Alternative comprehension

Chapter 96 Admission Test

Su Qinghe slowly stepped across the gray dividing line, and when he walked in, he felt a little worried, even though Su Yi said there was no danger.Walk the maze?These are well-known little games, but they are really unfamiliar to Su Qinghe. Although there is no danger to him, if he is really too embarrassing and loses the face of the big brother, then wait for him The lesson still gave him some toothache.

After walking cautiously for a while, Su Qinghe only felt that the black lines all over his head were not at all dangerous, okay, what kind of maze?Where?The more he walked, the darker his face became. It was a bit embarrassing. His heart was in a panic, and his head was about to sweat. Is this the so-called entrance test?Did he make a mistake, or who made a mistake?

See how he walks?See if he looks good when he walks?No matter how huge the venue was, there were times when it came to the end, and after halfway through, Su Qinghe finally stopped with a dark face.

Turning around, I looked at the figure standing in the distance, myopia of [-] degrees might not be able to see the figure clearly.It was only then that he realized that something was wrong.

When a group of five of them walked in here, because of the identities of the three of Lingyu, they had already attracted a lot of classmates to watch. When they saw a newcomer about to take the maze test, all of them followed with malicious intentions, wanting to see a joke Su Qinghe's heart was also affected a lot by his appearance.

But at this time, everyone looked like an idiot, and looked at Su Qinghe in a daze, seeing the cold sweat on Su Qinghe's head, it's broken, is it really embarrassing?He couldn't help but look at the only person he knew, Su Yi.

It's a pity that Su Yi is also dumbfounded now, and he can't help but think about it. It's really a record. It's not bad for Su Qinghe. He originally thought that after five years, Su Qinghe, who is a rookie in the cultivation world, will definitely receive the help of Tianjimen. His deep education is the only thing, but now it seems that his expectations are too high.

I just don't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing for Su Qinghe?

How did he know that Su Qinghe has grown rapidly under the education of his two senior brothers in the past five years, but he really shouldn't have too much hope for the Tianjimen's education method, no one would think of telling Su Qinghe some common sense about the cultivation world Even if Su Qinghe realized that he lacked common sense, he would not be as comprehensive as he thought, so he still didn't know anything about the most common sense.

That's why today's test of knowing nothing was born. The so-called idiot's maze test was broken for the first time. If Su Qinghe goes on, he will also be the first person to break the maze.If that counts as success.

Su Qinghe became a little impatient: "Hey, why are you in a daze, hurry up, I just want to see if I can walk." I really can't blame him for his bad temper, since he was kicked out of the house by his father early in the morning In the beginning, it didn't go well, but now the three of them are still procrastinating, plus more and more onlookers, so many people's eyes, he can't help but get angry.

Lingyu glanced at Su Qinghe, his impatient expression made his heart stagnate slightly, he hadn't seen them looking at them like this for many years, it really made people feel very uncomfortable.Immediately, his eyes became fascinated again, and he patted his hands lightly.

This action surprised Ling Ling and Yang Han.

"Hey, what are you doing?" It was too late for Yang Han to stop him.

Su Qinghe only felt that when he suddenly sank, his feet began to sink down, which made him feel tense, what is the situation?Is this ground alive?He didn't allow him to think about it, he just took a light step, and immediately moved away a distance of five meters.But before he could stand still, all of a sudden, thousands of arrows were fired straight at him. The only way was to stick to the ground, but the ground seemed to be gushing out like underground magma, turning in all directions, making him hide in nowhere Can hide.

What is the situation?Su Qinghe couldn't help slandering him, it was killing him, suddenly he remembered the scene he encountered when he first entered the school, could it be that this is the same as the previous one where the real face was hidden by illusion? Thinking of this, Su Qinghe Suddenly landed, people stood directly on the magma, and at the same time, the arrow also passed through the heart, as expected, it was really an illusion, it was really uncreative, Su Qinghe sneered.Did he want to give advice to the elder brother, but it's a pity that before he finished slandering, he only felt that his feet were empty, and a strong suction force sucked him straight to the center of the earth.

