The ancient killer of orcs

Chapter 37 The so-called Autumn Harvest

Unknowingly, the hot summer has quietly left with her fiery enthusiasm, and the cool autumn has started another round of her interpretation in her golden costume.

After lunch that day, Uthers cleaned up the kitchen as usual, and waited in the hall for a while, but Ah Qing did not appear.Uthers patted himself on the head. Ah Qing was probably taking care of those plants in the backyard at this time, and he probably didn't remember the autumn harvest festival.

"Ah... Qing." Uthers just walked to the backyard to call for someone, but when he approached, he was immediately entangled in a pile of vines.It didn't take much thinking to know that it was Ah Qing's strangling vine——Xiao Sha, and it wasn't the first time that Uthers had been treated like this, and Uthers let the vines wrap around him.

I remember the first time I entered Xiaosha's attack range, the little plant was only a month old.Although you have to be careful when facing the strangled vine orcs, it's only for those old monsters that have grown in the Sama Forest for more than a thousand years, okay? It's so tender, it's really asking for trouble when it comes to attack itself.So after Xiao Sha entangled him, Uthers broke those little vines without any effort.

However, Uthers at that time seemed to have forgotten that the strangulation vines that attacked him this time were different from the ones in the Demon Forest. It had an owner, and its owner was the person he was thinking of. More importantly, Its owner also seems to like it very much.Looking at the broken vines on the ground, Uthers couldn't help but feel a lot of grief and indignation, impulsiveness is indeed a devil!

As for the consequences of that incident, Uthers immediately admitted his mistake and graciously pulled out all the vines in the backyard medicine garden after Ruthless saw that the Xiaosha vines he raised were damaged. weeds.Since then, Uthers has treated Xiaosha's various attacks as a special way of welcoming him, and has stopped taking any action.At least, Xiao Sha is still very welcome when he feeds it, Uthers thought to himself.

During this period of time, Xiaosha has grown up a lot, and has grown flower bones.Although Uthers wanted to help it trim the vines several times, but thought that Ah Qing would be unhappy because of this, he never did it.However, Xiao Sha seems to feel his thoughts on it. In this family, Xiao Sha seems to only take the initiative to attack himself alone...

"Oh, Usses, why are you like this again?" With a ruthless smile, he watched Usses being entangled into a big dumpling by Xiao Sha. What's more interesting is: after Usses was wrapped up, Xiao Sha He opened his newly opened flower bone, and bit Uthers' head with one bite.But that mouth is not big enough, and the teeth are not sharp enough, so now it looks like Uthers is wearing a big flower on his head, how funny it looks!

Strange to say, this person and this plant seemed to be in conflict with each other, as soon as Usses came into Xiaocha's attack range, Xiaosha would definitely tie Usses up for a while.In fact, with its current ability, it is impossible to cause any harm to Uthers. On the contrary, as long as Uthers struggles a little, it will break a lot of vines.Is Xiaosha overthinking his own capabilities, or is he confident because of the presence of his own master?

"Okay, Xiaosha let him go." Seeing that Xiaosha didn't plan to let him go today, he patted its main pole ruthlessly and said.After this period of research, he probably understood that both smell and sound would affect Xiao Sha, and Xiao Sha seemed to understand the meaning of people's words very easily.

As soon as Wuqing finished speaking, Xiao Sha obediently took all the vines back, and then stretched out a soft vine to please Wuqing's hand in circles.

"Let me take a look at the flowers." Wuqing reached out and grabbed the big flower that had returned to the top of the main pole and closed into a flower bone, and slowly pulled it down.It's been a while since the buds have grown. I thought it wasn't time for flowering before, but this time they actually bloomed. It's really worth seeing.

The caught flower bud moved slightly, and obediently followed the ruthless hands to come to him.Looking at the closed petals, he ruthlessly flicked the flower bud in his hand: "Open it, let me see inside."

Hearing this, the buds moved, and the petals gradually opened. After a while, the flowers were fully opened, about as big as a human face.The place where the flower bud should have been has thorns like sharp teeth. A flower that looks fine at first glance has turned into a big mouth that can eat people.But no matter how fierce it looks, it is now like a well-behaved child, honestly staying in the hands of the master, and still being teased by the master.

Looking at Xiao Sha who had already bloomed, her ruthless thoughts began to fly away.This time really flies, I have been here for almost three months, and the wounds on my body have already healed.In the future, I don't have to think about healing my injuries all day long, so what will be the focus of my life next, or is it like nourishing my health like a while ago, and all kinds of medicine?What kind of life do you really want, and what should you do in the future...

Holding Xiaosha's Hua Shen wandered for a while, Wuqing remembered Usses who had been standing aside all the time, so he asked, "Usses, what can I do for you?".Normally, I would be in the backyard at this time, and Uthers would not bother me very much. Is there anything going on today?

