The Spring of Orc's Silly Attack

Chapter 25 Changes in the Body

When he said these words, Su Ce's heart softened.

In the past few days when he was ill, he clearly thought about what he had been refusing, although he hadn't ignored it in the past.

He likes Tantu, no one has ever cherished him like Tantu, and Tantu... such a passionate big man, should be able to make his life less boring in the future, right?

Even if he is used to loneliness, he doesn't like it.

Then, he was waiting for Tantu's reaction.

But Tan Tu didn't respond for a long time.

In fact, it might not be true to say that Tan Tu didn't respond, he was just stunned with a blushing face - the sudden news like a thunderbolt made him forget to react for a moment.

Tan Tu felt a little dizzy.

Ah Ce is... asking him to marry him?

No, Ah Ce agreed to be with him, right? !

Su Ce was a little embarrassed. He didn't know why Tantu seemed to be in a daze... It was just a sentence, did it cause such a big blow to him?

However, at the next moment, Tan Tu suddenly jumped up, raised his fists and pounded his chest frantically: "Ah, ah, ah—"

Su Ce wanted to smile, but blocked his ears expressionlessly.

so loud...

The roar lasted for several minutes, and when Tantu finally stopped, Su Ce looked up at him.

Tan Tu chuckled, picked him up, and threw him upward——

Su Ce felt his body lose weight, and then he was caught by a warm embrace, and then lost weight again, and caught again.

Well, he had seen players tossing winners around like this on the sports field before, but he had never experienced it before, and he happened to experience it all today.

However, Tan Tu looked really happy... The smile that had been lingering in Su Ce's heart before finally appeared on his face.

The next time he fell, he reached out decisively and put his arms around Tantu's neck.

Tantu froze instantly.

Su Ce pushed him: "...let me come down."

Tantu yelled "Ah", then came to his senses, and stole his eyes to see his sweetheart.

It's over, I was too excited just now, Ah Ce won't be unwilling again...

Su Ce looked at him, and stroked the bridge of his nose with his fingers: "...I won't regret it."

Tantu scratched his head: "A Ce, how do you know what I'm thinking?"

...Because it's written all over your face.

Su Ce smiled: "I will not change the decision I made." After taking a deep breath, he stretched out his hand, "Tantu, let's be together in the future."

Tan Tu looked closely at Su Ce's face, clearly saw the seriousness in his eyes, and couldn't help showing a big smile: "Yeah!" He hurriedly grabbed Su Ce's hand, and pulled him into his arms Li, the voice was full of joy, "A Ce, I'm so happy!"

Su Ce did not refuse Tantu's hug - this was also their first hug between lovers and family members.He opened his arms and hugged Tantu's broad back at the same time: "I am also very happy."

Tan Tu hugged Su Ce and sat on the animal skin. Su Ce was a little uncomfortable being wrapped up so tightly, but he had already decided to accept the fact, so he just leaned there naturally—he heard Tan Tu Tu's violent heartbeat represents his joy and tension.

The two hugged each other quietly for a while, and Tantu kept smirking, smirking, smirking... He finally got smart and decided to strike while the iron was hot.

He put his hand on Su Ce's waist... He was not rejected.Then he said quickly: "Ah Ce, let's hold the ceremony tomorrow."

Tantu's impatient mood made Su Ce a little... how should I put it, a feeling of being valued.

Although he knew that Tantu valued him a long time ago, he was still a little nervous after the proposal.Tan Tu's attitude made his slight nervousness disappear.

However, the things that should be asked still need to be asked clearly.

Su Ce raised his head: "Tantu, what ceremony?"

Tan Tu said, "It's a wedding ceremony!"

Su Zemo.

"...I mean, how should this ceremony be done?"

Tan Tu thought for a while: "The patriarch should preside over it, and just swear to the beast god. It's very simple."

Su Ce also thought about it: "Is there nothing to pay attention to? Like rules and the like."

Tan Tu recalled the ceremony he had attended before, and shook his head firmly: "No, although the ceremony is very serious, the process is very simple."

It's probably not as troublesome as a wedding on Earth, that is, a group of familiar orc carnivals. Other females and males will come to join in the fun when they are free, and they are usually very atmospheric.To put it bluntly, it means letting everyone in the tribe know that they are already a family and will always support each other in the future.

Su Ce nodded: "I see."

Tan Tu also nodded, "It's fine if Ah Ce finds out." Suddenly he realized that he lowered his head and leaned over, shouting loudly, "Ah Ce, you said 'I got it', that means you promised to get married tomorrow, right!"


