What the patriarch needs to do here is actually very simple. You only need to write the names of two people on a stone, and then the patriarch himself throws it into the forbidden area.

Because all the clansmen will go to that place after death, it is said that throwing a stone with the name of the partner into it will lead the souls of the two people after their death, making them stay together forever.

In the tradition of the beastman world, this is something similar to a marriage certificate... It just represents not only responsibility, but also the bond between two people.

Compared with the practice of divorce in modern society, the orcs with relatively simple personalities took this stone very seriously.

Sata took out a special grass juice and asked Tan Tu and Su Ce to dip it in a quill pen and write their names on the stones.

Tan Tu couldn't wait to write it first, and Su Ce, after recalling the writing method of this kind of characters, also held a very pious attitude, and engraved the beginning of his future life on this stone stroke by stroke.

Sata laughed and patted Tantu on the shoulder: "Okay!"

Tantu's smile could not be suppressed.

And Su Ce's heart seemed to be missing something for a moment, but it was soon filled with something.

Sata finally said: "Come to the altar on time in the evening, and I will preside over the ceremony for you!"

After returning to the forest, Su Ce could barely recognize the original appearance of Tantu's house.

Except for the kitchen, the wooden house that existed there at the beginning has been demolished long ago and replaced with a larger house with the same two floors, but the area is probably more than twice as large - the land needed is obtained from logging, and the wood obtained Just in time to build a house again.

The lower floor is divided into four rooms and a lobby, and the upper floor is divided into two, which are no longer hollowed out. "Wooden walls" are installed on all sides, and the doors separating the two rooms can be inserted. It looks tight.The one inside is covered with thick animal skins, which are fluffier and softer than the ones I have seen before. It is even smooth to the touch, and it should be non-stick.There are several small sheets of animal skins on the outside, which are also thick, and there are also some tables and stools.The landing was made wide enough for Tantu's prototype to jump up and down.

There are also tables and stools on the ground floor, but there are no other things.

Su Ce looked back at Tan Tu, and Tan Tu smiled at him: "I asked them to do it, Ah Ce, do you like it?"

Nodding his head, Su Ce said, "I like it."

However, males build houses really fast... as simple as eating and drinking.

And the figures of those males had long disappeared, Su Ce was a little puzzled: "Where are they?"

Tan Tu walked into the kitchen with Su Ce in his arms, warmed up the morning soup for him, and said, "They are the 'Hage' I invited, they are my brothers, and they are also the ones who prepare the food for the ceremony. They are now Went hunting."

...That is to prepare the table for the wedding banquet?

Su Ce looked at him: "Is this enough time?"

Tan Tu carefully pressed Su Ce's shoulder, and said with a smile, "Don't worry, Ah Ce. They are all very powerful... Well, before the evening, whatever is enough." Then he muttered, "Anyway, they will invite me in the future." I will go too!"

Su Ce's expression was also softer: "I can also help in the future."

Hearing this, Tan Tu was even happier.

Ah Ce has the awareness to bear everything with him...it's really great.

The afternoon passed slowly and quickly. Tantu took advantage of this time to go to Laya, and got back a new set of red silk fabrics under the teasing eyes of the other party—although he had already bought several However, at the time of the wedding ceremony, you should wear a newer one.

Moreover, he can never have too many clothes for Ah Ce.

Su Ce also knew that today's occasion was special, so he took it naturally.

Then Tan Tufei vigorously fetched a lot of water from the well in the village to bathe Su Ce, and went to wash himself carefully.

Well, Tantu was actually nervous too.

He was very worried that he would behave badly... Even though he knew it was impossible, he was still afraid that Ah Ce would suddenly leave because he was dissatisfied.

But when Tan Tu was nervous, Su Ce was not nervous.

He began to think about some questions that he hadn't thought about carefully before, such as... How old is Tan Tu?

Tantu's appearance always looks like he is in his 20s, but from the teasing of other males today, we know that he seems to have just grown up?

However, if Tantu is really too young and he asks it at this time, it will hurt Tantu's self-esteem.

In fact, no matter what, Tantu was Tantu, and it didn't matter how old he was.

It's "adult" anyway, isn't it?

