Alternative comprehension

Chapter 213 Worthyfield

No one asks again what those petals are made of?How did it become?As if it had been discussed, the matter was no longer mentioned.As for the lives of more than 100 people who have disappeared, no one has ever mentioned it, Su Qinghe secretly sneered in his heart.

From their appearance to now, no one has accused him of being cold-blooded and cruel in person. In the eyes of them, life is really not as good as an ant.But even though he thought so, it was a pity that it was just such a pity. If he did it all over again, Su Qinghe thought that he would still be the same as the killer.

It wasn't because of Shuratian's words that he didn't leave anything behind, or because his heart was really so cold-blooded and cruel, but because of the timing, location, and harmony of people at that time, it was doomed that he would never die if he wanted to make a move. .He is not a bloodless Madonna savior, and more often than not, his heart is even more ruthless and cruel than anyone else.

Since people don't care, why is he still worrying about it.Looking at Shuratian next to him, his expression was even more indifferent, and he couldn't help but smile wryly in his heart, and then he really calmed down.Looking back for the last time, he turned indifferently and followed Luo Jia to the interior of the Cathedral of Modu.

It seems that there is a passage leading to Worthfield, and my vision is not bad, and I found the right way at the first stop.

Just as Su Qinghe thought, after entering the cathedral, he was taken by Luo Jia to a side room on the east side without even having time to take a closer look, and it turned out to be an elevator room.This made him laugh for a long time in his heart. The heads of these people in the West are really in a rigid mode, and there is nothing magical about it, and his expectations were wasted.

There is an elevator in the cathedral of Shanghai, isn't it obvious that there is a problem here?Or people are too stupid and can only give more hints.Thinking of the blockbuster magic movie in the West that I have seen, I don’t know if what I will see next will be in that mode.

Su Qinghe likes sunshine, flowers and trees, and everything close to nature.I don't like the dark environment that makes people feel suffocated when I see it, and I don't like some artificial decorations that whitewash the peace.So no matter how beautiful Taixuanxue is, he doesn't like it very much.Because there is no sun, moon and stars, which belong to the most basic things in nature, everything there, including those flowers and trees, feels like a fake to him.

What will happen to Worthyfield here?

Thinking of the secret place he had been to, he couldn't help but sigh.These secret places are full of strange things, although they are all good places with abundant spiritual power, why are they not complete?Don’t ask for perfection, just ask for it to be as natural as the secular world. You have everything you should have, and you don’t have anything you shouldn’t. Isn’t his request a little too strong?Thinking of this, Su Qinghe's heart was filled with countless regrets.

The elevator door closed, and then Su Qinghe felt a very slight movement, if he hadn't been paying attention, he would have missed it.Because this slight change is so subtle that it is like a grain of sand blown by a breeze. To ordinary people, not only can't see it with eyes, but they can't even feel it.This made Su Qinghe sigh in his heart. Leaving aside this vulgar question, the ultimate control power is something they can't compare to. It should be similar to a teleportation array or something.

I didn't feel whether the elevator was moving up or down, or forward or backward. In less than a minute, the elevator door opened automatically after a ding.

"Welcome to Worthfield." Luo Jia's tone was full of infinite pride towards Su Qinghe and Shura Tiandao, so that people like Luo Jia could show such joy, it seems that it is really not inferior to Taixuan Academy.

What's more, after seeing the environment in Taixuan Academy, there are two reasons why people can still speak in such a tone: one is thick-skinned, regardless of whether it is true or not, and their place is always superior to others. No one can do anything about this kind of person, they can only agree with one or two.The second is that the place is really better than Taixuan Academy or completely comparable to it.Luo Jia is naturally not the kind of person with a particularly thick skin, so he can only choose the second reason.

When Su Qinghe stepped out of the elevator and took a look at it for the first time, he immediately knew the reason why Luo Jia was so proud.I also understand his proud mood at this moment, if it were him, he would be even more proud and complacent than Luo Jia.Even Shuratian had a look of surprise on his face.

He once came to the west with the slender life. Although he didn't come to Worthfield, he went to the Magic Union. He originally thought that although there would be some differences, there would not be too many differences, but now it seems that What he thought was very, very wrong.

"It's very atmospheric and has a bit of a smell." He said lightly, and there was really a hint of appreciation on his face.This made everyone glance at Shuratian at the same time, including Su Qinghe naturally.

There are many people who don't know Shu Luotian's identity, and there are also people who know his identity. Naturally, it can't be said that it is true to know his true identity, but just to know his approximate origin.Therefore, after hearing Shuratian's words of praise, Luo Jia couldn't help showing a smile, which was really rare for him who had always had such a paralyzed face.

Although Su Qinghe was a little unwilling to admit it in his heart, he still admitted it after muttering in his heart for a long time.

No wonder Shuratian would say such a thing.They were now on high footing, the highest platform of a tower.Looking around, even if this tower is not the tallest tower in this space, it is still one of the tallest.After they came out, the so-called elevator disappeared, so they seemed to be standing on the platform in the sky, overlooking the entire Worthyfield.

"Worthyfield's space is not as wide as that of Taixuan Academy, but it is much more perfect than there." This time it was Tian Xinyue's butler Sanlu who spoke, it seems that he has a good position here. Gao, otherwise it would not be his turn to speak.