Su Ce smiled from the bottom of his heart, then nodded seriously: "Yes, I agree."

Tan Tu suddenly felt that his heart was about to burst out of his heart, and it took him a lot of effort to suppress it, then held Su Ce's head, and carefully pressed a kiss on his forehead: "Ah Ce, I will make you happy in the future, I will."

It's a very simple confession...

Su Ce also stretched out his hand, pulled his head off, and imprinted a kiss as well: "Tan Tu, I will work hard."

I was able to meet you when I came to this world. Only I know how lucky it is, and I also hope that I can make you feel the same in my future life.

The two people who had confirmed their relationship were still the same when they slept at night. Under Su Ce was a new softer animal skin, and behind him was a huge golden lion.

Su Ce let go of most of his previous thoughts, and even drowsiness soon came back, and he slept peacefully.

But Tan Tu was in high spirits. He looked at Su Ce's peaceful sleeping face, and in his golden animal pupils was the warmth that was hard to see in the eyes of ferocious beasts.

He didn't expect that he could get Ah Ce's approval so quickly.

In fact, Ah Ce was too gentle, he thought.

Then he thought again, it's really good that such a gentle Ah Ce will become his own.

Early the next morning, Su Ce didn't see Tan Tu's figure - obviously he was still sleeping on his beast yesterday.

But the smell of meat underneath told him where Tantu was going.

This guy, after clearly agreeing to let him cook all the meals... But because today is a special situation, let's not hold him accountable.

Tan Tu seemed to have a tacit understanding, and looked up the moment Su Ce walked to the window. He wanted to jump up to pick him up, but Su Ce shook his head to stop him.

Su Ce turned around and walked to the stairs, holding onto the long wooden ladder to go down. As soon as he landed, he saw Tan Tu's nervous expression.

Although he was worried, he was still underestimated... This is not a cognition that can be changed in a short time, but it doesn't matter, Tantu will understand one day.

Tan Tu came over and took Su Ce's hand: "Let's have dinner first, and then I'll invite those who attended the wedding."

Su Ce nodded. From the perspective of the outside world, Tan Tu is the head of the family, so he should be the one to go.Besides, the tribe is so big, he doesn't know anyone, and if he also travels all over, I'm afraid he won't be able to do anything in the future.

Isn't there a ceremony today?

Tan Tu watched Su Ce chewing the meat paste slowly, with an uncontrollable smile on his face.

Su Ce took two bites and looked at him, "Tantu, don't you want to eat?"

Tan Tu said happily: "I'm too excited to eat."

Su Ce sighed: "I won't go away, but if you don't eat something, do you want me to get the notoriety of 'not giving you food' before I marry you?"

Tan Tu immediately vetoed it: "A Ce will not abuse me!"

...I didn't intend to abuse you either.

Su Ce shook his head: "Then go eat. Immediately."

Tan Tu disappeared the moment Su Ce finished speaking, and when he reappeared, he had already brought a large bowl of meat.

Su Ce looked at him: "Eat."

Tantu lowered his head and devoured it hungrily.

It really is an instruction and an action... Forget it, there is nothing wrong with it.

After eating, Su Ce said, "You go to work, I'll do the dishes."

Ah Ce is so good.Tantu thought.Then he nodded and gave Su Ce a big hug: "I'll be back soon, Ce, wait for me at home!"

Su Ce patted him on the back: "Go and come back quickly."

Tan Tu's back disappeared quickly. Su Ce walked over and picked up Tan Tu's wooden bowl - the feeling of picking up his own wooden bowl last time seemed to be no illusion, and the bowl became lighter.

No, maybe my strength has grown.

Today the sun is fine and bright.

Su Ce felt the slight tingling pain on his exposed skin, and then spread to his whole body, just like the first time he fainted from the pain.

It's just that this time it's much better, and it's completely within the tolerance range.

What is going on here?

With a speculation in his mind, Su Ce thought that eating was easier than before in the past two days. He went to the kitchen, scooped out a piece of leftover meat, picked it up, put it to his mouth, and bit down.

It was a bit difficult, but it didn't hurt the teeth. I tore off a piece and chewed it again. It was very flexible, but it didn't feel like I couldn't cut the fibers at all.

Su Ce raised his hand and looked slowly at the palm of his hand.

In terms of appearance, there was no change at all, but... he knew that his strength had increased, and his skin and teeth had become stronger.

He was changing, all over his body.

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