Head Chu is usually the leader, and when he had no idea, the younger brothers and sisters were almost as small as the sky falling, and they were all nervous as if an army would come to destroy the family tomorrow, so they focused their attention on it. It's on the head of Yin.

Junior brother Yin is now the head of the sect, and he is so relied on by his seniors, so he naturally has to make a plan.After pondering for a while, he asked his senior brother: "Chengjun, you have a reputation now, so you took us juniors to take the people from Shende Mountain Villa down the mountain and send them to the government. Can you sue them first?"

Not safe!If these people mention any member of the princeling party in the yamen, the county magistrate will definitely have to send someone to ask upwards, and if the higher-ups speak, won't they all be taken away?Leader Hua still wants witnesses, so he won't talk about the witnesses. After these people run away, they will definitely have to speak ill of him to the top, ordering people to flatten Tianmai Peak, and kill those who might know about him. .

Head Chu frowned and shook his head.Seeing his description, Junior Brother Yin knew that his idea was not to his liking, so he thought about it for a while, and asked tentatively: "Otherwise, let's mix some poison in the water, give them to drink, and poison them to death in one go? When Zhixian and the others asked, we only said that we had let them go, and we didn’t know where they went. As long as we burn all the corpses and bury them, and no outsiders have proof, who can hold us back?”

This idea became more and more bloody and violent, far exceeding the bottom line of Chu's head.It seems that the ideas of the ancients are unreliable, he might as well rely on the leader of the Hua alliance, so he packs his bags and takes the tainted witness Chu Chuiyu and his family to the Hua family to avoid disaster, and leave the rest to Hua Lang.

Junior brother Yin's ideas were rejected one after another, but his self-confidence was not affected. Then he wanted to recruit his senior brother to be happy: "Cheng Jun, you don't need to worry too much. Now that their rebellion has not been revealed, We let people go, and when they go back, it doesn't matter whether he reforms or asks the government to put him down. You are an official, and you know a lot of people in the court. Even if those people want to talk to you, it is not so easy. of."

Alas, Junior Brother Yin's idea is supposed to have its merits, but he still bears the heavy responsibility of the leader of the Hua League here, so he has to watch over this group of people.He covered the throbbing veins on his forehead, and waved his hands to tell the juniors to disperse first: "This is a serious matter, I'm a little confused, I can't make up my mind at the moment, everyone go to rest first, let's talk about it tomorrow."

Some of the younger brothers and younger sisters were worried, and some were so heartless that they lined up and left the gate.Junior Brother Yin stayed behind, pointing to the back room and asked the head of Chu: "Chengjun, did you hear the words of the man inside that made you have these troubles in your heart? We have already had a bad relationship with Shende Villa. How can there be any good people in their village? Such nonsense is just to make you worry about getting into trouble, so you let them go earlier. But you are also a hard-hearted person, since you are reluctant to let them suffer more, why don't you just let them go so as not to feel unbearable?"

Since when did Junior Brother Yin change his name to "Cheng Jun"?The head of Chu gave him a hard look, and the corner of his mouth turned down, only because there was Chu Chuiyu in the room, so he couldn't reprimand his younger brother in front of him.Master Yin naturally understood his thoughts, lowered his head slightly, leaned close to him, held his hand and squeezed it lightly, and whispered in his ear: "Senior Brother Master."

Whether it is the gentle sound and warm breath close at hand, there is a secret but clear temptation.Master Chu's face turned red to the neck, he shook off his junior brother's hand, glanced towards the back room, then turned towards the door, stepped back two steps and sat down at the table to drink tea.

The head of Yin was also a bit regretful, he walked into the room and found that Chu Chuiyu was stripped naked by his senior brother and tied to the bed, his expression was a bit ugly.After coming out, he cleared his throat and said, "Why does the sect master need to guard the prisoner himself? I'll ask the master to come over and guard him overnight. Can the sect master change his place for a while?"

There are only a few juniors in total, they can block one side but not the other, and the Chu family members don’t know if they will escape from prison and come out to save their son, and ask the juniors to do everything, there must not be enough people if something happens in the middle of the night.Sect Leader Chu was frowning here, shook his head, didn't even bother to answer, and pushed Junior Brother Yin out of the door.

When he reached the door, Yin Chengqin pulled him out, pressed against the door, opened his teeth and kissed.Head Chu was furious, he couldn't push him, he couldn't push him, and he didn't dare to hit him, so he had to bite down hard when he stuck his tongue in and stirred it.He bit very hard, and immediately tasted the rusty taste of iron in his mouth, but Junior Brother Yin didn't let go, instead he stretched out his hand to support the back of his head and pressed it towards him, his tongue swept across his mouth inflexibly, leaving a slightly sweet and fishy smell The saliva was so high that he had a mouthful.

