The work record of the head of another world

Chapter 67 The Little Emperor's Monologue

I am the son of heaven, the emperor, No.1 in the world, and should be the king of the world, but the emperor I am is lower than many emperors since ancient times. This emperor is even worse than not doing anything.Because before the emperor, I have to add another word-Emperor.

My son-emperor doesn't have a father-emperor, but I'm afraid there will be a mother-emperor soon.

I have always suspected that my life is not the parent and child of my mother, and I even suspected that my mother is not my mother.It's not that I'm talking in circles, but that the identity of the queen mother has always been in the clouds. I haven't been able to confirm whether she—or he, is a man or a woman until I ascended the throne for a long time.

I have never told this secret to anyone, even if it was Lu Zhishen, the most beloved national teacher of my father, who later returned to his hometown and became the commoner emperor's teacher; or my former prince Xima, who is now a cabinet university Yao Chengna and Yao Aiqing are scholars.Although these two people are close to me, they have rough temperaments and are not good at reading people's hearts. Master Lu has no official position, so if someone wants to harm him, he has little power to resist.

So I have been keeping this secret all the time, and when my mother dies someday, I may know whether this guess is true; or, when my mother feels that the time is right, she will abolish or kill me and become the throne herself... Even if So what can I do?In ancient times, Wu Zetian proclaimed herself emperor, but now my mother's queen, between my mother's queen and me, may not even have the deep affection between Wu and the kings of the Li family.

The kings of the Li family were at least born of Empress Wu.But am I really born from my mother?Let me ask you a heart-breaking remark, I take it seriously, is it from the father?

I suspect the identity of the queen mother because when I was nine years old, during a nap, I overheard a conversation between the queen mother and the eunuch Wang Chengen, the emperor's confidant.

I was in the hall there, and the queen mother and the others were in the outer hall. Her voice came to my ears through the curtain, vague and clear, which made Zhen, who was still young at that time, feel an indescribable uneasiness and fear for the first time.

I remember clearly that the first sentence I heard at that time was said by my mother: "I am a big man, and I am intriguing with a bunch of little girls, is it reasonable? Cut the nonsense, I will not go, the old man loves whoever he loves go!"

Then Wang Chengen's old slave's voice sounded, and he actually had a bit of ridicule towards his mother: "You are no longer a man..."

"Nonsense, are you still?" The mother's furious slip of the tongue made my heart sink deeper and deeper—the mother's mother may be a man or a eunuch, so who is it?Where is my biological mother?Since childhood, everyone knew that I was born like my mother, so would it be possible that Zhen and Zhen were born to the queen mother and the original wife, and were welcomed into the palace by the emperor... along with the queen mother?

If he really married a man as the imperial concubine, and made his son his own son, the royal father's heart can be called extremely magnanimous.Although I knew my father was licentious and lustful since I was a child, and I can't be regarded as a good emperor, but this incident is indeed too shocking.

Of course, there is also a possibility that my biological mother is actually the queen mother's sister. Because she died of dystocia after giving birth to my queen, my father sent the uncle who looked like my beloved concubine to force Li Daitao to stiffen... He has a monstrous hatred towards his father, towards the dynasty, and maybe even towards me...

Another woman's voice came from outside, and the killing intent inside made me feel chills in my heart, I didn't have time to think about it, so I listened again.I only heard the queen mother say fiercely: "After we go back, we will bring the gang from the control department over, and then 'papapapapa' each of them will have a big mouthful, and let's beat them for 10 minutes..."

"It's the most poisonous woman's heart. Look at you, you are narrow-minded. This is also a technical problem. It is inevitable to encounter it. Can you blame others so much?" Wang Chengen's sinister voice also sounded faintly, but what he said was even more insidious. : "Just eunuch them, let them experience the feeling of a eunuch is enough."

The queen mother also heard his cruel intentions, and she didn't say anything, but scolded softly: "Why don't people say that eunuchs are not good people, and they are all my colleagues, so you are ashamed to take such a cruel hand." After a pause, he said: "After eunuchs, they will be thrown here, and they will all be dressed as palace maids. No, a few eunuchs will also come. Then we will torture them back and forth, such as tiger stools, pepper water, etc. , Bamboo sticks, and Yizhanghong, let them try them all, and let them get rid of the grievances of these years!"

The more the two talked, the happier they were, and they thought of various tricks to make the control department bear it, so as to torture them and repay the hatred in their hearts.

I don't know where the control department is, maybe it's a killer organization on the rivers and lakes?I've heard people say that there is a river and lake outside the palace, and there are strange people and strange people inside.Yao Aiqing and Master Lu are born in Jianghu, so their temperament and thinking are different from those bookworms from these academies. Not only do they not come to bother me often, but they also make me happy with some new things.

But it is extremely unruly for the queen mother and Wang Chengen to bring these people in as eunuchs and maids of honor.Are they going to avenge their eunuchs, or are they using this as an excuse to bring in some killers and the like to force the palace to usurp the throne?

At that time, I was still young and couldn't control my body, and I was really frightened at that time, and I even urinated.Although I tried my best to bear it, the wet feeling on my body still made me a little uncomfortable, so I had to turn over. Unexpectedly, the quilt fell off, and the queen mother and Wang Chengen heard the voice from outside, and came into the room to check if I was right. fast asleep.

