Alternative comprehension

Chapter 115 The Legendary Dragon Son

The road will soon come to an end, and they are ready to see more eye-catching things. This dragon son is definitely the one with the highest skill among the cultivation figures they have come into contact with so far.The Dragon City he built for his wife, what's more, there used to be a flower essence royal family living here. Flower essence is the most pure and flawless representative in the world. They love beauty, nature, singing and dancing, so this should be a world The most beautiful underwater palace.

Small bridges and flowing water, pavilions, waterside pavilions, flowers, birds, insects and fish, perhaps the most rare things in the world can be seen here. After all, dragons are originally a race that loves babies.They seem to have forgotten that this was the love nest of Longzi and his lover, Princess Huajing, and it used to represent the past.Now here is the tomb sealed by Long Zi hurting his lover's death.Of course, there are many beautiful tombs in this world, but I don’t know if this is it.

So when they saw the scene of the decayed and dilapidated ruins, they were all stunned. Yes, this place is simply an underwater ruin that has been sleeping for more than ten thousand years.

There are no pavilions, terraces and pavilions as they imagined, and there is no blooming flowers. Some are just full of devastation and desolation after the bustling. Only from the huge Optimus Primes, it seems to be able to see that here in the past. What kind of picture scroll is magnificent and magnificent.

The sudden huge contrast made several people think that they went to the wrong place, but finally realized that the dragon city in their minds was ten thousand years ago, and now it is a tomb, a tomb made for the death of their lover , whoever stipulates that the tomb must be gorgeous and spectacular.

"You said that my ancestor is still alive." Long Luo hesitated and asked Su Qinghe.

Su Qinghe was looking around at the location of this space. They all withdrew their protective spiritual power after stepping in from the passage, because this place is no longer at the bottom of the sea, but a space enchantment created by great supernatural powers on the bottom of the sea. Allows them to walk and breathe the same as on land.

Su Qinghe focused his eyes on the huge Optimus Primes. If he thought correctly, the columns are hollow and open to the outside world, so there is fresh air here, right?But this is just a conjecture, Su Qinghe has never heard of this kind of pillars being found here, no wonder he focused his attention on this place, because these Optimus Primes are too thick and too big, five adult men in one root They couldn't hold it together, and the poop still went straight to the top of the seabed, making Su Qinghe want to follow along to see if the pillars lead above the sea level as he thought.

Long Luo's question interrupted his gaze, making him look away, and glanced at Long Luo: "You can shout." He said something like a joke.

Long Luo glanced at him, hesitated for a moment, and then said respectfully: "Long Luo of the Dragon Clan came to pay respects to the ancestors." Then he gave a big gift, seeing Long Luo being so polite, everyone was embarrassed to run around, He had no choice but to stand neatly behind Long Luo.

From the depths of the ruins came a man tremblingly. His messy hair and beard were already pitifully tangled together. It was impossible to see where his face was hidden. The ragged man dressed a scrawny man in a strange way. The body was wrapped, there was a person here, it was like a mummy with hair and beard, but the heavy and slow footsteps brought all their smiles back to the bottom of their hearts.

When I looked closely, I realized that there were two huge chains that were so black that they had been forged around the wrists and ankles of this man. In this way, several people shuddered at the same time.

Is this the so-called dragon son who has a great fortune?Or a prisoner under Longzi?

The man raised his head and seemed to be staring at Long Luo closely, but unfortunately no one could tell where his eyes were, Long Luo could only feel a piercing chill, as if someone was exuding a sinister killing intent, It made him feel cold, and when his cold sweat was about to break out, the chill suddenly disappeared.

"Long Luo?" The voice was hoarse and turbid, as if it came from the throat, but the word Long Luo was still recognizable, but Long Luo was extremely shocked. In any case, hearing his name from such a stranger, It's really a weird feeling.

"I'm Long Luo, you are—" No matter how rough his appearance was, Long Luo felt that the person in front of him had to be respected.

"He-he-he." It was laughter, like the harsh sound of a dagger cutting through metal, which seemed to indicate that the master was really laughing.

But the laughter suddenly stopped again, and several people felt a very chilly chill at the same time, almost penetrating to the bone.