When the two separated, they were gasping for breath. Yin Chengqin tightly wrapped his arms around him, pressed him against the door, and gently sucked kisses on the base of his ears. The kiss made his legs go limp and his whole body was weak. He asked in his ear, "What are you doing taking off his clothes?"

This sentence touched something in the head of Chu's heart, which made him tremble and wake up.He looked up at the sky, breathing the icy air, his chest ached from the cold, but his mind became clearer and clearer.He suddenly pushed Yin Chengqin away, his eyes widened, and he looked at the distant mountains, forests and seas through him, and spit out a well-tried and wise saying: "When the enemy advances, we retreat; when the enemy is stationed, we harass; when the enemy is tired, we fight; Chase."

Junior brother Yin's jealousy was immediately repulsed by his profound military theory and transcendent level of thinking. He chewed these sixteen words countless times in his heart, and his reverence for his senior brother was once again raised to a new height.

"Chengjun, do you intend to fight against the court for the people of the Chu family? Or do you want to rebel with your biological father? You have to understand that it is still a peaceful and prosperous age, and the people's will is in the court. With the art of war and the help of muskets, it is not easy to rebel. Besides, there are only a few people in Shende Villa, not to mention our Tianmai, even if they are added together, it is not enough to refuse the imperial conquest!"

At this time, the head of Chu is full of ambitions to "ask the vast land, who is in charge of the ups and downs", and he has no time to listen to the advice of Junior Brother Yin. .That's right, what kind of court is he afraid of? He opened the mountain and planted the tree. When friends come, they have good wine, and when wolves come, they have shotguns.He is not afraid of people in the martial arts, but what is he afraid of those private soldiers of the princeling party who are indulging in pleasure?

Hurry up to learn the art of war, he is going to give pointers to the country and promote the writing, and the dung will be tens of thousands of households back then!

The head of Chu wanted to open it for a while, and suddenly felt that the world in front of him was full of color, and everything was flourishing. Even the cold weather and the cold moon in front of him seemed to have turned into a modern room with heating and air conditioning.His head didn't hurt anymore, his breath wasn't short of breath anymore, his waist was straightened, his back was straightened, all his worries disappeared, he patted Junior Brother Yin on the shoulder and said with a heroic smile: "Junior Brother Yin, I made you worry! Go to sleep Come on, brother, I have my own idea, and I will tell you tomorrow when I think about it!"

Junior brother Yin was also delighted, and said: "As long as the sect master is happy", one hand climbed onto his back and stroked two, and with both hands, he hugged him horizontally and brought him into the room , and threw it on the couch by the window in the outhouse.How could the head of Chu still not know what he was going to do, so he stood up quickly, turned over the window and was about to run, but was dragged back by Yin Chengqin by the foot in the room, and he didn't even care to close the door, so he pressed on the couch and started kissing.

There was also Chu Chuiyu lying in the room, the head of Chu was so face-saving, he didn't even dare to catch his breath, he almost suffocated himself.It was Yin Chengqin who found that he was not breathing well, and gave him breaths again and again, so that he was not suffocated to death by himself.The head of Chu regained his strength, still dizzy, and carefully adjusted his breathing.

Yin Chengqin locked the doors and windows, went into the house and touched several major acupuncture points of Chu Chuiyu, returned to the couch of the head of the house, and assured him in his ear: "I have done a dead hand, no one can relieve the acupuncture points, and he will not wake up for three days. Cheng Jun, you and I have already decided on our names, and the marriage certificate has also been sent by mother to the government for filing, so what is there to be ashamed of?"

Wait, when did this happen?Mrs. Chu, a nun with a quiet six roots, how could she do such an unfair and illegal thing?The head of Chu almost jumped up from the couch, but was pushed down by Yin Chengqin again, peeling off his clothes familiarly and putting his hands up and down.

Master Yin knew every minute and every inch of his senior brother's body as well as his own. He peeled off several layers of clothes in two or three strokes, caressed and kissed Master Chu's sensitive parts, and rubbed him fascinated and resisted in a short time. His heart had long been thrown out of the sky, so he could only open his legs wide and slumped on the couch, letting him get whatever he wanted.

It's just that the head of Chu always remembered that there was someone sleeping next to him, and he refused to make a sound no matter where he was stimulated.Yin Chengqin watched him flushed and trembling all over, but tried his best to hold back his appearance of refusing to speak out. He always felt that there was some inadequacy, so he deliberately pressed deeper, making the head of Chu get closer to the edge of collapse every time, and finally he Crying in the arms and ejaculating.