Fortunately, I was born in the palace since I was a child, and my mind was far beyond that of ordinary children. Not only did I not reveal my secrets under the panic, but I also remembered the story of Wang Youjun, spit out saliva and wet my face, and pretended to be sleeping ignorantly. a life.

It's just that when the father was alive, the mother had some scruples.Ever since the prince was abolished and his father passed away due to taking too much elixir, the queen mother and Wang Cheng'en have been controlling the government even more unscrupulously. I, the emperor, has not been in charge until today. I am called the emperor, but in fact I am just a puppet.

Over the years, the Queen Mother took advantage of the fact that I was young and unable to govern, and set up a cabinet to strip away my power layer by layer. Instead, they let the cabinet ministers hold important powers. The emperor has no other use except for sealing the seal.And even the empress and concubine are not allowed to set up more. Now that I am 16 years old, I should have maids and concubines to serve me even in ordinary people's homes. In my palace, there is no maid who is close to me. Every move is made by the queen mother and Wang Chengen. control.

I can't talk about these hardships with Master Lu, who is in the world of mortals and cares about others; I have to talk to Yao Aiqing occasionally, and beg him not to tell the queen mother, lest she put someone of unknown origin next to me .Alas, there is no one in the whole palace who is not the queen mother's confidant. Even if I choose a few concubines to enter the palace, no, even if I choose the queen, what's the use of them?

Now that there is no concubine, I can take advantage of this status to avoid the empress's people easily; when I have concubines, I have to deal with them again, I'm afraid it will be even more tiring than now.

Yao Aiqing is the only person in this world who can know my heart.Although he is busy with official duties in the cabinet, he comes here to talk to me from time to time, telling me some interesting stories from foreign lands.What is the French Revolution, what is the Russian October Revolution, what is the New Democratic Movement, these battles make my blood boil, and I wish I could be like those revolutionary leaders, with a wave of sleeves, the world responds, and overthrows the reactionary rule of the Queen Mother and Wang Chengen!

After hearing these stories a lot, I am no longer as scared as before, passively waiting for my mother and Wang Chengen to deal with me.I started to learn Marxism-Leninism, learned their democratic ideas and methods of struggle, and instilled these ideas into the minds of the court ladies and eunuchs, so that they could understand the disadvantages of the dictatorship of the monarchy just like me, and let them also be educated and thoughtful. Helper of the Democratic Revolution.

It's a pity that the mother's health is failing before I officially start the struggle.I listen to the cabinet report every day in the court, and when I come back to visit my mother, I will see the old man Wang Chengen.An eunuch, an eunuch, actually guards the queen mother's bedside every day, he can understand her with a look, and he can make the queen smile with a look, what a bastard!When my father and emperor were alive, they were never so close to the queen mother!

Although I am not angry in my heart, the queen mother is a dying person after all, and Wang Chengen was framed by others just like her, castrated and entered the palace, so he is considered a poor person. In the last time, I will not care about them.I later told Yao Aiqing about this matter, and Yao Aiqing's expression was very complicated, as if she still wanted to touch me.I know that he is pitiful to me, but I am the Son of Heaven, so I don't need to be pitiful, nor can I be pitiful!

I was about to go back to the palace, but Yao Aiqing knelt down and pleaded guilty to me.In fact, what is Yao Aiqing's crime? Could it be that he is not guilty of harming those who are unhappy in my heart, but is guilty of those who are afraid of being unhappy in my heart?I helped him up with my own hands, patted his arms and comforted him: "Yao Aiqing, I know your loyalty. When I overthrow this corrupt and dark feudal system, I will definitely renew our revolutionary friendship with you and unite like a family!"

Yao Aiqing was really understanding and gave me a warm hug when she got up.I firmly held the hand of this future class brother, reluctantly parted from him, and returned to the palace to start the revolutionary struggle.

After some days, the queen mother finally left.Wang Chengen didn't even shed a single tear, looking at the empress's body, he seemed to be somewhat resentful.I took this opportunity to get angry with him and asked someone to demote him to guard the imperial tomb. Who would have thought that this old man was quite stubborn and loyal to his mother, so he cut his own pulse and committed suicide after returning home.

When I learned of this, I was also a little sad.No matter how bad he is, after all, I have been with my mother for so many years. Although my mother doesn't know whether it is a man or a woman, she has never been bad to me.Forget it, death is like a lamp going out, regardless of whether he is a man or a woman, my father or uncle, after all these years of being my mother, I can no longer be disrespectful to his body.

I still buried my mother with the ceremony of the queen mother, and restored Wang Chengen's status as the eunuch of Li palm seal, and let him be buried beside the queen mother.From then on, I am the master of the world, and there is no one to hold me back. My proletarian workers' and peasants' revolution can finally unfold vigorously!

Many years later, I have changed from an emperor to a member of ordinary workers and peasants, and became the president of the country and the chairman of the Central Military Commission.I didn't marry a wife and have children anymore, but lived next door to my good elder brother and assistant Comrade Yao, watching TV and playing games every day after handling official business, living a peaceful and stable life.

My life is worth it!

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