Before Junior Brother Yin left, Junior Sister Xu came again.Headmaster Chu is delighted when he sees his junior sister, and surprised when he meets his younger brother. He managed to get through the time alone with Junior Brother Yin, and welcomes Junior Sister Xu, the vigor lolita. Headmaster Chu is more or less relaxed.He tried his best not to show too obscene expressions, but there was still a smug smile on the corner of his mouth, beckoning his junior sister to come to the bed.

Junior Sister Xu put the washbasin on the table, walked to the bed unsuspectingly, opened a pair of big watery eyes to look at the master's expression: "Senior brother, what is the happy event? Could it be that you are in good health?"


It turned out that he was so angry and angry because of such a small matter, that he couldn't even hide it from a 14-year-old girl.If things go on like this, after the one-year post-sale period passes, the computer will not care about him. Isn't he going to confess to that Ice Brother immediately and be lenient, and then be exterminated like a ghost?The head of Chu was afraid for a while, and the smile on his face changed with his mood, and it all disappeared under his pale face.

Junior brother Yin's face sank, he quickly separated from his senior brother and sister, and sat down beside Chu Chengjun to heal his wounds.Junior sister Xu was frightened when she realized that she could change the face of the sect leader from good to bad with just one sentence.At the time when the head of Chu was guilty, he was frightened by a junior brother Yin, so he dared to let her call someone again, so he quickly stopped junior sister Xu, and under tremendous psychological pressure, he kept a sad face and said indifferently: "Just now! It’s okay to lose your temper for a while, Junior Sister don’t call for someone.”

Junior Sister Xu stared at Junior Brother Yin with half-belief and disbelief, and felt relieved when she saw that there was nothing special on his face.Chu Chengjun was afraid that the two of them would look at each other and see something strange, so he said weakly: "Last night, I suddenly remembered a hair style that the girls outside wore, and I wanted to try it for my younger sisters, so I didn't sleep much at night. Some, it's not about the wound."

It was also rare for Junior Brother Yin to help him by saying: "Senior Brother Sect Leader stayed up all night because of you, so come over and let Senior Brother help you with your hair." After one of Junior Brother Yin's words came out, Junior Sister Xu no longer doubted, and her two slender eyebrows But they immediately wrinkled together, and their almond eyes were full of water: "Senior brother, you are so badly injured, why are you still thinking about me and Yan'er? I didn't sleep well this night. What if it affects your wound recovery? ..."

What a wonderful junior sister, the head of Chu was moved again, and before her tears came down, he hurriedly said: "I'm almost healed, don't worry too much. I'd better bring the comb, and I'll change your hairstyle for you." "Junior sister was still afraid that he would touch the wound, so Chu Chengjun had no choice but to use it as an excuse, planning to unwrap junior sister Xu's first two buns, so that she had to submit.Junior Brother Yin was afraid that he would disturb the wound when he raised his hand, so he quickly winked. Junior Sister Xu was quite discerning, and took the initiative to take the comb from the table, untied her hair and combed it, and then handed over the comb and the head to Master Chu for tossing .

Tossing other people's hair is far more convenient and labor-saving than tossing your own.The little girl is not tall, and she only reached his chest when she was sitting on the head of the bed, so it didn't take much effort to comb her bun.Master Chu practiced hard with his own hair all night, his hands are quite accurate, and his strength is quite in place. He didn't hurt his junior sister, and his hair was combed tightly. She was so beautiful that she even forgot to wash his senior brother's face.

Chu Chengjun was equally happy when he saw the meticulous hairstyle on his junior sister, and quickly asked her to call Junior Sister Zhao in, and change the hairstyle for the little one too.Junior sister Xu smiled all over her face, nodded in agreement, put the water basin on the stool under his bed, turned her head and ran out of the hut, and replaced Junior sister Zhao who had just started the stove into the head room.

Junior brother Yin happened to be in the room, following the ancient motto of the head of the sect that the master should do his best, he moistened the towel with his own hands and wiped it on the face of the head of the sect.Although he looks serious, his technique is very gentle. Although the towel is made of coarse cloth, it doesn't feel any friction on Chu Chengjun's face.

