Xiao Mo the Orc

Chapter 30 [Inverted V]

It snowed heavily for two days in a row, and finally stopped on the third day. The orcs who stayed at home all came out to clear the snow from the roof and yard.There is already a thick layer on the road, and many branches of the fruit trees in the orchard have been crushed, so the orcs in the village went to the orchard after cleaning the snow from their roofs and yards to clear the snow from the fruit trees. Some of the branches of those crushed fruit trees still had some ripe fruits on them. Because of the snow burying them, the fruits were still relatively fresh and did not rot.

After the people picked off the fruit from the branches, they buried the broken branches in the soil. Some branches might take root like this, and then grow up slowly. In this way, there was another fruit tree in the orchard.

After clearing the snow from the trees, all the beasts went home.When Hu San came back, the clothes on his body were covered with snow, some of which had already melted, and the one on his shoulders was already a little wet.Xiao Mo took out dry clothes to change for Hu San, and then wiped Hu San's snowy hair with a cloth.

Because of the early preparations in the backyard, the rabbits, mud balls, and chickens and ducks all stayed in a small house with a roof, so they were not attacked by the wind and snow.Plus the doors are closed and there are some small vents, and the little animals are doing fine.

Lunch was the prey that Hu San had hunted before, and the two of them didn't eat much.I am a little worried in my heart. This winter is very cold, and there are very few sunny days.The worry now is not whether there will be enough food, but the attack of wild animals in the future.

Not long after lunch, the snow started to fall again, and snow slowly accumulated on the roof that had just been cleaned.The sound of branches breaking can often be heard in the forest, the wind is getting stronger and stronger, and the snow on the road outside is getting thicker.

"Uncle, when will this snow stop? It has been snowing for a long time, and it has accumulated so thick outside. It snowed for two days before, and it usually clears up on the third day. It has snowed for too long this year, and It’s always been that big, and I’ve never been there before.” Xiao Mo opened the window a little bit to ventilate, and through the gap, there was snow as heavy as goose feathers, and the wind that was blowing harder and harder.

"Looking at the weather, it seems that it won't stop for a while. It may not stop until tomorrow or the day after tomorrow." The snow in the forest has piled up so high that if it continues, some small trees will be covered.As far as the eye can see, it's all white.

Sit on the bed and put a piece of animal skin on your body. Although the room is warmer than the outside, but with a small gap, the temperature will be taken away quickly.

"Momo, let's take a nap in the afternoon." In this kind of weather, it is impossible to go out, and there is nothing to pass the time in the house. It is boring enough to be bored at home all day.But Hu San had no choice.

"sleep together."

Hu San is very happy with Xiao Mo's request, and, by the way, he can warm Mo Mo's bed.

Compared with Xiao Mo's boring days, Mo Luo enjoyed it very much. Although he stayed at home all day, he was so boring that he was rusty, but he would rather be bored at home than being harassed by those orcs every day.I will become an adult after winter, and I will live separately from my father and father at that time.

"Father." Mo Luo hurriedly ran to the next room, only to see some inappropriate scenes, "Ah, Dad, I'm still at home anyway, can't you restrain yourself a little bit?" , and also glared at his father, and the disheveled father under his father.Sure enough, his female father was much stronger than his orc father.Why didn't he inherit his father's genes to make him stronger.

"Lolo, I don't know how to knock on the door when I come in. I don't know that this kind of life is very boring. Do your father and your father usually have a sweet time?" Mo Luo's father, Shu Ta, tidied up the clothes on the bed and began to teach Mo Luo a lesson. Luo, "What's the matter?"

Seeing Shu Ta's man-eating eyes, Mo Luo shook his head embarrassingly, and left their room.

"It would be great if Luo Luo was a female. There must be a lot of people chasing him." Shu Ta sighed. Unfortunately, he is an orc. Among so many excellent orcs, he is not outstanding at all. The only thing that stands out is his appearance. , but, it would be nice if this looks a little more mighty, but why.

"Don't worry, I might have worried about it before, but now, look at the orcs who walk around Lolo every day, and think about which one is more suitable for Lolo." His father, Mota, is very Let go, and take an optimistic attitude towards those orcs who often come to harass Molo, there is a great possibility of matching one of them.

