"...What festival?" Su Ce looked up and asked.

Tantununu said: "It's a festival that many outsiders are coming..." After finishing speaking, he put down the bowl and jumped up, continuing to grind.

For some reason, Tan Tu felt a little hesitant. He talked for a long time before Su Ce figured out what kind of festival it was.

Fire Dance Festival.

It can be regarded as a relatively important event for communicating with other tribes.After contacting the chiefs of each tribe, they will decide which tribe to choose to celebrate the festival.At this time, people from other tribes will take their tribesmen to the carnival. In the atmosphere of barbecue and wine everywhere, males can have more opportunities to court.

This year is undoubtedly where Su Ce is... a large tribe called "Tige".

Strictly speaking, this is a good thing. The number of males in the Taige tribe is more than three times that of females. It is a state where there are too many monks and there are too few food. When the females from other tribes come, the males here will work hard, and they will increase the population of the tribe. ?

But Tan Tu didn't seem very happy... If it was because he was afraid that Su Ce would be pursued by other males, but they were already married. Beastmen are very loyal to their partners, and they are a one-on-one couple. worried?

Su Ce asked this question several times, but Tan Tu never said anything. This has never happened before—so he was thinking about whether to go out and ask other people.

Speaking of which, since he married Tantu, he seldom goes out. The first is that he has not fully familiarized himself with the people in the tribe, and the second is that he is too busy. just work.

After thinking about it, Su Ce decided not to worry about it yet.

With the help of Tantu, the millet was gradually ground into millet noodles, and the finer ones were packed in dry animal skin bags and piled up in the kitchen. After two days, they would be made into cakes, and Some can be fried with oil, and brought as dry food for Tantu when hunting... Speaking of which, a lot of meat is also made into jerky, let Tantu take it with you by the way... Hmm... Those white radishes also need to be dried. deal with it.

Thanks to his life as a bachelor, Su Ce can cook some home-cooked food, and at the same time... he can also make kimchi.

As a good food for bachelors and very simple—and not easy to break—this is the key point, and these white radishes can be cleaned up at once.

This was one of the reasons why Su Ce chose to plant this in the first place.After all, kimchi is sour, and it will feel much better if you pair it with it when you are tired of eating meat.

So before that, Su Ce specially asked Tantu to make several small jars - pottery - which the males in the tribe used to hold wine.But the technology is still very rudimentary.

There are not many people in the tribe who know how to burn this, but it really burns very quickly. When Su Ce proposed to Tantu, he moved back ten one-meter-high ones in just two or three days. Now look at this huge pile Su Ce began to be thankful that he got two more clay pots than expected.

The method of making kimchi is very easy. The seasoning and the like have already been prepared. Put water into the earthenware pot, then put the seasoning in, and put a vegetable in to check the degree of soaking in the water. It takes about seven to ten days.

Even though Su Ce was prepared, he just tried to soak in water five days ago, and it's almost ready now.But fortunately, although things like white radish can't be kept for a long time, it's okay to wait for two more days.

Speaking of which, shouldn't one more cellar be dug?The things stored at home are gradually increasing.Vegetables and meat are not easy to put together with those bones, it always feels unclean...

Just as Su Ce was still calculating the various reserves for living, someone suddenly called from outside the door.

When he looked back, it was Mora and the twins.

There was no suitor by Mo La's side, and there was no one protecting the twins. Su Ce was a little surprised, but the cute Guo'er called out before him: "Brother A Ce, what are Tantu doing? It's weird... "

Before Su Ce answered, Mora also noticed what Tantu was pushing, and looked at it curiously for a while. The three non-partner females stared side by side, which made Tantu a little hairy, but as a personable The male, he can't be rough and rude, so he has to look to his mate for help.

Then Su Ce decisively came over to make a rescue: "...This is a stone mill."

The attention of the three females was immediately attracted to this direction. Aiguoer ran over and grabbed Su Ce's clothes, "Brother A Ce, what is a stone mill?"