When the sand in the hourglass—that is, the “bucket”—run out, Tantu turned around—he kept walking up and down until then.

Su Ce put down the wooden bowl he was polishing in his hand - he was practicing his handiwork and stood up too.

Tan Tu took a deep breath: "A Ce, the time is up."

Su Ce looked at him with a smile.

Tan Tu stretched out his hand, his fingertips were trembling: "Ah... Ah Ce, let's go."

Su Ce put his hand on it simply: "Okay."

This was the first time that two people held hands in such a serious way. Tantu's palm was covered with a thin layer of sweat, which was hot and humid. Su Ce felt Tantu's weakness from above and smiled in his heart.

The distance to the altar is not very far - even if two people walk slowly like this, it will only take about half an hour to arrive.

The altar is a tall stone platform with a ferocious animal head standing on it. On both sides are burning braziers on huge stone pillars. The flames inside will never go out.

The forbidden area is behind the altar, and the patriarch stands on a small stone platform in front of the altar.

Near the altar is a vast open space, and many bonfires have been burning, almost dyeing the sky red.Various skinned beasts were set up on the fire, and many females were roasting behind the fire, while the males surrounded the females to show their gallantry.

When Su Ce and Tan Tu arrived, they were spotted by the tallest patriarch and immediately clapped their hands.

The hustle and bustle just now suddenly became quiet.

Being stared at by thousands of people... Even if Su Ce is used to being a manager, he still feels a little apprehensive.

Fortunately, he had seen the big scene and was a little apprehensive, but he was not frightened.

Tantu's heart was filled with excitement, and the previous uneasiness disappeared all of a sudden.

All the people got out of the way, leaving a path leading directly to the altar, and all of them had enthusiastic or blessed smiles on their faces, making the air very warm.

Su Ce felt that Tan Tu was holding his hand tighter, and he held it back unconsciously.

A deeper sense of reality strikes... Really, if you walk over, you will become a partner.

He got married.

Surprisingly, his heart settled down.

Maybe it's because the person next to him is Tantu... He thought.

The patriarch was smiling all over his face on the small stone platform, but when the two of them were close in front of him, his expression gradually became serious again.

"I think your decision to become a couple was a deliberate decision," Sata said.

Tan Tu and Su Ce nodded together: "Yes."

Sata spread out a palm, and the palm was the stone with the two names written on it: "Your names have been written on the unshakable rock, and your bond will be like a mountain, and will never be shaken."

Tan Tu and Su Ce looked at each other. Tan Tu looked forward to it, but Su Ce smiled slightly.

Su Ce turned his head, looked at the animal head statue behind Sata, and said seriously, "Yes."

Tantu felt that he could hardly suppress his excitement, he calmed down a bit, and said more piously: "Yes, I will always protect Ah Ce."

Sata smiled again: "Then, under the witness of Lord Beast God Manuel, the male Tantu and the female Su Ce will become lifelong partners, sharing their lives and souls with each other, and they will be loyal to each other."

Tantu swore an oath: "I swear, Lord Manuel has witnessed my loyalty."

Su Ce also raised his head: "I swear."

After the two vows were made, Sata solemnly led Tantu and Su Ce to kneel down in front of the statue of the beast god. The stone in the palm of his hand was thrown down.

Then he said: "Lord Beast God will bless the couple."

The ceremony ended with cheers. It was already dark, and the firelight shone on Tan Tu's face, softening his rigid outline. When Su Ce looked at Tan Tu, he was more warm than gentle. .

The following time belongs to the couple and all the clansmen who came to bless them. This happens every time a new person appears. This is not a grand event for a couple, but for all clansmen.

Whether they were familiar with Tantu or not, the males sent gifts, most of which were small, fat and tender beasts, and these beasts often became the food for everyone at the bonfire dinner.

Tantu was downed a lot of fruit wine, which was mellow but not intense, but he felt as if he was drunk in the cans of fragrant wine.

His hand was always holding Su Ce's hand, leading him to know their clansmen.

Yes, he can finally say with complete confidence that this is "their" people.

The females also keep a tolerant smile at this time, whether it is to their partners, suitors or others, they don't care about their gaffes.

Everyone loves happiness, pursues happiness...blesses happiness.

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