"Who is it?" The question seemed inexplicable, but Su Qinghe knew who he was asking was devouring his barrier with the energy of chaos, and he used this method to force the living dragon out. When Long Luo came here, he didn't have to show up.

"Junior Su Qinghe has met Senior Long." Su Qinghe also made a big gift respectfully, and then tugged on Shuratian, who followed suit with his name and greeted him. The others, even Su Liuzhuan, took it for granted. gift.

The textured laughter appeared again: "Smart kid." Then there was another burst of chi-chi laughter.

"I've waited for more than ten thousand years, and I finally got someone. It's also your good fortune. If it wasn't for those annoying things flying around and waking me up recently, you wouldn't be so lucky." Long Zi murmured road.

"Senior, why do you look like this?" Su Qinghe couldn't help asking everyone's aspirations.

"I deserve what I deserve. I'm in self-exile. You don't have to worry about it. I'm just waiting for someone who can inherit Yiyi's mantle to show up. I can finally see Yiyi with peace of mind." Long Zi said sadly.

The Yiyi he was talking about must be the legendary flower essence princess, the last royal heir of the flower essence clan.

"What happened more than ten thousand years ago?" Su Qinghe asked suddenly.

Long Zi stared at Su Qinghe, and laughed after a long time: "The person from Tianjimen, I didn't expect his mantle to be passed down, hahaha, when that kid was around, he always acted like he knew it before others, It makes people feel uncomfortable, so if you want to know the answer, you still have to do it step by step yourself."

"Haha, I didn't expect that it really came true. It really is a 6000-year reincarnation. Haha——" Long Zi laughed wildly.

"Longzi knows the ancestor of our Tianjimen?" Su Qinghe knew that the person in front of him must know more. What happened in the past ten thousand years caused the lack of heaven and earth law testing and the gradual loss of spiritual power. Wanting to solve this problem, Really need to find out why.

Su Qinghe has already discovered that since he stepped out of Sujia Village again, he seems to have unknowingly embarked on the road of exploring the loss of the earth's spiritual power. If you are slow, you can solve your own task problems, and there is nothing wrong with it.

It's just that this link is intertwined, who actually set up the chess game?

What disappointed Su Qinghe was that it was really not a simple matter to find out something from Longzi.

"If I knew the reason, how could Yiyi die? How could I have become like this? Boy, this is your problem, and you need to solve it." Long Zi giggled again.

"Hurry up, even if the gears of reincarnation have started to turn, the resurrection of the flower essence will be the first step, boy, follow your own feelings, one day you will find the real truth, I want to know too, really no Thinking about it, for this day, even we have become outcasts of heaven hahaha."

Long Zi said something that some people seemed to understand but didn't understand, and they were confused, but Su Qinghe felt heavy for the first time, yes, this is a very huge chess game, the time of the game, the span of the game, The bets in the chess game are all things that Su Qinghe needs to crack, and he exists for this.

"You go in, there is my wife sleeping there, the last royal family of the flower essence family, open your flower essence bloodline, let you pass on the flower essence lineage, how many chances you have depends on your own good luck, so go to me His grandson, Long Luo." Long Zi stretched out his hand, and a passage that was the same as when they entered appeared in front of Long Luo, and this road could only be walked by Long Luo alone.

Long Luo took a deep breath, he was full of doubts, but now he couldn't ask, and was about to step in but was stopped by Su Qinghe.Long Luo was slightly startled.

"There may be many situations, so if the few of us disperse and return safely, you must go to Taixuan Academy."

After hearing Su Qinghe's words, Long Luo was slightly stunned, but still nodded, then turned around and walked into the passage, but after walking a few steps, his footsteps stopped suddenly, and he turned to look at Long Zi: "Even if I really inherit I have the blood of the flower essence, but I am still a silver dragon, so there are only two dragons left in this world, me and my grandfather."

Long Zi didn't answer, just looked at Long Luo quietly, Long Luo was sad, turned around without asking any more questions, walked in without hesitation, and soon disappeared.

"His life is not good." Su Qinghe said softly.

"I know." Long Zi also said softly.

"He has been abandoned by the Dragon Clan because of him." Su Qinghe said softly.

