Alternative comprehension

Chapter 189 Escape

Su Qinghe looked at the person in front of him who was complaining about his grievances, he was very real, without the slightest feeling of hypocrisy, but he was still upset.It's not that he suspects that he is acting, but that the person in front of him doesn't need to face what he is acting at all.Even though the many rare treasures on his body are really eye-catching, but to him, they are not necessarily rare.And more importantly, he can feel his sincerity.

But looking at him, thinking of himself agreeing to him, and then the two of them returned to the way they used to be intimately, thinking of this, the heart that was originally very moved became cold.Why?He didn't have an answer either.It's definitely not true that I don't love the person in front of me, but why didn't I have the courage at that time to be with him without considering any future.This made Su Qinghe feel a little self-loathing.

Or is the problem still with the person on the other side?That strange feeling, that cold, indifferent and emotionless shadow hidden under the hot emotion, haunted him all the time, made him dazed, made him feel unconfident, and made him dare not respond.This feeling is really indescribable, but in the end it still prevailed, making Su Qinghe choose to believe it.

He got up, not wanting to have any more disputes with Shuratian: "Whenever are you willing to tell me about the seal in your body, let's talk again. Before that, if you want, let's just be ordinary friends. "Su Qinghe said indifferently.

Shuratian's pupils dilated immediately, and he looked at Su Qinghe in astonishment.He felt that what he had said was sincere enough, but why didn't he take in such oil and salt?He didn't say even the slightest bit of emotion, making Shuratian even wonder if this person in front of him really loved him?His heart naturally became a little annoyed. For hundreds of millions of years, no one could treat him like this.And after all, he was somewhat different from the Shuratian in the past, so his complexion sank immediately, and his gaze towards Su Qinghe naturally became uneasy, it seemed that he still had some tempering of his temperament.

But at this moment, he saw Su Qinghe's face suddenly changed drastically.The look in his eyes that looked at him suddenly seemed like the sky had fallen, concealing deep pain, with a touch of despair, the person finally staggered back to a tree, and then leaned against the tree powerlessly.

As if he felt something, Shuratian just sighed in his heart and didn't speak.

Su Qinghe was in despair. After he refused, the indifference and anger that appeared on Shu Luotian's face once again confirmed the truth of what he thought in his heart. The person who loved and protected him wholeheartedly is really gone.

In an instant, his heart was pierced.

It turns out that there really is such a thing in this world, you don’t cherish it when you have it, and you know how precious you have it when you lose it, but it’s a pity that you can’t pursue it anymore.Su Qinghe knew that it was impossible for him to have that person in his life, and he wanted to hide from the pain for a moment, he didn't want to see this person in front of him again, he thought if this continued, he didn't know if he would lose control, let him go, Will the loved one still show up?

Shu Luotian also suddenly had a feeling in his heart that he couldn't let him go.If he left at this time, he would never have the chance to know and embrace him again in his life. This idea was so clear that it was directly conveyed to his mind. This time his action was direct and swift.Before his brain could react, he hugged the boy in front of him.

"Listen to me before you leave." Although the voice was a bit cold and indifferent this time, it was completely different from the previous gentle and caring voice.But he was still sincere and firm: "Qinghe." He hesitated, but he still called out.

"You may have guessed something, but things are not exactly what you think. The person you once knew and fell in love with has not disappeared. He just merged with me. For me now, there is actually no difference .Maybe you have some strange feelings about me, but this does not mean that I have really become a stranger to you, and we can get to know each other again on the basis of the original."

"Asura Heaven has not disappeared, it just has more inherited memories and has become more powerful. From now on, he is more confident to protect you and will not let you suffer any harm. I know that I am a little alienated, please give me more After a while, you wouldn’t notice any changes in me when I woke up, but at that time I felt your uneasiness and even fear in the star, so I woke up immediately and asked you to take me out of the star. So Qinghe, Give me some time, for you, Asura Heaven is still the same Asura Heaven, there will be changes, but for you, my heart will never change."

At the end, Xiu Luotian was a little stunned. He didn't know whether the words he said now were for Su Qinghe or for himself, but this time he only knew that he was honest about the most true feelings in his heart. .

Su Qinghe lowered his head, Shuratian felt some scorching water dripping onto his skin, it seemed to burn him, and it made his heart rain. Just when he was about to hug the lover in front of him tightly, But the person in his arms suddenly disappeared, evaporating like air.This made Shuratian startled, he naturally knew what was going on, but he still sighed in disappointment.

Although he left in the end, Shu Luotian knew what he said and Su Qinghe still listened to it.Because those tears were not only his pain but also a little bit of comfort, but they burned himself, making Shuratian feel very depressed for a while.His heart seemed to be a little more stable, but if he just let go of his heart like this, it was not entirely true. He stood in the breeze, his heart was in a state of agitation, watching the distant pavilions ups and downs in the twilight, he was a little crazy for a while .

Of course Su Qinghe hid back in Mingye Star, his tears dried up, he stood in front of the bamboo building in the star, and his thoughts were emptied.He did listen to the last words in his heart, but it would be too simple if he could touch the sadness in his heart, at least at this time he didn't want to see Shuratian again.