"Today is the day for the autumn harvest competition, is Ah Qing ready?" I remembered that Ah Qing had promised Jenny that he would participate in the competition a few days ago, and when it was almost time, he came here to remind him.The autumn harvest competition is not so much a competition as it is a collective harvesting activity for females during the autumn harvest festival.The Autumn Harvest Festival usually lasts for three to seven days. During this time, the main thing to do is to harvest the mature grain in the field, and then conduct a large-scale material exchange with other tribes.

After all, the main things that each tribe grows are not the same, and the exchange is conducive to more abundant food.Since most people who like food are females, it can also be considered that the Autumn Harvest Festival is specially held for females.Of course, this will not reduce the fun of the males. During the Autumn Harvest Festival, the females go out frequently, and many partners meet during this season.

Hearing what Uthers said, he ruthlessly let go of the big flower that had been ravaged by it for a long time. He seemed to have agreed to the autumn harvest competition casually in order to deal with the children.It is said that it seems to be harvesting rice or something. He has never done this before, but since he has promised others, let's go and have a look.Anyway, it's for fun, so it shouldn't be a big deal; and it's good to go out for a walk, some problems can't be solved just by thinking about it.

"Uthers, you can help me prepare anything, and we will go when the time comes." Ruthlessly smoothed his sleeves, and said nonchalantly, as if the person who knew almost nothing about the game was not himself at all.

Seeing Ah Qing's look as if he just remembered, Usses remained silent: There are some things that he can't help prepare, it seems that Ah Qing really doesn't care about it at all.In fact, this is nothing, even if there is no harvest, the tribe will distribute a certain amount of food to each female. The harvest from the competition is regarded as the female's extra income, which can be used for exchange or trading by the female.

Most of the great interest in this competition are independent, adult females without a partner, most of whom hope to earn money to support themselves.Although the females are weak, they all have a strong and self-reliant heart, and work hard for it, which is probably why they are cute.

But Uthers hoped that Ah Qing could rely on him more. When Ah Qing asked him to send the medicine to Feili's store to sell, he began to worry that Ah Qing wanted to learn to be completely independent, so he sold things. of.Uthers struggled with this for a while, but fortunately, Ah Qing did not ask to live alone after she became completely independent financially.

Now, Ah Qing should not be short of money at all. The medicine he dispenses is very popular in the tribe and sells well.It is precisely because of this that most people in the tribe have a high degree of recognition for Ah Qing. Usses feels happier about this than when he was recognized as a warrior back then. silence again...

However, even if life is very stable during this time, Uthers sometimes worries that he will become a dispensable existence for Ah Qing, because Ah Qing's ability has far surpassed that of ordinary females, and this For a while, Ah Qing's ability has been continuously enhanced, and now it is almost comparable to the orc in human form.

The stronger and more capable females in the tribe are generally more difficult to court, and they are also highly sought after; there is no orc who does not want his mate to be strong.Ah Qing brought him too many surprises, such a person made Usses feel less and less real; the longer we get along, the more we know, but the less we understand...

Packing up his things, Uthers led the man to the location of the match.Wuqing is very familiar with this place, it is the field he passed by when he entered the mountain.Now the grains in the field are ripe before, and there is a large golden area. What is different from usual is that many people of all ages come here today.Seeing a teenage child not far away who was eager to try with a scythe, Wuqing understood more deeply that this so-called competition is just for fun, and there is no need to take it seriously.

"Aqing, why are you here now? The competition is about to start." Jenny watched Aqing walking this way from afar, so he happily walked over to say hello, Aqing really came.Although Ah Qing has been recognized by many people during this period, and everyone likes him very much, but it is mostly because of Ah Qing's medicine, and Ah Qing herself is something that many women have never seen before.Ah Qing is still too far away from the female life circle, and his father is very worried about this; therefore, as Ah Qing's few friends, he is naturally obliged to help him integrate into this tribe.

"Yeah." Ruthlessly nodded to Jenny, although this kid is a bit sloppy, he is still good.During this period of time, they would sometimes go into the mountains together to gather herbs. After all, some herbs were harvested seasonally, and not all of them could be collected in a few days.

"Aqing, I miss you so much." Before Jenny could say anything, a shadow rushed over quickly.Listening to the voice, Ruthless knew without looking that it was the little leopard who liked to pretend to be dizzy that he met in the forest last time.As long as this little guy meets him during this period of time, he will definitely pounce on him. I really don't know when he will become a human, will he not be so clingy after becoming a human?

Feeling the little leopard pounce on him again, this little brat who never remembers his lesson, sighed ruthlessly and helplessly.With a wave of his sleeve, he turned into a cloud in the sky.

"Teacher, long time no see, let's cheer for the game!" Michelle walked up behind Mivis, ignoring his brother's embarrassing performance.He still admires his young archery teacher very much. Although there are not many opportunities to communicate with him, Michelle's intuition tells him that Ah Qing is not an ordinary person.Therefore, he is looking forward to Ah Qing's performance today...

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