However, he is already in his twenties, and he needs someone to wash his face. This is really... When Junior Brother Yin took the towel away, Master Chu's face was already red to the ears, and he didn't know what to do with his hands in the air. display.When Junior Brother Yin threw a handkerchief to wipe his face again, he quickly reached out to take it: "Your brother is too polite, I'll do it myself." No matter what Junior Brother Yin thought, he grabbed the towel and buried his face went in.

When he raised his head again, Junior Brother Yin was still looking at him with the same attitude just now, and his hand was still stretched out in the air, as if he was waiting to receive a handkerchief.Head Chu was overly nervous, and his brain was a little numb, so he passed the towel to him numbly, and then handed it to him after he finished wringing the water.

After wiping it a few times, Junior Brother Yin finally looked at him with some satisfaction, and mercifully went out with the water.The one who came in was Junior Sister Zhao, who made people feel at ease the moment they saw her.Junior Sister Zhao is not as cute as Junior Sister Xu, but she has a docile temperament and a more classical sense of facial features. She is also a gentle little beauty.There are two little LOLIs with their own characteristics at home, and they all adore him in every possible way. Head Chu felt that he was in danger of turning into a strange uncle, so he quickly thought about Brother Yin's ice cube face, so as not to lose his sense of danger one day , Make any action that is life-threatening.

Before Junior Sister Zhao came, she was instructed by Junior Sister Xu, and she had nothing to say, so she took the initiative to sit on the edge of the bed and let him comb her hair after inviting An.Master Chu combed her hair with more ingenuity and ease. He tied her hair in less than 10 minutes, and wiped off the ash on the junior sister's face with his sleeve, and let her go out to work.

Since this day's victory, head Chu finally found the meaning of life.His temporarily disabled body can't even get out of bed, and he can't make steel to generate electricity to make washing machines. Apart from doing nothing to practice his internal skills, he spends the rest of his time in researching and developing new hairstyles and makeup.He decided to take advantage of this recuperation time to first improve the appearance of the younger apprentices, and then teach them the skills that every lady should know, such as sewing and making snacks.

Although they eat fresh and delicious mountain vegetables full of natural flavor every day on the mountain, the cooking skills are really speechless.The ingredients are indeed fresh and delicious, with a unique taste, but can't the taste be richer?He also knows that the junior sisters are still young, and it is not easy to make food that is not burnt or burnt. As a free eater, he should not have any dissatisfaction, but how many years he has eaten junk food and artificial seasoning, really I can't get used to such bland things!

The time-traveling girls can make all kinds of dishes and snacks. How can he, two native-born and ancient junior sisters, be inferior to those time-travelers who have become monks halfway through?The younger sisters cut vegetables very well with knives, and the heat is almost mastered yesterday, isn't it just that the recipes are not as good as others?He started to copy the common recipes used by time-traveling women, and introduced high-level diet into Tianmai Sword Sect. By the way, he might open a chain restaurant or something to help the sect generate income?

During the bridal education for the junior sisters, the injury of the head of the Chu family was also healed.After three consultations with Junior Brother Yin, Junior Brother, and Junior Brother Yu, they finally confirmed that his wounds were fine, let him get out of bed, and officially lived a good life.

Although he can get out of bed, any strenuous exercise is still prohibited. Apart from practicing basic swordsmanship, he is still trapped on the mountainside, going down the mountain to buy materials to make washing machine generators and so on.

What's more, after seeing the only path up and down the mountain with his own eyes, head Chu immediately gave up the idea of ​​going down the mountain.He had never felt that he had a fear of heights before, but this time just looking at the plank road at an almost 90-degree angle, his legs became weak, his head grew a few times, and he was reluctant to take a step down.

Could it be that Junior Brother Yin carried a living man like him all the way up the mountain from the foot of the mountain?It's really not easy to walk so steadily on this road. Maybe Brother Yin is tired enough even though he didn't show it.How about saying thank you someday?For the rest of his life, the cold face of Junior Brother Yin appeared in front of his eyes again... Forget it, in case the brothers get along in this way, if he goes to thank him, it will be too alien, not like the original Chu Chengjun up.