The hot wind that hit his face made him almost fainted from the heat, what the hell is killing people?

It is impossible to hide now, and it is the first time I have tasted the action of free fall, and it is in the hot molten lava.However, Su Qinghe didn't take it too seriously, no matter how dangerous the entrance exam was, it would definitely not kill him, it would just kick him out and embarrass him.But this is exactly what Su Qinghe doesn't want. If he is really kicked out, not only the senior brother will not be able to pass the test, but he himself will also look down on him.

It's just that he never thought that what he thought this time was a big mistake.

So when the ground closed and his whole body fell into the underground molten slurry, he calmed down instead, and a layer of chaotic air surrounded him, and he could feel the heat, but it couldn't hurt him, and because With the powerful devouring function of the Primal Chaos Qi, Su Qinghe only felt that the Primal Chaos Qi that entered his body became much stronger as the melted liquid continued to be devoured, and he couldn't help being surprised.

His current practice speed has completely slowed down, just like what Bai Yunfeng was worried about at the beginning, the earth is now short of spiritual power, and he uses the Qi of Primal Chaos to advance, which is even more difficult.He didn't know how much spiritual power he would have to devour to turn into a trace of chaotic energy. If it wasn't for the fact that his current practice speed was not too fast, he would really be in a hurry. In the past five years, Su Qinghe has used many methods to prepare for future cultivation. To lay a foundation, I have tried to transform various objects into chaos, but none of them are ideal. It is better to absorb the spiritual power of heaven and earth and then turn into chaos.He never thought that the molten slurry in the ground actually contained such a strong spiritual power, and thus transformed the chaotic energy so quickly and richly.

Is he really in the center of the earth now?Su Qinghe was slightly puzzled, this is unlikely, he guessed that Taixuan College should not be in the present world, but a magic weapon of space like his Nether leaf star, but this magic weapon is not very good. Simple, although not as good as his Nether Leaf Star, this kind of spatial treasure that can hold everything and has life is the most precious. This information is also obtained from reading various classics in the teacher's school in the past few years. Now Although it can't be said that he has a clear understanding of the cultivation world, at least he knows a little bit, and he doesn't look like he closed his eyes and wiped his eyes like he did at the beginning.

So he wondered where would it be now?If it is really a magic weapon, such a realistic melting of the core of the earth is really a big deal, which makes Su Qinghe have a little doubt about his initial guess.

Could it be that the Taixuan Academy is really in the present world, but it is just like a gate of secrets, hidden in the virtual world? It seems that this conjecture is really a bit plausible, Su Qinghe thought about it again, then here should be It is really a magma layer in the center of the earth. This should belong to the volcanic eruption zone, but there will never be a volcanic layer underground in Tianshui. This can only explain one problem. Tianshui city rushed over, Su Qinghe really couldn't stop it for a while, and finally stopped thinking about it, just looked at the surrounding environment, looking for a way out, he couldn't be trapped here.

Thinking of this, I walked forward along the rock formation. I found something in this trip, and there are some weird things. The water flows to the bottom. This is the secular truth. It should follow this law, but here he was surprised to find that the terrain was getting higher and higher, but the magma was rushing to the heights. Seeing this strange scene, Su Qinghe couldn't think of it even if he wanted to break his head. There is a reason.

Therefore, he could only move forward slowly, he didn't dare to go too fast, fearing that there might be some danger hidden in the dark.Now he is [-]% vigilant, and now he has a strange feeling about Taixuan Academy. Is such a dangerous place really the entrance test of the academy?This is when he met him. If a random person of the same age as him entered here because of the entrance examination, wouldn't it be a death in vain?

He didn't expect that he won the jackpot.

