Alternative comprehension

Chapter 2 is not the beginning of the end

To Xia Yang, this small mountain village surrounded by mountains is indeed a paradise.Such a peaceful life made him voluntarily forget about the past, even the two charred and broken corpses in the small town, and the man who had become a complete fool and even the organization thought he could give up. child.

Xia Yang has visited that child several times, after all, it is an easy task for him now.But no matter how many times he watched it, the ending was a foregone conclusion. Even if he wanted to, he was powerless to change anything, and he had no curiosity about what kind of existence he was now.

Now he has no intention of going further afield, although it seems that he has that ability.With his current ability, it is not impossible to cross the ocean, but he is really not in the mood.

Xia Yang thought a lot. He thought that maybe after a long time, if he still existed, maybe he would change his mood and go to Piao Piao to look around, to find out what kind of existence he is now.The earth is so big, maybe someone will be able to look at it.It's just that now he is not in the mood to do these things, and now he just wants to recuperate in peace.

If someone asks Xia Yang now, if there is a choice to bring you back to life, would you be willing?

Xia Yang definitely replied that he didn't want to, how good he is now.It reminded him of those vague old dreams when he was young, with no worries about food and clothing, and freedom.Then he has fully reached that standard now, not to mention that he doesn't have to live a bloody life like his previous life.

Now he basks in the sun during the day and bathes in the moon at night, how carefree he is.

There is no TV in the small village, and even if there is a TV, there may be no signal, but the village head, Mr. Su, has an old-fashioned old radio, which can receive a fixed station. At [-]:[-] noon and [-]:[-] pm, there will be storytelling. For example, Mr. Su became obsessed with listening to storytelling.

Sometimes seeing Granny Su's fatigue, he also wanted to help, but he was really powerless.In addition, the farmland in the small village is actually not too much.The most is only a few mu of land. Grandma Su planted more than one mu of land. The land here is too barren. The land was dug by the villagers for generations. The biggest poverty in the small village is the lack of water.The only well water is not only for the villagers to eat, but also for washing and washing, and even when there is little rain, the water in the well is used to irrigate the fields.

For this matter, Xia Yang did a comprehensive reconnaissance even though he knew that he was intentional but powerless. He saw that the surrounding mountains were lush and lush, and there should be no shortage of water. However, Xia Yang circled around the surrounding mountains for countless times. Still haven’t seen the source of water, and occasionally there will be a mountain spring, but the water volume is not great, and there are strange rocks all around, it is impossible to mine, and there are still mountains outside the mountain. In such a natural forest of mountains.

He wanted to explore, but in the end he had to give up, because he encountered a strange thing, although he shouldn't feel fear at this moment, even when he was still alive in his previous life, he rarely felt fear, but that time Once exploring the mountain, I really felt the rare fear.

In order to find water, he circled the mountain, but he couldn't find any water near the small mountain village, so he drifted away with the wind.There are still mountains outside the mountains, except for the mountains and trees. The further you go, the mountains seem to be getting taller and the trees are getting more and more lush. In the end, he doesn't know how long he has drifted, but the goal is still the mountains and trees. The forest was weird, and the trees were oddly shaped. When Xia Yang felt something was wrong, he only felt cold sweat on his forehead, although it seemed that he had no cold sweat to break out at all.

No, of course not, at the speed he was flying, the mountains and forests were thousands of miles away.Although the small town is small, he has never heard of it, but he still knows the province it belongs to. He has never heard of such a vast forest, and he has not traveled through the dangerous forests all over the world because of his travels. The forest crops in front of him were definitely something he had never seen before.

Thinking of this, he flew towards the way he came without any hesitation.

There are all kinds of wonders in the world, and his existence at this moment has already explained this problem, not to mention that the land of China has never been short of various legends.

Xia Yang held back his curiosity and went back the same way. He felt a little awe of this small mountain village surrounded by mountains, and even avoided even thinking about those distant mountains. When he got bored with his way of life, he went to thoroughly explore the mountains that didn't seem to belong to this world.

The change came on a stormy night.