Longzi didn't make a sound, his hair and beard covered all his expressions.

It seems that after a long time, Long Zi, who had been in a daze, came back to his senses, and sighed inaudibly: "Since you have come to my Dragon City, it is also your creation, so you can choose a road, let's see what you can do." How is your own creation?"

Five people and five roads appeared under their feet respectively, and they had different encounters in different directions.

Xiu Luotian was unwilling to separate from Su Qinghe, but stopped him for Su Qinghe: "This kind of opportunity can no longer be encountered so easily, Tiantian, I don't think Senior Long will put us in danger, so we should go separately OK, see you later."

After thinking for a while, Xiu Luotian had no choice but to agree, and then several people split up and acted separately, and Su Qinghe walked to the end.

"Why don't you leave?" Long Zi asked.

"I think Longzi must have something to say to me alone." Su Qinghe said with a light smile.

Long Zi also seemed to be smiling: "You are a big kid, yes, I want to ask you something."

"Help you take care of Long Luo." Su Qinghe continued.

Long Zi seemed to be silent, which was a tacit consent.

"He doesn't need me to take care of him." Su Qinghe said softly.Long Zi became more silent, he knew that what Su Qinghe said was not wrong.Su Qinghe glanced at him, turned around and walked into the passage.

"Wait a minute." Long Zi suddenly stopped.

Su Qinghe looked back.

"Can you give me a wisp of your Primal Chaos Qi?" He said hesitantly. He knew that Primal Chaos Qi was rare, so of course it was embarrassing to say so.

"Yes, but even if that princess Yiyi can really be resurrected, she will no longer be her." Su Qinghe was right, everyone has passed away for more than [-] years, and now they use the energy of chaos to nourish their spirits, but they have the same face, but The soul is just a different person.

"In order to pass on the bloodline, Yiyi stripped her soul at the end of her life. My body was dusted, but my soul was kept in the spirit jade. I just wanted to pass on the lineage of the flower essence, so I can use a strand of my mind to use the power of chaos." Qi will revive it again." Long Zi said excitedly.

Su Qinghe sighed: "Flower essence can only exist in one emperor, senior should know better than me."

Long Zi was silent again. Su Qinghe was right. The existence of flower essences is a very miraculous existence in the Dao of Heaven. They nurture spirits from the fragrance of flowers, shape their bodies with spiritual power, and shoulder the transmission and restoration of spiritual power.In those dusty histories, there were some evil cultivators who grabbed flower essences and sucked their blood essence, so that they could enter the Dao faster in this way.Therefore, since the beginning of its existence, the flower essence has been a race that has attracted competition from many forces.

It is precisely because of this that later the flower essence family was gifted by heaven, and the flower essence royal family got a very heaven-defying ability, which can strip off the spiritual power of a certain area to protect themselves from any damage.But the place stripped of spiritual power will become a place of death.That is to say, if the Flower Essence royal family has the desire to burn everything together, she can turn the entire earth into a lifeless abyss of death.

It is precisely because of this that all clans will restrain their clansmen and never harm the flower essence clan, just because they are afraid that the royal family of the flower essence clan will have such thoughts, but also because this ability is too against the sky, the law of heaven will make them bear a heavy price Each generation of the flower essence royal family can only have one bloodline, and only after the previous generation of flower essence royal family dies, the bloodline of the successor will wake up. The princess of the royal family would marry the dragon son of the dragon family far away. In fact, the spiritual power of the earth was already thin at that time, and the flower essence family was already facing extinction.Hua Yiyi didn't even think that she had been dead for so long, but the blood of the Huajing royal family still had no awakeners. In the end, Huajing really died. If it wasn't for her friend who predicted this, and she chose to believe it and made arrangements based on it, Maybe the Huajing clan really wants to perish completely and resurrect Hua Yiyi, but it requires Long Luo to sacrifice his life, and Long Zi will never make such a choice.So he was disappointed, maybe his obsession was too deep, and he still didn't give up after more than ten thousand years.

"I really have a way, but it's a little flawed. I'm still the same person, but I might forget everything that happened with you. Do you want to try it?" Su Qinghe said softly.

This is a way out of nowhere.

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