This night was more exciting than usual. Head Chu was worried about being overheard, but at the same time felt that it was more exciting than usual. Apart from the sound, he catered more to Head Yin than usual.Yin Chengqin hadn't been close to him for many days. Although he knew that both of them were busy and shouldn't complain, once Jin Fengyulu met, it was hard to stop. After doing it a few times, a good brocade couch is covered with stains, which makes people unbearable to look at it more.

Someone in the head of Chu's room routinely called for morning, so he couldn't linger until the sky.It was just dawn, and the head of Yin got up, took the quilt and covered the head of Chu first, then went to the room, took Chu Chuiyu off the bed and threw it on the ground, and went into the room to sleep with the head of Chu wrapped in a cocoon. .He diligently cleaned up the dirt outside, and when Junior Brother Mo came to deliver water, he asked him to take Chu Chuiyu back to take care of him, and he closed the door himself to wait for Master Chu to wash up.

After a whole night of tossing around, all the princelings had to stand aside. Headmaster Chu slowly got up from the bed, took Junior Brother Yin out of the door, reopened the time-traveling male marriage guide he hadn’t read for a long time, and reprinted the The essence of guerrilla warfare is recorded in my mind one by one.

After studying the theory of the art of war and watching a few actual combat videos, the head of Chu suddenly shook again, opened the door and went out to continue the meeting with the juniors.Back pain is nothing, the head of the sect is a person who wants to lead the army, and it is trivial to lose a limb; butt pain is nothing, the commander always stands around the sand table to give pointers when he is in a meeting!

He smugly ate breakfast standing up, and when his juniors cleared up the table, he dragged them and Chu Chuiyu to the room of Head Yin, and continued to hold the meeting standing up.The theme of the meeting this time is no longer "what to do", but "how to do it". The head of the school, Mr. Chu, instilled the idea of ​​"A single spark can start a prairie fire" to the juniors, and then combined mine warfare, tunnel warfare, guerrilla warfare, etc. Various tactics, I hope that the juniors can work together with him to build Tianmai Mountain into a revolutionary base against the imperial conquest.

"The family surnamed Chu rebelled, not the rebellion of the peasants, but the people in the court who wanted to rebel, using their power in the arena to collect money from people and horses. We detained this group of Chu people, and we offended those who sheltered and used them. Their court officials, even people with greater power! The enemies we face are very powerful and cruel, but we are not completely without chance of victory. We must study hard, use guerrilla warfare flexibly, use our advanced weapons and Taking advantage of the geographical advantage, deal with the enemy on this majestic and fertile Tianmai Mountain, protect every living force of ours, and cannibalize the enemy bit by bit in the contact war!"

Everyone on the mountain, including the old lady, was asked by him to learn the salute, and they were dragged to the courtyard on the spot to start the military training.Time was running out, he had no time to send the old lady down the mountain to avoid disaster, and after going down the mountain, he didn't know what twists and turns would happen on the way, it was better to stay on the mountain for safety.

The time of military training is not long, nor is it short.They practice sitting, standing and running during the day, and at night they open an underground arsenal to assemble guns and ammunition. Mines are buried outside the mountain gate, and a sentry is set up at the foot of the mountain, and a message tree is installed.It's a pity that there is no telephone and walkie-talkie, and it is inconvenient to send messages. The head of Chu is very troubled by this. He grinds the glass in the middle of the night and studies whether to make a semaphore or send a beacon.

During this period of time, the head of Chu also strengthened the ideological education of the family surnamed Chu, holding meetings for about half an hour every day through the door to let them understand the disregard and destruction of ordinary people's lives by the feudal bureaucracy, It is an attempt to enlighten the wisdom of the people, make these people correct their evil ways, and follow them to fight against the party of princes who may come up to wipe them out in the future.

Later, Junior Brother Yin thought of a more straightforward idea. Taking advantage of the spirit of Master Chu's speech of "uniting all forces that can be united", he sent in several days of good wine and food, and put them in the dry food and water. Ruanjinsan was added.The owner of Zhu Zhuang and his family were always on guard against them. They didn't dare to eat food and wine, but they drank all the food and water, so they were all recruited, which fundamentally cut off the possibility of them being traitors and traitors.

A few days later, the news tree under the mountain finally fell, and the people's war that head Chu had prepared for a long time was about to start.Head Chu stood on the top of a tree, holding a telescope with lenses that were ground like frosted glass in his hand and placed it in front of the bridge of his nose. He looked down the mountain deeply with his eyes that were exceptionally clear due to his deep inner strength.

The plain was full of dust, but seeing the handsome horses and dignified figures, a team of masters who could not be less than half a platoon rushed towards the trail into the mountain.Head Chu put down the binoculars and waved his hands coldly: "Hang the strings!"

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