At that time, this time is really not the time to hurt the spring and the autumn, but there is no way, trying to convince myself, but it has no effect.Stand up and start to circle around the star.Naturally, Su Qinghe wanted to find something to do, and he didn't want to think about it any longer, so the more he thought about it, the more he got into a dead end, even if he couldn't figure it out for a while, it's better to let go first.As Xiu Luotian said, it is better to give the two parties some time, whether to combine or divide, let's think about it before making a decision.Concealing the pain in his heart, Su Qinghe cheered up and began to look at Mingye Xing.

This is the first time for him to see the changes of Pluto Ye star in such a comprehensive way after he advanced from Pluto Ye star. There is not much change from before, and it is still gray and malnourished. Naturally, the area has shrunk a lot. Thinking of the original vitality Ming Yexing sighed.

Originally, the thousand hectares of fertile land in front of the mountain, the brothers and the others helped him build the manor.But now not only has it shrunk by more than half, the land is also empty, the original fruits and vegetables are gone, and there are only a few herbs growing alone in the medicine garden, but they are also a little drooping.What Su Qinghe couldn't bear the most about the changes was the land in the star. The black soil that used to look very fertile is now barren, as if it can't even support a single weed. Nothing works.

The original large bamboo building is now the small bamboo building that Xing Nei first saw. There are scattered weeds growing in the small gardens in front and behind, but there are still a few of the very rare bamboos he transplanted. But it also looks malnourished, and the leaves are a little yellow.

Looking at the former autumn lake that could not be seen at a glance, it has now become the size of a pond. The endless lotus field he planted is still there, and there are two seven-color lotus stands standing there alone. The lotus is much less. A few of them also look like flower buds. It seems that if the spiritual power can't keep up, they won't bloom. What do they look like?

The creeks and wells that appeared later in the star had disappeared at this time, and they were much more decayed than the first time he saw Ming Ye Xing.

The layout of the star has also changed drastically. Originally, it was only surrounded by mountains on one side, but now it is surrounded by mountains on all sides, forming a small basin. In Su Qinghe's eyes, it is really petty.There is not even a small road leading to the outside of the mountain here, it seems that I have to deal with it myself in the future.

The location of the original bamboo building and autumn lake has also changed. The bamboo building is located in the center of the basin. The original lotus lake has now become a ring, turning around the bamboo building, and a small bamboo bridge is built on it. , even to the field.The medicine garden is on the west side of the bridge, and there is a large open space on the east side.The field is also circled around the bamboo building, but it seems to be narrow from east to west, so after two narrow paths appear on the east and west sides of the lake, it is connected to the mountain. Behind the bamboo building is a piece of fertile land. In fact, it is similar to the layout of the front yard. The current layout looks a bit strange, but Qinghe sighed, wondering if he can go outside the mountain now to see if he will find any new discoveries.

By the way, now that the Immortal Realm mode is on, should we be able to start cultivating immortals? Can the good medicine on the mountain be used? But judging by the current state of the star, I don’t know if there are any medicinal herbs on the mountain.

Su Qinghe touched his chin and was thinking about what to do?There is one or two great luck like advanced. Although the dense patterns he has mastered contain huge energy, they can no longer be used when he does not have a firm grasp to interpret them. Recently, he should be more cautious .What's more, he was still at a loss as to what happened last time.It's a bit unreasonable to put all your energy on them, but if you can really communicate with the Chaos Realm, then everything will be fine.

Others are afraid of the danger in the chaos, but he is not afraid, after all, he has been through for a while, hasn't he?But at this moment, Su Qinghe's heart suddenly moved. Originally, he felt that he had neglected something, but now he thought he hadn't entered the bamboo house after entering the advanced stage, hadn't he?Although it's a bit broken now, don't you think that all the rewards after advancing in the past are placed in the house?With the help of that advanced mode, he should be able to reduce a lot of unnecessary brain cells. Thinking of this, Su Qinghe felt better and rushed directly to the bamboo house.

As he expected, the furnishings in the bamboo house changed back to the appearance when he first saw them, some scattered farm tools and a few sacks containing seeds, but now the land of Mingye Star has become like this, Su Qinghe Really dare not plant it?It is also a shame to waste seeds.

After walking a few more steps, I came to the inner room. There was a bed, a table, a chair and a small window on the wall. It was really simple. It really was like returning to the pre-revolution overnight, Su Qinghe thought with infinite emotion.

The most conspicuous thing on the table is the thick Shennong Treasure Book. Although it looks a bit worn out now, it is still different from before. It has been doubled in thickness. Now Su Qinghe measured it with a wry smile, and it is half a meter high. Come on, is this still called a book?He murmured in his heart, can't they be divided into volumes?It's so thick now that I can't even lift it.

What made him dumbfounded was that as he thought in his heart, the Shennong Treasure Book actually flashed a golden light, and it began to be re-bound in front of him. In the blink of an eye, ten volumes of the Shennong Treasure Book were neatly arranged on the table. .Su Qinghe swallowed hard, no way, this is too miraculous, but now he doesn't feel like thinking about it anymore, he reached out and flipped through the Shennong Collection, it seems that the division is more detailed, and there is actually a book of fairy world summary , which actually recorded various situations in the fairy world in detail, including the distribution of forces. Is this still the Shennong Collection?Su Qinghe thought with some dark lines.

"I recorded this myself when I was idle and bored." A faint voice came from beside my ear.

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