Fortunately, Mo Luo didn't know what the two of them were thinking, otherwise, he would have become independent immediately and lived alone.

In the evening, the snow stopped falling, and the sky outside was pitch black. Hu San fed the animals in the backyard, and at the same time removed the snow from the fruit trees in the front yard. When he came back, his clothes were still covered in snow.

The next morning, the snow didn't fall, but it didn't clear up either. The wind was not stingy, blowing some snow off the branches and breaking some branches.The orcs still cleared the roof, and the snow from the fruit trees.

After Xiao Mo had breakfast, he started to feed the animals in the backyard. After feeding them, he went to the front yard to start building a snowman. The snow in the yard was also very thick, about half a meter high.Because of the thick snow, two round balls were quickly rolled. Unfortunately, Xiao Mo's strength is not strong, and the weight of the two snowballs is heavy, so he couldn't lift them by himself.However, because of the two snowballs rolling, there was much less snow in the yard.Roll those two balls and roll them straight out the door.Xiao Mo directly cleaned up the snow in the yard.

So when Hu San came back, five or six super-sized snowballs were lined up at the door.It looks very spectacular.

In the open space in the middle of the village, some little orcs were having a snowball fight with each other, probably because they were bored at home for too long, and everyone had a great time.

Seeing Hu San come back, Xiao Mo picked up a handful of snow on the ground, pinched it casually, and threw it directly at Hu San, with a good aim and hit the target.As for Hu San, he looked at the snow on the ground, and then at Xiao Mo, but in the end he was reluctant to throw it back, for fear that the snow thrown on Xiao Mo would melt and he would catch a cold or something.

But Xiao Mo saw that Hu San didn't respond, so he continued to throw it. This time, Hu San didn't stand there blankly. When Xiao Mo threw the little snowball over, he casually dodged to the side and avoided the snowball. .So Xiao Mo was throwing snowballs almost all the time, and Husan was hiding from the snowballs. Occasionally, Husan would pick up a snowball and throw it next to Xiao Mo. If you don’t throw it on him, it’s okay to be scared. of.

Having fun, Xiao Mo directly forgot about the oversized snowballs at the door, and forgot to ask Hu San to stack them together to make a snowman.

In the afternoon, the weather began to clear up, the sun finally came out, and the snow slowly began to melt. Although the speed was not fast, it still let the orcs in the village breathe a sigh of relief.

The next few days were sunny, but the temperature was lower than when it was snowing, and it was still very cold when the wind blew occasionally. Most of the time, Xiao Mo stayed at home.Sometimes Hu Lan would come over to play with Xiao Mo.

Hu Lan's body is very good, and it's a fight with those little orcs, because he was bored at home for a long time before, and these few days, when it's sunny, he runs around like a horse that has lost the rein, and he doesn't wear a lot of clothes , but Hulan is not afraid of the cold at all, sometimes Midas and Huyi put on too much clothes for him, and he still finds it too hot and sweats quickly.

But this also made Hulan more popular in the village. Such a female is easy to raise and has a strong body, and she is not afraid of getting sick in the winter.So Ta Lei started Hu San's previous experience, and began to desperately block those who wanted to get close to Hu Lan.But it had no effect. After all, Hu San was already an adult at that time, and his deterrent power was unmatched by Ta Lei.Coupled with Hu Lan's playful personality, Ta Lei couldn't see it at all.

"Momo, go out to play. It's been sunny for the past few days, and the snow has almost melted. Hurry up and get out, it's a rare opportunity." Hu Lan's words sounded like a salesman, he didn't wear much clothes, and Xiao Mo Compared with the round one, the tiger blue wears too little.

"No, you go, it's too cold outside." Besides, he was about to become an adult, how downgraded he was to play with these ten-year-old orcs and non-orcs.Moreover, Hu Lan is considered to be extremely talented, and her body is as good as that of an orc, and she is not afraid of the cold at all.He'd better stay at home for a while.

Seeing that Xiao Mo didn't go, Hu Lan didn't feel sad, and said goodbye to him directly, and ran out excitedly to play with other little orcs. As for the little females like him, most of them stayed at home coldly.