The original test is actually very simple, and the gray area is indeed a natural big maze. This is the reason why the students call it the idiot maze test: if half a trace of spiritual power is not used, the maze formation will not be triggered at all, and it will happen naturally. It will pass through as if on flat ground.But as long as you use a little spiritual power to enter, there will be a huge change immediately, turning into a maze with 36 levels.

Of course, getting out of the maze will also complete the test, but the maze is easy to say but not simple. The senior who designed this maze formation was called a genius by Ye Fang.Because the first five levels are very simple, as long as you answer some common sense things that you have come into contact with, it is unbelievably simple.But in fact, it is through these five senses to test the five senses of the level breaker, so as to distinguish what the level breaker is good at and not good at. From the sixth level, it will automatically generate many things that you are not good at. to break.So until now, no one has passed the 36 mazes.

Therefore, this place is dedicated to exercising the students' practical ability to master knowledge. There are occasional problems with mana attributes that make passers-by look a little embarrassed, but there is really no major problem.If you can't break through, as long as you admit defeat, the maze will automatically send people out.It is also very popular within the academy because it is possible to see people's temperament and talents through their choices in the maze.

Of course, people who walked through that area easily like Su Qinghe didn't show up, because anyone who heard it and wanted to go in for a test would more or less secretly transport a little spiritual power to protect the body. It will turn into a maze like Su Qinghe, who is as weird as Su Qinghe, who walks in without even using the slightest bit of spiritual power, and has to go through it. Although several people can't help but smile bitterly when they pass this level, they also feel that Su Qinghe's audacity in their hearts. And some admire.

In fact, this matter is well known in the Taixuan Academy. Even those who have just entered the school will know about it after reading the internal introduction of the Taixuan Academy. It is a pity that a very different classmate Su Qinghe also saw from this incident that Su Qinghe really didn't know anything about Taixuan Academy.

Originally, it was over after living like this, and the three of Lingyu couldn't help but want Su Qinghe to pass.The bad thing is that the extremely unpleasant sneer appeared on Su Qinghe's face again, which offended Lingyu, so Lingyu violated the rules and forcibly activated the maze, wanting to see Su Qinghe's ability, but It never occurred to Su Qinghe to be in such a dangerous situation.

As Su Qinghe thought, Taixuan College was indeed built on the crater of an extinct volcano. The reason why it was chosen here was because of the underground magma under the volcano. When Yulinzi discovered this place, he felt that it was full of spiritual power, which was very rare. So the site of the academy was dropped here, but when the academy was established with supernatural powers, it was discovered that the magma in the ground was very close to the surface, and it should be said that it was very easy to erupt.

But when Yulinzi went to investigate carefully, he found a very strange phenomenon. This magma layer is completely unique to the world, which is contrary to all the laws of the world. The most obvious thing to see is the difference in magma. Flowing down, but completely flowing from low to high, forming a big cycle, and this cycle is actually yin and yang, but this yin and yang are exactly opposite to the secular world, and the yin is full of spiritual power. The yang is lifeless, the yin is an area made of magma, and the yang is a world of ice and snow made of ice.At that time, Yulinzi was almost stunned. He spent a hundred years exploring and deciphering this self-contained world, but he still couldn't come to an end. Later, he contacted a few friends to join him, but it was also unsuccessful. Apart from the reversal of yin and yang, his spiritual power was extremely abundant. I didn't find anything other than this, so I finally gave up, built the school on this place, and used the spiritual power here.

A seal was set in the center, which is where the maze is located. Occasionally, Yulinzi would go in to have a look, but after so many years, he never found out, and there was nothing abnormal in the college, so he came here when he was very young.

The reason why Su Qinghe touched the seal was because of the chaotic energy of the world in his body. Of course, it also has a lot to do with the extremely weird underground world. It can only be said that his life is always full of extreme uncertainties like this. Sex!

And the Soviet-style "Great Fortune", which had been suspended for five years, seemed to start again on the first day of his entry into the WTO.

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