The head of Chu squatted outside the mountain gate, enjoying the rustling autumn wind and falling leaves all over the sky, looking at the small town hidden behind the clouds and smoke at the foot of the mountain, thinking about his life.He didn't have a penny in hand, and Junior Brother Yin appeared and disappeared every day, not sure where to watch him.Even through other time travels, he can command the ancients around. Why is it so difficult for him, the head brother, to travel for more than a month, and he hasn't made a serious invention?

Even if the washing machine is too difficult, at least gunpowder glass soap must be made the same, right?

Head Chu slapped his thigh, stood up, touched a large bunch of keys that had returned to his waist since he was able to get out of bed, and ran to the warehouse as fast as he could with light work. "One sulfur, two nitrates and three charcoals", this is an inevitable plot in time-traveling novels. He has firmly memorized this ancient formula for making gunpowder before time-traveling. How come he never thought of making gunpowder after traveling for so long?There shouldn't be such a thing in ancient times, right?As long as he has gunpowder, he can make guns and bullets and sell them to the army. They are the special suppliers of Tianmai Sword Sect...

No, they just don't want to sell them. All their sects are equipped with this kind of weapon. In the future, they will recruit soldiers and buy horses. With hot weapons against cold weapons, they will fight against the world. Isn't this the most classic plot in ancient novels?

It just so happened that under the supervision of Junior Brother Yin, the younger brothers and younger sisters all went to the back mountain to practice swords. The actions of head master Chu were unsupervised, and they entered the warehouse smoothly, and found saltpeter and sulfur from a cabinet by the wall— —The cabinet was full of small drawers, with labels written in yellow paper on the outside, so it was not troublesome to find, and a large basket of charcoal was piled up by the wall. He grabbed a few pieces at random, wrapped sulfur and saltpetre in paper, Back to his room to study.

The first step is to make these three things into powder.It is good to have martial arts, the head of Chu raised his internal strength, and lightly crushed the charcoal with his hand, and instantly ground a piece of crispy charcoal into powder, which was more even than a powder machine.He patted the ashes on his hands, did the same with saltpeter and sulfur, ground them finely, and mixed them into a small pile according to the ratio in his memory, then untied the flint and fire sickle from his waist, imitating his junior sister Our usual method is to light the candle first, and then try to ignite the gunpowder with the candle.

Sure enough, it caught fire all at once.Chu Chengjun's eyes sparkled with excitement, as if a bright future was waiting for him behind this pile of gunpowder!But for some reason, the fire wasn't burning big enough, and it wasn't as fast and powerful as it was shown on TV. Can this kind of gunpowder really be made into a modern weapon like the one shown on TV?

He re-studied the medicine again, took a spoonful of the medicinal ingredients, re-proportioned it, and burned it a few times, but it was still the same, not much better than burning charcoal.Could it be that he remembered it wrong, or did he use the wrong material?The road to scientific research is so difficult. He can't even make gunpowder. In the future, the washing machine...does it have to rely on the deadly after-sales service?No, when the after-sales service was unsound back then, there were so many traversers who successfully transformed the world, he had to learn from those great powers, how could a computer be fooled over and over again?

Thinking of the history of being cheated by the computer, the fighting spirit of the head of the Chu family burned again, and he re-measured the saltpeter and sulfur, intending to try a new ratio.While he was piling up the materials on the ground, the little junior sister suddenly heard a pleasantly surprised voice: "Saltpeter, sulfur, charcoal, do you want to make gunpowder? Great, we haven't let off firecrackers for a long time, this time senior brother When you recover from illness, it is time to fire a cannon to drive away evil spirits."

Head Chu raised his head abruptly, and looked at Junior Sister Xu, who was bright and cheerful at the door, and Junior Sister Zhao, who was also smiling but more gentle.Junior Sister Xu has already walked into the room quickly, helped Chu Chengjun sit on the chair: "Senior Brother, you need to heal from your injury, don't be too tired. I'm here to make medicine for the senior brothers, and Junior Sister Zhao used paper to make cannons Shells and twisters are fine. By the way, senior brother, you have too little saltpeter, can you take some more, let's make more..."

Wait, aren't you all ancient people?How do you know the formula of black powder?Why do you still say it as if you are very familiar with this?Could it be that other traversers have transformed the world and invented gunpowder?Or, in fact, you are the kind of low-key time-traveling girls who don't show off their mountains and don't show their water?

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