him out. You're back, don't worry, Auntie."

He said he would come back in the evening, and sure enough, the head of Chu came back with Junior Brother Han at night.

The old lady brought the meal to the house for her son, and the head master Chu picked it up and ate it mechanically, without saying anything.The old lady served dishes to her son and his son's younger brother tenderly and contentedly, and asked them about their day's itinerary after they had eaten.The head of Chu was silent for a while, then raised his head and said to the old lady: "Mother, please help us to keep an eye on our mountain affairs in the future. Now we need money everywhere, and my son may have to be busy for a while."

what happened?The old lady expressed her distress immediately: "Son, you are not in good health, how can you be troubled? If you need money, just tell mother, mother still has some hairpin rings to cover."

Headmaster Chu was very moved, but he refused to ask for her things. He glanced at Junior Brother Han and sighed again: "You don't have enough, so you should keep it yourself. Junior Brother Yao can't stare at the glass factory in the future, you Help me keep an eye on it. Let's bear with it together and at least give Junior Brother Han a decent wedding...It's impossible to make it big, but the dowry is indispensable."

Surprised and delighted, the old lady hurriedly asked him: "Which family's lady is she? Is she handsome? Unexpectedly, nephew Chengxin got good news earlier than you and Chengqin. This is a big deal, so naturally we have to take care of it. I'll take care of it tomorrow." I will do the wedding tent for you. Chengxin is also my nephew, so please don’t stop my mother from giving him some dowry. By the way, who is the matchmaker? We have to invite her up the mountain to have a drink. "

The head of Chu was so worried that his mother was happy, but he didn't dare to hit him too hard, he said falteringly: "I haven't formally come to propose marriage, mother, if you want to be happy, burn them more for the wedding room. Things, let’s sell them in conjunction with each other, so we can make a little bit of money.”

The old lady nodded with joy and cleaned up the bowls and chopsticks of the head.Junior Brother Han was eating his rice gracefully, but there was more than half of the rice left in the bowl. Seeing that the headmaster had put down his chopsticks, he also stood up to help the old lady tidy up, holding two plates and did not let go. Shyly and happily rushing out, he said: "Senior brother, I'm full, so I'll help my aunt wash and shave first."

He ran extremely fast, and his lightness kung fu was only at its full potential at this time, and he went out in a blink of an eye and disappeared.The old lady also wiped the table excitedly, and took the remaining dishes to the kitchen to tidy up.The head of Chu sat alone in the room, looking at the flickering candlelight, sadly recalling today's judgment of the magistrate of Tangshang County.

"Chu Zhuangshi, this matter is rape in your opinion, but in the county's opinion, it should still be a rape. What's more, the victim does not sue, and there is no personal evidence, so the county is not easy to convict. If the other party is a married woman If the man is unmarried and the woman is unmarried, it would be a good thing to break them into a husband and wife. But these two are men, except in the law There are no other regulations to prohibit men from selling their bodies, so how do you ask this county to resolve this case? Why don’t you take him home and teach him a lesson.”

I paid 30 taels of silver, just to let the magistrate give a lighter sentence and let the younger brother go to a better place.But this sentence was too light, which made him feel uneasy.Is this an obstruction of justice?Could it be that if the money was not given, Junior Brother Han could have flowed out?

Although surrendering himself is not self-contained, but that leader Jin must not let this matter go easily.There is no other way except to ask the younger brother to marry the man quickly so as to cover up their pre-marriage behavior and save the face of the two of them.When thinking of Master Jin, he couldn't help but think of those followers of Lianshan Sect who were killed in the martial arts conference.So many lives must be blamed on Junior Brother Han, and the two of them are not sure what to do in the future.

No, he has to go down the mountain tomorrow to get back the parts of the batch of guns ordered by Master Xiao and assemble them, and organize their Tianmai Mountain shooting team.

He had to quickly build a small steel furnace in an uninhabited place in the mountains for Yao Shaoxia to study and improve parts. He also had to get out the concentrated sulfuric acid and combine it into concentrated nitric acid, so that he could use nitrocellulose to make gunpowder.With good steel as the barrel, the power will definitely be improved by more than one level.

By the way, with sulfuric acid, he has hope to make lead-acid batteries!With a battery... what's the use of having a battery, what's really useful is the generator.But for the generator, when Junior Brother Yao makes the parts, he can of course build a generator, but what kind of power will it use?

He can't make solar panels; the trees all over the mountain can be blocked by strong winds; there are no such things as waterfalls and rivers on this mountain; crude oil, diesel oil, and gasoline are not nationalized. Where can they be dug?Or choose to build a steam engine?Didn't the British Industrial Revolution start with the steam engine?First build a locomotive to solve the national traffic problem, and then after Comrade Li listens to the government behind the curtain, he will definitely be able to arrange people to dig coal to dig crude oil. Isn't this fuel generator used?