The weather was fine that day, and it was midsummer now. He went to the field with Granny Su according to his old habits. Corn was planted in the field, and the corn did not grow very well, but Xia Yang felt that the grass in the field was growing well. It's very lush, so Granny Su has spent the past few days pulling weeds in the field.

Because it is a terraced field formed from a mountain, the field is a bit narrow but very long, Xia Yang stood on the corn seedlings to bask in the sun, everything was as usual, but Xia Yang was inexplicably agitated, there was always something not very good It feels like something is about to happen.

Look at the numbness of the old man's work, and then look at the scorching sun in the sky, there is no difference, but why is he so uneasy.This feeling of irritability lasted until the night when the sky changed and the wind blew violently.

In the evening, the weather became extremely hot. Although the temperature was high in summer, because the small village was surrounded by mountains and the trees were lush, the temperature here was actually not too high. Although Xia Yang couldn't feel it, but Just look at the people in the surrounding villages.

Therefore, when the old people in the village muttered about why the sky was so boring and came out to cool off after dinner, Xia Yang felt that the weather was really abnormal.

He can't feel the temperature, but it doesn't mean he can't see the abnormality in the sky.It was getting dark, and the usual bright stars and moons were gone. The dark sky seemed to be falling down, giving people a very dull feeling. When the villagers turned off the lights one after another, the village was as quiet as lifeless. .

Xia Yang thought of the various chirping of insects and birds at night, but today they were all quiet, reminding him of the tranquility before the storm.

Xia Yang had already heard the elders in the village mention that there must be rain tonight, which is a good thing. Since the beginning of summer, there has not been much rain, and the villagers who rely on the weather for food usually sigh and say that this year’s harvest must not be very good. , the leaves of the crops in the fields have turned yellow due to the drought, so if there is heavy rain, it should be quite welcome.

It's just that when the strong wind blew up, Xia Yang knew something was wrong. The corn seedlings in the field might not be able to survive the strong wind.

Because of the scarcity and barrenness of the fields, the people in the village grow very little food.After the wheat is harvested, corn and peanuts are planted. Now it is time for the corn to stalk. With such a strong wind, there is not much left that has not been broken.

Xia Yang originally hid in Granny Su's house, but Granny Su heard the sound of wind and rain, and the old man sighed again and again in the dark.Granny Su’s acre of land is all corn, and it’s not like she doesn’t have land to grow other things, but Granny Su is too old to grow anything else, and now that the corn is broken, it’s too late to replenish the seedlings, so I say Not to mention this year's harvest, no matter how optimistic he was, the old man couldn't help but sighed, tossing and turning, unable to fall asleep.

Xia Yang felt uncomfortable, and he couldn't help but think of Su Mei again.Although they were doing illegal business, why didn't Su Mei think about her old mother before she was alive?Although he seldom heard Su Mei talk about family affairs during his lifetime, but in the end they took a vacation and said they went back to her hometown to get married, and she also talked about her mother. He could clearly see the guilt and longing.

Although the defense organization uses relatives as hostages, the old man's life is really too hard.Now he is in the state of a soul, and he can't find out the reason, and he can't help, so he can only feel uncomfortable in his heart.

In the end, Xia Yang went out of the house through the wall, and the wind and rain swept over him immediately, but he still didn't feel any discomfort in his swaying figure, but he felt that the wind was a little stronger, which made it difficult for him to maintain his figure.

Accompanied by the storm came thunder and lightning, and the thunder was furious, as if the whole world had offended it, and it roared to declare war on the world.The lightning was weird, as if it was about to split the whole world apart after carrying the anger of thunder, it flashed in an instant, the sky and the earth were filled with white light, and Xia Yang unconsciously closed his eyes.

He stood under the eaves, although he was not afraid of wind and rain, but the thunder and lightning gave him a feeling of fear. He wondered if he should go back to the house and hide, no matter how much he sympathized, there was nothing he could do.

Just when he was about to pass through the wall and go back into the house, a bolt of lightning shot straight from the sky with bursts of muffled thunder at a speed invisible to the naked eye.Of course Xia Yang, who was carrying him, couldn't see it. He only felt the lightning flashing across the sky and the earth again. The light stabbed his eyes again, and then he suddenly realized that he felt pain.

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