Because he was bored, Xiao Mo directly started tidying up the house. There were still a lot of miscellaneous things in the house, but they were placed in a mess. After tidying up one area after another, he found a lot of things that he had hidden when he was young.The teeth found under the bed, a lot of beautiful stones found in the jar, and in the small cabinet, some orcs gave him a gift when he was a child.Miscellaneous, I collected a lot.

When tidying up the big cabinet, I also found the Transformers toy when I was a child.Looking at this thing, Xiao Mo couldn't recall anything, only remembered that his parents bought him, as for his parents, he only remembered that they loved him very much, almost couldn't recall other memories, even his appearance As for why he was with Husan later, I don't have much memory.

He piled all the things into a pile, sorted out a cabinet, and put them in one by one.When Hu San came back, Xiao Mo had already tidied up the room, and was sitting on the bed playing Transformers.Seeing Hu San: "Uncle, why did I stay with you at that time, where are my parents?"

Many years have passed since this incident, Hu San thought Xiao Mo had forgotten about it, but unexpectedly saw the toy and remembered it again, and asked where his parents were.Hu San was stunned, not knowing how to answer.Looking at Xiao Mo, he went to sit beside him and said, "When uncle saw you, you were the only one, and he didn't see your parents. Maybe." Hu San didn't continue, Mo Mo should understand.

Xiao Mo was stunned when he heard this, whether he was abandoned or lost with his parents, Xiao Mo always felt a little strange in his heart, it seemed that things were not that simple, but he couldn't remember the things when he was a child, so he just He didn't pursue it too much, but just thinking about his parents, Xiao Mo always felt that the father who gave birth to him was different from the father here, and he always felt that there was a little difference, so he sighed, if only he could remember something.

"Maybe I got lost with my parents, don't think too much about it." Hu San felt a little distressed, the child would definitely not be able to remember what happened for such a long time, and it would make him sad if he thought about it too much.

Xiao Mo was not as sad as Hu San thought, but he always felt that things were not as simple as he thought.Sighing again, I don't want to think about it anymore.

Wipe the Transformer well again, and then put it in a more conspicuous place. Seeing Hu San looking at him worriedly, he was very moved: "Uncle, I'm fine, it's getting dark, hurry up and get dinner ,I'm hungry."

Hu San nodded and started preparing dinner.

In winter, the day time is very short, the sun has already set, and the sky has begun to darken. The group of orcs playing in the middle of the village have already returned home, and Hulan has also returned.There is already light in most of the houses and hopefully the days to come will be sunny as well.

It may be that the prayer in Xiao Mo's heart played a role. The next half month was sunny, and the snow had all melted. Most of the females moved out their stools to bask in the sun at their door, which was very warm and comfortable.Sometimes the orcs in the village will go into the forest to replenish their food, because the days are sunny these days and there are no wild animals coming at night.Everyone is having a good time.

It was another sunny day. After Xiao Mo got up, he took all the quilts to the yard to dry in the sun. It was also very warm when he slept at night, with the smell of the sun.After drying the quilt, Xiao Mo and Hu San went out for a stroll together. There was no wind and the sun was warm. It was a very enjoyable day.Along the river, the two strolled around before going back.

In the evening, the weather started to turn cloudy, Xiao Mo took the quilt back to the house, and looked at the gray sky, it was about to start snowing again.

Just as Xiao Mo thought, not long after the two of them finished their dinner, the snow started to fall, but the snow was not big, small, like catkins, and it looked quite beautiful.

At night, Hu San held Xiao Mo in his arms, and the blanket was warm, with the smell of the sun still on the blanket: "Uncle, winter will be over in one and a half months. I will be an adult by then." When Xiao Mo said this A little blush.Recently, Hu San looked at him with more and more explicit eyes, especially at night. Although he didn't make the last step, he had already done everything else that needed to be done.And Hu San's cannibalistic eyes are too obvious.On the day when he became an adult, Xiao Mo was really a little scared, he was really afraid that Hu San would become a beast at that time.

"Well, I know. Mo Mo is bearing it." Hu San counted the days.A happy life awaits him.

Xiao Mo was speechless, in fact, he wanted to tell Hu San to let him bear it, but instead, it turned into his hunger and thirst.

The author has something to say: I found that the first time I wrote the mud ball, there were no three points of water, so orz, bugs, I will not correct it.

In other words, Transformers III, Watu hasn't seen it yet T^T

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