As the saying goes, there are thousands of roads at night, but you can't sell tofu in the morning.The head of Chu actively fanned the dilute sulfuric acid with a fan all night. Before he threw a piece of pork in to test the concentration, a person came outside who he would never see or want to see in his life.

Chu Chengjun's own father, the old owner of Chu.

And it was blocking the old lady who was feeding chickens outside the door.

The old owner Chu greeted the old lady kindly, and she was so scared that she ran back to the owner Chu's room, and said in shock: "Si'er, your father is here, and he brought a lot of people. I'm afraid With bad intentions..."

Master Chu's fan almost lost its grip and fell into the cup of sulfuric acid that was emitting white smoke.He hurriedly comforted the old lady with a few words, told her to go down from the back mountain, and hide with Junior Brother Yao. She didn't have to come back for two days, and he could handle the matter.The old lady nodded, with a lingering sadness on her snow-white and handsome face: "Si'er, he is your father after all, do you think this time he saw your future and asked you to go back and recognize your ancestors?" ..."

Master Chu was afraid that the old lady would make a wrong decision, so he pushed him into the fire pit, and quickly asked her in a low voice: "Mother, do you want me to be the head of the house, or a maidservant who is about as small as a slaveservant to give birth to a child?"

No matter what the old lady meant, it was written in the love guide for women who traveled through time. Once you enter the Hou family, it is as deep as the sea, and freedom is a passerby from then on.He is not satisfied with being the head of the sect. To ask him to go back and be the old man's son without the right to inherit the property is a fool!

After coaxing the old lady away with a few words, head Chu poured the concentrated sulfuric acid into a teacup and tied it around his waist for self-defense.When he walked out to meet the guests, Junior Sister Xu had already brought Master Chu and his brothers into the living room and served tea, while the rest stood outside the door to guard the door, making their Tianmai house look like Shende Villa. same industry.

The head of Chu touched the water glass at his waist, entered the room with chest and stomach folded, bowed his hands and saluted, and raised the corners of his mouth: "I haven't seen you for a few days, the old owner is in good health? There was a commotion in Guizhuang a few days ago. I am very sorry from the bottom of my heart for being unhappy. Today, the old owner of the villa is here, please let Cheng Jun show his local friendship and treat everyone well."

The old owner winked at both sides, and the two younger brothers stood up and surrounded the head of Chu.Master Chu twirled his beard and smiled kindly: "Tuisi, we were busy with things a few days ago, and our father and son didn't have a good talk. Today, Dad came here to take your mother and son back for a reunion."

reunion?Are you going back to ask for my life and gun?Headmaster Chu clasped the water glass even harder when he heard the words, and replied with a slight smile: "What does the owner mean by this? I really don't understand. I do have the same surname as the owner, but I have never been connected to the clan. , why did they suddenly become father and son? The son has misidentified, but the father has not misunderstood, Zhuzhuang Zhu's words are abrupt."

Zhu Zhuang originally thought that if he could give this son a name, he should come forward happily, but who would have thought that this son was no longer his son, and a scowl flashed on his face, but he suppressed it forcefully, still with a pleasant expression Said: "Si'er, what are you talking about. There is no overnight feud between father and son. Besides, you hate your father for not recognizing you all these years and refusing to admit that he is my son, but what will your mother do? Do you want your mother to be my son?" No name, no role, lonely and helpless for a lifetime?"

Mrs. Chu has no name or identity in the first place, right?When Xiaoyao brought him back, who chased him to our door and said that it was a maid?

The head of Chu made complaints silently, and said calmly: "I am an orphan, I dare not ask the owner to find my mother for me."

"Nonsense! You are an orphan, who was that woman outside the mountain gate just now?" Zhu Er Zhuangzhu became more irritable, and took two steps towards him, showing an astonishing aura on his body.

Outside the door, there was no one except their two junior sisters!The head of Chu looked out of the door in compliance with public opinion, and replied without blushing or panting: "That is Lu Zhishen, Master Lu's nephew, Master Huiqing. That is a good bhikkhuni, the magistrate of (Yangzhou) My lord’s guest, how could it be my mother? If you come here just to talk nonsense and slander the sect master, my Tianmai Sword Sect dare not keep such a guest!"

I am next to the leader of the martial arts alliance, and I can have a concubine and eunuch in the palace. The juniors and brothers are all excellent in martial arts, and the sister-in-law who didn't enter the door is still the leader of the demon sect. I am afraid of a second-rate villain like you?

Master Chu's eyes were shining brightly, and he slowly lifted the bottle of oleum like a pack of dynamite.

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