"Mr. Sanhui has been to Taixuan Academy?" Su Qinghe asked casually, using this to reduce the shock in his heart.

"I've been to two of the previous exchange meetings. Last year I missed something, but I didn't expect to miss so many things." Sanhui said with a smile.

These words seemed to point to something, which made Su Qinghe speechless for a moment, not knowing how to answer it, so he could only sigh secretly in his heart and say forget it.Concentrate your energy and start to look at Worthyfield, who is about to stay for a year.

What Sanli said is correct, this space is more perfect than the one from Taixuan Academy, even Su Qinghe looked at it for a long time, but he didn't see any difference from the present world.

There is no gloomy darkness in Su Qinghe's imagination, the blue fields and blue sky, the wind and the sun are beautiful, a very harmonious and perfect natural picture.The eastern wilderness is as green as green, stretching along the horizon, and the herds of cattle and sheep are like a white mark on the blue scroll, which is full of life.Nearby, castles of various colors stand in a patchwork pattern, all shapes and colors appear dazzling in the sun.There are ingenious ones, majestic ones, weird ones, resplendent ones, small and exquisite ones, different styles and different layouts, but they are so perfectly integrated, winding towards the western horizon from near to far. and go.

Maybe this place is really not as broad as the Taixuan Academy as Sanlu said, nor as majestic as the Taixuan Academy, nor as exquisite as the Emerald City in Su Qinghe Mingye Star, and even worse than what Su Qinghe has seen before. The exquisite carvings from Shengzhao Palace of Tianjimen.But there is one thing here, which is not found in all the places Su Qinghe has seen so far, that is, everything artificial here is perfectly integrated with nature, and it is completely impossible to find any flaws.Everything here feels like a part of nature, without any traces of man-made carvings, including the buildings in front of you, as if they were naturally generated by nature.

Su Qinghe can't admit it or not, this is completely beyond his expectation, he never imagined that there would be such a place in this world.He looked blankly at Shuratian beside him, as if he wanted to ask him how such a natural picture was formed here?

But Shuratian didn't answer the question he didn't ask, but concentrated on looking at the beautiful scenery in front of him.Su Qinghe had no choice but to look back, the more he looked at it, the more surprised he became, but it seemed that there was something missing, which made him frown unconsciously.

Luo Jia naturally saw it, smiled coldly in his heart, and asked, "Is Mr. Su not satisfied here?" There was a hint of irony in his voice.

It's just that Su Qinghe didn't notice it, but followed his words and seemed to reply unconsciously: "No, this place is too perfect, there is no flaw in it, it just feels like something is missing?" Muttering almost Talking to himself, it surprised everyone including Luo Jia.

Luo Jia looked at Su Qinghe in horror, how could it be?No matter how powerful he is, he is still an ordinary monk and has not ascended.But what happened to his sharp sense of touch?

Ignoring everyone's horrified gazes, Su Qinghe frowned to find the trace of regret he felt, only occasionally seemed to feel it, but this feeling was fleeting, leaving him too late to get in touch with it further.

But at this moment, Shuratian smiled and patted him on the shoulder: "Look up, Qinghe."

Su Qinghe was slightly taken aback, looked up?But suddenly his eyes widened, and he smiled at that feeling, so it was so.

The city in the sky is the city in the sky, Su Qinghe laughed heartily, with it, this scroll can finally be perfectly closed.

Looking up, above their heads, there is a city in the sky.It's just that it's too far away from the ground, and it's almost embedded deep in the clouds. If they didn't stand on this high tower, they wouldn't be able to see its trace at all.

Now everyone looked at the two people, at Shuratian, then at Su Qinghe.Shuratian was the only one who found the Sky City when he entered Worthyfield for the first time and no one reminded him.As for Su Qinghe, although he didn't notice it, his astonishing perception was enough to surprise them.

But then they all noticed the weird smile on Su Qinghe's face.It might be a bit of a misnomer to say it's weird, but I really can't find an appropriate adjective, because that smile made them feel even worse.

"Laughing so smugly?" Shuratian glanced at Su Qinghe with a half-smile.

"Confused?" Su Qinghe chuckled, "I just express my feelings."

"It's nice to feel it?" Shuratian looked at Su Qinghe with some surprise, his lover finally had such a surprise for him.

"I just lament that there is really no perfect thing in this world. Success and failure are also Xiao He. Isn't it just the city in the sky?" Su Qinghe answered Shura's words, but looked at Luo Jia.

The look on Luo Jia's face froze again: "I don't understand what Su Xian said?"

It's a pity that Su Qinghe just smiled and didn't answer his question, but instead said: "Mr. Luo Jia, can we go up and have a look?"

"Naturally, you seven exchange students originally lived in the VIP Wan in Sky City." Luo Jia replied.

But he still wanted to ask clearly what Su Qinghe meant in what he said just now, but he opened his mouth a few times, but in the end he still didn't ask.He didn't know if Su Qinghe's words were a kind of temptation. If he asked now, would it mean that he agreed with another meaning in his words.

"Actually, I still have a question that I haven't asked. I feel a bit abrupt and wonder if Chairman Luo Jia cares?" Su Qinghe suddenly asked.

I care, one hundred and one thousand people care, don't ask if you know it is abrupt, this is naturally what Luo Jia thinks in his heart, but will Luo Jia say it?Of course not, so I could only say blankly: "Excuse me, Mr. Su."

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