Ai Mier grabbed the other bank, raised her head, her eyes were watery.

Mo La didn't come over, but she looked at Su Ce expectantly.

Su Ce thought for a while, but felt that it was difficult to explain, so he said directly: "It is something that can press millet grains into finer grains."

There was still a small half of millet left on the ground, so Su Ce simply grabbed a handful and went to the front of the millstone to demonstrate, and by the way, let Tantura grind it a little slower.

Mora bent over halfway, watching the millet grains enter the small circular openings on the mill, and then saw the smaller particles constantly flying down around the millstone—it looked better than the ones just smashed out with a stone mortar.

Su Ce said, "After doing this, the taste will be better."

Considering that there is nothing to entertain the guests, Su Ce simply said, "Take a look at Tantura Mo first, and wait for me."

Mora was obviously more interested in the stone mill, so she nodded when she heard this: "Okay."

The twins, on the other hand, were more curious about what Su Ce was going to do, so they followed Su Ce step by step.

Su Ce came to the kitchen, filled a basin with millet noodles with a wooden spoon, poured in some water, and stirred vigorously with chopsticks.

Aiguo'er is just a little higher than Su Ce's waist, and she can't see what's in the tub at all, so she jumps a few times unconsciously, and Aimee is also on tiptoe.When Su Ce found this, he bent down, first picked up Aiguoer, let him see, then put him down, and picked Aiguoer up.Only then continue stirring.

The twins were so curious, Aiguoer asked, "Brother Ace, what are you doing?" Those off-white powders turned into a paste after adding a little water, and then they became more and more dry, really. It was very strange, completely different from the millet grains they had seen.

Su Ce's work was non-stop, and he said in his mouth: "This is fried cake, you will find out later." As for the principle, he couldn't explain it clearly, but he only knew a little about how to do it...Whether it works or not? To be successful, you have to experiment first.

The twins had no choice but to stop asking, but Su Ce's movements were fast, and the dough was almost ready in a short while. He walked out with the basin in his arms and came to the stove set up in the courtyard.

Well, there is something I don't know again.

Su Ce only said "this is to prevent air leakage", which blocked the twins' curiosity, but when Mo La saw him coming out and walked over, she raised doubts about the wok again, but Su Ce prevaricated all of them with "taught by her mother" up.

Light the fire and set the pot, and then put the oil in. Su Ce watched the oil gradually boil, and when white smoke rose, he grabbed the dough with his hands, patted it into a cake shape and threw it in, followed by his hands quickly Throw in the second and third pieces...and the spoon in your hand must be moved very quickly to prevent the pancake from sticking to the wall of the pot.

Soon, small bubbles appeared on the top of the pancakes that were put in at first, and slowly floated up again, and rolled together in the oil pan. Su Ce immediately changed hands, using the left hand to hold the spoon, and the right hand to pick up the chopsticks and immediately fried the pancakes. Pick up the golden biscuits and throw them into another clean wooden basin next to them.

The fragrant smell wafted around, and Tan Tu's stomach still had a reaction even though he had just eaten.

And Mo La and the twins also felt a little coveted, and when Su Ce saw it, he couldn't help being a little funny, and raised his voice and said to his partner, "Tan Tu, go and get them a few pairs of chopsticks."

Tan Tu went into the kitchen with a whoosh.

Aiguoer narrowed her eyes narrowly: "Tan Tu is really obedient, isn't he?"

Mo La sighed: "Tan Tu is a good male!"

Ai Guoer tilted her head and smiled, "Even if Mora regrets not taking the first step, Tantu belongs to Brother Ace!"

Mo La continued to sigh: "Actually, I envy Tantu even more..."

The fried pancakes are browned and browned, they look very good-looking, and the taste in the mouth is also very creamy, not as rough as millet pancakes at all.

Of course, Tantu took one bite at a time, and he went down to half a basin after a while.And when the other three females ate, they were so novel that they bit off their tongues again and again.

After Su Ce finished his work, he also picked up one and bit it off. It was more successful than expected.

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