The Spring of Orc's Silly Attack

Chapter 5 Inferences and Refutations

Seeing the man striding towards him, Su Ce couldn't help taking a step back.

This reaction is subtly similar to the first time I saw a lion... However!You can't expect an ordinary, normal office worker to see such a weird situation and be completely unresponsive, can you?

When the lion-turned-man saw his movements, he showed an aggrieved expression.

Yes, wronged.

Su Ce pushed his glasses: "...are you a lion or a human?"

The man rushed over excitedly and stopped one meter in front of him.

so windy...

Su Ce held down his bath towel that was about to float up with his hand, and asked again: "What are you?"

The man chuckled: "@¥#*&%¥#¥@#@!"

... the speed of speech is really fast.

Su Ce frowned slightly. He actually felt that although this language was not common, he seemed familiar with it himself.

"Say it again slowly," he said seriously.

The man tilted his head, obviously not understanding.

Su Ce strangely remembered the lion just now... It really wasn't a hallucination, even the movements were exactly the same.

So Su Ce decided to express it with actions.

First, he pointed to a stone, the man looked at him a little strangely, then repeated a syllable, Su Ce nodded, then pointed to the nearby trees, the man uttered a different syllable again.

Su Ce was sure that he did know what the man said.

It should be a language called "Lawu". When he promised his seniors to go to the hot spring, he was reading the original text of such a language in his hand. When he was in college, he once had a Shi Shi was very fascinated by the rare text section of the library, where he met a mentor, and both of them loved rare text very much, so they had a certain relationship.

And Su Ce got the information of this language from that tutor.

It is said that it is a very ancient language that has been circulated within the ethnic group that can no longer be found. There is a very strange ancient rhythm in it. Su Ce was tempted by this language, so he chose it for research and study. Afterwards, he has mastered Raw language for the first time.Although the ensuing work is very busy, Su Ce will buy some corresponding original books and read them when he has some free time.I didn't expect to hear a man who turned from a lion speak out in this unknown experimental base.

To be honest, if he didn't really trust his own eyes and judgment, he would have thought that this Rau-speaking man was a dream created by him because he loved primitive culture too much.And obviously, if it was really a dream, the place where he was scratched by the bark when he climbed the tree just now would not still be burning with pain.

So Su Ce believed that his previous speculation of a flash in the pan was correct - this guy who didn't know whether he was a lion or a human should be a genetically modified product.

Could it be that the fused human gene belongs to the Rau-speaking nation...

Considering that he doesn't know whether the gene of this guy is bigger than human or lion, Su Ce also doubts this guy's intelligence problem. If it is the former, then his IQ may not be able to understand at all. It's too complicated, so if he wants to communicate with him now, the key is to let him slow down a little when he speaks... How can I do it...

Su Ce decided to strike first. After thinking about it carefully, he spoke Raw in a not-so-smooth tone: "You, okay, can, slow down, talk?"

The guy blinked and immediately nodded vigorously: "Okay. My name is Tantu. What's your name?"

Su Ce also blinked back: "Su Ce."

The man transformed from a lion asked cautiously, "Can I call you A Ce?"

Is it the same name as the senior... Thinking of knowing some news about this place from this guy, Su Ce kindly agreed with the other party's plan to get closer: "Of course."

This guy didn't seem to intend to part ways with him, so he took some time to get used to the language, and then asked about the situation in detail.

Tantu was very happy.

First of all, the female didn't seem to be dissatisfied with his appearance, but instead showed a very interested look, and later she was willing to communicate with him... Well, although the female is not very used to the common language, he can at least speak it no?This also means that although the female's tribe is probably very remote, it doesn't seem to be as secretive as he expected.And when Tantu expresses his desire to have further contact with the female - on the continent of Kanda, males are not allowed to use nicknames for females unless the female agrees, and usually if the female agrees, then most likely I don't feel bad about males—according to the customary rules of the tribe, this is considered to allow males to pursue.

This good looking female doesn't repel herself...what a piece of news!

Coupled with the fact that the female is not familiar with the common language of the mainland, he can also practice with him more along the way. This is undoubtedly another bargaining chip that can deepen the female's affection for him, and he must make good use of it!

Tantu made a decision in his heart, and turned his attention back to the female. At this moment, he suddenly discovered something extraordinary.

The female was actually injured!

On the exposed part of the female's body, there were obviously many clear bruises and scratches on the delicate skin. Tantu remembered that the female almost fell from the tree just now!Not to mention the attack by the eyeless leopard... My God, what the hell did he do!

Tantu was very remorseful. He shouldn't have left the female here alone and went hunting by himself. He hoped that the female would not be too angry about this.

He really likes him and wants him to have a baby for him.

Silently cheering himself up, Tantu leaned over, bent down, and kept his eyes on the same level as the females—many females have high self-esteem, and if any male dared to point his chin at him, he would will run amok.Of course Tantu didn't want to take the risk.

After clearing his throat, Tantu looked at the female expectantly, and asked, "A Ce, do you want me to lick it for you?"

Lick... what?

The word turned around in his mind. Su Ce lowered his head and saw the scars on his waist and arms... Did you mean lick this?He remembered that this man might not really be a man. In the animal world, licking wounds is actually a very common thing.It seems that this guy's lion's gene and human's gene are well integrated, it should be a successful product...

Su Ce felt that he had figured it out and shook his head indifferently: "No need, thank you."

Then he saw a look of disappointment seem to flash in the guy's eyes.

In fact, Tantu was really disappointed.

If the female agrees, it means that they have gone a step further... It seems that the female is still angry because she didn't protect him well, and he has to do something.absolute!Can't let the female judge him out like this...

So naturally, in the next few days, Tantu communicated with his favorite A Ce very enthusiastically, hoping to use this to impress him a little bit, and worked very hard in the subsequent hunting—— If he learns well this time, he will definitely take the female with him, and by the way, he will also show off his fierce force.

Su Ce found that the man turned into a lion named "Tantu" was very noisy. He liked to talk a lot, and he always deliberately repeated some things around him in Raw words slowly, as if teaching him to speak... …Maybe he was really teaching him to talk?

It has to be said that Tantu's approach made him quickly familiar with this language. You must know that although he was able to read slowly before, he still had some problems communicating in this language.Just like when learning English, some language gifted people can often get high scores in written tests, but this does not mean that they can fully understand every word without reading subtitles when watching European and American movies.

And also in the past few days of getting along, Su Ce has already noticed that he seems to be taken care of by this Tantu.

This is definitely not an illusion.

First of all, this man named Tantu will still go hunting, but he will bring himself with him, and the food he gets must be eaten first.Although he still can't bite.

Tantu will come up with various methods, just to allow him to eat some meat—this can't be blamed on him, even if Su Ce wants to ignore the internal organs and fur and directly roast them with fire, the cooked food is still too pliable—— He tried to take a bite, and then stopped immediately when he heard the sound of his teeth as if they were about to moan.

Although the man once thought of some unreliable methods, such as chewing up and feeding him... well, Su Ce knows that animals in nature sometimes do this when feeding their cubs, but that doesn't mean he A pure human can eat such a mass of unknown substance mixed with saliva without any suspicion.

It wasn't until later that Su Ce saw the man running around in a hurry, so he asked the man to use his claws to tear the meat into very thin shreds, and then he and water smashed it with stones, wrapped it in leaves and baked it.

After making many inferences and overturning them one by one, Su Ce decided to ask directly.

After dinner one time, he took the man's arm: "...Why are you following me?"

Tantu blushed.

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